140 research outputs found

    MediaWiki Grammar Recovery

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    The paper describes in detail the recovery effort of one of the official MediaWiki grammars. Over two hundred grammar transformation steps are reported and annotated, leading to delivery of a level 2 grammar, semi-automatically extracted from a community created semi-formal text using at least five different syntactic notations, several non-enforced naming conventions, multiple misspellings, obsolete parsing technology idiosyncrasies and other problems commonly encountered in grammars that were not engineered properly. Having a quality grammar will allow to test and validate it further, without alienating the community with a separately developed grammar.Comment: 47 page

    Towards Platform Independent Database Modelling in Enterprise Systems

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    Enterprise software systems are prevalent in many organisations, typically they are data-intensive and manage customer, sales, or other important data. When an enterprise system needs to be modernised or migrated (e.g. to the cloud) it is necessary to understand the structure of this data and how it is used. We have developed a tool-supported approach to model database structure, query patterns, and growth patterns. Compared to existing work, our tool offers increased system support and extensibility which is vital for use in industry. Standardisation and platform independence is ensured by producing models conforming to the Knowledge Discovery Metamodel and Software Metrics Metamodel

    Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2012) Language Evolution, Metasyntactically

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    Abstract: Currently existing syntactic definitions employ many different notations (usually dialects of EBNF) with slight deviations among them, which prevent efficient automated processing. When changes in such notation are required either due to maintenance activities such as correction or evolution, or because a grammar collection is written in a different notation than the one required by the grammarware toolkit, we speak of metalanguage evolution: i.e., a special language evolution scenario when the language itself does not necessarily evolve, but the notation in which it is written, does. Notational changes need to be propagated to different levels, such as to parsers that used to work with the old notation, to grammars of those notations that served as explanation material, and finally to the existing grammarbase. The solution proposed in this paper, relies on composition of a notation specification and expressing notation changes as transformations of that specification. These transformation steps are coupled to changes in the notation grammar (i.e., grammar for grammars) and to changes in other grammars written in the original notation. This paper explains the general setup of such an infrastructure, with links to the prototypical implementation of the solution

    BlogForever D2.6: Data Extraction Methodology

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    This report outlines an inquiry into the area of web data extraction, conducted within the context of blog preservation. The report reviews theoretical advances and practical developments for implementing data extraction. The inquiry is extended through an experiment that demonstrates the effectiveness and feasibility of implementing some of the suggested approaches. More specifically, the report discusses an approach based on unsupervised machine learning that employs the RSS feeds and HTML representations of blogs. It outlines the possibilities of extracting semantics available in blogs and demonstrates the benefits of exploiting available standards such as microformats and microdata. The report proceeds to propose a methodology for extracting and processing blog data to further inform the design and development of the BlogForever platform

    A Semantic Wiki-based Platform for IT Service Management

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    The book researches the use of a semantic wiki in the area of IT Service Management within the IT department of an SME. An emphasis of the book lies in the design and prototypical implementation of tools for the integration of ITSM-relevant information into the semantic wiki, as well as tools for interactions between the wiki and external programs. The result of the book is a platform for agile, semantic wiki-based ITSM for IT administration teams of SMEs

    Finding Differences in Privilege Protection and their Origin in Role-Based Access Control Implementations

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    Les applications Web sont trĂšs courantes, et ont des besoins de sĂ©curitĂ©. L’un d’eux est le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs. Le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs s’assure que la politique de sĂ©curitĂ© est respectĂ©e. Cette politique dĂ©finit l’accĂšs lĂ©gitime aux donnĂ©es et aux opĂ©rations de l’application. Les applications Web utilisent rĂ©guliĂšrement le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs Ă  base de rĂŽles (en anglais, « Role-Based Access Control » ou RBAC). Les politiques de sĂ©curitĂ© RBAC permettent aux dĂ©veloppeurs de dĂ©finir des rĂŽles et d’assigner des utilisateurs Ă  ces rĂŽles. De plus, l’assignation des privilĂšges d’accĂšs se fait au niveau des rĂŽles. Les applications Web Ă©voluent durant leur maintenance et des changements du code source peuvent affecter leur sĂ©curitĂ© de maniĂšre inattendue. Pour Ă©viter que ces changements engendrent des rĂ©gressions et des vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s, les dĂ©veloppeurs doivent revalider l’implĂ©mentation RBAC de leur application. Ces revalidations peuvent exiger des ressources considĂ©rables. De plus, la tĂąche est compliquĂ©e par l’éloignement possible entre le changement et son impact sur la sĂ©curitĂ© (e.g. dans des procĂ©dures ou fichiers diffĂ©rents). Pour s’attaquer Ă  cette problĂ©matique, nous proposons des analyses statiques de programmes autour de la protection garantie des privilĂšges. Nous gĂ©nĂ©rons automatiquement des modĂšles de protection des privilĂšges. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons l’analyse de flux par traversement de patron (en anglais, « Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis » ou PTFA) Ă  partir du code source de l’application. En comparant les modĂšles PTFA de diffĂ©rentes versions, nous dĂ©terminons les impacts des changements de code sur la protection des privilĂšges. Nous appelons ces impacts de sĂ©curitĂ© des diffĂ©rences de protection garantie (en anglais, « Definite Protection Difference » ou DPD). En plus de trouver les DPD entre deux versions, nous Ă©tablissons une classification des diffĂ©rences reposant sur la thĂ©orie des ensembles.----------ABSTRACT : Web applications are commonplace, and have security needs. One of these is access control. Access control enforces a security policy that allows and restricts access to information and operations. Web applications often use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict operations and protect security-sensitive information and resources. RBAC allows developers to assign users to various roles, and assign privileges to the roles. Web applications undergo maintenance and evolution. Their security may be affected by source code changes between releases. Because these changes may impact security in unexpected ways, developers need to revalidate their RBAC implementation to prevent regressions and vulnerabilities. This may be resource-intensive. This task is complicated by the fact that the code change and its security impact may be distant (e.g. in different functions or files). To address this issue, we propose static program analyses of definite privilege protection. We automatically generate privilege protection models from the source code using Pattern Traversal Flow Analysis (PTFA). Using differences between versions and PTFA models, we determine privilege-level security impacts of code changes using definite protection differences (DPDs) and apply a set-theoretic classification to them. We also compute explanatory counter-examples for DPDs in PTFA models. In addition, we shorten them using graph transformations in order to facilitate their understanding. We define protection-impacting changes (PICs), changed code during evolution that impact privilege protection. We do so using graph reachability and differencing of two versions’ PTFA models. We also identify a superset of source code changes that contain root causes of DPDs by reverting these changes. We survey the distribution of DPDs and their classification over 147 release pairs of Word-Press, spanning from 2.0 to 4.5.1. We found that code changes caused no DPDs in 82 (56%) release pairs. The remaining 65 (44%) release pairs are security-affected. For these release pairs, only 0.30% of code is affected by DPDs on average. We also found that the most common change categories are complete gains (ïżœ 41%), complete losses (ïżœ 18%) and substitution (ïżœ 20%)

    Knowledge-Based Decision Support for Integrated Water Resources Management with an application for Wadi Shueib, Jordan

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    This book takes a two-staged approach to contribute to the contemporary Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) research. First it investigates sub-basin-scale IWRM modelling and scenario planning. The Jordanian Wadi Shueib is used as exemplary case study. Then, it develops a framework to collaboratively manage planning and decision making knowledge on the basis of semantic web technologies. Future IWRM initiatives can benefit from the valuable insights achieved in the presented study

    Key steps for the construction of a glossary based on FunGramKB Term Extractor and referred to international cooperation against organised crime and terrorism

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    The employment of new technological instruments for the processing of natural languages is crucial to improve the way humans interact with machines. The Functional Grammar Knowledge Base (FunGramKB henceforth) has been designed to cover Natural Language Processing (NLP henceforth) tasks in the area of Artificial Intelligence. The multipurpose lexical conceptual knowledge base FunGramKB is capable of combining linguistic knowledge and human cognitive abilities within its system as a whole. The conceptual module of FunGramKB contains both common-sense knowledge (Ontology), procedural knowledge (Cognicon) as well as knowledge about named entities representing people, places, organisations or other entities (Onomasticon). The Onomastical component is used to process the information from the perspective of specialised discourse. The definition in Natural Language of a consistent list of encyclopaedic terms existent referred to the legislation and to entities which fight against organised crime and terrorism existent in the GCTC would be the stepping stone for the future development of the Onomasticon. The FunGramKB Term Extractor (FGKBTE henceforth) is used to process the information. To cope with the inclusion of the terms in the Onomasticon according to the Conceptual Representation Language (COREL henceforth) schemata, the DBpedia project has been of paramount importance to develop specific patterns for the structure of the definitions.El empleo de nuevas herramientas tecnolĂłgicas para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN en adelante) es fundamental para mejorar la forma en que las mĂĄquinas se relacionan con los seres humanos. FunGramKB ha sido diseñada para abordar tareas de PLN inmersas en el ĂĄrea de la Inteligencia Artificial. La base de conocimiento lĂ©xico conceptual multipropĂłsito FunGramKB es capaz de combinar el conocimiento lingĂŒĂ­stico con las habilidades cognitivas humanas dentro de su sistema como conjunto. El modulo conceptual de FunGramKB se basa en el sentido comĂșn (OntologĂ­a) y en el conocimiento procedimental (CognicĂłn), a la vez que en el conocimiento sobre entidades nombradas que representan personas, lugares, organizaciones u otras entidades (Onomasticon). La definiciĂłn en Lenguaje Natural de una lista consistente de tĂ©rminos enciclopĂ©dicos concerniente tanto a instrumentos legales como a organizaciones que luchan contra el crimen organizado y el terrorismo que se ha incluido en el GCTC supondrĂĄ un gran adelanto en aras al futuro desarrollo del Onomasticon. El FGKBTE se usa para procesar la informaciĂłn. Con vistas a incluir los tĂ©rminos en el OnomasticĂłn de acuerdo al esquema COREL, el proyecto DBpedia ha sido de una importancia fundamental para desarrollar patrones determinados con los que estructurar las definiciones.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de FilologĂ­as Inglesa y Alemana. MĂĄster en LingĂŒĂ­stica y Literatura Inglesas, curso 2013-201
