232 research outputs found

    A Rule Based Control Algorithm for on-Ramp Merge With Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    One of the designs for future highways with the flow of Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) cars will be a dedicated lane for the CAVs to form platoons and travel with higher speeds and lower headways. The connectivity will enable the formation of platoons of CAVs traveling beside non-platoon lanes. The advent of connectivity between vehicles and the infrastructure will enable advanced control strategies ̶ improving the performance of the traffic ̶ to be incorporated in the traffic system. The merge area in a multilane highway with CAVs is one of the sections which can be enhanced by the operation of a control system. In this research, a model is developed for investigating the effects of a Rule Based control strategy yielding a more efficient and systematic method for the vehicles joining the highway mainlines comprised of platoon and non-platoon lanes. The actions tested for assisting the merge process included deceleration in the mainlines and lane change to join a platoon in the platoon lane. The model directs every CAV entering a multi-lane highway from an on-ramp, to the rightmost lane of the highway based on the appropriate action which is selected according to the traffic demand conditions and location of the on-ramp vehicle. To account for car following behavior, the vehicles in the platoon lanes are assumed to have a simplified CACC (cooperative adaptive cruise control) and those in the non-platoon lanes the IDM+ car-following model. The IDM+ car following model is modified with additional controls to incorporate the current technologies of Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS). The results of this study showed that the proposed car following model can increase the throughput of the non-platoon lane from approximately 2000 vehicle per hour (vph) to 3400 vph while the platoon lanes each had an average throughput of 3500 vph. The merge model enabled higher merging throughput for the merge area compared to current day conditions and displayed the potential for improved traffic performance in a connected environment comprised of platoon and non-platoon lanes. The results of this research will help in the design and development of advanced systems for controlling on-ramp merge sections in the future with CAVs

    SÀhköbussin nopeuden ja ohjauskulman sÀÀtö edellÀ ajavan ajoneuvon liike-radan seuraamisessa

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    Buses face problems when the capacity of a bus is limited but it should be larger to be able to carry more passengers. The capacity of a bus is already increased to its maximum that is allowed by the infrastructure. The capacity of a bus line could be increased by driving buses more frequently but it would increase costs, that is unwanted. Costs could be reduced by driving buses as platoons consisting of two buses where only the first bus would be operated by a professional driver and the second would be driven autonomously. Autonomous driving requires longitudinal and lateral control of a vehicle. The follower bus should be able to follow the path driven by the leader bus precisely and avoid inter-vehicular collisions while still driving as close together as possible to indicate other traffic that they move as a platoon. Lateral control is usually divided into path following and direct following methods in the literature. Path following methods include obtaining the path of the leader vehicle and following of that path. Path following methods are usually accurate in terms of lateral error but are complex and require a lot of computational capacity. Direct following methods are easy to compute but they do not guarantee precise path following. A simulation model consisting of two identical buses was developed. One longitudinal controller and four lateral control laws were proposed. Longitudinal controller was designed to work also in tight turns which is not usually investigated. Lateral control laws proposed were geometrical in nature and required only input as the relative position of the leader bus. Therefore, they did not require inter-vehicular communication. Longitudinal controller worked well for initialization of the system with inter-vehicular distances from 2 to 10 m. It worked well in acceleration and deceleration tests when both buses were loaded similarly but failed to prevent collisions when follower bus was loaded more heavily than the leader. In lateral controller tests, Pure Pursuit and Modified Pure Pursuit methods were able to follow the leader producing following lateral errors: 0,8 m and 1,1 m (steady-state tests), 0,8 m and 0,7 m (u-turn maneuver) and 0,3 m/0,4 m and 0,4 m/0,5 m (double lane change maneuver, 5 m/s/10 m/s respectively). Spline Pursuit method showed oscillatory behavior and did not follow the leader well. Circular Pursuit method showed also oscillatory behavior and did not follow the leader well. However, it showed better performance than the Spline Pursuit. It remains to be studied whether Pure Pursuit or Modified Pure Pursuit can challenge more sophisticated path following methods.Linja-autojen matkustajakapasiteetti on rajallinen, mikÀ aiheuttaa ongelmia, sillÀ sen tulisi olla suurempi. Kapasiteetti on jo nostettu suurimmalle mahdolliselle tasolle, mitÀ nykyinen infrastruktuuri mahdollistaa. Linja-autolinjan kapasiteettia voisi nostaa ajamalla linja-autoja tiheÀmmin. TÀmÀ kuitenkin johtaa suurempiin kustannuksiin. Kustannuksia voisi vÀhentÀÀ ajamalla linja-autoja kahden ajoneuvon jonoina, joissa ensimmÀistÀ ajo-neuvoa ohjaisi ammattilaiskuljettaja ja toinen olisi autonomisesti ohjattu. Autonominen ajaminen vaatii ajoneuvon nopeuden ja ohjauskulman sÀÀtöÀ. Seuraajalinja-auton pitÀÀ pystyÀ seuraamaan johtajalinja-auton ajamaa ajouraa tarkasti ja vÀlttÀÀ törmÀÀmistÀ johtajaan. Linja-autojen vÀlinen etÀisyys on kuitenkin oltava riittÀvÀn pieni, jotta se viestisi muulle liikenteelle, ettÀ ajoneuvot ajavat jonona. Kirjallisuus jakaa ohjauskulman sÀÀdön yleensÀ ajouran seuraamiseen ja suoraan seuraamiseen. Ajouran seuraaminen koostuu johtaja-ajoneuvon ajouran saamisesta ja tÀmÀn uran seuraamisesta. Ajouran seuraamisen metodit ovat yleensÀ tarkkoja poikittaisen virheen suhteen, mutta ovat monimutkaisia ja vaativat paljon laskennallista kapasiteettia. Suoran seuraamisen metodit ovat laskennallisesti kevyitÀ, mutta eivÀt takaa tarkkaa ajouran seuraamista. Kahdesta identtisestÀ linja-autosta koostuva simulaatiomalli kehitettiin. Yksi nopeussÀÀdin ja neljÀ ohjauskulman sÀÀtölakia esitettiin. NopeussÀÀdin suunniteltiin toimimaan myös tiukoissa kÀÀnnöksissÀ, mitÀ ei ole yleensÀ tutkittu. Ohjauskulman sÀÀtölait perustuivat geometriseen pÀÀttelyyn ja ne tarvitsivat vain johtajalinja-auton suhteellisen asentotiedon. SÀÀtölait eivÀt vaatineet ajoneuvojen vÀlistÀ kommunikaatiota. NopeussÀÀdin toimi jÀrjestelmÀn alustamisessa ajoneuvojen vÀlisen etÀisyyden ollessa 2-10 m. Se toimi hyvin kiihdytys- ja jarrutustesteissÀ, kun molemmat linja-autot olivat lastattu identtisellÀ kuormalla, mutta epÀonnistui estÀmÀÀn törmÀÀmisen, kun seuraajalinja-auto oli lastattu suuremmalla kuormalla kuin johtaja. Ohjauskulman sÀÀdön testeissÀ Pure Pursuit ja Modified Pure Pursuit pystyivÀt seuraamaan johtajaa seuraavilla poikittaissuuntaisilla virheillÀ: 0,8 m ja 1,1 m (steady-state-testit), 0,8 m ja 0,7 m (u-kÀÀnnös) ja 0,3 m/0,4 m ja 0,4 m/0,5 m (kaksoiskaistanvaihto, 5 m/s/10 m/s vastaavasti). Spline Pursuit kÀyttÀytyi vÀrÀhtelevÀsti eikÀ seurannut johtajaa hyvin. Circular Pursuit kÀyttÀytyi vÀrÀhtelevÀsti eikÀ seurannut johtajaa hyvin, mutta kuitenkin paremmin kuin Spline Pursuit. JÀÀ nÀhtÀvÀksi pystyykö Pure Pursuit tai Modified Pure Pursuit haastamaan monimutkaisempia ajouran seuraamisen metodeja

    openACC. An open database of car-following experiments to study the properties of commercial ACC systems

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    Commercial Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems are increasingly available as standard options in modern vehicles. At the same time, still little information is openly available on how these systems actually operate and how different is their behavior, depending on the vehicle manufacturer or model.T o reduce this gap, the present paper summarizes the main features of the openACC, an open-access database of different car-following experiments involving a total of 16 vehicles, 11 of which equipped with state-of-the-art commercial ACC systems. As more test campaigns will be carried out by the authors, OpenACC will evolve accordingly. The activity is performed within the framework of the openData policy of the European Commission Joint Research Centre with the objective to engage the whole scientific community towards a better understanding of the properties of ACC vehicles in view of anticipating their possible impacts on traffic flow and prevent possible problems connected to their widespread. A first preliminary analysis on the properties of the 11 ACC systems is conducted in order to showcase the different research topics that can be studied within this open science initiative

    Multi-Technology Cooperative Driving: An Analysis Based on PLEXE

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    Cooperative Driving requires ultra-reliable communications, and it is now clear that no single technology will ever be able to satisfy such stringent requirements, if only because active jamming can kill (almost) any wireless technology. Cooperative driving with multiple communication technologies which complement each other opens new spaces for research and development, but also poses several challenges. The work we present tackles the fallback and recovery mechanisms that the longitudinal controlling system of a platoon of vehicles can implement as a distributed system with multiple communication interfaces. We present a protocol and procedure to correctly compute the safe transition between different controlling algorithms, down to autonomous (or manual) driving when no communication is possible. To empower the study, we also develop a new version of PLEXE, which is an integral part of this contribution as the only Open Source, free simulation tool that enables the study of such systems with a modular approach, and that we deem offers the community the possibility of boosting research in this field. The results we present demonstrate the feasibility of safe fallback, but also highlight that such complex systems require careful design choices, as naive approaches can lead to instabilities or even collisions, and that such design can only be done with appropriate in-silico experiments

    Robust String Stability of Vehicle Platoons with Communication

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    This work investigates longitudinal spacing policies and vehicular communication strategies that can reduce inter-vehicular spacing between the vehicles of automated highway platoons, in the presence of parasitic actuation lags. Currently employed platooning technologies rely on the vehicle’s onboard sensors for information of the neighboring vehicles, due to this they may require large spacing between the vehicles to ensure string stability in the presence of uncertainties, such as parasitic actuation lags. More precisely, they require that the minimum employable time headway (hmin) must be lower bounded by 2τ₀ for string stability, where τ₀ is the maximum parasitic actuation lag. Recent studies have demonstrated that using vehicular communication one may be able to employ smaller spacing between vehicles while ensuring robustness to parasitic lags. However, precise results on the extent of such reduction are sparse in the literature. In this work, platoon string stability is used as a metric to study controllers that require vehicular communication, and find the amount of reduction in spacing such controllers can offer. First, the effects of multiple vehicle look ahead in vehicle platoons that employ a Constant Spacing Policy (CSP) based controller without lead vehicle information in the presence of parasitic lags is studied and string instability of such platoons is demonstrated. A robustly string stable CSP controller that employs information from the leader and the immediate predecessor is considered to determine an upper bound on the allowable parasitic lag; for this CSP controller, a design procedure for the selection of controller gains for a given parasitic lag is also provided. For a string of vehicles adopting a Constant Time Headway Policy (CTHP), it is demonstrated that the minimum employable time headway can be further decreased via vehicular communication in the following manner: (1) if the position, velocity and acceleration of the immediate predecessor vehicle is used, then the ii minimum employable time headway hmin can be reduced to τ₀; (2) if the position and velocity information of r immediately preceding vehicles is used, then hmin can be reduced to 4τ₀/(1 + r); (3) furthermore, if the acceleration of ‘r’ immediately preceding vehicles is used, then hmin can be reduced to 2τ₀/(1 + r); and (4) if the position, velocity and acceleration of the immediate and the r-th predecessors are used, then hmin = 2τ₀/(1 + r). Note that cases (3) and (4) provide the same lower bound on the minimum employable time headway; however, case (4) requires much less communicated information. Representative numerical simulations that are conducted to corroborate the above results are discussed. Vehicle formations employing ring structured communication strategies are also studied in this work and a combinatorial approach for developing ring graphs for vehicle formations is proposed. Stability properties of the platoons with ring graphs, limitations of using ring graphs in platoons, and methods to overcome such limitations are explored. In addition, with ring communication structure, it is possible to devise simple ways to recon- figure the graph when vehicles are added to or removed from the platoon or formation, which is also discussed in this work. Further, experimental results using mobile robots for platooning and two-dimensional formations using ring graphs are discussed

    Reduced Fuel Emissions through Connected Vehicles and Truck Platooning

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    Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication enable the sharing, in real time, of vehicular locations and speeds with other vehicles, traffic signals, and traffic control centers. This shared information can help traffic to better traverse intersections, road segments, and congested neighborhoods, thereby reducing travel times, increasing driver safety, generating data for traffic planning, and reducing vehicular pollution. This study, which focuses on vehicular pollution, used an analysis of data from NREL, BTS, and the EPA to determine that the widespread use of V2V-based truck platooning—the convoying of trucks in close proximity to one another so as to reduce air drag across the convoy—could eliminate 37.9 million metric tons of CO2 emissions between 2022 and 2026
