9 research outputs found

    Quad- bus motor drive system for electrified vehicles based on a dual- output- single- inductor structure

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163903/1/elp2bf00838.pd

    Battery-sourced switched-inductor multiple-output CMOS power-supply systems

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    Wireless microsystems add intelligence to larger systems by sensing, processing and transmitting information which can ultimately save energy and resources. Each function has their own power profile and supply level to maximize performance and save energy since they are powered by a small battery. Also, due to its small size, the battery has limited energy and therefore the power-supply system cannot consume much power. Switched-inductor converters are efficient across wide operating conditions but one fundamental challenge is integration because miniaturized dc-dc converters cannot afford to accommodate more than one off-chip power inductor. The objective of this research is to explore, develop, analyze, prototype, test, and evaluate how one switched inductor can derive power from a small battery to supply, regulate, and respond to several independent outputs reliably and accurately. Managing and stabilizing the feedback loops that supply several outputs at different voltages under diverse and dynamic loading conditions with one CMOS chip and one inductor is also challenging. Plus, since a single inductor cannot supply all outputs at once, steady-state ripples and load dumps produce cross-regulation effects that are difficult to manage and suppress. Additionally, as the battery depletes the power-supply system must be able to regulate both buck and boost voltages. The presented system can efficiently generate buck and boost voltages with the fastest response time while having a low silicon area consumption per output in a low-cost technology which can reduce the overall size and cost of the system.Ph.D

    Power management systems based on switched-capacitor DC-DC converter for low-power wearable applications

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    The highly efficient ultra-low-power management unit is essential in powering low-power wearable electronics. Such devices are powered by a single input source, either by a battery or with the help of a renewable energy source. Thus, there is a demand for an energy conversion unit, in this case, a DC-DC converter, which can perform either step-up or step-down conversions to provide the required voltage at the load. Energy scavenging with a boost converter is an intriguing choice since it removes the necessity of bulky batteries and considerably extends the battery life. Wearable devices are typically powered by a monolithic battery. The commonly available battery such as Alkaline or Lithium-ion, degrade over time due to their life spans as it is limited by the number of charge cycles- which depend highly on the environmental and loading condition. Thus, once it reaches the maximum number of life cycles, the battery needs to be replaced. The operation of the wearable devices is limited by usable duration, which depends on the energy density of the battery. Once the stored energy is depleted, the operation of wearable devices is also affected, and hence it needs to be recharged. The energy harvesters- which gather the available energy from the surroundings, however, have no limitation on operating life. The application can become battery-less given that harvestable energy is sufficiently powering the low-power devices. Although the energy harvester may not completely replace the battery source, it ensures the maximum duration of use and assists to become autonomous and self-sustain devices. The photovoltaic (PV) cell is a promising candidate as a hypothetical input supply source among the energy harvesters due to its smaller area and high power density over other harvesters. Solar energy use PV harvester can convert ambient light energy into electrical energy and keep it in the storage device. The harvested output of PV cannot directly connect to wearable loads for two main reasons. Depending on the incoming light, the harvested current result in varying open-circuit voltage. It requires the power management circuit to deal with unregulated input variation. Second, depending on the PV cell's material type and an effective area, the I-V characteristic's performance varies, resulting in a variation of the output power. There are several works of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods that allow the solar energy harvester to achieve optimal harvested power. Therefore, the harvested power depends on the size and usually small area cell is sufficient for micro-watt loads low-powered applications. The available harvested voltage, however, is generally very low-voltage range between 0.4-0.6 V. The voltage ratings of electronics in standard wearable applications operate in 1.8-3 V voltages as described in introduction’s application example section. It is higher than the supply source can offer. The overcome the mismatch voltage between source and supply circuit, a DC-DC boost converter is necessary. The switch-mode converters are favoured over the linear converters due to their highly efficient and small area overhead. The inductive converter in the switch-mode converter is common due to its high-efficiency performance. However, the integration of the inductor in the miniaturised integrated on-chip design tends to be bulky. Therefore, the switched-capacitor approach DC-DC converters will be explored in this research. In the switched-capacitor converter universe, there is plenty of work for single-output designs for various topologies. Most converters are reconfigurable to the different DC voltage levels apart from Dickson and cross-coupled charge pump topologies due to their boosting power stage architecture through a number of stages. However, existing multi-output converters are limited to the fixed gain ratio. This work explores the reconfigurable dual-output converter with adjustable gain to compromise the research gap. The thesis's primary focus is to present the inductor-less, switched-capacitor-based DC-DC converter power management system (PMS) supplied by a varying input of PV energy harvester input source. The PMS should deliver highly efficient regulated voltage conversion ratio (VCR) outputs to low-power wearable electronic devices that constitute multi-function building blocks


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    Towards a More Flexible, Sustainable, Efficient and Reliable Induction Cooking: A Power Semiconductor Device Perspective

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    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo fundamental la mejora de la flexibilidad, sostenibilidad, eficiencia y fiabilidad de las cocinas de inducción por medio de la utilización de dispositivos semiconductores de potencia: Dentro de este marco, existe una funcionalidad que presenta un amplio rango de mejora. Se trata de la función de multiplexación de potencia, la cual pretende resolverse de una manera más eficaz por medio de la sustitución de los comúnmente utilizados relés electromecánicos por dispositivos de estado sólido. De entre todas las posibles implementaciones, se ha identificado entre las más prometedoras a aquellas basadas en dispositivos de alta movilidad de electrones (HEMT) de Nitruro de Galio (GaN) y de aquellas basadas en Carburo de Silicio (SiC), pues presentan unas características muy superiores a los relés a los que se pretende sustituir. Por el contrario, otras soluciones que inicialmente parecían ser muy prometedoras, como los MOSFETs de Súper-Unión, han presentado una serie de comportamientos anómalos, que han sido estudiados minuciosamente por medio de simulaciones físicas a nivel de chip. Además, se analiza en distintas condiciones la capacidad en cortocircuito de dispositivos convencionalmente empleados en cocinas de inducción, como son los IGBTs, tratándose de encontrar el equilibrio entre un comportamiento robusto al tiempo que se mantienen bajas las pérdidas de potencia. Por otra parte, también se estudia la robustez y fiabilidad de varios GaN HEMT de 600- 650 V tanto de forma experimental como por medio de simulaciones físicas. Finalmente se aborda el cálculo de las pérdidas de potencia en convertidores de potencia resonantes empleando técnicas de termografía infrarroja. Por medio de esta técnica no solo es posible medir de forma precisa las diferentes contribuciones de las pérdidas, sino que también es posible apreciar cómo se distribuye la corriente a nivel de chip cuando, por ejemplo, el componente opera en modo de conmutación dura. Como resultado, se obtiene información relevante relacionada con modos de fallo. Además, también ha sido aprovechar las caracterizaciones realizadas para obtener un modelo térmico de simulación.This thesis is focused on addressing a more flexible, sustainable, efficient and reliable induction cooking approach from a power semiconductor device perspective. In this framework, this PhD Thesis has identified the following activities to cover such demands: In view of the growing interest for an effective power multiplexing in Induction Heating (IH) applications, improved and efficient Solid State Relays (SSRs) as an alternative to the electromechanical relays (EMRs) are deeply investigated. In this context, emerging Gallium Nitride (GaN) High‐Electron‐Mobility Transistors (GaN HEMTs) and Silicon Carbide (SiC) based devices are identified as potential candidates for the mentioned application, featuring several improved characteristics over EMRs. On the contrary, other solutions, which seemed to be very promising, resulted to suffer from anomalous behaviors; i.e. SJ MOSFETs are thoroughly analysed by electro‐thermal physical simulations at the device level. Additionally, the Short Circuit (SC) capability of power semiconductor devices employed or with potential to be used in IH appliances is also analysed. On the one hand, conventional IGBTs SC behavior is evaluated under different test conditions so that to obtain the trade‐off between ruggedness and low power losses. Moreover, ruggedness and reliability of several normally‐off 600‐650 V GaN HEMTs are deeply investigated by experimentation and physics‐based simulation. Finally, power losses calculation at die‐level is performed for resonant power converters by means of using Infrared Thermography (IRT). This method assists to determine, at the die‐level, the power losses and current distribution in IGBTs used in resonant soft‐switching power converters when functioning within or outside the Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) condition. As a result, relevant information is obtained related to decreasing the power losses during commutation in the final application, and a thermal model is extracted for simulation purposes.<br /

    Electronic Devices for the Combination of Electrically Controlled Drug Release, Electrostimulation, and Optogenetic Stimulation for Nerve Tissue Regeneration

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    [ES] La capacidad de las células madre para proliferar formando distintas células especializadas les otorga la potencialidad de servir de base para terapias efectivas para patologías cuyo tratamiento era inimaginable hasta hace apenas dos décadas. Sin embargo, esta capacidad se encuentra mediada por estímulos fisiológicos, químicos, y eléctricos, específicos y complejos, que dificultan su traslación a la rutina clínica. Por ello, las células madre representan un campo de estudio en el que se invierten amplios esfuerzos por parte de la comunidad científica. En el ámbito de la regeneración nerviosa, para modular su desarrollo y diferenciación el tratamiento farmacológico, la electroestimulación, y la estimulación optogenética son técnicas que están consiguiendo prometedores resultados. Es por ello por lo que en la presente tesis se ha desarrollado un conjunto de sistemas electrónicos para permitir la aplicación combinada de estas técnicas in vitro, con perspectiva a su aplicación in vivo. Hemos diseñado una novedosa tecnología para la liberación eléctricamente controlada de fármacos. Esta tecnología está basada en nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa y puertas moleculares de bipiridina-heparina. Las puertas moleculares son electroquímicamente reactivas, y encierran los fármacos en el interior de las nanopartículas, liberándolos ante un estímulo eléctrico. Hemos caracterizado esta tecnología, y la hemos validado mediante la liberación controlada de rodamina en cultivos celulares de HeLa. Para la combinación de liberación controlada de fármacos y electroestimulación hemos desarrollado dispositivos que permiten aplicar los estímulos eléctricos de forma configurable desde una interfaz gráfica de usuario. Además, hemos diseñado un módulo de expansión que permite multiplexar las señales eléctricas a diferentes cultivos celulares. Además, hemos diseñado un dispositivo de estimulación optogenética. Este tipo de estimulación consiste en la modificación genética de las células para que sean sensibles a la radiación lumínica de determinada longitud de onda. En el ámbito de la regeneración de tejido mediante células precursoras neurales, es de interés poder inducir ondas de calcio, favoreciendo su diferenciación en neuronas y la formación de circuitos sinápticos. El dispositivo diseñado permite obtener imágenes en tiempo real mediante microscopía confocal de las respuestas transitorias de las células al ser irradiadas. El dispositivo se ha validado irradiando neuronas modificadas con luz pulsada de 100 ms. También hemos diseñado un dispositivo electrónico complementario de medida de irradiancia con el doble fin de permitir la calibración del equipo de irradiancia y medir la irradiancia en tiempo real durante los experimentos in vitro. Los resultados del uso de los bioactuadores en procesos complejos y dinámicos, como la regeneración de tejido nervioso, son limitados en lazo abierto. Uno de los principales aspectos analizados es el desarrollo de biosensores que permitiesen la cuantización de ciertas biomoléculas para ajustar la estimulación suministrada en tiempo real. Por ejemplo, la segregación de serotonina es una respuesta identificada en la elongación de células precursoras neurales, pero hay otras biomoléculas de interés para la implementación de un control en lazo cerrado. Entre las tecnologías en el estado del arte, los biosensores basados en transistores de efecto de campo (FET) funcionalizados con aptámeros son realmente prometedores para esta aplicación. Sin embargo, esta tecnología no permitía la medición simultánea de más de una biomolécula objetivo en un volumen reducido debido a las interferencias entre los distintos FETs, cuyos terminales se encuentran inmersos en la solución. Por ello, hemos desarrollado instrumentación electrónica capaz de medir simultáneamente varios de estos biosensores, y la hemos validado mediante la medición simultánea de pH y la detección preliminar de serotonina y glutamato.[CA] La capacitat de les cèl·lules mare per a proliferar formant diferents cèl·lules especialitzades els atorga la potencialitat de servir de base per a teràpies efectives per a patologies el tractament de les quals era inimaginable fins fa a penes dues dècades. No obstant això, aquesta capacitat es troba mediada per estímuls fisiològics, químics, i elèctrics, específics i complexos, que dificulten la seua translació a la rutina clínica. Per això, les cèl·lules mare representen un camp d'estudi en el qual s'inverteixen amplis esforços per part de la comunitat científica. En l'àmbit de la regeneració nerviosa, per a modular el seu desenvolupament i diferenciació el tractament farmacològic, l'electroestimulació, i l'estimulació optogenética són tècniques que estan aconseguint prometedors resultats. És per això que en la present tesi s'ha desenvolupat un conjunt de sistemes electrònics per a permetre l'aplicació combinada d'aquestes tècniques in vitro, amb perspectiva a la seua aplicació in vivo. Hem dissenyat una nova tecnologia per a l'alliberament elèctricament controlat de fàrmacs. Aquesta tecnologia està basada en nanopartícules de sílice mesoporosa i portes moleculars de bipiridina-heparina. Les portes moleculars són electroquímicament reactives, i tanquen els fàrmacs a l'interior de les nanopartícules, alliberant-los davant un estímul elèctric. Hem caracteritzat aquesta tecnologia, i l'hem validada mitjançant l'alliberament controlat de rodamina en cultius cel·lulars de HeLa. Per a la combinació d'alliberament controlat de fàrmacs i electroestimulació hem desenvolupat dispositius que permeten aplicar els estímuls elèctrics de manera configurable des d'una interfície gràfica d'usuari. A més, hem dissenyat un mòdul d'expansió que permet multiplexar els senyals elèctrics a diferents cultius cel·lulars. A més, hem dissenyat un dispositiu d'estimulació optogenètica. Aquest tipus d'estimulació consisteix en la modificació genètica de les cèl·lules perquè siguen sensibles a la radiació lumínica de determinada longitud d'ona. En l'àmbit de la regeneració de teixit mitjançant cèl·lules precursores neurals, és d'interés poder induir ones de calci, afavorint la seua diferenciació en neurones i la formació de circuits sinàptics. El dispositiu dissenyat permet obtindré imatges en temps real mitjançant microscòpia confocal de les respostes transitòries de les cèl·lules en ser irradiades. El dispositiu s'ha validat irradiant neurones modificades amb llum polsada de 100 ms. També hem dissenyat un dispositiu electrònic complementari de mesura d'irradiància amb el doble fi de permetre el calibratge de l'equip d'irradiància i mesurar la irradiància en temps real durant els experiments in vitro. Els resultats de l'ús dels bioactuadors en processos complexos i dinàmics, com la regeneració de teixit nerviós, són limitats en llaç obert. Un dels principals aspectes analitzats és el desenvolupament de biosensors que permeteren la quantització de certes biomolècules per a ajustar l'estimulació subministrada en temps real. Per exemple, la segregació de serotonina és una resposta identificada amb l'elongació de les cèl·lules precursores neurals, però hi ha altres biomolècules d'interés per a la implementació d'un control en llaç tancat. Entre les tecnologies en l'estat de l'art, els biosensors basats en transistors d'efecte de camp (FET) funcionalitzats amb aptàmers són realment prometedors per a aquesta aplicació. No obstant això, aquesta tecnologia no permetia el mesurament simultani de més d'una biomolècula objectiu en un volum reduït a causa de les interferències entre els diferents FETs, els terminals dels quals es troben immersos en la solució. Per això, hem desenvolupat instrumentació electrònica capaç de mesurar simultàniament diversos d'aquests biosensors i els hem validat amb mesurament simultani del pH i la detecció preliminar de serotonina i glutamat.[EN] The stem cells' ability to proliferate to form different specialized cells gives them the potential to serve as the basis for effective therapies for pathologies whose treatment was unimaginable until just two decades ago. However, this capacity is mediated by specific and complex physiological, chemical, and electrical stimuli that complicate their translation to clinical routine. For this reason, stem cells represent a field of study in which the scientific community is investing a great deal of effort. In the field of nerve regeneration, to modulate their development and differentiation, pharmacological treatment, electrostimulation, and optogenetic stimulation are techniques that are achieving promising results. For this reason, we have developed a set of electronic systems to allow the combined application of these techniques in vitro, with a view to their application in vivo. We have designed a novel technology for the electrically controlled release of drugs. This technology is based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles and bipyridine-heparin molecular gates. The molecular gates are electrochemically reactive and entrap the drugs inside the nanoparticles, releasing them upon electrical stimulus. We have characterized this technology and validated it by controlled release of rhodamine in HeLa cell cultures. For combining electrostimulation and controlled drug release we have developed devices that allow applying the different electrical stimuli in a configurable way from a graphical user interface. In addition, we have designed an expansion module that allows multiplexing electrical signals to different cell cultures. In addition, we have designed an optogenetic stimulation device. This type of stimulation consists of genetically modifying cells to make them sensitive to light radiation of a specific wavelength. In tissue regeneration using neural precursor cells, it is interesting to be able to induce calcium waves, favoring the cell differentiation into neurons and the formation of synaptic circuits. The designed device enable the obtention of real-time images through confocal microscopy of the transient responses of cells upon irradiation. The device has been validated by irradiating modified neurons with 100 ms pulsed light stimulation. We have also designed a complementary electronic irradiance measurement device to allow calibration of the irradiator equipment and measuring irradiance in real time during in vitro experiments. The results of using bioactuators in complex and dynamic processes, such as nerve tissue regeneration, are limited in an open loop. One of the main aspects analyzed is the development of biosensors that would allow quantifying of specific biomolecules to adjust the stimulation provided in real time. For instance, serotonin secretion is an identified response of neural precursor cells elongation, among other biomolecules of interest for the implementation of a closed-loop control. Among the state-of-the-art technologies, biosensors based on field effect transistors (FETs) functionalized with aptamers are promising for this application. However, this technology did not allow the simultaneous measurement of more than one target biomolecule in a small volume due to interferences between the different FETs, whose terminals are immersed in the solution. This is why we have developed electronic instrumentation capable of simultaneously measuring several of these biosensors, and we have validated it with the simultaneous pH measurement and the preliminary detection of serotonin and glutamate.Monreal Trigo, J. (2023). Electronic Devices for the Combination of Electrically Controlled Drug Release, Electrostimulation, and Optogenetic Stimulation for Nerve Tissue Regeneration [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19384

    Energy harvesting from body motion using rotational micro-generation

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    Autonomous system applications are typically limited by the power supply operational lifetime when battery replacement is difficult or costly. A trade-off between battery size and battery life is usually calculated to determine the device capability and lifespan. As a result, energy harvesting research has gained importance as society searches for alternative energy sources for power generation. For instance, energy harvesting has been a proven alternative for powering solar-based calculators and self-winding wristwatches. Thus, the use of energy harvesting technology can make it possible to assist or replace batteries for portable, wearable, or surgically-implantable autonomous systems. Applications such as cardiac pacemakers or electrical stimulation applications can benefit from this approach since the number of surgeries for battery replacement can be reduced or eliminated. Research on energy scavenging from body motion has been investigated to evaluate the feasibility of powering wearable or implantable systems. Energy from walking has been previously extracted using generators placed on shoes, backpacks, and knee braces while producing power levels ranging from milliwatts to watts. The research presented in this paper examines the available power from walking and running at several body locations. The ankle, knee, hip, chest, wrist, elbow, upper arm, side of the head, and back of the head were the chosen target localizations. Joints were preferred since they experience the most drastic acceleration changes. For this, a motor-driven treadmill test was performed on 11 healthy individuals at several walking (1-4 mph) and running (2-5 mph) speeds. The treadmill test provided the acceleration magnitudes from the listed body locations. Power can be estimated from the treadmill evaluation since it is proportional to the acceleration and frequency of occurrence. Available power output from walking was determined to be greater than 1mW/cm³ for most body locations while being over 10mW/cm³ at the foot and ankle locations. Available power from running was found to be almost 10 times higher than that from walking. Most energy harvester topologies use linear generator approaches that are well suited to fixed-frequency vibrations with sub-millimeter amplitude oscillations. In contrast, body motion is characterized with a wide frequency spectrum and larger amplitudes. A generator prototype based on self-winding wristwatches is deemed to be appropriate for harvesting body motion since it is not limited to operate at fixed-frequencies or restricted displacements. Electromagnetic generation is typically favored because of its slightly higher power output per unit volume. Then, a nonharmonic oscillating rotational energy scavenger prototype is proposed to harness body motion. The electromagnetic generator follows the approach from small wind turbine designs that overcome the lack of a gearbox by using a larger number of coil and magnets arrangements. The device presented here is composed of a rotor with multiple-pole permanent magnets having an eccentric weight and a stator composed of stacked planar coils. The rotor oscillations induce a voltage on the planar coil due to the eccentric mass unbalance produced by body motion. A meso-scale prototype device was then built and evaluated for energy generation. The meso-scale casing and rotor were constructed on PMMA with the help of a CNC mill machine. Commercially available discrete magnets were encased in a 25mm rotor. Commercial copper-coated polyimide film was employed to manufacture the planar coils using MEMS fabrication processes. Jewel bearings were used to finalize the arrangement. The prototypes were also tested at the listed body locations. A meso-scale generator with a 2-layer coil was capable to extract up to 234 µW of power at the ankle while walking at 3mph with a 2cm³ prototype for a power density of 117 µW/cm³. This dissertation presents the analysis of available power from walking and running at different speeds and the development of an unobtrusive miniature energy harvesting generator for body motion. Power generation indicates the possibility of powering devices by extracting energy from body motion


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    ABSTRACT Kampung houses are houses in kampung area of the city. Kampung House oftenly transformed into others use as urban dynamics. One of the transfomation is related to the commercial activities addition by the house owner. It make house with full private space become into mixused house with more public spaces or completely changed into full public commercial building. This study investigate the spatial transformation pattern of the kampung houses due to their commercial activities addition. Site observations, interviews and questionnaires were performed to study the spatial transformation. This study found that in kampung houses, the spatial transformation pattern was depend on type of commercial activities and owner perceptions, and there are several steps of the spatial transformation related the commercial activity addition. Keywords: spatial transformation pattern; commercial activity; owner perception, kampung house; adaptabilit