39 research outputs found

    Evaluation of probabilistic-temporal characteristics of a computer system with container virtualization

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    The dependence of request servicing delay on the number of deployed containers is investigated for computer systems with container virtualization. The sought-after dependency is due to the allocation of limited computational resources of the computer system between active and inactive containers loaded in the system. The conducted research proposes a comprehensive combination of analytical queuing model, simulation modeling, and natural experiments. The studied computer system is interpreted as a multi-channel queuing system with an unlimited queue. The peculiarity of the proposed approach is the study of the influence of the number of containers formed in the system on queue delays and request servicing rate. Each container is associated with a service channel, and for the operation of a container in active and inactive states, the use of part of the common resources of the computing system is required. When constructing the model, it is assumed that the input flow is simple, and the service is exponential. The service rate depends on the number of deployed containers and the number of requests in the system. The experimental dependence of service rate on the number of active containers has been established. The experimental study was carried out on a platform based on Proxmox virtualization technology with fixed resources. To study the influence of the number of active containers on service rate within the experiment, a single-threaded web server was deployed in the form of several containers managed using the portable extensible Kubernetes k3s platform. The results of calculations using the analytical model are confirmed by the results of simulation modeling implemented using the SimPy modeling library in the Python programming language. Based on the conducted research, the need to solve the optimization problem of the number of deployable containers in a computer system regarding the influence of this number on request servicing delays is shown. The conducted research can find application in the design of real-time cluster systems critical to acceptable wait service delays, ensuring the continuity of the computational process, and preserving unique data accumulated during the system operation. The proposed approaches can be applied in the creation of fault-tolerant distributed computer systems, including those operating with failure accumulation and system reconfiguration with load (request) redistribution during dynamic container migration and replication


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    Sistem monitoring dan observability untuk microservice menggunakan Elastic Stack ini merupakan implementasi dashboard dan pelaporan yang bertujuan untuk menghadirkan sistem yang tersentralisasi bagi tim bizops dan tim teknis di Logee Trans untuk memudahkan proses pendeteksian, diagnosis, dan penyelesaian masalah pada sistem yang sedang beroperasi. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan Elastic Stack yang terdiri atas Elasticsearch, Kibana, dan Logstash. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dan telah berhasil menghasilkan produk berupa dasbor yang dapat memberikan rangkuman aktivitas sistem dan performanya. Setelah dilakukan dua sesi pengukuran untuk mengidentifikasi masalah performa, penggunaan dasbor ini dapat membantu developers untuk meningkatkan performa sistem sebesar 30%.  

    Microservice Testing Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Testing is a crucial part of each code development method to which organizations devote extensive time and effort. The ever-changing industry needs of business necessitate that experts adopt and support themselves to meet the requirements in microservice testing, and in the process of doing so, contribute escalation to newer approaches and essential techniques of architecture in microservice testing from the perspective of microservice testing, the advancement of “microservice†is the result of such an activity to make the testing quality better and its impact penetrates down to the quality assurance teams. Working on testing microservice has become a newer structure of this testing architecture. This study explains the challenges that the testing world has to deal with and the effective strategies that can be predicted to overcome them while testing for applications and its design with a microservice testing approaches. This study can also serve as a guide to anyone who wants apparition into microservices and would like to know more about microservice. Testing approaches that can be developed and successfully applied while working within such a landscape. However, one of the major advantages of using microservice that it offers, efficient, flexible, effective, reusability mechanism. Furthermore, it is a secure way to reduce the development and testing time and cost. The security, performance, traceability, compatibility, complexity, effectiveness and scalability become some of the major concerns when testing approaches, frameworks, tools and models are applied for each microservice repository and no previous research addresses these concerns. In this review, we present some testing approaches, frameworks, tools and models to address all these concerns

    Migrasi dari Arsitektur Monolitik Server ke Micro Service untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Aplikasi E-Rapor

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    Baik perusahaan berskala besar seperti Amazon sampai dengan UKM telah menggunakan arsitektur microservice untuk meningkatkan skalabilitasnya. Mereka juga mempertimbangkan pembiayaan untuk mengembangkan aplikasinya. Penelitian ini akan membahas proses migrasi aplikasi E-rapor dari arsitektur monolitik ke arsitektur microservice untuk meningkatkan kinerja melayani user lebih banyak dengan waktu lebih cepat dan mengurangi biaya sumber daya. Akan dihitung pula besarnya waktu proses migrasinya. Selain proses migrasi, penyesuaian kode dan peningkatan kinerja database juga dipertimbangkan. Pada penelitian ini ditingkatkan pelayanan kepada pengguna dengan mengoptimalkan dari segi arsitektur software. Aplikasi dirombak arsitekturnya dari monolitik ke micro service dikarenakan ketika menggunakan arsitektur monolitik, skalabilitas hanya mengandalkan upgrade pada server yang besar dan tentunya membutuhkan biaya yang banyak dibandingkan micro service yang mengandalkan pengoptimalan dari sisi software dengan service worker mengacu pada pengelolaan server yang lebih baik. Hasil pengujian stresstest dari arsitektur microservice mampu menangani 90 pengguna dalam satu waktu dibanding menggunakan arsitektur monilitik yang hanya 40 pengguna dalam satu waktu. Penelitian ini berada dalam tingkat ketersiapan teknologi level 7, demonstrasi prototipe sistem telah di uji coba di SD Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3

    Pruebas de Software para Microservicios

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    Microservices have emerged as an architectural style that offers many advantages, but also poses challenges. One of these challenges revolves around testing, as an application may have hundreds or thousands of services running together, each requiring testing as they evolve. To overcome this challenge, automation takes on a key role, and along with it, the use of efficient and effective testing tools.Los microservicios han surgido como un estilo arquitectónico que ofrece muchas ventajas, pero también plantea desafíos. Uno de estos desafíos gira alrededor de las pruebas, puesto que una aplicación puede tener cientos o miles de servicios que funcionan juntos, y cada uno de ellos requiere ser probado a medida que evolucionan. Para superar este desafío, la automatización adquiere un papel clave, y junto con ella, el uso de herramientas de pruebas eficientes y eficaces

    Continuous Metadata in Continuous Integration, Stream Processing and Enterprise DataOps

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    ABSTRACTImplementations of metadata tend to favor centralized, static metadata. This depiction is at variance with the past decade of focus on big data, cloud native architectures and streaming platforms. Big data velocity can demand a correspondingly dynamic view of metadata. These trends, which include DevOps, CI/CD, DataOps and data fabric, are surveyed. Several specific cloud native tools are reviewed and weaknesses in their current metadata use are identified. Implementations are suggested which better exploit capabilities of streaming platform paradigms, in which metadata is continuously collected in dynamic contexts. Future cloud native software features are identified which could enable streamed metadata to power real time data fusion or fine tune automated reasoning through real time ontology updates