1,141 research outputs found

    Computer-mediated collaboration and the transitioning of intercultural spaces

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    The following implementation of computer-mediated collaboration\ud aims to help international students improve the quality of their intercultural experiences by applying strategies for synthesizing and applying knowledge obtained\ud through cross-cultural interactions. It does this by engaging learners in computermediated collaborative activities that help increase their factual knowledge in\ud areas of individual relevance, develop personally effective retrieval and application frameworks and improve their ability to monitor their own thinking and\ud learning

    From face-to-face to distance LMS-mediated collaborative learning situations with GLUE!

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    GLUE! is an integration architecture that allows teachers to easily set up an LMS environment with several external tools to carry out complex collaborative learning situations in distance settings. Though its effectiveness in alleviating the burden on teachers of deploying and enacting such situations has been studied elsewhere, there are no studies in the literature analyzing the impact, in terms of learning achievement, of turning traditional face-to-face collaborative learning situations into distance LMS-mediated ones with the support of integration approaches such as the GLUE! architecture. This paper compares the learning achievement in a distance LMS-mediated collaborative learning situation supported by GLUE! and in the equivalent face-to-face in a non-technological setting. The conclusions of this comparison, along with the fact that GLUE! significantly reduces the set up effort, suggest that GLUE! is a good choice for turning traditional face-to-face collaborative learning situations into distance LMS-mediated ones without significant negative effects in the learning achievement.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects TIN2011-28308-C03-01 andTIN2011-28308-C03-02, and the postdoctoral fellowship Alliance 4 Universities.Publicad

    Collaboration scripts - a conceptual analysis

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    This article presents a conceptual analysis of collaboration scripts used in face-to-face and computer-mediated collaborative learning. Collaboration scripts are scaffolds that aim to improve collaboration through structuring the interactive processes between two or more learning partners. Collaboration scripts consist of at least five components: (a) learning objectives, (b) type of activities, (c) sequencing, (d) role distribution, and (e) type of representation. These components serve as a basis for comparing prototypical collaboration script approaches for face-to-face vs. computer-mediated learning. As our analysis reveals, collaboration scripts for face-to-face learning often focus on supporting collaborators in engaging in activities that are specifically related to individual knowledge acquisition. Scripts for computer-mediated collaboration are typically concerned with facilitating communicative-coordinative processes that occur among group members. The two lines of research can be consolidated to facilitate the design of collaboration scripts, which both support participation and coordination, as well as induce learning activities closely related to individual knowledge acquisition and metacognition. In addition, research on collaboration scripts needs to consider the learners’ internal collaboration scripts as a further determinant of collaboration behavior. The article closes with the presentation of a conceptual framework incorporating both external and internal collaboration scripts

    Chronotope : an investigation of the spatial and temporal organization in technology-mediated collaborative learning

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    The present dissertation project investigated the organization of space-time in collaborative learning processes mediated by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The background of my argumentation is that we live in an historical moment in which the introduction of continu-ously evolving virtual spaces and the implementation of novel pedagogical approaches entail the transformation of the spatial and temporal relations of pedagogical activities. In order to examine these transforming space-time relations and the role that they may play in the learning process, I propose an adapted socio-cultural perspective based on the dialogical notion of chronotope. A chronotope depicts the emergent configuration of space-time relations during an intentional, collaborative learning activity. In sum, the perspective that I adopt considers cognition and learning as distributed in the environment, and space and time as interdependent social constructions. The dissertation report aimed to account for multiple types of physical, so-cial, virtual, real and imagined spatialities and temporalities as they are per-ceived, discursively negotiated, and bodily enacted by participants in ICT-mediated learning practices. I carried out four studies that examine various aspects of space-time re-lations. In Study I, I explored how participants in collaborative learning activities locate themselves and the others across multiple physical, social and virtual spaces; in Study II I investigated how the space-time frames detected in students’ discourse on the task affect the process of task inter-pretation; Study III was aimed at analysing if and how space-time configu-rations bodily enacted by participants affect the pace and the quality of the learning process; in Study IV I examined the significance and implications of patterns of organization of space-time during the process of instrumental genesis. All the studies adopt a qualitative ethnographic methodology that involves the triangulation of participant observation, discourse analysis, and video analysis. The results of my studies suggest that examining the organization of space and time can provide crucial insights into technology-mediated col-laborative learning activities, informing both theory and practice. Under-standing how participants locate themselves and the others in space and time might help us to design learning space-times that enhance coordination and collaborative processes. Considering the discursive framing of space-time by the students can help teachers and instructional designers to ensure that divergent assumptions concerning space-time frames will not induce students to deviate from the set task. Modelling the space-time configura-tions bodily enacted by participants may provide cues for scaffolding the learning process, helping students to orchestrate space and manage time, in line with the teachers’ pedagogical aims. Finally, detecting patterns of space-time organization may inform decisions concerning where and when to provide just-in-time information, scaffolds and tools to enhance students’ learning without interrupting their experience of flow.TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja kĂ€sittelee aika-tilan organisointia yhteistoiminnallisissa oppimisprosesseissa, joissa hyödynnetÀÀn tieto- ja viestintĂ€teknologiaa. VĂ€itöskirjan argumentin lĂ€htökohta on,ettĂ€ elĂ€mme historiallisella hetkellĂ€, jossa oppimisen suhde tilaan ja aikaan on muutoksessa. Muutokseen vaikuttaa uusien virtuaalisten tilojen ja pedagogisten lĂ€hestymistapojen kĂ€yttöönotto. Kehittelen vĂ€itöskirjassa sosiokulttuurista nĂ€kökulmaa, jonka avulla voidaan tutkia muuttuvia aika-tila-suhteita ja niiden roolia oppimisprosessissa. NĂ€kökulma hyödyntÀÀ dialogista kronotoopin kĂ€sitettĂ€, jonka avulla kuvaan tavoitteellisen, yhteistoiminnallisen oppimistoiminnan aikana syntyviĂ€ aika-tila-suhteiden muodostelmia.Kaiken kaikkiaan valitsemani nĂ€kökulma tarkastelee kognitiota ja oppimista ympĂ€ristöön hajautuneina ilmiöinĂ€. LisĂ€ksi tarkastelen tilaa ja aikaa toisistaan riippuvina sosiaalisina konstruktioina. VĂ€itöskirjan tavoitteena oli selittÀÀ monentyyppisiĂ€ fyysisiĂ€, sosiaalisia, virtuaalisia, todellisia ja kuviteltuja tilallisuuksia ja ajallisuuksia osana tieto- ja viestintĂ€teknologiaa hyödyntĂ€viĂ€ oppimiskĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€. Tavoitteena oli selittÀÀ tilallisuuksia ja ajallisuuksia sellaisina kuin osallistujat havaitsivat ne, neuvottelivat niistĂ€ diskursiivisesti tai toteuttivat ne kehollisesti. Toteutin neljĂ€ osatutkimusta, joissa tutkin aika-tila-suhteita eri nĂ€kökulmista. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa tutkin sitĂ€, miten yhteistoiminnallisen oppimisen osallistujat sijoittivat itsensĂ€ ja toisensa useiden fyysisten, sosiaalisten ja virtuaalisten tilojen vĂ€lillĂ€. Toisessa osatutkimuksessa tarkastelin, miten opiskelijoiden tehtĂ€vĂ€n tekemiseen liittyvistĂ€ keskusteluista tunnistamani aika-tila-kehykset vaikuttivat heidĂ€n tehtĂ€vĂ€n tulkitsemisen prosessiin. Kolmannen osatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida,kuinka osallistujien kehollisesti toteuttamat aika-tila-muodostelmat vaikuttavat oppimisprosessin tahtiin ja laatuun. NeljĂ€nnessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa tutkin, minkĂ€laisia merkityksiĂ€ ja seuraamuksia aika-tila-suhteiden sÀÀnnönmukaisuuksilla oli työvĂ€lineen syntyprosessissa. Kaikissa osatutkimuksissa kĂ€ytin laadullista etnografista metodologiaa ja hyödynsin tutkimusmenetelmĂ€llistĂ€ triangulaatiota. TutkimusmenetelminĂ€ kĂ€ytin osallistuvaa havainnointia, diskurssianalyysiĂ€ ja videoanalyysiĂ€. Tutkimukseni tulokset viittaavat siihen, ettĂ€ ajan ja tilan organisoinnin tutkiminen voi tuottaa ratkaisevan tĂ€rkeitĂ€ oivalluksia teknologiavĂ€litteisestĂ€ yhteistoiminnallisesta oppimisesta. Tuloksista on hyötyĂ€ sekĂ€ kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ ettĂ€ teorian kehittĂ€misessĂ€. Sen ymmĂ€rtĂ€minen, miten osallistujat sijoittavat itsensĂ€ ja toisensa tilassa ja ajassa, voi auttaa suunnittelemaan oppimisympĂ€ristöjen aika-tiloja, jotka edistĂ€vĂ€t osallistujien keskinĂ€istĂ€ koordinaatiota ja yhteistoiminnallisia prosesseja. Sen huomioiminen, miten opiskelijat kehystĂ€vĂ€t aika-tilat diskursiivisesti,voi auttaa opettajia ja oppimisympĂ€ristöjen suunnittelijoita varmistamaan, etteivĂ€t aika-tila-kehyksiin liittyvĂ€t monenlaiset olettamukset saa opiskelijoita poikkeamaan annetusta tehtĂ€vĂ€stĂ€.Osallistujien kehollisesti toteuttamien aika-tila-asetelmien mallintaminen voi antaa vihjeitĂ€, miten oppimisprosessia voidaan tukea. Opiskelijoita voidaan tukea tilan organisoimisessa ja ajan hallitsemisessa opettajien pedagogisten tavoitteiden suunnassa. Lopuksi aika-tila-suhteiden sÀÀnnönmukaisuuksien tunnistaminen voi auttaa tekemÀÀn pÀÀtöksiĂ€ siitĂ€, missĂ€ ja milloin kannattaa tarjota opiskelijoille oikea-aikaista tietoa, tukea ja vĂ€lineitĂ€ jotka edistĂ€vĂ€t heidĂ€n oppimistaan ilman, ettĂ€ heidĂ€n virtauksen kokemuksensa hĂ€iriinty

    Teaching technology-mediated collaborative learning for trainee teachers

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    In a knowledge driven society, secondary education should let students develop appropriate and meaningful skills to live, think and work. To this aim, teachers require specific knowledge and competences about technology-mediated collaborative learning strategies while overcoming preconceptions and general sense of inadequacy towards these learning approaches. This exploratory study focuses on a learning path based on the “Trialogical” Learning Approach to consider the role of technology mediated collaborative learning in the educational development and classroom practices of trainee teachers. A multi-methods approach was used to analyse the collected data. Results indicate a good level of active participation in the activities leading to a general perception of effective learning. Participants report having acquired knowledge and skills, which will improve their professional practice. The positive value of introducing collaboration and technology in the learning path is highlighted

    Analysis of engaged online collaborative discourse: a methodological approach

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    The purpose of this chapter is to present a reflection on collaborative learning mediated by the computer, discussing some difficulties and methodological constraints that we encounter when we try to analyze the interactions that occurred in this collaboration in an online course and the level of involvement in ollaborative discourse produced by participants. For we apply the Speech Involvement Scale Collaborative Computer-mediated Conference.Projeto MEDEIAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using Lotus Domino Discussion Databases to Support Problem-Based Learning

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    Management education is undergoing significant transformations. Many business schools have started the process of redesigning curriculums and instructional methods at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Many educational reengineering efforts are supported by the use of Web-based technologies. This paper describes some preliminary results of using Lotus Domino server technology and Lotus Domino discussion databases to support a problem-based collaborative learning program. The purpose of the paper is to share our experience with other universities that are interested in using web-based groupware technology as a tool to augment students’ learning. It also serves as a starting point for further investigating the impact of web- based groupware technology on computer-mediated collaborative learning

    Knowledge tree: Putting discourse into computer‐based learning

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    Most CBL materials currently in use model only the declarative aspects of the learning process. If such courseware is used without careful planning, this can be dangerous because one of the most fundamental aspects of education is the dialogue that occurs between teachers and the students. Traditionally, this has taken place in informal discussions as well as in formal small‐group learning sessions such as the conventional tutorial. However, as the student‐staff ratio increases, so does the opportunity for this type of personal dialogue decrease. Modern networking technology offers a huge potential to add discourse to CBL, but there are many pedagogical problems involved with the intrinsically ephemeral and anarchic nature both of the Internet and of most conferencing or bulletin‐board systems. In this paper we describe a software system called Knowledge Tree (KT) which we have developed to address some of these issues. KT combines a hierarchical concept‐oriented database functionality with that of a Usenet‐style bulletin board Using this, a knowledge garden may be developed for any subject area. These each contain a hypermedia database of frequently asked questions, together with answers provided by subject experts. There is provision for inter‐student discussions of problems and issues. When students ask new questions these are automatically emailed to a relevant subject expert (determined by a subject‐specific concept thesaurus). The answer is then placed in the database which eventually grows to become a valuable teaching resource. KT is discipline‐independent as the concept thesaurus can be changed to encapsulate any domain of knowledge. We have used it in support of conventional lecture courses, as an important component of a multimedia course, and for general IT support. These examples illustrate the role that this system can play both in basic information provision, and in facilitating the discussion of deep issues

    Investigation 7. Instrumental genesis in technology mediated learning : From double stimulation to expansive knowledge practices

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    The purpose of the present paper is to examine the sociocultural foundations of technology-mediated collaborative learning. Toward that end, we discuss the role of artifacts in knowledge-creating inquiry, relying on the theoretical ideas of Carl Bereiter, Merlin Donald, Pierre Rabardel, Keith Sawyer, and L. S. Vygotsky. We argue that epistemic mediation triggers expanded inquiry and plays a crucial role in knowledge creation; such mediation involves using CSCL technologies to create epistemic artifacts for crystallizing cognitive processes, remediating subsequent activity, and building an evolving body of knowledge. Productive integration of CSCL technologies as instruments of learning and instruction is a developmental process: it requires iterative efforts across extended periods of time. Going through such a process of instrumental genesis requires transforming a cognitive-cultural operating system of activity, thus “reformatting” the brain and the mind. Because of the required profound personal and social transformations, one sees that innovative knowledge-building practices emerge, socially, through extended expansive learning cycles.Peer reviewe

    MMOG Game-Based Collaborative Learning: An Exploratory Study and its Research Potential

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    This study aims to theoretically explore whether Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) is an effective collaborative learning environment, empirically examine the occurrence of knowledge creation in MMOG game-play, and conceptually advocate the research potential of MMOG game-based collaborative learning. Although a growing number of researchers have started to use MMOG as a new generation of educational platform, the study of the theoretical justification for the occurrence of collaborative learning behavior in MMOG are still under-researched. To bridge this gap, this study integrates MMOG and technology-based collaborative learning streams of research to theoretically explore whether MMOG is an effective learning platform based on Alavi’s three attributes of effective technology-mediated collaborative learning environment. In order to examine the occurrence of knowledge creation in the MMOG game-based collaborative learning, we propose definitions of explicit and tacit knowledge in MMOG. Then we conduct an exploratory study using a semi-structural interview approach to collect qualitative data, in order to support our stipulation of the occurrence of four modes of knowledge conversion in MMOG game-play based on the Nonaka’s dynamic theory of organization creation. According to our research findings, this paper advocates research potential of MMOG game-based collaborative learning in future research
