13 research outputs found

    The Greatest Evasion: Why Technology Won\u27t Save Education

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    Americans place an enormous amount of faith in education=s power to solve social problems. Today, liberals tend to believe that education can improve our attitudes, making us less racist by broadening our perspective and knowledge of different people and cultures. Conservatives often argue that education can solve our economic problems by training citizens for jobs and increasing their capacity for upward social mobility. Indeed, President Clinton, who may be viewed as bridging liberal and conservative ideals, posed education as a solution to economic dislocation. His solution is to provide unemployed citizens with the necessary skills to find new forms of employment. Education, it would seem, stands as a primary pillar of American democracy

    The Greatest Evasion: Why Technology Won\u27t Save Education

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    Americans place an enormous amount of faith in education=s power to solve social problems. Today, liberals tend to believe that education can improve our attitudes, making us less racist by broadening our perspective and knowledge of different people and cultures. Conservatives often argue that education can solve our economic problems by training citizens for jobs and increasing their capacity for upward social mobility. Indeed, President Clinton, who may be viewed as bridging liberal and conservative ideals, posed education as a solution to economic dislocation. His solution is to provide unemployed citizens with the necessary skills to find new forms of employment. Education, it would seem, stands as a primary pillar of American democracy

    Suomen reitti informaatiovaltatiellä

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    Suomen reitti informaatiovaltatiellä

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    Infancia y nuevas tecnologías: un análisis del discurso sobre la sociedad de la información y los niños

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    El término Sociedad de la Información se ha impuesto a la hora de analizar la revolución silenciosa que supone la introducción de las llamadas Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de este nuevo tipo social está lleno de sombras y aspectos necesitados de aclaración. Uno de estos aspectos es lo referente al impacto que pueda tener la difusión de las nuevas tecnologías entre la población infantil. Sostenemos que, hasta la fecha, la literatura científica que se ha ocupado de la cuestión ha partido de una perspectiva adultocéntrica en la que la voz de los menores de edad ha sido ignorada. Por ello, es necesario considerar al niño como un agente social pleno que mantiene una relación compleja con los frutos de la innovación tecnológica, por lo que se hace necesario considerarlo unidad de observación e informante privilegiado. En nuestra opinión, la sociología de la infancia, por la inversión paradigmática que supone, constituye una herramienta teórica clave a la hora de evitar dicho análisis adultocéntrico.The term ‘Information Society’ has been accepted as a good description of the social change impulse by the diffusion of Information and Communications Technologies. However, our knowledge about this phenomenon is not full of sense. A certainly ignored aspect of these new technologies concerns the impact in children and children’s lives. We affirm that the usual diagnosis about this phenomenon is affected by an adultcentric view. In order to avoid this, the consideration of the child as a full social agent and a worthy observation unit is needed. The idea that children are capable of constructing a complex relationship to new technologies should also be considered. From our point of view, the sociology of childhood, as a new way of understanding children and children’s vital experience, becomes a very useful instrument to avoid this adultcentric perspective

    O teletrabalho nas empresas juniores de consultoria da Universidade Federal do Paraná

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Na era do conhecimento, fala-se das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, uma revolução que está criando uma sociedade radicalmente diferente das anteriores, a que muitos chamam "sociedade da informação". Os seus efeitos começam, hoje, a tornar-se visíveis em todos os domínios da vida social. Estas tecnologias vem provocando profundas e freqüentes mudanças nos ambientes corporativos. Um dos domínios pertinentes à presente dissertação é a relação do trabalho com esta referida informatização. Fala-se atualmente, e cada vez mais, de uma nova forma (supostamente mais flexível, mais produtiva, mais cômoda) de organizar o trabalho: o teletrabalho. Nesta pesquisa procurou-se analisar conceitualmente e históricamente o Teletrabalho, suas formas de execução, vantagens e desvantagens. A aplicabilidade do Teletrabalho em Empresas Juniores de Consultoria da Universidade Federal do Paraná foi o objetivo principal desta pesquisa

    Portal educacional: uma análise do seu papel para a educação virtual

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção

    Information science and the configuration of meaningful information

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    This investigation addresses different viewpoints regarding the configuration of meaningful information in the context of different environments, such as the information society, ontological milieu, interpretation and representation. It is important to explore options in terms of which the configuration of meaning can be pursued. Information science should be seriously considered as an explorer and configurer of meaningful information. For information science to become such an explorer, the discipline needs to be approached not as yet another science to involve and concern itself with information and its related aspects, but as a special kind of science. This investigation proposes that it should be seen and developed as an interscience. Disciplinary boundaries do not imply that they are fixed and these boundaries, especially of an interscience, can be approached as constantly moving and changing. This allows for interchange between disciplines and continued growth without losing the unique characteristics of information science.Information ScienceM.A. (Information Science