808,369 research outputs found

    Rethinking Nigeria’s Development Using African Traditional Communication Media for National Orientation

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    This paper examines the problem of poor orientation of most Nigerian citizens, especially the rural dwellers, occasioned by the dearth and failure of modern media in rural Nigeria; a phenomenon that has led to a major setback in participatory governance and national development in a country. The objective of the paper is to investigate the causes of modern media failure in national orientation and development in Nigeria and to examine the need to adopt traditional African media as a viable alternative in Nigeria’s national orientation and development programme especially at the grassroots. This paper assumes that African traditional communication media as effective tools have been ignored in the national orientation programmes despite their relevance to national development. The paper adopts an analytical research method to examine secondary sources of data on the constraints of modern media in rural Nigeria and the viability of African traditional media in Nigeria’s national orientation and development’s efforts. Findings reveal that most Nigerian citizens, especially rural dwellers, do not understand national orientation messages because they are broadcast in English rather than their respective languages and the broadcasts are made on modern media channels that exist in urban areas. Findings also reveal that that government’s lack of political will, high cost of setting up community media, absence of professional journalists and selfish interests of Nigerians are factors responsible for the non-existence of modern media channels in rural Nigeria. Findings also reveal that African traditional media is very compatible to the communication needs of rural Nigerians. The paper concludes that the National Orientation Agency (NOA) in Nigeria has had reduced effectiveness and therefore, recommends the use of African traditional communication media in addition to the use of modern media such as television, radio and print materials to accord Nigerians the necessary orientation that will commit the citizens towards the task of national development

    A systematic literature review of the use of social media for business process management

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    In today’s expansion of new technologies, innovation is found necessary for organizations to be up to date with the latest management trends. Although organizations are increasingly using new technologies, opportunities still exist to achieve the nowadays essential omnichannel management strategy. More precisely, social media are opening a path for benefiting more from an organization’s process orientation. However, social media strategies are still an under-investigated field, especially when it comes to the research of social media use for the management and improvement of business processes or the internal way of working in organizations. By classifying a variety of articles, this study explores the evolution of social media implementation within the BPM discipline. We also provide avenues for future research and strategic implications for practitioners to use social media more comprehensively

    Exploring Media Use Among Sexual Minorities

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    Many adolescents turn to media outlets to search for more information on the experiences they are going through and what they are feeling. For many adolescents, media, specifically social media, seems to provide a safe space for them to openly express their feelings and to connect with others who may be encountering the same experiences as them. Media especially plays a large role in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and asexual (LGBQA) adolescents. LGBQA youth likely turn to media to help define and solidify their sexual orientation and to read other\u27s life stories. Currently, there is very little research that exists focused on the media use of sexual minorities. Given that media use may serve a central role in helping youth who are forming their sexual minority identities, this study may shed light on important processes that help youth form positive identities during this developmental period. This study aims to provide further research on how sexual minorities use media to determine and define their sexual orientationa nd how their media usage is affected by their sexual orientation. Participants, ages 18-27, took part in an hour-long interview to determine how they used media and online communities to understand and define their sexual orientation and how their media usage was affected by their sexual orientation. The information provided by the participants was then looked over and analyzed using the constant comparative method to further understand how sexual orientation and media usage are related

    Facebook: Friend or Foe? Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media Use, Social Comparison, Self-Esteem and Affect

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    Festinger’s social comparison theory suggests humans have a drive to gain accurate self-evaluations through comparison to others. As social media continues to expand, different platforms for social comparison are continuously being created allowing for individuals to compare themselves to millions of people worldwide. Social media provides the perfect platform for meticulous self-presentation. Frequent social media users may believe that others are happier and more successful than themselves, which could lead to lower self-esteem. Research also suggests that participants high in social comparison orientation seek out social comparisons on social media. Thus, an individual’s tendency to compare oneself to others may increase Facebook use and negatively affect their self-perception and mood. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between social media use, social comparison orientation, self-esteem and affect. Participants (N=234) were recruited through Mechanical Turk and convenience sampling. Facebook use, social comparison orientation, self-esteem and affect were measured. It was hypothesized that individuals with higher social comparison orientation will use Facebook more frequently and that heavier Facebook use will be associated with lower self-esteem and greater negative affect. Gender differences were also examined, and it was expected that women would score higher than men on all variables. The results showed there is a relationship between social comparison orientation, affect and Facebook use. Facebook use was positively correlated with social comparison orientation and negative affect. No significant relationship was found between frequency of Facebook use and self-esteem. Women reported using Facebook more and engaging in more social comparison. The current findings increase our understanding of the correlations to Facebook use and suggests that there are important gender differences in social media use

    A National Study of Social Media, Television, Radio, and Internet Usage of Adults by Sexual Orientation and Smoking Status: Implications for Campaign Design

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    Background: Smoking rates among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people significantly exceed that of heterosexuals. Media interventions are an important part of tobacco control efforts, but limited information is available on LGB people’s media use. Methods: A nationally representative sample of 12,900 U.S. adults completed an online questionnaire assessing media use, smoking status, and demographic information. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess relationships between media use with sexual orientation and smoking status. Results: A total of 590 (4.6%) respondents identified as LGB, of which 29% were smokers. Regardless of sexual orientation and smoking status, the Internet was the most popular media channel used, followed by television and radio. LGB respondents had significantly greater odds of having accounts on social media websites, accessing Facebook daily, and being a frequent Internet user, compared to heterosexual respondents. Similar media use was found between smokers and non-smokers, but smokers had greater odds of being frequent television viewers and frequent Internet users, compared to non-smokers. Conclusions: Compared to heterosexuals, LGB respondents reported greater use of the Internet, especially social media. Media campaigns targeting LGB populations can maximize reach by utilizing social media alongside traditional media channels

    Creative Behavior in the Online Fashion Business

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    Fashion secror has been increasing in Indonesia.Creativity is important thing for an online business to be able to survive and compete in the digital market. Some variables that can improve creative behavior are accurate market orientation and effective use of social media. The purpose of the research is to analyze the influence of market orientation and social media usage on creative behavior in online businesses in the fashion sector in Surabaya. By using purposive sampling method, 132 online businesses in the fashion sector in Surabaya have been selected as respondents. This research used quantitative approach of this explanatory using partial least square. Result of this study describe that market orientation  has a significant influence on creative behavior, on the other side, social media usage has usage has a significant influence on creative behavior . This research also show that market orientation  has significant influence on creative behavior throug social media usage  among online businesses fashion sector in Surabaya.Fashion secror has been increasing in Indonesia.Creativity is important thing foran online business to be able to survive and compete in the digital market. Somevariables that can improve creative behavior are accurate market orientation andeffective use of social media. The purpose of the research is to analyze the influence of market orientation and social media usage on creative behavior in online businesses in the fashion sector in Surabaya. By using purposive sampling method, 132 online businesses in the fashion sector in Surabaya have been selected as respondents. This research used quantitative approach of this explanatory using partial least square. Result of this study describe that market orientation has a significant influence on creative behavior, on the other side, social media usage has usage has a significant influence on creative behavior . This research also show that market orientation has significant influence on creative behavior throug social media usage among online businesses fashion sector in Surabaya

    Enhancing organizational performance with social media use: the catalysing effect of corporate entrepreneurship

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    Social Media use has become pervasive and firms are increasingly relying on it, not only to relate to customers, but also to leverage internal processes like innovation. The strategic use of these tools can facilitate also the entrepreneurial orientation of the firm, as it provides useful knowledge which can make the firm more entrepreneurial, stimulating it to find new opportunities or innovative ideas where other companies do not recognize them. However, despite the relevance of the phenomenon in current hyper-competitive environments, empirical research on the topic remains scarce. To shed some light on the issue, the main purpose of the paper is to examine how Social Media use impacts the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship (new business venturing, innovativeness, proactiveness and self-renewal), enhancing also organizational performance. The study is intended to extend knowledge on this topic, by providing understanding of the path firms should take to benefit from Social Media use to become more entrepreneurial and achieve higher organizational performance, developing and nurturing competitive advantages. The paper analyses data obtained from a sample of 201 technological firms located in Spain. The methodology used is Structural equation modelling with LISREL analysis. Findings confirms how the use of Social Media tools positively impacted all the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship, translating also in enhanced performance. This paper contributes to the literature by empirically confirming in a structural model how Social Media use helps to create business value, by enhancing proactive behaviours, promoting strategic renewal inside the firm and increasing innovativeness and new business venturing and displaying the internal and sequential relationships among these dimensions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec


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    Bare cost 3 in 1 sensing solution is a method that allows us to use the same set of low‐cost reflective sensors to detect media size, tray insertion/removal and orientation of the media through use of carefully placed reflectors

    Media Use and Societal Perceptions: The Dual Role of Media Trust

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    How citizens' perceptions of societal problems are shaped by media use has been a critical question in media effects research for decades. This study addresses a specific puzzle concerning media effects in contemporary fragmented media environments: the dual role of media trust as both (a) an antecedent variable guiding news selection and (b) a moderator variable conditioning the effects of news use on perceptions of societal problems. Building upon the differential susceptibility to media effects model, we analyze the role of media trust for citizens’ orientation towards mainstream and alternative news media - and how such usage influences perceptions of two major societal issues: health care and school. Findings from a four-wave panel survey conducted in Sweden suggest that public service and alternative news use matter for citizens' perceptions of societal problems and that media trust influences news choices and may, partly, condition media effects

    Are Online Comparisons Damaging our In-Person Connections? Effects of Social Media Use on Romantic Relationships

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    abstract: Social media has been extensively researched, and its effects on well-being are well established. What is less studied, however, is how social media affects romantic relationships specifically. The few studies that have researched this have found mixed results. Some researchers have found social media to have a positive influence on relationship outcomes, while other have found social media to have a negative influence. In an attempt to reconcile these discrepancies, the current thesis study explored possible mediators between social media use and relationship health outcomes which, to my knowledge, has not been investigated in previous literature. Three moderators were explored: type of social media use (active use versus passive use), relationship-contingent self-esteem, and social comparison orientation. The baseline portion of the study had 547 individuals, recruited from Arizona State University’s SONA system as well as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, who were in a romantic relationship for at least three months; the follow-up portion of the study had 181 participants. Results suggest that women who passively use social media exhibit a negative association between hours per day of social media use and baseline relationship satisfaction. Men who passively use social media exhibited a negative association between hours per day of social media use and follow-up relationship satisfaction, as well as a negative association with baseline commitment. While relationship-contingent self-esteem did not moderate the association between hours per day of social media use and relationship health, it was positively related to both men and women’s baseline relationship satisfaction and baseline commitment. Social comparison orientation (SCO) produced minimal results; women low on SCO exhibited a negative association between social media use and baseline relationship satisfaction, and higher SCO for men was associated with lower baseline commitment. Finally, exploratory post-hoc mediation models revealed that relationship comparisons mediated the association between hours per day of social media use and baseline relationship, as well as baseline commitment, for both men and women. Previous research supports the findings regarding passive social media use, while the findings regarding relationship-contingent self-esteem and relationship comparisons add new findings to the romantic relationship literature.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Psychology 201