621 research outputs found

    Collaborative Broadcast in O(log log n) Rounds

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    We consider the multihop broadcasting problem for nn nodes placed uniformly at random in a disk and investigate the number of hops required to transmit a signal from the central node to all other nodes under three communication models: Unit-Disk-Graph (UDG), Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR), and the wave superposition model of multiple input/multiple output (MIMO). In the MIMO model, informed nodes cooperate to produce a stronger superposed signal. We do not consider the problem of transmitting a full message nor do we consider interference. In each round, the informed senders try to deliver to other nodes the required signal strength such that the received signal can be distinguished from the noise. We assume sufficiently high node density ρ=Ω(logn)\rho= \Omega(\log n). In the unit-disk graph model, broadcasting needs O(n/ρ)O(\sqrt{n/\rho}) rounds. In the other models, we use an Expanding Disk Broadcasting Algorithm, where in a round only triggered nodes within a certain distance from the initiator node contribute to the broadcasting operation. This algorithm achieves a broadcast in only O(lognlogρ)O(\frac{\log n}{\log \rho}) rounds in the SNR-model. Adapted to the MIMO model, it broadcasts within O(loglognloglogρ)O(\log \log n - \log \log \rho) rounds. All bounds are asymptotically tight and hold with high probability, i.e. 1nO(1)1- n^{-O(1)}.Comment: extended abstract accepted for ALGOSENSORS 201

    Reliable Communication in Wireless Networks

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    Wireless communication systems are increasingly being used in industries and infrastructures since they offer significant advantages such as cost effectiveness and scalability with respect to wired communication system. However, the broadcast feature and the unreliable links in the wireless communication system may cause more communication collisions and redundant transmissions. Consequently, guaranteeing reliable and efficient transmission in wireless communication systems has become a big challenging issue. In particular, analysis and evaluation of reliable transmission protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and radio frequency identification system (RFID) are strongly required. This thesis proposes to model, analyze and evaluate self-configuration algorithms in wireless communication systems. The objective is to propose innovative solutions for communication protocols in WSNs and RFID systems, aiming at optimizing the performance of the algorithms in terms of throughput, reliability and power consumption. The first activity focuses on communication protocols in WSNs, which have been investigated, evaluated and optimized, in order to ensure fast and reliable data transmission between sensor nodes. The second research topic addresses the interference problem in RFID systems. The target is to evaluate and develop precise models for accurately describing the interference among readers. Based on these models, new solutions for reducing collision in RFID systems have been investigated

    Connectivity, Coverage and Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless communication between sensors allows the formation of flexible sensor networks, which can be deployed rapidly over wide or inaccessible areas. However, the need to gather data from all sensors in the network imposes constraints on the distances between sensors. This survey describes the state of the art in techniques for determining the minimum density and optimal locations of relay nodes and ordinary sensors to ensure connectivity, subject to various degrees of uncertainty in the locations of the nodes

    Wireless Broadcast with Network Coding in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: DRAGONCAST

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    Network coding is a recently proposed method for transmitting data, which has been shown to have potential to improve wireless network performance. We study network coding for one specific case of multicast, broadcasting, from one source to all nodes of the network. We use network coding as a loss tolerant, energy-efficient, method for broadcast. Our emphasis is on mobile networks. Our contribution is the proposal of DRAGONCAST, a protocol to perform network coding in such a dynamically evolving environment. It is based on three building blocks: a method to permit real-time decoding of network coding, a method to adjust the network coding transmission rates, and a method for ensuring the termination of the broadcast. The performance and behavior of the method are explored experimentally by simulations; they illustrate the excellent performance of the protocol

    A survey of flooding, gossip routing, and related schemes for wireless multi- hop networks

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    Flooding is an essential and critical service in computer networks that is used by many routing protocols to send packets from a source to all nodes in the network. As the packets are forwarded once by each receiving node, many copies of the same packet traverse the network which leads to high redundancy and unnecessary usage of the sparse capacity of the transmission medium. Gossip routing is a well-known approach to improve the flooding in wireless multi-hop networks. Each node has a forwarding probability p that is either statically per-configured or determined by information that is available at runtime, e.g, the node degree. When a packet is received, the node selects a random number r. If the number r is below p, the packet is forwarded and otherwise, in the most simple gossip routing protocol, dropped. With this approach the redundancy can be reduced while at the same time the reachability is preserved if the value of the parameter p (and others) is chosen with consideration of the network topology. This technical report gives an overview of the relevant publications in the research domain of gossip routing and gives an insight in the improvements that can be achieved. We discuss the simulation setups and results of gossip routing protocols as well as further improved flooding schemes. The three most important metrics in this application domain are elaborated: reachability, redundancy, and management overhead. The published studies used simulation environments for their research and thus the assumptions, models, and parameters of the simulations are discussed and the feasibility of an application for real world wireless networks are highlighted. Wireless mesh networks based on IEEE 802.11 are the focus of this survey but publications about other network types and technologies are also included. As percolation theory, epidemiological models, and delay tolerant networks are often referred as foundation, inspiration, or application of gossip routing in wireless networks, a brief introduction to each research domain is included and the applicability of the particular models for the gossip routing is discussed

    Information Spreading in Stationary Markovian Evolving Graphs

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    Markovian evolving graphs are dynamic-graph models where the links among a fixed set of nodes change during time according to an arbitrary Markovian rule. They are extremely general and they can well describe important dynamic-network scenarios. We study the speed of information spreading in the "stationary phase" by analyzing the completion time of the "flooding mechanism". We prove a general theorem that establishes an upper bound on flooding time in any stationary Markovian evolving graph in terms of its node-expansion properties. We apply our theorem in two natural and relevant cases of such dynamic graphs. "Geometric Markovian evolving graphs" where the Markovian behaviour is yielded by "n" mobile radio stations, with fixed transmission radius, that perform independent random walks over a square region of the plane. "Edge-Markovian evolving graphs" where the probability of existence of any edge at time "t" depends on the existence (or not) of the same edge at time "t-1". In both cases, the obtained upper bounds hold "with high probability" and they are nearly tight. In fact, they turn out to be tight for a large range of the values of the input parameters. As for geometric Markovian evolving graphs, our result represents the first analytical upper bound for flooding time on a class of concrete mobile networks.Comment: 16 page