9 research outputs found

    The Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Campaign Plan FY2004-2011

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    As the Department of Defense (DOD) Executive Agent for Joint Experimentation, USJFCOM develops a broad, multi-year, iterative Campaign Plan for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Principal authorities for development of this campaign plan are found in the Secretary's Transformation Planning Guidance and the Chairman's Joint Experimentation Guidance.2 This plan has been developed through extensive collaboration with Combatant Command, Service, Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense and selected interagency and multinational partners. The strategy and methodology described in this plan have been in execution for over one year. The campaign has already improved joint warfighting and resulted in innovative joint concepts. Unclassifie

    Full Autumn 2005 Issue

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    Improving and Measuring Learning at Cyber Defence Exercises

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    Küberõppusi peetakse üheks efektiivseimaks meetodiks erinevate sihtgruppide koolitamisel, see sobib nii (sõjaväelistele) professionaalsetele meeskondadele kui individuaalsetele õpilastele. Samas põhinevad teadmised õppustel saavutatud õpitulemustest peamiselt suulisel infol ja metoodika efektiivsust pole tõestatud. Käesolev töö käsitleb õppimist küberkaitseõppustel ning keskendub õpitulemuste hindamisele. Erinevate õppuste formaatide seast on antud töö aluseks valitud tehnilised küberkaitseõppused, milles on esindatud punaste ja siniste meeskonnad. Töös analüüsitakse kübekaitseõppusi lähtuvalt täiskasvanu õpiteooriatest ja õpitulemuste mõõtmise hetkeolukorda küberkaitseõppuste raamistikus. Õpitulemusi mõõdeti kahel küberkaitseõppusel, Locked Shields ja Crossed Swords. Neist esimene on suurim avalik küberkaitseõppus maailmas peaaegu 900 osalejaga ning peamiseks koolitusgrupiks on siniste meeskonnad. Teine õppus on väiksemahuline punaste meeskonna õppus. Locked Shields ja Crossed Swords on korraldatud NATO küberkaitsekeskuse poolt. Sellised õppused on tehniliselt väga komplekssed ning nii korraldajatele kui osalejatele keerukad. Seetõttu vajavad nii õppuse disain kui õpitulemuste mõõtmine suuremat tähelepanu. Käesolev töö pakub välja uudse ja skaleeritava õpitulemuste mõõtmise metoodika, nn. “5-ajatempli metoodika”. Metoodika hõlmab nii efektiivset tagasisidet (s.h. võrdlusvõimalus) kui õpitulemuste mõõtmist. See võimaldab hinnata meeskondade tegevustulemust, ja väidab, et tulemuste muutus ajas näitab ka õpitulemusi. Ajatempleid saab koguda nii traditsiooniliste meetoditega (nt. intervjuud, vaatlused ja küsimustikud), aga ka potentsiaalselt mitte-intrusiivselt võrgulogidest (nt. pcap’id). Metoodika aitab parandada tagasisidet, tuvastada õppuse disaininõrkusi ja näidata kübekaitseõppuste õpiväärtust. Crossed Swords õppuse hindamisel keskenduti eelkõige osalejatele (punaste meeskond) kohese tagasiside andmisele nende tegevuste kohta. Käesolev töö annab olulise panuse küberkaitseõppuste õpitulemuste hindamise teoreetiliste ja praktiliste aluste kohta ning pakub välja praktilised soovitused õpikogemuse parendamiseks.Cyber security exercises are believed to be the most effective training for all training audiences from top (military) professional teams to individual students. However, evidence of learning outcomes for those exercises are often anecdotal and not validated. This thesis takes a fresh look at learning in Cyber Defence Exercises (CDXs) and focuses on measuring learning outcomes. As such exercises come in a variety of formats, this thesis focuses on technical CDXs with Red and Blue teaming elements. The review of adult learning theories and current state of learning measurement in CDXs context are presented. The learning measurements are performed at two CDXs: Locked Shields and Crossed Swords. First one is the largest unclassified live-fire CDX in the world with nearly 900 participants (with Blue teams as main training audience). Second one is a small scale exercise designed to train Red teams. Both exercises are organised by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE). Such top-end CDXs are highly complex, which makes it hard for organisers and participants to handle. Therefore, both learning design and measurement need careful consideration. This work proposes a novel and scalable learning measurement methodology, called the “5-timestamp methodology”. This method aims at accommodating for both—effective feedback (including benchmarking opportunity) and learning measurement. The method is capable of assessing team performance, and argues that changes in performance over time equal learning. The timestamps can either be collected using traditional methods, such as interviews, observations and surveys, but also potentially be obtained non-obtrusively from raw network traces (such as pcaps). The method enhances the feedback loop, allows identifying learning design flaws, and provides solid evidence of learning value for CDXs. Crossed Swords measurement focused on providing the training audience (Red team) with instant feedback about their actions to ensure effective learning. This work contributes to theoretical foundations and in practical terms by providing practical recommendations readily applicable for improvement of learning experience in CDXs

    The superpower, the bridge-builder and the hesitant ally : how defense transformation divided NATO (1991-2008)

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    What shaped the defense transformation policies of NATO member-states? And what does it mean for the future of the alliance? This dissertation explores the impact of the strategic cultures of the United States, the Netherlands and Germany on their efforts to adapt their defense policies and armed forces in light of significant changes in the security environment. Transformation was the central concept around which the Alliance was believed to find renewed cohesion. Instead, transformation in an era of expeditionary operations unearthed divergent views regarding the use of the military instrument. Each state pursued transformation differently and confronted different problems. These difficulties reflected the unique characteristics of their strategic culture. On the basis of the research it can be concluded that effective transformation can only take place when the characteristics of a state's strategic culture are taken into account. For NATO, it means that, unless the security environment changes substantially, friction within the alliance will persist and instead it will be necessary to work with these differences, rather than ignore them at its peril.LEI Universiteit LeidenTNO; Fulbright CenterPolitieke Instituties: Ontwerp, functioneren, effecte