524 research outputs found

    Perfect packings with complete graphs minus an edge

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    Let K_r^- denote the graph obtained from K_r by deleting one edge. We show that for every integer r\ge 4 there exists an integer n_0=n_0(r) such that every graph G whose order n\ge n_0 is divisible by r and whose minimum degree is at least (1-1/chi_{cr}(K_r^-))n contains a perfect K_r^- packing, i.e. a collection of disjoint copies of K_r^- which covers all vertices of G. Here chi_{cr}(K_r^-)=r(r-2)/(r-1) is the critical chromatic number of K_r^-. The bound on the minimum degree is best possible and confirms a conjecture of Kawarabayashi for large n

    Connectivity and Cycles

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    An nn-superconcentrator is an acyclic directed graph with nn inputs and nn outputs for which, for every rnr \leqq n, every set of rr inputs, and every set of rr outputs, there exists an rr-flow (a set of rr vertex-disjoint directed paths) from the given inputs to the given outputs. We show that there exist nn-superconcentrators with 39n+O(logn)39n + O(\log n) (in fact, at most 40n40n) edges, depth O(logn)O(\log n), and maximum degree (in-degree plus out-degree) 16

    Connected factors in graphs - a survey

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    Rigid partitions: from high connectivity to random graphs

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    A graph is called dd-rigid if there exists a generic embedding of its vertex set into Rd\mathbb{R}^d such that every continuous motion of the vertices that preserves the lengths of all edges actually preserves the distances between all pairs of vertices. The rigidity of a graph is the maximal dd such that the graph is dd-rigid. We present new sufficient conditions for the dd-rigidity of a graph in terms of the existence of ``rigid partitions'' -- partitions of the graph that satisfy certain connectivity properties. This extends previous results by Crapo, Lindemann, and Lew, Nevo, Peled and Raz. As an application, we present new results on the rigidity of highly-connected graphs, random graphs, random bipartite graphs, pseudorandom graphs, and dense graphs. In particular, we prove that random CdlogdC d\log d-regular graphs are typically dd-rigid, demonstrate the existence of a giant dd-rigid component in sparse random binomial graphs, and show that the rigidity of relatively sparse random binomial bipartite graphs is roughly the same as that of the complete bipartite graph, which we consider an interesting phenomenon. Furthermore, we show that a graph admitting (d+12)\binom{d+1}{2} disjoint connected dominating sets is dd-rigid. This implies a weak version of the Lov\'asz--Yemini conjecture on the rigidity of highly-connected graphs. We also present an alternative short proof for a recent result by Lew, Nevo, Peled, and Raz, which asserts that the hitting time for dd-rigidity in the random graph process typically coincides with the hitting time for minimum degree dd.Comment: 30 pages. In this updated version, we have added a theorem concerning the rigidity of dense graphs and incorporated references to Vill\'anyi's recent resolution of the Lov\'asz-Yemini conjectur

    Properly colored subgraphs in edge-colored graphs

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    Selection Networks

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    An upper bound asymptotic to 2nlogen2n\log _e n is established for the number of comparators required in a network that classifies nn values into two classes, each containing n/2n / 2 values, with each value in one class less than or equal to each value in the other. (The best lower bound known for this problem is asymptotic to (n/2)log2n(n / 2)\log _2 n.

    Finite-rate sparse quantum codes aplenty

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    We introduce a methodology for generating random multi-qubit stabilizer codes based on solving a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) on random bipartite graphs. This framework allows us to enforce stabilizer commutation, X/Z balancing, finite rate, sparsity, and maximum-degree constraints simultaneously in a CSP that we can then solve numerically. Using a state-of-the-art CSP solver, we obtain convincing evidence for the existence of a satisfiability threshold. Furthermore, the extent of the satisfiable phase increases with the number of qubits. In that phase, finding sparse codes becomes an easy problem. Moreover, we observe that the sparse codes found in the satisfiable phase practically achieve the channel capacity for erasure noise. Our results show that intermediate-size finite-rate sparse quantum codes are easy to find, while also demonstrating a flexible methodology for generating good codes with custom properties. We therefore establish a complete and customizable pipeline for random quantum code discovery that can be geared towards near to mid-term quantum processor layouts