1,264 research outputs found

    SPaCIFY: a Formal Model-Driven Engineering for Spacecraft On-Board Software

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    International audienceThe aim of this article is to present a model- driven approach proposed by the SPaCIFY project for spacecraft on-board software development. This ap- proach is based on a formal globally asynchronous lo- cally synchronous language called Synoptic, and on a set of transformations allowing code generation and model verification

    CSP channels for CAN-bus connected embedded control systems

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    Closed loop control system typically contains multitude of sensors and actuators operated simultaneously. So they are parallel and distributed in its essence. But when mapping this parallelism to software, lot of obstacles concerning multithreading communication and synchronization issues arise. To overcome this problem, the CT kernel/library based on CSP algebra has been developed. This project (TES.5410) is about developing communication extension to the CT library to make it applicable in distributed systems. Since the library is tailored for control systems, properties and requirements of control systems are taken into special consideration. Applicability of existing middleware solutions is examined. A comparison of applicable fieldbus protocols is done in order to determine most suitable ones and CAN fieldbus is chosen to be first fieldbus used. Brief overview of CSP and existing CSP based libraries is given. Middleware architecture is proposed along with few novel ideas

    Programming distributed and adaptable autonomous components--the GCM/ProActive framework

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    International audienceComponent-oriented software has become a useful tool to build larger and more complex systems by describing the application in terms of encapsulated, loosely coupled entities called components. At the same time, asynchronous programming patterns allow for the development of efficient distributed applications. While several component models and frameworks have been proposed, most of them tightly integrate the component model with the middleware they run upon. This intertwining is generally implicit and not discussed, leading to entangled, hard to maintain code. This article describes our efforts in the development of the GCM/ProActive framework for providing distributed and adaptable autonomous components. GCM/ProActive integrates a component model designed for execution on large-scale environments, with a programming model based on active objects allowing a high degree of distribution and concurrency. This new integrated model provides a more powerful development, composition, and execution environment than other distributed component frameworks. We illustrate that GCM/ProActive is particularly adapted to the programming of autonomic component systems, and to the integration into a service-oriented environment

    The SATIN component system - a metamodel for engineering adaptable mobile systems

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    Mobile computing devices, such as personal digital assistants and mobile phones, are becoming increasingly popular, smaller, and more capable. We argue that mobile systems should be able to adapt to changing requirements and execution environments. Adaptation requires the ability-to reconfigure the deployed code base on a mobile device. Such reconfiguration is considerably simplified if mobile applications are component-oriented rather than monolithic blocks of code. We present the SATIN (system adaptation targeting integrated networks) component metamodel, a lightweight local component metamodel that offers the flexible use of logical mobility primitives to reconfigure the software system by dynamically transferring code. The metamodel is implemented in the SATIN middleware system, a component-based mobile computing middleware that uses the mobility primitives defined in the metamodel to reconfigure both itself and applications that it hosts. We demonstrate the suitability of SATIN in terms of lightweightedness, flexibility, and reusability for the creation of adaptable mobile systems by using it to implement, port, and evaluate a number of existing and new applications, including an active network platform developed for satellite communication at the European space agency. These applications exhibit different aspects of adaptation and demonstrate the flexibility of the approach and the advantages gaine

    MORPH: A Reference Architecture for Configuration and Behaviour Self-Adaptation

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    An architectural approach to self-adaptive systems involves runtime change of system configuration (i.e., the system's components, their bindings and operational parameters) and behaviour update (i.e., component orchestration). Thus, dynamic reconfiguration and discrete event control theory are at the heart of architectural adaptation. Although controlling configuration and behaviour at runtime has been discussed and applied to architectural adaptation, architectures for self-adaptive systems often compound these two aspects reducing the potential for adaptability. In this paper we propose a reference architecture that allows for coordinated yet transparent and independent adaptation of system configuration and behaviour

    Generic and adaptable online configuration verification for complex networked systems

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    International audienceDynamic reconfiguration is viewed as a promising solution for today's complex networked systems. However, considering the critical missions actual systems support, systematic dynamic reconfiguration cannot be achieved unless the accuracy and the safety of reconfiguration activities are guaranteed. In this paper, we describe a model-based approach for runtime configuration verification. Our approach uses model-driven engineering techniques to implement a platform-independent online configuration verification framework that can operate as a lightweight extension for networked systems management solutions. The framework includes a flexible and adaptable runtime verification service built upon a high-level language dedicated to the rigorous specification of configuration models and constraints guarding structural correctness and service behavior conformance. Experimental results with a real-life messaging platform show viable overhead demonstrating the feasibility of our approach

    Towards a flexible data stream analytics platform based on the GCM autonomous software component technology

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    International audienceBig data stream analytics platforms not only need to support performance-dictated elasticity benefiting for instance from Cloud environments. They should also support analytics that can evolve dynamically from the application viewpoint, given data nature can change so the necessary treatments on them. The benefit is that this can avoid to undeploy the current analytics, modify it off-line, redeploy the new version, and resume the analysis, missing data that arrived in the meantime. We also believe that such evolution should better be driven by autonomic behaviors whenever possible. We argue that a software component based technology, as the one we have developed so far, GCM/ProActive, can be a good fit to these needs. Using it, we present our solution, still under development, named GCM-streaming, which to our knowledge seems to be quite original
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