260 research outputs found

    Overview of 3D Video: Coding Algorithms, Implementations and Standardization

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb Linköping Institute of TechnologyEnglish: 3D technologies have aroused a great interest over the world in the last years. Television, cinema and videogames are introducing, little by little, 3D technologies into the mass market. This comes as a result of the research done in the 3D field, solving many of its limitations such as quality, contents creation or 3D displays. This thesis focus on 3D video, considering concepts that concerns the coding issues and the video formats. The aim is to provide an overview of the current state of 3D video, including the standardization and some interesting implementations and alternatives that exist. In the report necessary background information is presented in order to understand the concepts developed: compression techniques, the different video formats, their standardization and some advances or alternatives to the processes previously explained. Finally, a comparison between the different concepts is presented to complete the overview, ending with some conclusions and proposed ideas for future works.Castellano: Las tecnologías 3D han despertado un gran interés en todo el mundo en los últimos años. Televisión, cine y videojuegos están introduciendo, poco a poco, ésta tecnología en el mercado. Esto es resultado de la investigación realizada en el campo de las 3D, solucionando muchas de sus limitaciones, como la calidad, la creación de contenidos o las pantallas 3D. Este proyecto se centra en el video 3D, considerando los conceptos relacionados con la codificación y los formatos de vídeo. El objetivo es proporcionar una visión del estado actual del vídeo 3D, incluyendo los estándares y algunas de las implementaciones más interesantes que existen. En la memoria, se presenta información adicional para facilitar el seguimiento de los conceptos desarrollados: técnicas de compresión, formatos de vídeo, su estandarización y algunos avances o alternativas a los procesos explicados. Finalmente, se presentan diferentes comparaciones entre los conceptos tratados, acabando el documento con las conclusiones obtenidas e ideas propuestas para futuros trabajos.Català: Les tecnologies 3D han despertat un gran interès a tot el món en els últims anys. Televisió, cinema i videojocs estan introduint, lentament, aquesta tecnologia en el mercat. Això és resultat de la investigació portada a terme en el camp de les 3D, solucionant moltes de les seves limitacions, com la qualitat, la creació de continguts o les pantalles 3D. Aquest proyecte es centra en el video 3D, considerant els conceptes relacionats amb la codificació i els formats de video. L'objectiu és proporcionar una visió de l'estat actual del video 3D, incloent-hi els estandàrds i algunes de les implementacions més interessants que existeixen. A la memòria, es presenta informació adicional per facilitar el seguiment dels conceptes desenvolupats: tècniques de compressió, formats de video, la seva estandardització i alguns avenços o alternatives als procesos explicats. Finalment, es presenten diferents comparacions entre els conceptes tractats i les conclusions obtingudes, juntament amb propostes per a futurs treballs

    HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction

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    Holoscopic imaging, also known as integral, light field, and plenoptic imaging, is an appealing technology for glassless 3D video systems, which has recently emerged as a prospective candidate for future image and video applications, such as 3D television. However, to successfully introduce 3D holoscopic video applications into the market, adequate coding tools that can efficiently handle 3D holoscopic video are necessary. In this context, this paper discusses the requirements and challenges for 3D holoscopic video coding, and presents an efficient 3D holoscopic coding scheme based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). The proposed 3D holoscopic codec makes use of the self-similarity (SS) compensated prediction concept to efficiently explore the inherent correlation of the 3D holoscopic content in Intra- and Inter-coded frames, as well as a novel vector prediction scheme to take advantage of the peculiar characteristics of the SS prediction data. Extensive experiments were conducted, and have shown that the proposed solution is able to outperform HEVC as well as other coding solutions proposed in the literature. Moreover, a consistently better performance is also observed for a set of different quality metrics proposed in the literature for 3D holoscopic content, as well as for the visual quality of views synthesized from decompressed 3D holoscopic content.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Discontinuity-Aware Base-Mesh Modeling of Depth for Scalable Multiview Image Synthesis and Compression

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    This thesis is concerned with the challenge of deriving disparity from sparsely communicated depth for performing disparity-compensated view synthesis for compression and rendering of multiview images. The modeling of depth is essential for deducing disparity at view locations where depth is not available and is also critical for visibility reasoning and occlusion handling. This thesis first explores disparity derivation methods and disparity-compensated view synthesis approaches. Investigations reveal the merits of adopting a piece-wise continuous mesh description of depth for deriving disparity at target view locations to enable disparity-compensated backward warping of texture. Visibility information can be reasoned due to the correspondence relationship between views that a mesh model provides, while the connectivity of a mesh model assists in resolving depth occlusion. The recent JPEG 2000 Part-17 extension defines tools for scalable coding of discontinuous media using breakpoint-dependent DWT, where breakpoints describe discontinuity boundary geometry. This thesis proposes a method to efficiently reconstruct depth coded using JPEG 2000 Part-17 as a piece-wise continuous mesh, where discontinuities are driven by the encoded breakpoints. Results show that the proposed mesh can accurately represent decoded depth while its complexity scales along with decoded depth quality. The piece-wise continuous mesh model anchored at a single viewpoint or base-view can be augmented to form a multi-layered structure where the underlying layers carry depth information of regions that are occluded at the base-view. Such a consolidated mesh representation is termed a base-mesh model and can be projected to many viewpoints, to deduce complete disparity fields between any pair of views that are inherently consistent. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the base-mesh model in multiview synthesis and compression compared to other state-of-the-art methods, including the JPEG Pleno light field codec. The proposed base-mesh model departs greatly from conventional pixel-wise or block-wise depth models and their forward depth mapping for deriving disparity ingrained in existing multiview processing systems. When performing disparity-compensated view synthesis, there can be regions for which reference texture is unavailable, and inpainting is required. A new depth-guided texture inpainting algorithm is proposed to restore occluded texture in regions where depth information is either available or can be inferred using the base-mesh model

    Towards key-frame extraction methods for 3D video: a review

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    The increasing rate of creation and use of 3D video content leads to a pressing need for methods capable of lowering the cost of 3D video searching, browsing and indexing operations, with improved content selection performance. Video summarisation methods specifically tailored for 3D video content fulfil these requirements. This paper presents a review of the state-of-the-art of a crucial component of 3D video summarisation algorithms: the key-frame extraction methods. The methods reviewed cover 3D video key-frame extraction as well as shot boundary detection methods specific for use in 3D video. The performance metrics used to evaluate the key-frame extraction methods and the summaries derived from those key-frames are presented and discussed. The applications of these methods are also presented and discussed, followed by an exposition about current research challenges on 3D video summarisation methods

    Variable Block Size Motion Compensation In The Redundant Wavelet Domain

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    Video is one of the most powerful forms of multimedia because of the extensive information it delivers. Video sequences are highly correlated both temporally and spatially, a fact which makes the compression of video possible. Modern video systems employ motion estimation and motion compensation (ME/MC) to de-correlate a video sequence temporally. ME/MC forms a prediction of the current frame using the frames which have been already encoded. Consequently, one needs to transmit the corresponding residual image instead of the original frame, as well as a set of motion vectors which describe the scene motion as observed at the encoder. The redundant wavelet transform (RDWT) provides several advantages over the conventional wavelet transform (DWT). The RDWT overcomes the shift invariant problem in DWT. Moreover, RDWT retains all the phase information of wavelet coefficients and provides multiple prediction possibilities for ME/MC in wavelet domain. The general idea of variable size block motion compensation (VSBMC) technique is to partition a frame in such a way that regions with uniform translational motions are divided into larger blocks while those containing complicated motions into smaller blocks, leading to an adaptive distribution of motion vectors (MV) across the frame. The research proposed new adaptive partitioning schemes and decision criteria in RDWT that utilize more effectively the motion content of a frame in terms of various block sizes. The research also proposed a selective subpixel accuracy algorithm for the motion vector using a multiband approach. The selective subpixel accuracy reduces the computations produced by the conventional subpixel algorithm while maintaining the same accuracy. In addition, the method of overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC) is used to reduce blocking artifacts. Finally, the research extends the applications of the proposed VSBMC to the 3D video sequences. The experimental results obtained here have shown that VSBMC in the RDWT domain can be a powerful tool for video compression

    Scalable light field representation and coding

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    This Thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in light field representation and coding. In this context, proposals to improve functionalities like light field random access and scalability are also presented. As the light field representation constrains the coding approach to be used, several light field coding techniques to exploit the inherent characteristics of the most popular types of light field representations are proposed and studied, which are normally based on micro-images or sub-aperture-images. To encode micro-images, two solutions are proposed, aiming to exploit the redundancy between neighboring micro-images using a high order prediction model, where the model parameters are either explicitly transmitted or inferred at the decoder, respectively. In both cases, the proposed solutions are able to outperform low order prediction solutions. To encode sub-aperture-images, an HEVC-based solution that exploits their inherent intra and inter redundancies is proposed. In this case, the light field image is encoded as a pseudo video sequence, where the scanning order is signaled, allowing the encoder and decoder to optimize the reference picture lists to improve coding efficiency. A novel hybrid light field representation coding approach is also proposed, by exploiting the combined use of both micro-image and sub-aperture-image representation types, instead of using each representation individually. In order to aid the fast deployment of the light field technology, this Thesis also proposes scalable coding and representation approaches that enable adequate compatibility with legacy displays (e.g., 2D, stereoscopic or multiview) and with future light field displays, while maintaining high coding efficiency. Additionally, viewpoint random access, allowing to improve the light field navigation and to reduce the decoding delay, is also enabled with a flexible trade-off between coding efficiency and viewpoint random access.Esta Tese tem como objetivo avançar o estado da arte em representação e codificação de campos de luz. Neste contexto, são também apresentadas propostas para melhorar funcionalidades como o acesso aleatório ao campo de luz e a escalabilidade. Como a representação do campo de luz limita a abordagem de codificação a ser utilizada, são propostas e estudadas várias técnicas de codificação de campos de luz para explorar as características inerentes aos seus tipos mais populares de representação, que são normalmente baseadas em micro-imagens ou imagens de sub-abertura. Para codificar as micro-imagens, são propostas duas soluções, visando explorar a redundância entre micro-imagens vizinhas utilizando um modelo de predição de alta ordem, onde os parâmetros do modelo são explicitamente transmitidos ou inferidos no decodificador, respetivamente. Em ambos os casos, as soluções propostas são capazes de superar as soluções de predição de baixa ordem. Para codificar imagens de sub-abertura, é proposta uma solução baseada em HEVC que explora a inerente redundância intra e inter deste tipo de imagens. Neste caso, a imagem do campo de luz é codificada como uma pseudo-sequência de vídeo, onde a ordem de varrimento é sinalizada, permitindo ao codificador e decodificador otimizar as listas de imagens de referência para melhorar a eficiência da codificação. Também é proposta uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada na representação híbrida do campo de luz, explorando o uso combinado dos tipos de representação de micro-imagem e sub-imagem, em vez de usar cada representação individualmente. A fim de facilitar a rápida implantação da tecnologia de campo de luz, esta Tese também propõe abordagens escaláveis de codificação e representação que permitem uma compatibilidade adequada com monitores tradicionais (e.g., 2D, estereoscópicos ou multivista) e com futuros monitores de campo de luz, mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma alta eficiência de codificação. Além disso, o acesso aleatório de pontos de vista, permitindo melhorar a navegação no campo de luz e reduzir o atraso na descodificação, também é permitido com um equilíbrio flexível entre eficiência de codificação e acesso aleatório de pontos de vista

    Selected topics on distributed video coding

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    Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new paradigm for video compression based on the information theoretical results of Slepian and Wolf (SW), and Wyner and Ziv (WZ). While conventional coding has a rigid complexity allocation as most of the complex tasks are performed at the encoder side, DVC enables a flexible complexity allocation between the encoder and the decoder. The most novel and interesting case is low complexity encoding and complex decoding, which is the opposite of conventional coding. While the latter is suitable for applications where the cost of the decoder is more critical than the encoder's one, DVC opens the door for a new range of applications where low complexity encoding is required and the decoder's complexity is not critical. This is interesting with the deployment of small and battery-powered multimedia mobile devices all around in our daily life. Further, since DVC operates as a reversed-complexity scheme when compared to conventional coding, DVC also enables the interesting scenario of low complexity encoding and decoding between two ends by transcoding between DVC and conventional coding. More specifically, low complexity encoding is possible by DVC at one end. Then, the resulting stream is decoded and conventionally re-encoded to enable low complexity decoding at the other end. Multiview video is attractive for a wide range of applications such as free viewpoint television, which is a system that allows viewing the scene from a viewpoint chosen by the viewer. Moreover, multiview can be beneficial for monitoring purposes in video surveillance. The increased use of multiview video systems is mainly due to the improvements in video technology and the reduced cost of cameras. While a multiview conventional codec will try to exploit the correlation among the different cameras at the encoder side, DVC allows for separate encoding of correlated video sources. Therefore, DVC requires no communication between the cameras in a multiview scenario. This is an advantage since communication is time consuming (i.e. more delay) and requires complex networking. Another appealing feature of DVC is the fact that it is based on a statistical framework. Moreover, DVC behaves as a natural joint source-channel coding solution. This results in an improved error resilience performance when compared to conventional coding. Further, DVC-based scalable codecs do not require a deterministic knowledge of the lower layers. In other words, the enhancement layers are completely independent from the base layer codec. This is called the codec-independent scalability feature, which offers a high flexibility in the way the various layers are distributed in a network. This thesis addresses the following topics: First, the theoretical foundations of DVC as well as the practical DVC scheme used in this research are presented. The potential applications for DVC are also outlined. DVC-based schemes use conventional coding to compress parts of the data, while the rest is compressed in a distributed fashion. Thus, different conventional codecs are studied in this research as they are compared in terms of compression efficiency for a rich set of sequences. This includes fine tuning the compression parameters such that the best performance is achieved for each codec. Further, DVC tools for improved Side Information (SI) and Error Concealment (EC) are introduced for monoview DVC using a partially decoded frame. The improved SI results in a significant gain in reconstruction quality for video with high activity and motion. This is done by re-estimating the erroneous motion vectors using the partially decoded frame to improve the SI quality. The latter is then used to enhance the reconstruction of the finally decoded frame. Further, the introduced spatio-temporal EC improves the quality of decoded video in the case of erroneously received packets, outperforming both spatial and temporal EC. Moreover, it also outperforms error-concealed conventional coding in different modes. Then, multiview DVC is studied in terms of SI generation, which differentiates it from the monoview case. More specifically, different multiview prediction techniques for SI generation are described and compared in terms of prediction quality, complexity and compression efficiency. Further, a technique for iterative multiview SI is introduced, where the final SI is used in an enhanced reconstruction process. The iterative SI outperforms the other SI generation techniques, especially for high motion video content. Finally, fusion techniques of temporal and inter-view side informations are introduced as well, which improves the performance of multiview DVC over monoview coding. DVC is also used to enable scalability for image and video coding. Since DVC is based on a statistical framework, the base and enhancement layers are completely independent, which is an interesting property called codec-independent scalability. Moreover, the introduced DVC scalable schemes show a good robustness to errors as the quality of decoded video steadily decreases with error rate increase. On the other hand, conventional coding exhibits a cliff effect as the performance drops dramatically after a certain error rate value. Further, the issue of privacy protection is addressed for DVC by transform domain scrambling, which is used to alter regions of interest in video such that the scene is still understood and privacy is preserved as well. The proposed scrambling techniques are shown to provide a good level of security without impairing the performance of the DVC scheme when compared to the one without scrambling. This is particularly attractive for video surveillance scenarios, which is one of the most promising applications for DVC. Finally, a practical DVC demonstrator built during this research is described, where the main requirements as well as the observed limitations are presented. Furthermore, it is defined in a setup being as close as possible to a complete real application scenario. This shows that it is actually possible to implement a complete end-to-end practical DVC system relying only on realistic assumptions. Even though DVC is inferior in terms of compression efficiency to the state of the art conventional coding for the moment, strengths of DVC reside in its good error resilience properties and the codec-independent scalability feature. Therefore, DVC offers promising possibilities for video compression with transmission over error-prone environments requirement as it significantly outperforms conventional coding in this case

    A Scalable Multiple Description Scheme for 3D Video Coding Based on the Interlayer Prediction Structure

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    The most recent literature indicates multiple description coding (MDC) as a promising coding approach to handle the problem of video transmission over unreliable networks with different quality and bandwidth constraints. Furthermore, following recent commercial availability of autostereoscopic 3D displays that allow 3D visual data to be viewed without the use of special headgear or glasses, it is anticipated that the applications of 3D video will increase rapidly in the near future. Moving from the concept of spatial MDC, in this paper we introduce some efficient algorithms to obtain 3D substreams that also exploit some form of scalability. These algorithms are then applied to both coded stereo sequences and to depth image-based rendering (DIBR). In these algorithms, we first generate four 3D subsequences by subsampling, and then two of these subsequences are jointly used to form each of the two descriptions. For each description, one of the original subsequences is predicted from the other one via some scalable algorithms, focusing on the inter layer prediction scheme. The proposed algorithms can be implemented as pre- and postprocessing of the standard H.264/SVC coder that remains fully compatible with any standard coder. The experimental results presented show that these algorithms provide excellent results