724 research outputs found

    High Performance GNRFET Devices for High-Speed Low-Power Analog and Digital Applications

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Recent ULSI (ultra large scale integration) technology emphasizes small size devices, featuring low power and high switching speed. Moore's law has been followed successfully in scaling down the silicon device in order to enhance the level of integration with high performances until conventional devices failed to cop up with further scaling due to limitations with ballistic effects, and challenges with accommodating dopant fluctuation, mobility degradation, among other device parameters. Recently, Graphene based devices o ered alternative approach, featuring small size and high performances. This includes high carrier mobility, high carrier density, high robustness, and high thermal conductivity. These unique characteristics made the Graphene devices attractive for high speed electronic architectures. In this research, Graphene devices were integrated into applications with analog, digital, and mixed signals based systems. Graphene devices were briefly explored in electronics applications since its first model developed by the University of Illinois, Champaign in 2013. This study emphasizes the validation of the model in various applications with analog, digital, and mixed signals. At the analog level, the model was used for voltage and power amplifiers; classes A, B, and AB. At the digital level, the device model was validated within the universal gates, adders, multipliers, subtractors, multiplexers, demultiplexers, encoders, and comparators. The study was also extended to include Graphene devices for serializers, the digital systems incorporated into the data structure storage. At the mixed signal level, the device model was validated for the DACs/ADCs. In all components, the features of the new devices were emphasized as compared with the existing silicon technology. The system functionality and dynamic performances were also elaborated. The study also covered the linearity characteristics of the devices within full input range operation. GNRFETs with a minimum channel length of 10nm and an input voltage 0.7V were considered in the study. An electronic design platform ADS (Advanced Design Systems) was used in the simulations. The power amplifiers showed noise figure as low as 0.064dbs for class A, and 0.32 dbs for class B, and 0.69 dbs for class AB power amplifiers. The design was stable and as high as 5.12 for class A, 1.02 for class B, and 1.014 for class AB. The stability factor was estimated at 2GHz operation. The harmonics were as low as -100 dbs for class A, -60 dbs for class B, and -50dbs for class AB, all simulated at 1GHz. The device was incorporated into ADC system, and as low as 24.5 micro Watt power consumption and 40 nsec rise time were observed. Likewise, the DAC showed low power consumption as of 4.51 micro Watt. The serializer showed as minimum power consumption of the order of 0.4mW. These results showed that these nanoscale devices have potential future for high-speed communication systems, medical devices, computer architecture and dynamic Nano electromechanical (NEMS) which provides ultra-level of integration, incorporating embedded and IoT devices supporting this technology. Results of analog and digital components showed superiority over other silicon transistor technologies in their ultra-low power consumption and high switching speed

    ASIC implementations of the Viterbi Algorithm

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    Logical effort is the ratio of the input capacitance of a gate to the input capacitance of an inverter delivering the same output current.. Conventional methods use repetitive manual testing guided by Logical Effort (LE).In our work, we choose gate widths inside the circuit as parameters to be optimized in order to achieve the target delay, using LE.The main objective of the paper is to calculate the delay using VerilogHDL and synthesized the output driven by it by increasing the speed using optimized paths

    Low Power Memory/Memristor Devices and Systems

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    This reprint focusses on achieving low-power computation using memristive devices. The topic was designed as a convenient reference point: it contains a mix of techniques starting from the fundamental manufacturing of memristive devices all the way to applications such as physically unclonable functions, and also covers perspectives on, e.g., in-memory computing, which is inextricably linked with emerging memory devices such as memristors. Finally, the reprint contains a few articles representing how other communities (from typical CMOS design to photonics) are fighting on their own fronts in the quest towards low-power computation, as a comparison with the memristor literature. We hope that readers will enjoy discovering the articles within

    Binary Adder Circuits of Asymptotically Minimum Depth, Linear Size, and Fan-Out Two

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    © Stephan Held and Sophie Spirkl | ACM 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Algorithms, https://doi.org/10.1145/3147215.We consider the problem of constructing fast and small binary adder circuits. Among widely used adders, the Kogge-Stone adder is often considered the fastest, because it computes the carry bits for two n-bit numbers (where n is a power of two) with a depth of 2 log2n logic gates, size 4 nlog2n, and all fan-outs bounded by two. Fan-outs of more than two are disadvantageous in practice, because they lead to the insertion of repeaters for repowering the signal and additional depth in the physical implementation. However, the depth bound of the Kogge-Stone adder is off by a factor of two from the lower bound of log2n. Two separate constructions by Brent and Krapchenko achieve this lower bound asymptotically. Brent’s construction gives neither a bound on the fan-out nor the size, while Krapchenko’s adder has linear size, but can have up to linear fan-out. With a fan-out bound of two, neither construction achieves a depth of less than 2 log2n. In a further approach, Brent and Kung proposed an adder with linear size and fan-out two but twice the depth of the Kogge-Stone adder. These results are 33–43 years old and no substantial theoretical improvement for has been made since then. In this article, we integrate the individual advantages of all previous adder circuits into a new family of full adders, the first to improve on the depth bound of 2 log2n while maintaining a fan-out bound of two. Our adders achieve an asymptotically optimum logic gate depth of log2n + o(log 2n) and linear size O(n)

    Parallel-prefix structures for binary and modulo {2n - 1, 2n, 2n + 1} adders

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    Adders are the among the most essential arithmetic units within digital systems. Parallel-prefix structures are efficient for adders because of their regular topology and logarithmic delay. However, building parallel-prefix adders are barely discussed in literature. This work puts emphasis on how to build prefix trees and simple algorithms for building these architectures. One particular modification of adders is for use with modulo arithmetic. The most common type of modulo adders are modulo 2n -1 and modulo 2n + 1 adders because they have a common base that is a power of 2. In order to improve their speed, parallel-prefix structures can also be employed for modulo 2n +- 1 adders. This dissertation presents the formation of several binary and modulo prefix architectures and their modifications using Ling's algorithm. For all binary and modulo adders, both algorithmic and quantitative analysis are provided to compare the performance of different architectures. Furthermore, to see how process impact the design, three technologies, from deep submicron to nanometer range, are utilized to collect the quantitative data
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