12,494 research outputs found

    Cloud Computing for Supply Chain Management and Warehouse Automation: A Case Study of Azure Cloud

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    In recent times, organizations are examining the art training situation to improve the operation efficiency and the cost of warehouse retail distribution and supply chain management. Microsoft Azure emerges as an expressive technology that leads optimization by giving infrastructure, software, and platform resolutions for the whole warehouse retail distribution and supply chain management. Using Microsoft Azure as a cloud computing tool in retail warehouse distribution and supply manacle management contributes to active and monetary benefits. At the same time, potential limitations and risks should be considered by the retail warehouse distribution and the supply chain administration investors. In this research summary of the cloud figuring tool, both public and hybrid in supply chain administration and retail, warehouse distribution is addressed. A brief introduction to the use of Microsoft Azure technology is provided. This is followed by the application of cloud computing to warehouse retail distribution and supply chain management activities. At the same time, the negative and positive aspects of familiarizing this Microsoft Azure technology in the modern supply chain and retail distribution are debated. Also, the circumstance for the third-party logistics services suppliers has indicated respect for automation and cybersecurity solutions in a cloud environment. Lastly, the upcoming research practices and following technological trends are offered as the conclusion

    Hybrid High Performance Computing (HPC) + Cloud for Scientific Computing

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    The HPC+Cloud framework has been built to enable on-premise HPC jobs to use resources from cloud computing nodes. As part of designing the software framework, public cloud providers, namely Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and NeCTAR were benchmarked against one another, and Microsoft Azure was determined to be the most suitable cloud component in the proposed HPC+Cloud software framework. Finally, an HPC+Cloud cluster was built using the HPC+Cloud software framework and then was validated by conducting HPC processing benchmarks


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi beberapa tahun belakangan ini berkembang dengan sangat pesat, seiring perkembangan teknologi yang sangat cepat ini telah mengubah paradigma masyarakat dalam mencari dan menfaatkan informasi, yaitu tidak lagi terbatas pada informasi surat kabar, audio visual elektronik, tetapi juga sumber-sumber informasi lainnya yang salah satu diantaranya adalah jaringan internet. Kebutuhan akan jaringan internet sekarang sudah menjadi hal yang biasa bagi masyarakat luas, dimana banyaknya pengguna laptop, smartphone, tablet, sudah saling terhubung melalui jaringan internet untuk saling berbagi data dan informasi, dengan tingkat kebutuhuan yang sangat pesat, maka developer membentuk sebuah sistem jaringan yang berbasis awan (cloud). Bertujuan untuk keamanan pengguna jaringan dalam menyimpan data dan informasi. Microsoft sebagai platform teknologi menciptakan sebuah layanan berbasis PaaS (platform as a services) yang disebut microsoft azure, microsoft azure juga menyediakan layanan yang berbasis SaaS (software as a services) dan IaaS (infrastruktur as a services), teknologi ini memungkinkan untuk membangun sebuah apliaksi lansung di cloud. Microsoft azure memungkinkan pengguna dapat membuat service lansung di cloud, membuat aplikasi, membuat database, membuat cloud azure active directory sebagai services central user. Hal ini bisa dilakukan pula sinkroinisasi dengan active directory yang ada di server local. Serta pengguna juga masih bisa memanfaatkan berbagai macam layanan yang telah disediakan oleh microsoft azure untuk kebutuhuan bisinis IT pengguna. Kata kunci : Cloud computing, Paas, Microsoft azur

    Teaching ICT infrastructure supported by cloud service Azure

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    In this paper the use of Microsoft Azure in the teaching of ICT infrastructure components is described. In addition, the article includes the analysis of the effect caused by Microsoft Azure on different learning goals. This article presents how we organized an optional coursework on Microsoft Azure for the students. The coursework included three parts: setting up virtual machines, setting up virtual storage, and setting up virtual networks. It also includes the analysis of the coursework based on the pre- and post-questionnaires. The empirical results did not show significant difference between those who completed the coursework and who did not complete the coursework. However, in the open-open ended responses, the students showed the positive attitude to the coursework and this reflects the quality of learning and support for the constructivist-learning paradigm. However, these responses show the need to add service management into this coursework


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    The main principles of data security and access organization in the Microsoft Azure cloud storage are considered. A role of hierarchy and access keys are presented. We describe the setup and the use of their keys (BYOK) for transparent data encryption (TDE) using Azure Key Vault keyring.Uwzględniono główne zasady bezpieczeństwa danych i organizacji dostępu w chmurze Microsoft Azure. Przedstawiono zagadnienia hierarchii ról i kluczy dostępu. Zostały opisane dostosowywanie i używanie własnych kluczy (BYOK) do przezroczystego szyfrowania danych (TDE) przy użyciu magazynu kluczy platformy Azure

    Platformization of a Cloud Service

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    The digital platform has in a few years emerged as a key concept to depict a new kind of business model, organizational form and technical architecture. The transformational power of platforms is manifested by the notion of “platformization”, referring to the drive towards the platform as a dominant infrastructural and economic model.  In this paper, we analyze the nature of platformization processes and platform dynamics. We do this by applying a historical case study approach to the evolution of one digital platform, Microsoft Azure. By presenting three narratives we show how Microsoft Azure, has evolved from being mainly an efficient cloud computing and storage service to become a cloud platform, enabling digital capabilities and innovation at an unprecedented scale. We then discuss how this transformation towards a platform, was shaped by both the evolving digital materiality of the artefacts especially in terms of convergence and generativity, and the discursive work conducted by Microsoft through their official Microsoft Azure blog. We contribute with increased knowledge of innovative cloud platforms more specifically, and platform dynamics and platformization processes more generally

    Pioneering a Prototype VPN-Based Cloud Strategy For Streamlined Library Management

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    This article showcases a prototype VPN-based cloud strategy that uses SoftEther VPN and Microsoft Azure to manage and exchange library management systems and repositories. The prototype was tested for performance, security, and scalability, and the results suggest that the VPN-based cloud strategy is a viable solution for managing distributed library repositories. By using SoftEther VPN and Microsoft Azure, the prototype provided secure communication and scalability to handle large numbers of concurrent users. Future research can explore other VPN technologies and cloud platforms to enhance the prototype\u27s capabilities and evaluate its performance in various scenarios

    Extending Office 365 with Microsoft Azure

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    The topic of this thesis is extending Office 365 with cloud services offered by Microsoft Azure. The purpose of this thesis is to identify and present Azure services which can be used to extend Office 365 functionality. The most essential services and tools are covered from built-in services to custom solutions. In addition to Azure services, Office 365 application programming interfaces are also covered as they can be used with several extension scenarios. Both Office 365 and Azure are rapidly developing cloud platforms that are constantly transforming and offering new features. This thesis will compare cloud solutions to traditional on-premises solutions and will also cover a few upcoming Azure features that can be used to extend Office 365 in the future. Almost all Azure services can be used to extend Office 365 in some way but the study is focused on common Office 365 extension scenarios. General description of each Azure service is given, after which the use cases with Office 365 are specified. This thesis provides an overview on Office 365 extension with a modern cloud computing platform. The extension scenarios are sorted under three topics which describe the usage with Office 365. Several Azure services are covered on some extension scenarios, comparing the options to achieve the most suitable solution for the case. A more profound study is presented of a single specific Office 365 extension scenario.Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin Office 365 -tuoteperheen laajentamista Microsoftin Azure-pilvipalveluiden avulla. Tavoitteena opinnäytetyössä oli selvittää, mitä Azuren palveluita voidaan käyttää Office 365 -laajentamisessa. Tutkimus on rajattu kaikkein olennaisimpiin Azuren palveluihin. Työssä kuvataan laajennusmahdollisuuksia sisäänrakennetuista palveluista ja työkaluista räätälöityihin ratkaisuihin. Azuren palveluiden lisäksi opinnäytetyössä kuvataan Office 365 -rajapinnat, jotka liittyvät moneen käsiteltävään laajennustapaukseen. Sekä Office 365 että Azure ovat Microsoftin nopeasti kehittyviä pilvipalveluja, jotka muuttuvat koko ajan tarjoten uusia ominaisuuksia. Tämä opinnäytetyö vertaa pilviratkaisuja perinteisiin paikallisiin ratkaisuihin ja esittelee myös muutaman uuden Azure-palvelun, joita voidaan hyödyntää Office 365 -laajentamisessa tulevaisuudessa. Lähes jokaista Azuren palvelua voidaan jollakin tavalla hyödyntää Office 365 -kehityksessä, mutta tutkimuksessa pyrittiin löytämään ratkaisuja yleisimpiin Office 365 -laajennustapauksiin. tarkennetaan palveluun liittyvät Office 365 -käyttötapaukset sekä palvelun käyttö kehitystyössä. Opinnäytetyö antaa kokonaiskuvan Office 365 -laajentamisesta modernin pilvipalvelun kautta. Laajennustapaukset ovat jaoteltu työssä muutaman kokonaisuuden alle. Joidenkin tapausten kohdalla kuvataan useampi Azure-palvelu, joita vertailemalla saadaan selville tapaukseen parhaiten sopiva ratkaisu. Yhden laajentamistapauksen rakentaminen Azure-palvelun avulla kuvataan opinnäytetyössä tarkemmin

    Big data framework implemented in cloud Azure

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Data Analytics for BusinessAs the technology boom of the last decades has led to a much higher availability of data, companies can leverage it to make better business decisions. There are tools and techniques available to work with large amounts of data but this report focuses on studying one particular tool: Microsoft Azure. With it, a framework for processing big data was implemented with the objective to explore the tools of one of the most popular cloud services and develop the most effective architecture maintaining cost-effectiveness and the restraints of the project. The digital ecosystem of Microsoft Azure is extremely extensive and complex, so only the relevant concepts and tools were explored, namely Databricks, Synapse Analytics, Data Factory, WebJobs and Storage. During this process a greater understanding of Microsoft Azure elements was gained, both for their applications and limits. After the exploration phase, the Architecture defined was implemented that included the entire of the big data processing lifecycle and, following the entry of the framework into production, multiple possible improvements were found that can be either implemented or further researched.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio