421 research outputs found

    Towards formal modelling and verification of pervasive computing systems

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    Smart systems equipped with emerging pervasive computing technologies enable people with limitations to live in their homes independently. However, lack of guarantees for correctness prevent such system to be widely used. Analysing the system with regard to correctness requirements is a challenging task due to the complexity of the system and its various unpredictable faults. In this work, we propose to use formal methods to analyse pervasive computing (PvC) systems. Firstly, a formal modelling framework is proposed to cover the main characteristics of such systems (e.g., context-awareness, concurrent communications, layered architectures). Secondly, we identify the safety requirements (e.g., free of deadlocks and conflicts) and specify them as safety and liveness properties. Furthermore, based on the modelling framework, we propose an approach of verifying reasoning rules which are used in the middleware for perceiving the environment and making adaptation decisions. Finally, we demonstrate our ideas using a case study of a smart healthcare system. Experimental results show the usefulness of our approach in exploring system behaviours and revealing system design flaws such as information inconsistency and conflicting reminder services.No Full Tex

    Design-time formal verification for smart environments: an exploratory perspective

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    Smart environments (SmE) are richly integrated with multiple heterogeneous devices; they perform the operations in intelligent manner by considering the context and actions/behaviors of the users. Their major objective is to enable the environment to provide ease and comfort to the users. The reliance on these systems demands consistent behavior. The versatility of devices, user behavior and intricacy of communication complicate the modeling and verification of SmE's reliable behavior. Of the many available modeling and verification techniques, formal methods appear to be the most promising. Due to a large variety of implementation scenarios and support for conditional behavior/processing, the concept of SmE is applicable to diverse areas which calls for focused research. As a result, a number of modeling and verification techniques have been made available for designers. This paper explores and puts into perspective the modeling and verification techniques based on an extended literature survey. These techniques mainly focus on some specific aspects, with a few overlapping scenarios (such as user interaction, devices interaction and control, context awareness, etc.), which were of the interest to the researchers based on their specialized competencies. The techniques are categorized on the basis of various factors and formalisms considered for the modeling and verification and later analyzed. The results show that no surveyed technique maintains a holistic perspective; each technique is used for the modeling and verification of specific SmE aspects. The results further help the designers select appropriate modeling and verification techniques under given requirements and stress for more R&D effort into SmE modeling and verification researc

    iTutorials for the Aid to Mild Cognitively Impaired Elderly Population in their Preferred Environment

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    In the context of Assistive Technologies, the present work addresses the improvement and greater adaptability of iTutorials, a supportive system which is intended to provide in-home support to cognitively impaired older adults in the performance of Activities of Daily Living

    Environnement logiciel pour l assistance à l autonomie à domicile (gestion de la dynamique et de l incertitude pour la fourniture sémantique en temps réel de services d assistance)

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    L hétérogénéité des environnements ainsi que la diversité des profils et des besoins des patients représentent des contraintes majeures qui remettent en question l utilisation à grande échelle des systèmes d assistance à l autonomie à domicile (AAL). En effet, afin de répondre à l évolution de l état des patients et de leurs besoins humains, les environnements AAL sont en évolution continue par l introduction ou la disparition de capteurs, de dispositifs d interaction et de services d assistance. Par conséquent, une plateforme générique et dynamique capable de s adapter à différents environnements et d intégrer de nouveaux capteurs, dispositifs d interaction et services d assistance est requise. La mise en œuvre d un tel aspect dynamique peut produire une situation d incertitude dérivée des problèmes techniques liés à la fiabilité des capteurs ou à des problèmes de réseau. Par conséquent, la notion d incertitude doit être introduite dans la représentation de contexte et la prise de décision afin de faire face à ce problème. Au cours de cette thèse, j ai développé une plateforme dynamique et extensible capable de s adapter à différents environnements et aux besoins des patients. Ceci a été réalisé sur la base de l approche Plug&Play sémantique que j ai proposé. Afin de traiter le problème d incertitude de l information lié à des problèmes techniques, j ai proposé une approche de mesure d incertitude en utilisant les caractéristiques intrinsèques des capteurs et leurs comportements fonctionnels. J ai aussi fourni un modèle de représentation sémantique et de raisonnement avec incertitude associé avec la théorie de Dempster-Shafer (DST) pour la prise de décisionThe heterogeneity of the environments as well as the diversity of patients needs and profiles are major constraints that challenge the spread of ambient assistive living (AAL) systems. AAL environments are usually evolving by the introduction or the disappearance of sensors, devices and assistive services to respond to the evolution of patients conditions and human needs. Therefore, a generic framework that is able to adapt to such dynamic environments and to integrate new sensors, devices and assistive services at runtime is required. Implementing such a dynamic aspect may produce an uncertainty derived from technical problems related to sensors reliability or network problems. Therefore, a notion of uncertain should be introduced in context representation and decision making in order to deal with this problem. During this thesis, I have developed a dynamic and extendible framework able to adapt to different environments and patients needs. This was achieved based on my proposed approach of semantic Plug&Play mechanism. In order to handle the problem of uncertain information related to technical problems, I have proposed an approach for uncertainty measurement based on intrinsic characteristics of the sensors and their functional behaviors, then I have provided a model of semantic representation and reasoning under uncertainty coupled with the Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence (DST) for decision makingEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Stratégies pour le raisonnement sur le contexte dans les environnements d assistance pour les personnes âgées

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    Tirant parti de notre expérience avec une approche traditionnelle des environnements d'assistance ambiante (AAL) qui repose sur l'utilisation de nombreuses technologies hétérogènes dans les déploiements, cette thèse étudie la possibilité d'une approche simplifiée et complémentaire, ou seul un sous-ensemble hardware réduit est déployé, initiant un transfert de complexité vers le côté logiciel. Axé sur les aspects de raisonnement dans les systèmes AAL, ce travail a permis à la proposition d'un moteur d'inférence sémantique adapté à l'utilisation particulière à ces systèmes, répondant ainsi à un besoin de la communauté scientifique. Prenant en compte la grossière granularité des données situationnelles disponible avec une telle approche, un ensemble de règles dédiées avec des stratégies d'inférence adaptées est proposé, implémenté et validé en utilisant ce moteur. Un mécanisme de raisonnement sémantique novateur est proposé sur la base d'une architecture de raisonnement inspiré du système cognitif. Enfin, le système de raisonnement est intégré dans un framework de provision de services sensible au contexte, se chargeant de l'intelligence vis-à-vis des données contextuelles en effectuant un traitement des événements en direct par des manipulations ontologiques complexes. L ensemble du système est validé par des déploiements in-situ dans une maison de retraite ainsi que dans des maisons privées, ce qui en soi est remarquable dans un domaine de recherche principalement cantonné aux laboratoiresLeveraging our experience with the traditional approach to ambient assisted living (AAL) which relies on a large spread of heterogeneous technologies in deployments, this thesis studies the possibility of a more stripped down and complementary approach, where only a reduced hardware subset is deployed, probing a transfer of complexity towards the software side, and enhancing the large scale deployability of the solution. Focused on the reasoning aspects in AAL systems, this work has allowed the finding of a suitable semantic inference engine for the peculiar use in these systems, responding to a need in this scientific community. Considering the coarse granularity of situational data available, dedicated rule-sets with adapted inference strategies are proposed, implemented, and validated using this engine. A novel semantic reasoning mechanism is proposed based on a cognitively inspired reasoning architecture. Finally, the whole reasoning system is integrated in a fully featured context-aware service framework, powering its context awareness by performing live event processing through complex ontological manipulation. the overall system is validated through in-situ deployments in a nursing home as well as private homes over a few months period, which itself is noticeable in a mainly laboratory-bound research domainEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Applying Model Checking to Pervasive Computing Systems

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    Augmentation of Brain Function: Facts, Fiction and Controversy. Volume III: From Clinical Applications to Ethical Issues and Futuristic Ideas

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    The final volume in this tripartite series on Brain Augmentation is entitled “From Clinical Applications to Ethical Issues and Futuristic Ideas”. Many of the articles within this volume deal with translational efforts taking the results of experiments on laboratory animals and applying them to humans. In many cases, these interventions are intended to help people with disabilities in such a way so as to either restore or extend brain function. Traditionally, therapies in brain augmentation have included electrical and pharmacological techniques. In contrast, some of the techniques discussed in this volume add specificity by targeting select neural populations. This approach opens the door to where and how to promote the best interventions. Along the way, results have empowered the medical profession by expanding their understanding of brain function. Articles in this volume relate novel clinical solutions for a host of neurological and psychiatric conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), traumatic brain injury, and disorders of consciousness. In disease, symptoms and signs denote a departure from normal function. Brain augmentation has now been used to target both the core symptoms that provide specificity in the diagnosis of a disease, as well as other constitutional symptoms that may greatly handicap the individual. The volume provides a report on the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in ASD with reported improvements of core deficits (i.e., executive functions). TMS in this regard departs from the present-day trend towards symptomatic treatment that leaves unaltered the root cause of the condition. In diseases, such as schizophrenia, brain augmentation approaches hold promise to avoid lengthy pharmacological interventions that are usually riddled with side effects or those with limiting returns as in the case of Parkinson’s disease. Brain stimulation can also be used to treat auditory verbal hallucination, visuospatial (hemispatial) neglect, and pain in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. The brain acts as a telecommunication transceiver wherein different bandwidth of frequencies (brainwave oscillations) transmit information. Their baseline levels correlate with certain behavioral states. The proper integration of brain oscillations provides for the phenomenon of binding and central coherence. Brain augmentation may foster the normalization of brain oscillations in nervous system disorders. These techniques hold the promise of being applied remotely (under the supervision of medical personnel), thus overcoming the obstacle of travel in order to obtain healthcare. At present, traditional thinking would argue the possibility of synergism among different modalities of brain augmentation as a way of increasing their overall effectiveness and improving therapeutic selectivity. Thinking outside of the box would also provide for the implementation of brain-to-brain interfaces where techniques, proper to artificial intelligence, could allow us to surpass the limits of natural selection or enable communications between several individual brains sharing memories, or even a global brain capable of self-organization. Not all brains are created equal. Brain stimulation studies suggest large individual variability in response that may affect overall recovery/treatment, or modify desired effects of a given intervention. The subject’s age, gender, hormonal levels may affect an individual’s cortical excitability. In addition, this volume discusses the role of social interactions in the operations of augmenting technologies. Finally, augmenting methods could be applied to modulate consciousness, even though its neural mechanisms are poorly understood. Finally, this volume should be taken as a debate on social, moral and ethical issues on neurotechnologies. Brain enhancement may transform the individual into someone or something else. These techniques bypass the usual routes of accommodation to environmental exigencies that exalted our personal fortitude: learning, exercising, and diet. This will allow humans to preselect desired characteristics and realize consequent rewards without having to overcome adversity through more laborious means. The concern is that humans may be playing God, and the possibility of an expanding gap in social equity where brain enhancements may be selectively available to the wealthier individuals. These issues are discussed by a number of articles in this volume. Also discussed are the relationship between the diminishment and enhancement following the application of brain-augmenting technologies, the problem of “mind control” with BMI technologies, free will the duty to use cognitive enhancers in high-responsibility professions, determining the population of people in need of brain enhancement, informed public policy, cognitive biases, and the hype caused by the development of brain- augmenting approaches