125 research outputs found

    Medical image encryption techniques: a technical survey and potential challenges

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    Among the most sensitive and important data in telemedicine systems are medical images. It is necessary to use a robust encryption method that is resistant to cryptographic assaults while transferring medical images over the internet. Confidentiality is the most crucial of the three security goals for protecting information systems, along with availability, integrity, and compliance. Encryption and watermarking of medical images address problems with confidentiality and integrity in telemedicine applications. The need to prioritize security issues in telemedicine applications makes the choice of a trustworthy and efficient strategy or framework all the more crucial. The paper examines various security issues and cutting-edge methods to secure medical images for use with telemedicine systems

    A new partial image encryption method for document images using variance based quad tree decomposition

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    The proposed method partially and completely encrypts the gray scale Document images. The complete image encryption is also performed to compare the performance with the existing encryption methods. The partial encryption is carried out by segmenting the image using the Quad-tree decomposition method based on the variance of the image block. The image blocks with uniform pixel levels are considered insignificant blocks and others the significant blocks. The pixels in the significant blocks are permuted by using 1D Skew tent chaotic map. The partially encrypted image blocks are further permuted using 2D Henon map to increase the security level and fed as input to complete encryption. The complete encryption is carried out by diffusing the partially encrypted image. Two levels of diffusion are performed. The first level simply modifies the pixels in the partially encrypted image with the Bernoulli’s chaotic map. The second level establishes the interdependency between rows and columns of the first level diffused image. The experiment is conducted for both partial and complete image encryption on the Document images. The proposed scheme yields better results for both partial and complete encryption on Speed, statistical and dynamical attacks. The results ensure better security when compared to existing encryption schemes

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas

    Hybrid chaos-based image encryption algorithm using Chebyshev chaotic map with deoxyribonucleic acid sequence and its performance evaluation

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    The media content shared on the internet has increased tremendously nowadays. The streaming service has major role in contributing to internet traffic all over the world. As the major content shared are in the form of images and rapid increase in computing power a better and complex encryption standard is needed to protect this data from being leaked to unauthorized person. Our proposed system makes use of chaotic maps, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) coding and ribonucleic acid (RNA) coding technique to encrypt the image. As videos are nothing but collection of images played at the rate of minimum 30 frames/images per second, this methodology can also be used to encrypt videos. The complexity and dynamic nature of chaotic systems makes decryption of content by unauthorized personal difficult. The hybrid usage of chaotic systems along with DNA and RNA sequencing improves the encryption efficiency of the algorithm and also makes it possible to decrypt the images at the same time without consuming too much of computation power
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