121 research outputs found

    Smartphone as a Portable Detector, Analytical Device, or Instrument Interface

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    The Encyclopedia Britannia defines a smartphone as a mobile telephone with a display screen, at the same time serves as a pocket watch, calendar, addresses book and calculator and uses its own operating system (OS). A smartphone is considered as a mobile telephone integrated to a handheld computer. As the market matured, solid-state computer memory and integrated circuits became less expensive over the following decade, smartphone became more computer-like, and more more-advanced services, and became ubiquitous with the introduction of mobile phone networks. The communication takes place for sending and receiving photographs, music, video clips, e-mails and more. The growing capabilities of handheld devices and transmission protocols have enabled a growing number of applications. The integration of camera, access Wi-Fi, payments, augmented reality or the global position system (GPS) are features that have been used for science because the users of smartphone have risen all over the world. This chapter deals with the importance of one of the most common communication channels, the smartphone and how it impregnates in the science. The technological characteristics of this device make it a useful tool in social sciences, medicine, chemistry, detections of contaminants, pesticides, drugs or others, like so detection of signals or image

    Ultra-portable, wireless smartphone spectrometer for rapid, non-destructive testing of fruit ripeness

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    We demonstrate a smartphone based spectrometer design that is standalone and supported on a wireless platform. The device is inherently low-cost and the power consumption is minimal making it portable to carry out a range of studies in the field. All essential components of the device like the light source, spectrometer, filters, microcontroller and wireless circuits have been assembled in a housing of dimensions 88 mm × 37 mm × 22 mm and the entire device weighs 48 g. The resolution of the spectrometer is 15 nm, delivering accurate and repeatable measurements. The device has a dedicated app interface on the smartphone to communicate, receive, plot and analyze spectral data. The performance of the smartphone spectrometer is comparable to existing bench-top spectrometers in terms of stability and wavelength resolution. Validations of the device were carried out by demonstrating non-destructive ripeness testing in fruit samples. Ultra-Violet (UV) fluorescence from Chlorophyll present in the skin was measured across various apple varieties during the ripening process and correlated with destructive firmness tests. A satisfactory agreement was observed between ripeness and fluorescence signals. This demonstration is a step towards possible consumer, bio-sensing and diagnostic applications that can be carried out in a rapid manner.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tata Center for Technology and DesignTata Trust

    A single tube system for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA using gold nanoparticles based FRET assay

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    The global combat against MTB is limited by challenges in accurate affordable detection. In this study, a rapid, affordable, single tube system for detection of unamplified MTB16s rDNA was developed. Utilizing a AuNP based FRET system, this assay achieved a sensitivity and specificity of 98.6% and 90% respectively.This report was made possible by a NPRP award [NPRP 4-1215-3-317] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors

    Point-of-Care Detection Devices for Healthcare

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    With recent technological advances in multiple research fields such as materials science, micro-/nano-technology, cellular and molecular biology, bioengineering and the environment, much attention is shifting toward the development of new detection tools that not only address needs for high sensitivity and specificity but fulfil economic, environmental, and rapid point-of-care needs for groups and individuals with constrained resources and, possibly, limited training. Miniaturized fluidics-based platforms that precisely manipulate tiny body fluid volumes can be used for medical, healthcare or even environmental (e.g., heavy metal detection) diagnosis in a rapid and accurate manner. These new detection technologies are potentially applicable to different healthcare or environmental issues, since they are disposable, inexpensive, portable, and easy to use for the detection of human diseases or environmental issues—especially when they are manufactured based on low-cost materials, such as paper. The topics in this book (original and review articles) would cover point-of-care detection devices, microfluidic or paper-based detection devices, new materials for making detection devices, and others

    Design of bacterial polyester beads for recombinant protein production, biomolecule separation and detection : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Protein recovery and biomolecule detection are commonly required for scientific research as well as industrial activities. However, it is generally complicated and costly either to produce and purify recombinant proteins (especially therapeutic proteins) from engineered Escherichia coli cells, or to directly separate proteins or detect other biomolecules from natural sources. Here the PHA synthase (PhaC) mediated polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) bead display technology was explored as a solution to these problems by developing streamlined processes with less complex steps to achieve protein recovery and biomolecule detection. Firstly, by fusing a target protein to PhaC via a self-cleavable linker tag of either sortase (sortase A from Staphylococcus aureus) or intein (DnaB mini intein from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), new self-cleavable recombinant protein production and purification resins were developed. It was shown that the PhaC fusion could mediate in vivo production of PHA beads displaying the target protein. Functional target protein could be obtained at high purity from isolated PHA beads by incubation with CaCl2 and triglycine (in the case of the self-cleavable sortase tag) or by a pH shift to 6 (in the case of the self-cleavable intein tag). Six recombinant proteins were successfully produced and purified via the intein approach, including 3 model proteins (Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP), Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine candidate Rv1626, and the synthetic immunoglobulin G (IgG) binding ZZ domain of protein A derived from Staphylococcus aureus) and 3 therapeutic proteins (human tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), human interferon alpha-2b (IFNα2b), and human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)). Of these, TNFα and IFNα2b were also successfully produced and purified via the sortase approach. Secondly, in vivo one-step production of PHA affinity resins was achieved by fusing to PhaC differently customised OBody ligands. These ligands were previously engineered by other groups from the OB-fold domain of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (aspRS) from Pyrobactulum aerophilum, by using phage display technology, to have specific binding affinities to biomolecules of interest. The resulting recombinant OBody beads were used for lysozyme sepration from a complex substrate, and for progesterone (P4) binding. Further optimisation of the P4 binding condition is necessary before the OBody bead system can be used for P4 detection in bovine milk. However, recombinant immobilisation of OBody ligands on the surface of PHA beads expands not only the attractiveness of these emerging OBody scaffolds, but also the utility scope of PHA beads as affinity resins

    Intelligent computational system for colony-forming-unit enumeration and differentiation

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    Accurate quantitative analysis of microorganisms is recognized as an essential tool for gauging safety and quality in a wide range of fields. The enumeration processes of viable microorganisms via traditional culturing techniques are methodically convenient and cost-effective, conferring high applicability worldwide. However, manual counting can be time-consuming, laborious and imprecise. Furthermore, particular pathologies require an urgent and accurate response for the therapy to be effective. To reduce time limitations and perhaps discrepancies, this work introduces an intelligent image processing software capable of automatically quantifying the number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) in Petri-plates. This rapid enumeration enables the technician to provide an expeditious assessment of the microbial load. Moreover, an auxiliary system is able to differentiate among colony images of Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus via Machine Learning, based on a Convolutional Neural Network in a process of cross-validation. For testing and validation of the system, the three bacterial groups were cultured, and a significant labeled database was created, exercising suited microbiological laboratory methodologies and subsequent image acquisition. The system demonstrated acceptable accuracy measures; the mean values of precision, recall and F-measure were 95%, 95% and 0.95, for E. coli, 91%, 91% and 0.90 for P. aeruginosa, and 84%, 86% and 0.85 for S. aureus. The adopted deep learning approach accomplished satisfactory results, manifesting 90.31% of accuracy. Ultimately, evidence related to the time-saving potential of the system was achieved; the time spent on the quantification of plates with a high number of colonies might be reduced to a half and occasionally to a third.A análise quantitativa de microrganismos é uma ferramenta essencial na aferição da segurança e qualidade numa ampla variedade de áreas. O processo de enumeração de microrganismos viáveis através das técnicas de cultura tradicionais é económica e metodologicamente adequado, conferindo lhe alta aplicabilidade a nível mundial. Contudo, a contagem manual pode ser morosa, laboriosa e imprecisa. Em adição, certas patologias requerem uma urgente e precisa resposta de modo a que a terapia seja eficaz. De forma a reduzir limitações e discrepâncias, este trabalho apresenta um software inteligente de processamento de imagem capaz de quantificar automaticamente o número de Unidades Formadoras de Colónias (UFCs) em placas de Petri. Esta rápida enumeração, possibilita ao técnico uma expedita avaliação da carga microbiana. Adicionalmente, um sistema auxiliar tem a capacidade de diferenciar imagens de colónias de Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus recorrendo a Machine Learning, através de uma Rede Neuronal Convolucional num processo de validação cruzada. Para testar e validar o sistema, os três grupos bacterianos foram cultivados e uma significativa base de dados foi criada, recorrendo às adequadas metodologias microbiológicas laboratoriais e subsequente aquisição de imagens. O sistema demonstrou medidas de precisão aceitáveis; os valores médios de precisão, recall e F-measure, foram 95%, 95% e 0.95, para E. coli, 91%, 91% e 0.90 para P. aeruginosa, e 84%, 86% e 0.85 para S. aureus. A abordagem deep learning obteve resultados satisfatórios, manifestando 90.31% de precisão. O sistema revelou potencial em economizar tempo; a duração de tarefas afetas à quantificação de placas com elevado número de colónias poderá ser reduzida para metade e ocasionalmente para um terço

    Male subfertility and oxidative stress

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    To date 15% of couples are suffering from infertility with 45–50% of males being responsible. With an increase in paternal age as well as various environmental and lifestyle factors worsening these figures are expected to increase. As the so-called free radical theory of infertility suggests, free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an essential role in this process. However, ROS also fulfill important functions for instance in sperm maturation. The aim of this review article is to discuss the role reactive oxygen species play in male fertility and how these are influenced by lifestyle, age or disease. We will further discuss how these ROS are measured and how they can be avoided during in-vitro fertilization

    Redesigning chemical analysis: transducing information from chemical into digital

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    Aquesta tesi planteja que les xarxes distribuïdes de detecció de substàncies químiques serán eines beneficioses per aconseguir millors resultats de salut com a éssers humans, així com per a guiarnes en el nostre paper autodeterminat con a guardians en l'àmbit ecològic. Tot aixo, des de la perspectiva d’introduir elements de disseny en les eines analítiques. El treball comença amb una introducció a la visió de com els sensors químics s'adapten als contextos més grans de la biologia, la història i la tecnologia. El segon capítol ofereix una base de coneixements sobre els mètodes i principis científics i tecnològics subjacents sobre els quals es basa aquest treball. A continuació, es fa una revisió crítica dels avenços acadèmics cap als sensors electroquímics distribuïts, que divideixen el problema en tres aspectes: rendiment adequat, usabilitat intuïtiva i assequibilitat. Entre aquests, la usabilitat s'identifica com el coll d'ampolla principal en l'adopció generalitzada de sensors químics centrats en l'usuari. Els capítols posteriors ofereixen algunes respostes als reptes, en forma de treball experimental original. Encara que aquest treball es basa en l'electroquímica analítica, s'aborda des d’una metodologia de disseny, amb iteracions d'anàlisi i síntesi incrustades en el procés d'ideació. Les declaracions finals reflexionen sobre el treball com una petita part en una creixent revolució de l'edat de la informació química; com una petita esquerda a la presa que contenia una allau de dades químiques de diagnòstic amb conseqüències imprevisibles, però positives i revolucionàries.Esta tesis postula que las redes distribuidas de detección química serán herramientas beneficiosas para alcanzar mejores resultados de salud como seres humanos, así como para guiarnos en nuestro papel autodeterminado como guardianes en la esfera ecológica. Todo esto desde una perspectiva de introducir elementos de diseño en herramientas analíticas. El trabajo comienza con una introducción a la visión de cómo los sensores químicos se ajustan a los contextos más amplios de la biología, la historia y la tecnología. El segundo capítulo proporciona algunos antecedentes de los métodos y principios científicos y tecnológicos subyacentes en los que se basa este trabajo. Esto es seguido por una revisión crítica de los avances académicos hacia sensores electroquímicos distribuidos, que divide el problema en tres aspectos: rendimiento apropiado, usabilidad intuitiva y asequibilidad. Entre estos, la usabilidad se identifica como el cuello de botella principal en la adopción generalizada de sensores químicos centrados en el usuario. Los siguientes capítulos ofrecen algunas respuestas a los desafíos, en forma de trabajo experimental original. Mientras que este trabajo se arraiga en la electroquímica analítica, se aborda desde una metodología de diseño, con iteraciones de análisis y síntesis integradas en el proceso de ideación. Las declaraciones finales reflejan el trabajo como una pequeña parte en una floreciente revolución de la era de la información química; como una pequeña grieta en la presa que contiene una avalancha de datos químicos de diagnóstico con consecuencias imprevisibles, pero positivas y revolucionarias.This thesis posits that distributed chemical sensing networks will be beneficial tools towards our greater health outcomes as humans, as well as in guiding us in our self-determined role as custodians over the ecological sphere. A perspective of infusing design elements and approaches into analytical tools is shared. The work begins with an introduction presenting a vision of how chemical sensors fit within the greater contexts of biology, history, and technology. The second chapter provides some background to the underlying scientific and technological methods and principles on which this work stands. This is followed by a critical review of the academic advances towards distributed electrochemical sensors, which divides the problem into three aspects of appropriate performance, intuitive usability, and affordability. Amongst these, usability is identified as the principal bottleneck in the widespread adoption of user-centered chemical sensors. The subsequent chapters offer some responses to the challenges, in the form of original experimental work. While rooted in analytical electrochemistry, the work is approached with a design methodology, with iterations of analysis and synthesis embedded in the ideation process. Concluding statements reflect on the work as a small part in a burgeoning revolution of the chemical information age; as a minor crack in the dam holding back a flood of diagnostic chemical data with unforeseeable, yet positive and revolutionary consequences