1,772 research outputs found

    Euripides, Cresphontes and the Messenian Mythical Tradition

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    Given the scarcity of information literary and archaeological regarding the archaic history of Messenia the available versions generally brief and incomplete are also controversial Our purpose is to focus in particular on Euripides dramatic creations inspired by the myths associated with Messenia While taking into account the dramatic and scenic features that the fragments suggest we will attempt to underline Euripides contribution to its political reading and its influence on later versions on the same subjec

    Chemical analysis of Mycenaean pottery from the Menelaion and its vicinity

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    A chemical characterisation of the Mycenaean pottery from the major prehistoric site of the Menelaion in Laconia. The study defines the the lcoal pottery production and identifies the imports from various centres

    Pausanias’ Messenian Itinerary and the Journeys of the Past

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    Messene was unusual among ancient poleis. It was one of the few major settlements on the Greek mainland to be founded in the Hellenistic period. Moreover, on account of this, its claim to a culturally authoritative past rooted in the mythic period could not rest on suppositions about the continuity of knowledge handed down through the continuation of civic, cultic, and communal institutions. This chapter examines how Pausanias’ account of Messenia (book four of his Periegesis) approaches this dilemma by making knowledge both an artefact preserved unchanged in texts, and a conceptual possession encountered and attained through travel. It goes on to argue that the interplay between these two forms of knowledge is specifically relevant to this text, since the Periegesis also serves as a fixed, written object, which nonetheless offers opportunities for autonomous exploration and experience to the hodological reader-traveler

    Voces : la voz de los mesenios bajo el dominio espartano

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    Se trata de poner de relieve hasta qué punto durante la dominación espartana existen formas de expresión propiamente mesenias y cuáles serían los medios utilizados para darlas a conocer, en la religión y en los mitos. De este modo, puede reivindicarse la validez de las fuentes sobre una interpretación de las mismas que tenga en cuenta las condiciones de su creación.______________________________The aim of this paper is underline how during the spartan domination there are forms of expression what are strictly messenian and which would be the means used to make them known, in religion and in myths. So, it is possible to claim the validity of the sources on an interpretation that considers the character of their creation

    ΘÛµις in the Mycenaean Lexicon and the Etymology of the Place-Name *ti-mi-to a-ko

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    Reassessing work by Spanish scholars Martín S. Ruipérez and Mercedes Aguirre de Castro, this paper examines words in the Linear B texts that have been connected with the later Greek word themis. New readings of several key texts and a fuller understanding of the still much-debated tablet KN V(2) 280 argue against interpreting any words as connected with themis. This is consistent with the general absence of references to legal procedures in the Mycenaean records and the conspicuous absence in the Linear B inscriptions of any derivatives of the word for the notion of 'justice' äÝëè, which occurs so prominently in historical Greek literature and even as a formative element in historical personal names. The paper further explores the significance of these conclusions for the interpretation of the toponym *ti-mi-to a-ko, a prominent provincial capital in the Pylos tablets which has been identified archaeologically as the site of Nichoria. Using the results of three separate surveys and archaeobotanical studies of the region and the work of José L. Melena and José Fortes Fortes with botanical terms from the Mycenaean and historical periods, I propose that the interpretation 'agkos of the terebinth trees' would fit both the topography of the environs of Nichoria and the attested high exploitation of products from the terebinth trees in late palatial Crete and Messenia. Stephanus of Byzantium cites the toponym Tremithous in Cyprus, and there are other examples.Estudiando de nuevo los trabajos de los investigadores españoles Martín S. Ruipérez y Mercedes Aguirre de Castro, este artículo examina los términos que en los textos en lineal B se han puesto en relación con la palabra themis del griego alfabético. Nuevas lecturas de varios textos clave y una comprensión más exacta de la tablilla KN V(2) 280, objeto todavía de una viva discusión, sirven de argumento contra la interpretación de cualquier palabra como emparentada con themis. Esto concuerda con la ausencia general de referencias a procedimientos legales en los registros micénicos y con la llamativa ausencia en las inscripciones en lineal B de cualquier derivado de la palabra que designa la noción de 'justicia': äÝëè, que aparece de forma tan destacada en la literatura del griego histórico e incluso como elemento formador de antropónimos de época histórica. El artículo investiga también el alcance de estas conclusiones para la interpretación del topónimo *ti-mi-to a-ko, una capital de provincia importante en las tablillas de Pilo, que ha sido identificada arqueológicamente con el yacimiento de Nijoria. Utilizando los resultados de tres prospecciones separadas y de estudios arqueobotánicos en la región y los trabajos de José Melena y de José Fortes Fortes con términos botánicos de los períodos micénico e histórico, propongo que la interpretación 'agkos de los árboles terebinto' se adecuaría con la topografía de los alre-dedores de Nijoria así como con la intensa explotación de productos de los árboles terebinto ates-tiguada en el último período palacial de Creta y de Mesenia. Esteban de Bizancio menciona el topónimo Tremithous en Chipre, y hay más ejemplos de tales topónimos fitonímicos. of such phytonymic toponyms