9 research outputs found

    Tropical bounds for eigenvalues of matrices

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    We show that for all k = 1,...,n the absolute value of the product of the k largest eigenvalues of an n-by-n matrix A is bounded from above by the product of the k largest tropical eigenvalues of the matrix |A| (entrywise absolute value), up to a combinatorial constant depending only on k and on the pattern of the matrix. This generalizes an inequality by Friedland (1986), corresponding to the special case k = 1.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Implementation of Algorithms Related to Convex Hulls and Tropical Varieties for Visualization

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    The study of the zero sets of polynomials is one of the main themes in Algebraic Geometry. In the study of the zero sets, the Archimedean tropical variety can be a helpful tool in approximating the norms of the zeros of a given polynomial. The main goal of this thesis is to implement the algorithm for graphically constructing the Archimedean tropical variety of polynomials in two variables (bivariate polynomials) using Sage, a free open-source mathematics software. In the process of graphically constructing the Archimedean tropical variety of bivariate polynomials, the convex hull of points in 3D will be required. This will lead us to write a Sage function based on methods and functions in Sage that will return the convex hull of points in 3D in Sage

    Polynomial-Time Amoeba Neighborhood Membership and Faster Localized Solving

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    We derive efficient algorithms for coarse approximation of algebraic hypersurfaces, useful for estimating the distance between an input polynomial zero set and a given query point. Our methods work best on sparse polynomials of high degree (in any number of variables) but are nevertheless completely general. The underlying ideas, which we take the time to describe in an elementary way, come from tropical geometry. We thus reduce a hard algebraic problem to high-precision linear optimization, proving new upper and lower complexity estimates along the way.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to a conference proceeding

    Tropical totally positive matrices

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    We investigate the tropical analogues of totally positive and totally nonnegative matrices. These arise when considering the images by the nonarchimedean valuation of the corresponding classes of matrices over a real nonarchimedean valued field, like the field of real Puiseux series. We show that the nonarchimedean valuation sends the totally positive matrices precisely to the Monge matrices. This leads to explicit polyhedral representations of the tropical analogues of totally positive and totally nonnegative matrices. We also show that tropical totally nonnegative matrices with a finite permanent can be factorized in terms of elementary matrices. We finally determine the eigenvalues of tropical totally nonnegative matrices, and relate them with the eigenvalues of totally nonnegative matrices over nonarchimedean fields.Comment: The first author has been partially supported by the PGMO Program of FMJH and EDF, and by the MALTHY Project of the ANR Program. The second author is sported by the French Chateaubriand grant and INRIA postdoctoral fellowshi