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    Mega Software Engineering

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    Techinical Report of Software Engineering Lab in Osaka Univ. SEL-Sep-22-200

    MegSDF Mega-system development framework

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    A framework for developing large, complex software systems, called Mega-Systems, is specified. The framework incorporates engineering, managerial, and technological aspects of development, concentrating on an engineering process. MegSDF proposes developing Mega-Systems as open distributed systems, pre-planned to be integrated with other systems, and designed for change. At the management level, MegSDF divides the development of a Mega-System into multiple coordinated projects, distinguishing between a meta-management for the whole development effort, responsible for long-term, global objectives, and local managements for the smaller projects, responsible for local, temporary objectives. At the engineering level, MegSDF defines a process model which specifies the tasks required for developing Mega-Systems, including their deliverables and interrelationships. The engineering process emphasizes the coordination required to develop the constituent systems. The process is active for the life time of the Mega-System and compatible with different approaches for performing its tasks. The engineering process consists of System, Mega-System, Mega-System Synthesis, and Meta-Management tasks. System tasks develop constituent systems. Mega-Systems tasks provide a means for engineering coordination, including Domain Analysis, Mega-System Architecture Design. and Infrastructure Acquisition tasks. Mega-System Synthesis tasks assemble Mega-Systems from the constituent systems. The Meta-Management task plans and controls the entire process. The domain analysis task provides a general, comprehensive, non-constructive domain model, which is used as a common basis for understanding the domain. MegSDF builds the domain model by integrating multiple significant perceptions of the domain. It recommends using a domain modeling schema to facilitate modeling and integrating the multiple perceptions. The Mega-System architecture design task specifies a conceptual architecture and an application architecture. The conceptual architecture specifies common design and implementation concepts and is defined using multiple views. The application architecture maps the domain model into an implementation and defines the overall structure of the Mega-System, its boundaries, components, and interfaces. The infrastructure acquisition task addresses the technological aspects of development. It is responsible for choosing, developing or purchasing, validating, and supporting an infrastructure. The infrastructure integrates the enabling technologies into a unified platform which is used as a common solution for handling technologies. The infrastructure facilitates portability of systems and incorporation of new technologies. It is implemented as a set of services, divided into separate service groups which correspond to the views identified in the conceptual architecture

    A Robust Platform for Mobile Robotics Teaching and Developing Using Arduino’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Programming the Arduino MEGA 2560

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    In light of the rapid pace at which development happens with modern technology, mobile robots play an important role in our daily lives. This is due to their great importance in facilitating the affairs of life in various economic, commercial, industrial, scientific, and many other fields. In this research and project, we have restructured the microcontroller and system for one of the mobile robots (CEENBOT) that was designed by the University of Nebraska and replaced it with an Arduino Mega 2560. The purpose of using the Arduino Mega 2560 robot is to provide alternative programming for the CEENBOT platform to support an Arduino programming option. It is an open-source program which makes it easily accessible for developers and programmers. The Arduino Mega 2560 is an open-source electronics platform built on easy-to-use hardware and software. The Arduino Mega 2560 robot provides one of the most accessible ways to install different sensors and can be used in different aspects or applications that can be useful for mobile robotics teaching and development. Following the completion of this research and project, the electrical and computer engineering department at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln will be able to enhance its existing robotics course offerings using this robot. New laboratories have been created for teaching and development in this research. The laboratories include Simulink Getting Started, Simulink with Arduino Mega 2560, Integrated development environment IDE Getting Started with Arduino Mega 2560, Getting to Know the Robot Hardware, Getting Started on Moving the Robot, Obstacle Avoidance, Wireless Communication, and Create Your Own Lab Adventure. Advisors: Alisa Gilmore and Bing Che

    A Product Oriented Modelling Concept: Holons for systems synchronisation and interoperability

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    Nowadays, enterprises are confronted to growing needs for traceability, product genealogy and product life cycle management. To meet those needs, the enterprise and applications in the enterprise environment have to manage flows of information that relate to flows of material and that are managed in shop floor level. Nevertheless, throughout product lifecycle coordination needs to be established between reality in the physical world (physical view) and the virtual world handled by manufacturing information systems (informational view). This paper presents the "Holon" modelling concept as a means for the synchronisation of both physical view and informational views. Afterwards, we show how the concept of holon can play a major role in ensuring interoperability in the enterprise context

    Regional Skill Supplies and Location of Firms: The Case of Information Technology Industry in India

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    The “new economic geography” of the IT industry is shaped by two characteristic features of the industry, smaller size of the firms and zero transportation costs of its products that provide its ability of being a ‘footloose’ industry. The IT industry could locate itself in a region on the basis of two factors, namely, the nearness to large markets that ensures steady demand for its products, and the nearness to its factors of production. The importance of proximity to large markets in the case of Indian IT industry is only marginal as the IT industry, mainly dominated by the computer software segment, is a highly export oriented industry. There are reasons, however to believe that the location of firms in the ICT industry would be based on the supply of its crucial factor of production, namely, skilled labour. The IT industry being a skilled-labour-intensive, export-oriented industry it is by reducing the cost of labour, relative to capital, that it can reap comparative advantage benefits. Moreover, the skill requirement of this industry being very flexible and is subjected to fast rate of obsolescence it remains important for the firm, in order to have uninterrupted production, to locate itself in large pools of skilled labour. Correlations drawn between the location of firms and regional supply of skills tend to support the hypothesis that the quantity and quality of skills supplied in a region could determine the location of firms in a region and clustering of firms to a city.Skill Supply; Information Technology Industry; Location; Region; India; Economic Geography; Agglomeration Economies.

    Metrics, Software Engineering, Small Systems – the Future of Systems Development

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    In this talk I will introduce the importance of metrics, or measures, and the role they play in the development of high quality computer systems. I will review some key mega trends in computer science over the last three decades and then explain why I believe the trend to small networked systems, along with metrics and software engineering will define the future of high technology computer based systems. I first learned about metrics at the Bell System where everything was measured. Metrics can be understood easily if you think of them as measures, for example of calories or salt in food. Key system metrics include lines of code, productivity, known bugs or defects in systems, and predictions of how many defects remain to be found. Now small embedded systems such as watches and glasses are beginning their rise to importance. I expect wearable networks of small devices to replace and expand much of what we do with computers today. However, to do so successfully these systems will need better attention to system quality and reliability. Good software engineering, with attention to process and metrics that can produce high quality, reliable systems is the way to achieve this goal

    Pressure Ulcer Prevention System

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    Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are a widespread but often understated problem. A pressure ulcer is an injury that develops with constant pressure on an area of skin for a long time. They range from bruises to open wounds to even exposed bone. These injuries especially impact bedridden and elderly hospital inpatients, since these people must depend on nursing staff for mobility. Pressure ulcers can seem to be a solved problem. Solutions that completely eliminate pressure ulcers do exist. These solutions, however, are too expensive for widespread use, at thousands of dollars per bed. Other solutions, such as relying on nursing staff to move all patients is not reliable, and nurses develop chronic back pain from the strain of moving so many patients so often. The Pressure Ulcer Prevention System is designed specifically to be an affordable solution for these injuries in a hospital or assisted living setting. The system collects data from a gyroscopic sensor and multiple pressure sensors mounted on the patient, and sends an alert to the nurses’ station if a patient is at risk of developing a pressure ulcer, and needs attending. The system does not replace nurse care, nor does it change the most common solution of manually moving patients, but it instead helps nursing staff be more efficient

    Can AI Serve as a Substitute for Human Subjects in Software Engineering Research?

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    Research within sociotechnical domains, such as Software Engineering, fundamentally requires a thorough consideration of the human perspective. However, traditional qualitative data collection methods suffer from challenges related to scale, labor intensity, and the increasing difficulty of participant recruitment. This vision paper proposes a novel approach to qualitative data collection in software engineering research by harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI), especially large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. We explore the potential of AI-generated synthetic text as an alternative source of qualitative data, by discussing how LLMs can replicate human responses and behaviors in research settings. We examine the application of AI in automating data collection across various methodologies, including persona-based prompting for interviews, multi-persona dialogue for focus groups, and mega-persona responses for surveys. Additionally, we discuss the prospective development of new foundation models aimed at emulating human behavior in observational studies and user evaluations. By simulating human interaction and feedback, these AI models could offer scalable and efficient means of data generation, while providing insights into human attitudes, experiences, and performance. We discuss several open problems and research opportunities to implement this vision and conclude that while AI could augment aspects of data gathering in software engineering research, it cannot replace the nuanced, empathetic understanding inherent in human subjects in some cases, and an integrated approach where both AI and human-generated data coexist will likely yield the most effective outcomes
