870 research outputs found

    METS Schema: a general review

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    Introduction to the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard with discussion about how this schema supports access and discoverability and preservation activities

    METS as an ‘intermediary’ schema for a digital library of complex scientific multimedia

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    The use of the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) schema as a mechanism for delivering a digital library of complex scientific multimedia is examined as an alternative to the Fedora Content Model (FCM). Using METS as an 'intermediary' schema, where it functions as a template which is populated with content metadata on-the-fly using an XSLT transformation, it is possible to replicate the flexibility of structure and granularity of FCM while avoiding its complexity and often substantial demands on developers

    MoPark Initiative, Metadata Options Appraisal (Phase I)

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    Examines – and makes recommendations on - the needs of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park as regards the metadata, metadata standards, and metadata management required for the competent handling of digital materials both now and in the future. Proposes an iterative approach to determining metadata requirements, working within a METS-based framework

    METS For The Cultural Heritage Community: A Literature Review

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    METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is an XML-based, data communication standard used for digital collections in cultural heritage institutions, including libraries, archives, and museums, and maintained by the Library of Congress. Recent articles have been written for those in the cultural heritage community who may find METS beneficial. Even so, the uses of METS are still being discovered in terms of best practices and interoperability. One of the main issues with METS is how it can be used with external schemas such as MODS, PREMIS, or Dublin Core. This paper includes a brief description of METS as a wrapper with external metadata schemas, followed by a literature review focusing on METS’ development since 2001, and its recent uses with external schemas

    The Effect of Syntax on Interoperability among Metadata Standards: Another step towards Integrating Information Systems

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    This research aims to find out the effect of syntax on interoperability among metadata standards. The interoperability of “MARC21 in XML (MARCXML)”, “Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)”, “Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)”, “Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS)”, “Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)”, “PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategy (PREMIS)”, “Technical Metadata for Text (TextMD)”, and “Metadata for Images in XML (MIX)” are examined. The first section of the paper describes the tools and types of interoperability among metadata standards. In the second section, METS is selected as a core standard. Finally, models of how the studied metadata standards interact with each other and with METS, based on an analytical-systematic approach, are investigated, and some patterns adapted with each model are planned. The results show that the use of appropriate syntax plays a key role in interoperating metadata standards, and leads to information system integration

    Pendekatan Steganografi dengan LSB untuk Menggabungkan Metadata METS ke File Grafik pada Multimedia Database

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    Pada multimedia database, pencarian sebuah obyek grafik pada database adalah merupakan sebuah kesulitan yang besar. Salah satu pendekatan yang banyak digunakan adalah dengan memperkaya metadata dari sebuah obyek grafik agar dalam pencarian kembali pada databse menjadi lebih mudah. Pada penelitian kami, yang menjadi permasalahan adalah model metadata seperti apa yang bermanfaat untuk multimedia database. Hal selanjutnya adalah menentukan model pendekatan dalam merepresentasi metadata. Langkah berikutnya adalah bagaimana menyisipkan metadata tersebut ke dalam file gambar sehingga tidak merusak file gambar dan mudah di re-ekstrak untuk mendapatkan metadata awalnya. Metadata yang menjadi pilihan adalah akan berbasis kepada model METS (The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard). Penulisan metadata tersebut akan menggunakan model XML yang diperkaya dengan RDF. Untuk menyisipkan data, kami memanfaatkan model pendekatan Steganografi berbasiskan LSB. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan secara langsung untuk multimedia database, tata kelola gambar bahkan juga untuk keamanan suatu gambar yang sensitif agar terhindar dari kesalahan pemilihan gambar

    Reliable Witnesses: Integrating Multimedia, Distributed Electronic Textual Editions into Library Collections

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    The Reliable Witnesses project addresses current vulnerabilities of distributed electronic textual editions and integrates such projects into library collections through workflows for acquisition, description, and preservation. Electronic editions of unique manuscript materials represent an important part of our cultural heritage, providing access to materials otherwise inaccessible to most users, serving as incubators for cutting-edge scholarship, and providing a platform for technological innovation. However, e-text projects frequently employ infrastructures from a variety of resources, and such innovative, distributed designs can result in projects that are not easily integrated into library collections, which consist primarily of traditional print and subscription digital resources. The Reliable Witnesses project will result in local best practices for meeting these challenges as well as a generalized life-cycle model that other institutions can adapt to their needs

    Multimedia repositories in learning and teaching – lessons from the MIDESS Project

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    The MIDESS project brought together 4 UK universities to explore the management of digitised content through the development of a digital repository infrastructure. The project focused on multimedia materials in particular and looked at how support can be provided for their use in a learning and research context and how resources can be shared both within and between institutions. Three repositories were implemented, using Fedora, DSpace and Digitool respectively. Material suitable for ingest was identified and the dialogue with academic partners in each institution helped clarify not only the complexity of the interactions required but also the value of the repository in supporting learning, teaching and research. Having established a repository platform within each institution, the project then explored how multimedia content could be exchanged and shared between the repositories, using OAI-PMH and METS as transport mechanisms. This paper will summarise the project’s main findings. In particular, it will address how a multimedia repository might fit into the information architecture of the university, the likely requirements for integration into an inter-institutional or national framework and some of the obstacles which can impede such integration. Scenarios will be presented illustrating how student learning can benefit from such a repository within a research-intensive university and the relationship between the repository and the VLE will be discussed

    Enabling quantitative data analysis through e-infrastructures

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    This paper discusses how quantitative data analysis in the social sciences can engage with and exploit an e-Infrastructure. We highlight how a number of activities which are central to quantitative data analysis, referred to as ‘data management’, can benefit from e-infrastructure support. We conclude by discussing how these issues are relevant to the DAMES (Data Management through e-Social Science) research Node, an ongoing project that aims to develop e-Infrastructural resources for quantitative data analysis in the social sciences