23,647 research outputs found

    Federation views as a basis for querying and updating database federations

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    This paper addresses the problem of how to query and update so-called database federations. A database federation provides for tight coupling of a collection of heterogeneous component databases into a global integrated system. This problem of querying and updating a database federation is tackled by describing a logical architecture and a general semantic framework for precise specification of such database federations, with the aim to provide a basis for implementing a federation by means of relational database views. Our approach to database federations is based on the UML/OCL data model, and aims at the integration of the underlying database schemas of the component legacy systems to a separate, newly defined integrated database schema. One of the central notions in database modelling and in constraint specifications is the notion of a database view, which closely corresponds to the notion of derived class in UML. We will employ OCL (version 2.0) and the notion of derived class as a means to treat (inter-)database constraints and database views in a federated context. Our approach to coupling component databases into a global, integrated system is based on mediation. The first objective of our paper is to demonstrate that our particular mediating system integrates component schemas without loss of constraint information. The second objective is to show that the concept of relational database view provides a sound basis for actual implementation of database federations, both for querying and updating purposes.

    Derived classes as a basis for views in UML/OCL data models

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    UML is the de facto standard language for analysis and design in object-oriented frameworks. Information systems, and in particular information systems based on databases and their applications, rely heavily on sound principles of analysis and design. Many present-day database applications employ object-oriented principles in the phases of analysis and design due to the advantages of expressiveness and clarity of such languages as UML. Database specifications often involve specifications of constraints, and the Object Constraint Language (OCL) - as part of UML - can aid in the unambiguous modelling of database constraints. One of the central notions in database modelling and in constraint specifications is the notion of a database view. A database view closely corresponds to the notion of derived class in UML. This paper will show how the notion of a derived class in UML can be given a precise semantics in terms of OCL. We will then demonstrate that the notion of a relational database view can be correctly expressed as a derived class in UML/OCL. A central part of our investigation concerns the generality of our manner of representing relational views in OCL. An important problem that we address in this respect is the representation of product spaces and relational joins. Joins are often essential in view definitions, and we shall demonstrate how we can express Cartesian products and joins within the current framework of UML/OCL language by employing the notions of derived class. As a consequence, OCL will be shown to be equipped with the full expressive power of the relational algebra, offering support for the claim that OCL can be useful as a general query language within the framework of the UML/OCL data model.

    UK utility data integration: overcoming schematic heterogeneity

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    In this paper we discuss syntactic, semantic and schematic issues which inhibit the integration of utility data in the UK. We then focus on the techniques employed within the VISTA project to overcome schematic heterogeneity. A Global Schema based architecture is employed. Although automated approaches to Global Schema definition were attempted the heterogeneities of the sector were too great. A manual approach to Global Schema definition was employed. The techniques used to define and subsequently map source utility data models to this schema are discussed in detail. In order to ensure a coherent integrated model, sub and cross domain validation issues are then highlighted. Finally the proposed framework and data flow for schematic integration is introduced

    Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources

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    Apache Calcite is a foundational software framework that provides query processing, optimization, and query language support to many popular open-source data processing systems such as Apache Hive, Apache Storm, Apache Flink, Druid, and MapD. Calcite's architecture consists of a modular and extensible query optimizer with hundreds of built-in optimization rules, a query processor capable of processing a variety of query languages, an adapter architecture designed for extensibility, and support for heterogeneous data models and stores (relational, semi-structured, streaming, and geospatial). This flexible, embeddable, and extensible architecture is what makes Calcite an attractive choice for adoption in big-data frameworks. It is an active project that continues to introduce support for the new types of data sources, query languages, and approaches to query processing and optimization.Comment: SIGMOD'1
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