12 research outputs found

    Power consumption analysis of different hexapod robot gaits.

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    The paper is focused on the power consumption analysis of different gaits of our constructed hexapod robot controlled by different Central Pattern Generator (CPG) models. There are a lot of gait patterns in the literature constructed either by different CPG models or using a series of oscillations with adjustable phase lag. The mentioned models, as well as those proposed in our previous paper are used and compared from the viewpoint of energy demand. In general, power consumption of the constructed hexapod robot is experimentally analyzed based on the current consumption in the applied servo motors, which drive the robot limbs. For this purpose the suitable drivers allowing a simple measurement of electric energy consumption of servo motors are used. The obtained experimental results show different energy demand for different robot gaits. Because power consumption is one of the main operational restrictions imposed on autonomous walking robots, we show that the performed energy efficiency analysis and the choice of the appropriate robot gaits depending on the actual situation can reduce the energy costs

    The Locomotion of Bipedal Walking Robot with Six Degree of Freedom

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    AbstractA bipedal walking robot is a type of humanoid robot which mimics like human being and can be programmed to perform some tasks as required. In this paper, a prototype robot is built to provide a test bed for the physical locomotion that is used to control the robot movements such as moving forward, backward, turn left and right, get up from front and back, rollover from left and right. The paper also describes how the bipedal robot is built; how the movement steps are obtained and the detection when it falls down. The movement of the robot also can be controlled by using a remote controller. This bipedal robot can assist human to carry out the tasks or activities in hazardous environment. This could eliminate human's risk of injury or life casualty

    Dynamic Analysis and Modeling of Jansen Mechanism

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    AbstractTheo Jansen mechanism is gaining wide spread popularity among legged robotics researchers due to its scalable design, energy efficiency, low payload to machine load ratio, bio-inspired locomotion, deterministic foot trajectory among others. In this paper, we present dynamic analysis of a four legged Theo Jansen link mechanism using projection method that results in constraint force and equivalent Lagrange's equation of motion necessary for any meaningful extension and/or optimization of this niche mechanism. Numerical simulations using MaTX is presented in conjunction with the dynamic analysis. This research sets a theoretical basis for future investigation into Theo Jansen mechanism

    Analyzing energy-efficient configurations in hexapod robots for demining applications

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    Purpose – Reducing energy consumption in walking robots is an issue of great importance in field applications such as humanitarian demining so as to increase mission time for a given power supply. The purpose of this paper is to address the problem of improving energy efficiency in statically stable walking machines by comparing two leg, insect and mammal, configurations on the hexapod robotic platform SILO6. Design/methodology/approach – Dynamic simulation of this hexapod is used to develop a set of rules that optimize energy expenditure in both configurations. Later, through a theoretical analysis of energy consumption and experimental measurements in the real platform SILO6, a configuration is chosen. Findings – It is widely accepted that the mammal configuration in statically stable walking machines is better for supporting high loads, while the insect configuration is considered to be better for improving mobility. However, taking into account the leg dynamics and not only the body weight, different results are obtained. In a mammal configuration, supporting body weight accounts for 5 per cent of power consumption while leg dynamics accounts for 31 per cent. Originality/value – As this paper demonstrates, the energy expended when the robot walks along a straight and horizontal line is the same for both insect and mammal configurations, while power consumption during crab walking in an insect configuration exceeds power consumption in the mammal configuration

    Incorporating Passive Compliance for Reduced Motor Loading During Legged Walking

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    For purposes of travelling on all-terrains surfaces that are both uneven and discontinuous, legged robots have upper-hand over wheeled and tracked vehicles. The robot used in this thesis is a simulated hexapod with 3 degrees of freedom per leg. The main aim is to reduce the energy consumption of the system during walking by attaching a passive linear spring to each leg which will aid the motors and reduce the torque required while walking. Firstly, the ideal stiffness and location or the coordinates for mounting the spring is found out using gradient based algorithm called `Simultaneous Perturbation and Stochastic Approximation Algorithm\u27 (SPSA) on a flat terrain using data from a single walking step. Motor load is approximated by computing the torque impulse, which is the summation of the absolute value of the torque output for each joint during walking. Once the ideal spring and mount is found, the motor loading of the robot with the spring attached is observed and compared on three different terrains with the original loading without the spring. The analysis is made on a single middle leg of the robot, which is known to support the highest load when the alternating tripod gait is used. The obtained spring and mounting locations are applied to other legs to compute the overall energy savings of the system. Through this work, the torque impulse was decreased by 14 % on uneven terrain

    Design Issues for Hexapod Walking Robots

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    Hexapod walking robots have attracted considerable attention for several decades. Many studies have been carried out in research centers, universities and industries. However, only in the recent past have efficient walking machines been conceived, designed and built with performances that can be suitable for practical applications. This paper gives an overview of the state of the art on hexapod walking robots by referring both to the early design solutions and the most recent achievements. Careful attention is given to the main design issues and constraints that influence the technical feasibility and operation performance. A design procedure is outlined in order to systematically design a hexapod walking robot. In particular, the proposed design procedure takes into account the main features, such as mechanical structure and leg configuration, actuating and driving systems, payload, motion conditions, and walking gait. A case study is described in order to show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed design procedure

    Investigation of energy efficiency of hexapod robot locomotion

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos vaikščiojančių robotų energijos sąnaudų problemos jiems judant lygiu ir nelygiu paviršiumi. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas yra vaikščiojančio roboto valdymo, aplinkos atpažinimo bei kliūčių išvengimo žinomoje aplinkoje metodas. Energijos sąnaudų minimizavimas leistų praplėsti vaikščiojančių robotų pritaikymą ir veikimo laiką. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti energijos sąnaudų minimizavimo metodus vaikščiojantiems robotams ir sukurti aplinkos atpažinimo ir klasifikavimo metodus bei ištirti šešiakojo roboto energijos sąnaudas jiems judant žinomoje aplinkoje. Šie metodai gali būti taikomi vaikščiojantiems daugiakojams robotams. Darbe sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: šešiakojo roboto eisenos parinkimas atsižvelgiant į energijos sąnaudas, paviršiaus kliūčių aptikimo ir perlipimo metodų sudarymas ir jų efektyvumo palyginimas. Taip pat sprendžiami uždaviniai, kurie siejasi su pėdų trajektorijos generavimo metodo kūrimu bei kliūčių dydžio ir tankio įtaka roboto energijos sąnaudoms. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai. Įvade aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros apžvalgai. Jame pateikta mobiliųjų robotų energetinio efektyvumo bei energijos sąnaudų matavimo, skaičiavimo ir optimizavimo metodų analizė. Antrajame skyriuje pateiktas energetiškai efektyvaus judėjimo metodikos sudarymas vaikščiojantiems robotams. Šiame skyriuje pateiktas šešiakojo roboto matematinio ir fizinio modelių sudarymas, nelygaus paviršiaus klasifikavimo modelio sudarymas bei taktilinio kliūčių aptikimo bei perlipimo metodų sudarymas. Skyriaus gale pateikiamos išvados. Trečiajame skyriuje tiriamos energijos sąnaudų priklausomybės nuo roboto eisenos bei judėjimo parametrų, kliūčių aptikimo ir perlipimo tikslumas priklausomai nuo kliūčių skaičiaus roboto kelyje, taip pat kliūčių dydžio ir tankio įtaka roboto energijos sąnaudoms. Disertacijos tema paskelbti 9 straipsniai: keturi – Clarivate Analytics Web of Science duomenų bazės leidiniuose, turinčiuose citavimo rodiklį, trys – Clarivate Analytics Web of Science duomenų bazės „Conference Proceedings“ leidiniuose ir du – kituose recenzuojamuose mokslo leidiniuose. Disertacijos tema perskaityti 7 pranešimai konferencijose Lietuvoje bei kitose šalyse

    White Paper 11: Artificial intelligence, robotics & data science

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    198 p. : 17 cmSIC white paper on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Data Science sketches a preliminary roadmap for addressing current R&D challenges associated with automated and autonomous machines. More than 50 research challenges investigated all over Spain by more than 150 experts within CSIC are presented in eight chapters. Chapter One introduces key concepts and tackles the issue of the integration of knowledge (representation), reasoning and learning in the design of artificial entities. Chapter Two analyses challenges associated with the development of theories –and supporting technologies– for modelling the behaviour of autonomous agents. Specifically, it pays attention to the interplay between elements at micro level (individual autonomous agent interactions) with the macro world (the properties we seek in large and complex societies). While Chapter Three discusses the variety of data science applications currently used in all fields of science, paying particular attention to Machine Learning (ML) techniques, Chapter Four presents current development in various areas of robotics. Chapter Five explores the challenges associated with computational cognitive models. Chapter Six pays attention to the ethical, legal, economic and social challenges coming alongside the development of smart systems. Chapter Seven engages with the problem of the environmental sustainability of deploying intelligent systems at large scale. Finally, Chapter Eight deals with the complexity of ensuring the security, safety, resilience and privacy-protection of smart systems against cyber threats.18 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, ROBOTICS AND DATA SCIENCE Topic Coordinators Sara Degli Esposti ( IPP-CCHS, CSIC ) and Carles Sierra ( IIIA, CSIC ) 18 CHALLENGE 1 INTEGRATING KNOWLEDGE, REASONING AND LEARNING Challenge Coordinators Felip Manyà ( IIIA, CSIC ) and Adrià Colomé ( IRI, CSIC – UPC ) 38 CHALLENGE 2 MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS Challenge Coordinators N. Osman ( IIIA, CSIC ) and D. López ( IFS, CSIC ) 54 CHALLENGE 3 MACHINE LEARNING AND DATA SCIENCE Challenge Coordinators J. J. Ramasco Sukia ( IFISC ) and L. Lloret Iglesias ( IFCA, CSIC ) 80 CHALLENGE 4 INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS Topic Coordinators G. Alenyà ( IRI, CSIC – UPC ) and J. Villagra ( CAR, CSIC ) 100 CHALLENGE 5 COMPUTATIONAL COGNITIVE MODELS Challenge Coordinators M. D. del Castillo ( CAR, CSIC) and M. Schorlemmer ( IIIA, CSIC ) 120 CHALLENGE 6 ETHICAL, LEGAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS Challenge Coordinators P. Noriega ( IIIA, CSIC ) and T. Ausín ( IFS, CSIC ) 142 CHALLENGE 7 LOW-POWER SUSTAINABLE HARDWARE FOR AI Challenge Coordinators T. Serrano ( IMSE-CNM, CSIC – US ) and A. Oyanguren ( IFIC, CSIC - UV ) 160 CHALLENGE 8 SMART CYBERSECURITY Challenge Coordinators D. Arroyo Guardeño ( ITEFI, CSIC ) and P. Brox Jiménez ( IMSE-CNM, CSIC – US )Peer reviewe