5 research outputs found

    A Service based Development Environment on Web 2.0 Platforms

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    Governments are investing on the IT adoption and promoting the socalled e-economies as a way to improve competitive advantages. One of the main government’s actions is to provide internet access to the most part of the population, people and organisations. Internet provides the required support for connecting organizations, people and geographically distributed developments teams. Software developments are tightly related to the availability of tools and platforms needed for products developments. Internet is becoming the most widely used platform. Software forges such as SourceForge provide an integrated tools environment gathering a set of tools that are suited for each development with a low cost. In this paper we propose an innovating approach based on Web2.0, services and a method engineering approach for software developments. This approach represents one of the possible usages of the internet of the future

    Integration Methodologies for Disparate Software Packages with an Emphasis on Usability

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    This paper describes a novel approach to program script generation. The goals are twofold: to allow a number of different software packages to be implemented together and to permit a user with little or no programming skill to produce executable code. The principles and requirements of such a system are discussed and an outline approach is suggested. A case study based on electric motor design is presented for which early results are encouraging. Future development is considered in conclusion

    Towards the Improvement of the Software Quality: An Enterprise 2.0 Architecture for Distributed Software Developments.

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    Software development is tightly dependent on the tools available for supporting its processes. Organizational and sociotechnical peculiarities such as indefinition of roles, geographically distributed development teams, new business models and diverse cultural interactions steer these tools. Software development supported by web-based services, built on top of Web 2.0 technologies, is emerging as a new paradigm for distributed software development. New generation software forges (web-based development environments) such as EzForge are becoming the infrastructure that provides the required features for hosting collections of software development projects. They are composed of an integrated set of tools, interacting in a mashup-like environment, each one suited for a specific task, and therefore simple enough to keep total complexity low. An adequate selection of tools helps developers to focus on the implementation of the requirements, while at the same time they cope with complex information coming from many individuals and organizations. The complexity of distributed software development requires a controlled and a strong collaboration amongst developers, which has to be supported by the selected architecture. Moreover, an increased demand on quality assurance is required by the many organizations aiming to achieve a certain quality level. A new architecture based on the Web 2.0 core ideas and methods overcomes these challenges in software development, representing a cornerstone to achieve satisfactory results in this ambitious environment

    Metodologia para desenvolvimento de soluções baseadas em arquitetura orientada a serviços para força de trabalho terceirizada

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    Dissertação (mestrado)–Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2013.Para que os sistemas baseados em SOA obtenham os benefícios esperados, os princípios conhecidos da engenharia de software tradicional precisam ser adaptados para desenvolvimento orientado a serviços. São necessárias abordagens sistemáticas para a concepção, desenvolvimento e manutenção de sistemas orientados a serviços. Essa abordagem é conhecida como Engenharia de Software Orientada a Serviços - SOSE. A impossibilidade de utilização de metodologias de desenvolvimento SOA existentes, quer seja pela ausência de informações detalhadas ou, principalmente, pela desconsideração de forças de trabalho terceirizadas no processo, foi fator determinante para a elaboração deste trabalho. Para atingir o objetivo de criar uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de soluções baseadas em SOA, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e estudos de caso, tanto para sua elaboração como para sua validação em situação real de execução. A base da metodologia proposta é constituída de três pilares: a definição de unidades funcionais, onde são agrupadas tarefas e atividades técnicas relacionadas, definindo escopos claros de terceirização e responsabilidades; perfis profissionais, que explicitam as competências necessárias requeridas em cada etapa e; os processos e artefatos, que definem as atividades que devem ser realizadas e seus entregáveis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTFor systems based on SOA obtain the expected benefits, the known principles of traditional software engineering need to be adapted to service-oriented development. Systematic approaches are needed for the design, development and maintenance of service-oriented systems. This approach is known as Software Engineering Service Oriented - SOSE. The impossibility of using existing SOA development methodologies, either by lack of detailed information or mainly by disregard of outsourced workforces in the process, was the determining factor for the development of this work. To achieve the objective of creating a development methodology for SOA-based solutions, literature searches and case studies were conducted, for both its development and validation in the real implementation. The basis of the proposed methodology consists of three pillars: the definition of functional units, where tasks and technichal related activities are grouped, defining outsourcing and responsibilities clear scopes; professional profiles, that explain the skills required at each stage and; processes and artifacts, that define the activities that must be performed and their deliverables