41 research outputs found

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems

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    Managing knowledge means managing the processes of creation, development, distribution and utilisation of knowledge in order to improve organisational performance and increase competitive capacity. However, serious difficulties arise when attempts are made to implement knowledge management in enterprises. One of the reasons behind this situation is the lack of suitable methodologies for guiding the process of development and implementation of a Knowledge Management System, which is a computer system that allows the processes of creating, collecting, organising, accessing and using knowledge to be automated as far as possible. In this paper we propose a methodology for directing the process of developing and implementing a Knowledge Management System in any type of organisation. The methodology is organised in phases and outlines the activities to be performed, the techniques and supporting tools to be used, and the expected results for each phase. In addition, we show how the proposed methodology can be applied to the particular case of an enterpris

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0

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    Web 2.0 and Big Data tools can be used to develop knowledge management systems based on facilitating the participation and collaboration of people in order to enhance knowledge. The paper presents a methodology that can help organizations with the use of Web 2.0 and Big Data tools to discover, gather, manage and apply their knowledge by making the process of implementing a knowledge management system faster and simpler. First, an initial version of the methodology was developed and it was then applied to an oil and gas company in order to analyze and refine it. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the methodology, since it helped this company to carry out the implementation quickly and effectively, thereby allowing the company to gain the maximum benefits from existing knowledge

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0 - A Case Study in an Oil and Gas Company

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    Web 2.0 and Big Data tools can be used to develop knowledge management systems based on facilitating the participation and collaboration of people in order to enhance knowledge. The paper presents a methodology that can help organizations with the use of Web 2.0 and Big Data tools to discover, gather, manage and apply their knowledge by making the process of implementing a knowledge management system faster and simpler. First, an initial version of the methodology was developed and it was then applied to an oil and gas company in order to analyze and refine it. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the methodology, since it helped this company to carry out the implementation quickly and effectively, thereby allowing the company to gain the maximum benefits from existing knowledge

    Experiences in the development of big data for enterprise management course

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    Comunicació presentada a EDULEARN17. 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (Barcelona, Spain 3-5 July, 2017)The Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón, Spain, is teaching the Master's Degree in Intelligent Systems. The main objective is to cover the great lack of consistent and updated Intelligent Systems skills in the university graduate students. It involves perception, learning and automated decision processes, robotic manipulation, data storage and processing, contextual information, visualisation and interactive environments. The master is composed of 20 courses. One of them addresses the development and implementation of a Big Data ecosystem in an organization. Big Data has become a key factor for organizations to gain a competitive advantage over competitors because it can help to bring a lot of benefits to organizations, such as to develop new products or services; make better, quick and automated strategic and operational decisions; or identify what was happened, and predict what will happen in the immediate future. The big data for enterprise management course equips students with the necessary basic knowledge and competencies they need to design and utilize Big Data for enterprise management, considering not only technological aspects, but also the management of organization policies and people. The aim of this paper is to describe the course objectives, the target competencies, the course contents, the assessments, and how the teaching methodology and the resources are used to teach the subject

    Integrating the objectives of sustainable development into teaching

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    The approval in September 2015 of the 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals (SDG) by the General Assembly of the United Nations will change the work paradigm in countries, companies, and citizens. The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Universities cannot be excluded from these changes. Thus, the agreement signed among different Spanish universities and the Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation of the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) promotes greater knowledge of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs by the university community. This paper describes the research project carried out by the educational innovation group of the Jaume I University of Castellón to integrate the objectives of sustainable development into teaching. Paper shows the general and specific objectives of the project, the work plan developed, the indicators used to measure the success of the project, and the results achieved. The benefits of the project are summarized in: (1) the identification of the necessary skills for sustainability both in teachers and students, (2) the evaluation and comparison of teachers and students’ sustainability and SDG knowledge through a questionnaire, (3) the re-design of the curriculum of different subjects

    Experiences in the development of a sustainable scorecard for enterprise sustainability course

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    The Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón, Spain and the National Distance Education University (UNED) are teaching together the Master's Degree in Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility. The main objective is to study the concepts of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and their multiple dimensions. This master’s degree aims to train professionals to practically apply the approach of ethics, sustainability and social and environmental responsibility to existing business models, and to other public and private organizations, such as not-for profit organizations and government public bodies. The master is composed of different courses. One of them is focused in how to build a sustainable scorecard to support enterprise sustainability decisions making. A sustainable scorecard is a performance measurement and management system aiming at balancing financial and non-financial as well as short and long-term measures. It is one of the most effective tools in evaluating potential investments and initiatives by better integration of the environmental, social and economic aspects of corporate sustainability measurement and management. The sustainable scorecard for enterprise sustainability course equips students with the necessary basic knowledge and competencies they need to design and utilize a sustainable scorecard for enterprise management, considering not only technological aspects, but also the management of organization policies and people. The aim of this paper is to describe the subject objectives, the target competencies, the subject contents, the assessments, and how the teaching methodology and the resources are used to teach the subject

    Prospects & Challenges of Implementing Knowledge Management System in IT Industry

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    Recent past has seen an epidemic growth in the adoption of strategic information systems. In order to be successful, enterprises are putting in huge investments into implementation of information technology (IT) and knowledge management systems (KMS). KMS implementation in an IT industry has been discussed in this paper. Several challenges including multiple information sources, access control, and employee’s mistrust among others are being identified along with their possible solutions. Later foreseen benefits of KMS implementation including quicker problem identification, faster response time, and cost saving among others are being highlighted. The paper concludes with revealing future research possibilities

    Implications of Knowledge Management in Vocational Education

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    This study analyzes the differences between the levels of management knowledge possessed by vocational high school teachers. The problem in this research is the shortage of vocational teachers who teach productive subjects, so that there is a gap in the skills possessed by graduates. This study uses a quantitative approach with Chi-Squared analysis, data collection is done by distributing online questionnaires and documents. The sample amounted to 62 respondents using a non-probability sampling technique, namely saturated sampling. The results showed that there was no significant difference between knowledge management and the category of teachers (vocational and non-vocational). These results mean that every teacher who teaches at Muhammadiyah vocational schools has the same knowledge competence in designing, organizing, carrying out tasks, and controlling school programs

    The contribution of organizational intelligence in creating value in companies: the case of European Airlines

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    Organizational knowledge management distinguishes organizations management within the field of business process management, aiming to sustain knowledge and intelligence towards value creation. The presented research aims to verify if the application of knowledge management within a European airline results in Organizational Intelligence and leads towards value creation, applied via effective and efficient business process management. The approach considers a conceptual reference framework towards Organizational Intelligence creation. The results of the applied methodology sustain a case study approach focusing on the 2014 project portfolio within the IT department of ABC-airline. The executed survey conducts information with specific reference to the present executed projects, applying further methodologies, presented within the conceptual reference framework. A case study approach, aligned with a survey implementation, questions the integration of knowledge management, the creation of value and with reference to business processes, defines the maturity levels – such as ad hoc, defined, standardized, measured, controlled and continuous improvement – within the organization. The survey accesses the degree of process maturity, leading towards a strategic recommendation grounded on the results, which indicate the internal implementation level of knowledge management and business process management. The results stress the importance of knowledge management contribution towards the creation of Organizational Intelligence, based on business process maturity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A KM perspective on implementing an electronic patient record within an NHS hospital

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    The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is being developed by many hospitals in the UK and across the globe. We class an EPR system as a type of Knowledge Management System (KMS), in that it is a technological tool developed to support the process of knowledge management (KM). Healthcare organisations aim to use these systems to provide a vehicle for more informed and improved clinical decision making thereby delivering reduced errors and risks, enhanced quality and consequently offering enhanced patient safety. Finding an effective way for a healthcare organisation to practically implement these systems is essential. In this study we use the concept of the business process approach to KM as a theoretical lens to analyse and explore how a large NHS teaching hospital developed, executed and practically implemented an EPR system. This theory advocates the importance of taking into account all organizational activities - the business processes - in considering any KM initiatives. Approaching KM through business processes allows for a more holistic view of the requirements across a process: emphasis is placed on how particular activities are performed, how they are structured and what knowledge demanded and not just supplied across each process. This falls in line with the increased emphasis in healthcare on patient-centred approaches to care delivery. We have found in previous research that hospitals are happy with the delivery of patient care being referred to as their 'business'. A qualitative study was conducted over a two and half year period with data collected from semi-structured interviews with eight members of the strategic management team, 12 clinical users and 20 patients in addition to non- participant observation of meetings and documentary data. We believe that the inclusion of patients within the study may well be the first time this has been done in examining the implementation of a KMS. The theoretical propositions strategy was used as the overarching approach for data analysis. Here Initial theoretical research themes and propositions were used to help shape and organise the case study analysis. This paper will present preliminary findings about the hospital's business strategy and its links to the KMS strategy and process