9 research outputs found

    Developing Artificial Intelligence Agents for a Turn-Based Imperfect Information Game

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is often employed to play games, whether to entertain human opponents, devise and test strategies, or obtain other analytical data. Games with hidden information require specific approaches by the player. As a result, the AI must be equipped with methods of operating without certain important pieces of information while being aware of the resulting potential dangers. The computer game GNaT was designed as a testbed for AI strategies dealing specifically with imperfect information. Its development and functionality are described, and the results of testing several strategies through AI agents are discussed

    Memory Bounded Open-Loop Planning in Large POMDPs using Thompson Sampling

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    State-of-the-art approaches to partially observable planning like POMCP are based on stochastic tree search. While these approaches are computationally efficient, they may still construct search trees of considerable size, which could limit the performance due to restricted memory resources. In this paper, we propose Partially Observable Stacked Thompson Sampling (POSTS), a memory bounded approach to open-loop planning in large POMDPs, which optimizes a fixed size stack of Thompson Sampling bandits. We empirically evaluate POSTS in four large benchmark problems and compare its performance with different tree-based approaches. We show that POSTS achieves competitive performance compared to tree-based open-loop planning and offers a performance-memory tradeoff, making it suitable for partially observable planning with highly restricted computational and memory resources.Comment: Presented at AAAI 201

    Adaptive Thompson Sampling Stacks for Memory Bounded Open-Loop Planning

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    We propose Stable Yet Memory Bounded Open-Loop (SYMBOL) planning, a general memory bounded approach to partially observable open-loop planning. SYMBOL maintains an adaptive stack of Thompson Sampling bandits, whose size is bounded by the planning horizon and can be automatically adapted according to the underlying domain without any prior domain knowledge beyond a generative model. We empirically test SYMBOL in four large POMDP benchmark problems to demonstrate its effectiveness and robustness w.r.t. the choice of hyperparameters and evaluate its adaptive memory consumption. We also compare its performance with other open-loop planning algorithms and POMCP.Comment: Accepted at IJCAI 2019. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1905.0402

    Traditional Wisdom and Monte Carlo Tree Search Face-to-Face in the Card Game Scopone

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    We present the design of a competitive artificial intelligence for Scopone, a popular Italian card game. We compare rule-based players using the most established strategies (one for beginners and two for advanced players) against players using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search (ISMCTS) with different reward functions and simulation strategies. MCTS requires complete information about the game state and thus implements a cheating player while ISMCTS can deal with incomplete information and thus implements a fair player. Our results show that, as expected, the cheating MCTS outperforms all the other strategies; ISMCTS is stronger than all the rule-based players implementing well-known and most advanced strategies and it also turns out to be a challenging opponent for human players.Comment: Preprint. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transaction on Game

    "It's Unwieldy and It Takes a Lot of Time." Challenges and Opportunities for Creating Agents in Commercial Games

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    Game agents such as opponents, non-player characters, and teammates are central to player experiences in many modern games. As the landscape of AI techniques used in the games industry evolves to adopt machine learning (ML) more widely, it is vital that the research community learn from the best practices cultivated within the industry over decades creating agents. However, although commercial game agent creation pipelines are more mature than those based on ML, opportunities for improvement still abound. As a foundation for shared progress identifying research opportunities between researchers and practitioners, we interviewed seventeen game agent creators from AAA studios, indie studios, and industrial research labs about the challenges they experienced with their professional workflows. Our study revealed several open challenges ranging from design to implementation and evaluation. We compare with literature from the research community that address the challenges identified and conclude by highlighting promising directions for future research supporting agent creation in the games industry.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the 16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-20

    Enhancing the Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithm for Video Game Testing

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    In this paper, we study the effects of several Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) modifications for video game testing. Although MCTS modifications are highly studied in game playing, their impacts on finding bugs are blank. We focused on bug finding in our previous study where we introduced synthetic and human-like test goals and we used these test goals in Sarsa and MCTS agents to find bugs. In this study, we extend the MCTS agent with several modifications for game testing purposes. Furthermore, we present a novel tree reuse strategy. We experiment with these modifications by testing them on three testbed games, four levels each, that contain 45 bugs in total. We use the General Video Game Artificial Intelligence (GVG-AI) framework to create the testbed games and collect 427 human tester trajectories using the GVG-AI framework. We analyze the proposed modifications in three parts: we evaluate their effects on bug finding performances of agents, we measure their success under two different computational budgets, and we assess their effects on human-likeness of the human-like agent. Our results show that MCTS modifications improve the bug finding performance of the agents

    Memory Bounded Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is an effective decision making algorithm that often works well without domain knowledge, finding an increasing application in commercial mobile and video games. A promising application of MCTS is creating AI opponents for board and card games, where Information Set MCTS (ISMCTS) can provide a challenging opponent and reduces the cost of creating game-specific AI opponents. Most research to date has aimed at improving the quality of decision making by (IS)MCTS, with respect to time usage. Memory usage is also an important constraint in commercial applications, particularly on mobile platforms or when there are many AI agents. This paper presents the first systematic study of memory bounding techniques for (IS)MCTS. (IS)MCTS is well known to be an anytime algorithm. We also introduce an anyspace version of (IS)MCTS which can make effective use of any pre-specified amount of memory. This algorithm has been implemented in a commercial version of the card game Spades downloaded more than 6 million times. We find that for games of imperfect information high quality decisions can be made with rather small memory footprints, making (IS)MCTS an even more attractive algorithm for commercial game implementations

    Memory Bounded Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is an effective decision making algorithm that often works well without domain knowledge, finding an increasing application in commercial mobile and video games. A promising application of MCTS is creating AI opponents for board and card games, where Information Set MCTS (ISMCTS) can provide a challenging opponent and reduces the cost of creating game-specific AI opponents. Most research to date has aimed at improving the quality of decision making by (IS)MCTS, with respect to time usage. Memory usage is also an important constraint in commercial applications, particularly on mobile platforms or when there are many AI agents. This paper presents the first systematic study of memory bounding techniques for (IS)MCTS. (IS)MCTS is well known to be an anytime algorithm. We also introduce an anyspace version of (IS)MCTS which can make effective use of any pre-specified amount of memory. This algorithm has been implemented in a commercial version of the card game Spades downloaded more than 6 million times. We find that for games of imperfect information high quality decisions can be made with rather small memory footprints, making (IS)MCTS an even more attractive algorithm for commercial game implementations