8 research outputs found

    Towards an MPI-like Framework for Azure Cloud Platform

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    Message passing interface (MPI) has been widely used for implementing parallel and distributed applications. The emergence of cloud computing offers a scalable, fault-tolerant, on-demand al-ternative to traditional on-premise clusters. In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of adopt-ing the cloud platform as an alternative to conventional MPI-based solutions. We show that cloud platform can exhibit competitive performance and benefit the users of this platform with its fault-tolerant architecture and on-demand access for a robust solution. Extensive research is done to identify the difficulties of designing and implementing an MPI-like framework for Azure cloud platform. We present the details of the key components required for implementing such a framework along with our experimental results for benchmarking multiple basic operations of MPI standard implemented in the cloud and its practical application in solving well-known large-scale algorithmic problems

    An Evaluation of One-Sided and Two-Sided Communication Paradigms on Relaxed-Ordering Interconnect

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    The Cray Gemini interconnect hardware provides multiple transfer mechanisms and out-of-order message delivery to improve communication throughput. In this paper we quantify the performance of one-sided and two-sided communication paradigms with respect to: 1) the optimal available hardware transfer mechanism, 2) message ordering constraints, 3) per node and per core message concurrency. In addition to using Cray native communication APIs, we use UPC and MPI micro-benchmarks to capture one- and two-sided semantics respectively. Our results indicate that relaxing the message delivery order can improve performance up to 4.6x when compared with strict ordering. When hardware allows it, high-level one-sided programming models can already take advantage of message reordering. Enforcing the ordering semantics of two-sided communication comes with a performance penalty. Furthermore, we argue that exposing out-of-order delivery at the application level is required for the next-generation programming models. Any ordering constraints in the language specifications reduce communication performance for small messages and increase the number of active cores required for peak throughput. © 2014 IEEE

    From reactive to proactive load balancing for task‐based parallel applications in distributed memory machines

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    Load balancing is often a challenge in task-parallel applications. The balancing problems are divided into static and dynamic. “Static” means that we have some prior knowledge about load information and perform balancing before execution, while “dynamic” must rely on partial information of the execution status to balance the load at runtime. Conventionally, work stealing is a practical approach used in almost all shared memory systems. In distributed memory systems, the communication overhead can make stealing tasks too late. To improve, people have proposed a reactive approach to relax communication in balancing load. The approach leaves one dedicated thread per process to monitor the queue status and offload tasks reactively from a slow to a fast process. However, reactive decisions might be mistaken in high imbalance cases. First, this article proposes a performance model to analyze reactive balancing behaviors and understand the bound leading to incorrect decisions. Second, we introduce a proactive approach to improve further balancing tasks at runtime. The approach exploits task-based programming models with a dedicated thread as well, namely . Nevertheless, the main idea is to force not only to monitor load; it will characterize tasks and train load prediction models by online learning. “Proactive” indicates offloading tasks before each execution phase proactively with an appropriate number of tasks at once to a potential victim (denoted by an underloaded/fast process). The experimental results confirm speedup improvements from to in important use cases compared to the previous solutions. Furthermore, this approach can support co-scheduling tasks across multiple applications

    Heterogeneous system and application communication modeling

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    With the end of Dennard scaling, high-performance computing increasingly relies on heterogeneous systems with specialized hardware to improve application performance. This trend has driven up the complexity of high-performance software development, as developers must manage multiple programming systems and develop system-tuned code to utilize specialized hardware. In addition, it has exacerbated existing challenges of data placement as the specialized hardware often has local memories to fuel its computational demands. In addition to using appropriate software resources to target application computation at the best hardware for the job, application developers now must manage data movement and placement within their application, which also must be specifically tuned to the target system. Instead of relying on the application developer to have specialized knowledge of system characteristics and specialized expertise in multiple programming systems, this work proposes a heterogeneous system communication library that automatically chooses data location and data movement for high-performance application development and execution on heterogeneous systems. This work presents the foundational components of that library: a systematic approach for characterization of system communication links and application communication demands

    Methodology and Ecosystem for the Design of a Complex Network ASIC

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    Performance of HPC systems has risen steadily. While the 10 Petaflop/s barrier has been breached in the year 2011 the next large step into the exascale era is expected sometime between the years 2018 and 2020. The EXTOLL project will be an integral part in this venture. Originally designed as a research project on FPGA basis it will make the transition to an ASIC to improve its already excelling performance even further. This transition poses many challenges that will be presented in this thesis. Nowadays, it is not enough to look only at single components in a system. EXTOLL is part of complex ecosystem which must be optimized overall since everything is tightly interwoven and disregarding some aspects can cause the whole system either to work with limited performance or even to fail. This thesis examines four different aspects in the design hierarchy and proposes efficient solutions or improvements for each of them. At first it takes a look at the design implementation and the differences between FPGA and ASIC design. It introduces a methodology to equip all on-chip memory with ECC logic automatically without the user’s input and in a transparent way so that the underlying code that uses the memory does not have to be changed. In the next step the floorplanning process is analyzed and an iterative solution is worked out based on physical and logical constraints of the EXTOLL design. Besides, a work flow for collaborative design is presented that allows multiple users to work on the design concurrently. The third part concentrates on the high-speed signal path from the chip to the connector and how it is affected by technological limitations. All constraints are analyzed and a package layout for the EXTOLL chip is proposed that is seen as the optimal solution. The last part develops a cost model for wafer and package level test and raises technological concerns that will affect the testing methodology. In order to run testing internally it proposes the development of a stand-alone test platform that is able to test packaged EXTOLL chips in every aspect