12,980 research outputs found

    Plasma sprayed titanium coatings with/without a shroud

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    Abstract: Titanium coatings were deposited by plasma spraying with and without a shroud. The titanium coatings were then assessed by scanning electron microscopy. A comparison in microstructure between titanium coatings with and without the shroud was carried out. The results showed that the shroud played an important role in protecting the titanium particles from oxidation. The presence of the shroud led to a reduction in coating porosity. The reduction in air entrainment with t he shroud resulted in better heating of the particles, and an enhanced microstructure with lower porosity in the shrouded titanium coatings were observed compared to the air plasma sprayed counterpart

    Linear motor motion control using a learning feedforward controller

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    The design and realization of an online learning motion controller for a linear motor is presented, and its usefulness is evaluated. The controller consists of two components: (1) a model-based feedback component, and (2) a learning feedforward component. The feedback component is designed on the basis of a simple second-order linear model, which is known to have structural errors. In the design, an emphasis is placed on robustness. The learning feedforward component is a neural-network-based controller, comprised of a one-hidden-layer structure with second-order B-spline basis functions. Simulations and experimental evaluations show that, with little effort, a high-performance motion system can be obtained with this approach

    Development of a Variable Roller Pump and Evaluation of its Power Saving Potential as a Charge Pump in Hydrostatic Drivetrains

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    Predložená doktorandská dizertačná práca (ďalej len práca) sa zaoberá rozsiahlou analýzou valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom a predikciou výkonových úspor dosiahnutých aplikáciou navrhnutého valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom v hydrostatickom pohone vybraných mobilných pracovných strojov. Teoretický rozbor princípov fungovania valčekového hydrogenerátora a teória jednorozmerného simulačného modelu sú popísané v prvej časti práce. Na základe odvodenej teórie je vytvorený simulačný model, ktorý je vhodný na predikciu priebehu tlaku v komorách valčekového hydrogenerátora, síl pôsobiacich na valček a na predikciu vnútorných únikov vzniknutých skratovaním rozvodovej dosky, ktoré majú priamy vplyv na objemovú účinnosť valčekového hydrogenerátora. Simulačný model bol úspešne použitý pre optimalizáciu rozvodových dosiek valčekového hydrogenerátora a vhodnosť simulačného modelu potvrdili následné merania Práca obsahuje aj analýzu síl pôsobiacich na vodiaci prstenec, ktorej výsledky boli taktiež potvrdené meraním. Analýza týchto síl môže vylepšiť v konečnom dôsledku parametre budúcich tlakových regulácii. Práca ďalej obsahuje základné porovnanie použitých tlakových regulácii. Všetky uskutočnené merania potvrdili, že valčekový hydrogenerátor s premenlivým geometrickým objemom s testovanými tlakovými reguláciami je schopný úspešne pracovať v hydrostatickej prevodovke. Druhá časť práce analyzuje potenciál výkonových úspor valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom pre dve mobilné aplikácie - teleskopický nakladač s hmotnosťou 9 ton a kombajn s hmotnosťou 20 ton. Analýza vyžaduje jednorozmerný simulačný model hydrostatického pohonu s teplotnou predikciou hydrostatickej prevodovky. Dva rozdielne koncepty variabilného doplňovacieho systému hydrostatickej prevodovky sú porovnané so štandardným doplňovacím systémom pre pracovný a transportný režim oboch vybraných typov vozidiel. Simulácia pohonu vozidla s valčekovým hydrogenerátorom s premenlivým geometrickým objemom vo funkcii doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora a obtokovou clonou potvrdili vyššie úspory iba v prípadoch, kedy rýchlosť doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora bola výrazne vyššia a prietok cez obtokovú clonu do skrine hlavného hydrogenerátora zabezpečil dostatočné chladenie. Najvyššie výkonové úspory boli dosiahnuté s premenlivým preplachovacím systémom, ktorého prietok sa menil podľa požiadaviek hydrostatickej prevodovky. Záver druhej časti práce sa zaoberá metodikou dimenzovania veľkosti doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora.Presented doctoral thesis deals with an extensive hydraulic variable roller pump analysis and the power saving prediction of hydrostatic drivetrains in the mobile machines achieved with a variable roller charge pump implementation. At the first part of the work, the roller pump functionality was described and the theory of a 1-D simulation model was developed. Based on this developed simulation model is suitable for pressure profile prediction, roller force prediction and cross port leakage prediction which has a direct impact on the total volumetric efficiency. The simulation model was successfully used as a tool for optimization of the port plates, which was confirmed by measurements. The first part of the work includes the pump control force analysis validated by measurements and also the basic pressure compensator controls comparison. Developed control force prediction could help to improve the control performance. The measurements confirmed that the variable roller charge pump is able to successfully work in transmissions with measured types of the control. The second part of the work analyzed the power saving potential of a variable charge pump for two selected typical mobile applications: telehandler (9 ton) and combine harvester (20 ton). This part required a 1-D drivetrain simulation model together with thermal behaviour of the hydrostatic transmission. Two different modifications of the charging systems were compared with the conventional charging system in simulations performed for the working and transporting mode. The drivetrain simulation of the variable roller charge pump with a bypass orifice confirms higher power savings only in cases when the pump speed was significantly higher than normal speeds and a relatively constant flushing flow through the bypass orifice to the pump case still ensures suitable cooling. The highest power savings were achieved with variable flushing flows, where the demand for charging flow was adjusted according to the hydrostatic transmission cooling requirements. At the end of the second part, this thesis deals with a variable charge pump sizing.

    Experimental set-up for investigation of fault diagnosis of a centrifugal pump

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    Centrifugal pumps are complex machines which can experience different types of fault. Condition monitoring can be used in centrifugal pump fault detection through vibration analysis for mechanical and hydraulic forces. Vibration analysis methods have the potential to be combined with artificial intelligence systems where an automatic diagnostic method can be approached. An automatic fault diagnosis approach could be a good option to minimize human error and to provide a precise machine fault classification. This work aims to introduce an approach to centrifugal pump fault diagnosis based on artificial intelligence and genetic algorithm systems. An overview of the future works, research methodology and proposed experimental setup is presented and discussed. The expected results and outcomes based on the experimental work are illustrated

    Design and implementation of a real-time autonomous navigation system applied to lego robots

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    Teaching theoretical concepts of a real-time autonomous robot system may be a challenging task without real hardware support. The paper discusses the application of the Lego Robot for teaching multi interdisciplinary subjects to Mechatronics students. A real-time mobile robot system with perception using sensors, path planning algorithm, PID controller is used as the case to demonstrate the teaching methodology. The novelties are introduced compared to classical robotic classes: (i) the adoption of a project-based learning approach as teaching methodology; (ii) an effective real-time autonomous navigation approach for the mobile robot. However, the extendibility and applicability of the presented approach are not limited to only the educational purpose

    Design methodology for smart actuator services for machine tool and machining control and monitoring

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    This paper presents a methodology to design the services of smart actuators for machine tools. The smart actuators aim at replacing the traditional drives (spindles and feed-drives) and enable to add data processing abilities to implement monitoring and control tasks. Their data processing abilities are also exploited in order to create a new decision level at the machine level. The aim of this decision level is to react to disturbances that the monitoring tasks detect. The cooperation between the computational objects (the smart spindle, the smart feed-drives and the CNC unit) enables to carry out functions for accommodating or adapting to the disturbances. This leads to the extension of the notion of smart actuator with the notion of agent. In order to implement the services of the smart drives, a general design is presented describing the services as well as the behavior of the smart drive according to the object oriented approach. Requirements about the CNC unit are detailed. Eventually, an implementation of the smart drive services that involves a virtual lathe and a virtual turning operation is described. This description is part of the design methodology. Experimental results obtained thanks to the virtual machine are then presented

    Karektor guru pendidikan khas aliran kemahiran berlandaskan nilai retorik dari perspektif pelajar pendidikan khas masalah pendengaran di Malaysia

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    Latar Belakang: Pendidikan Khas di Malaysia adalah satu usaha yang berterusan untuk melahirkan insan yang berkemahiran, berpandangan jauh, berupaya, beriman, berdikari, mampu merancang dan menguruskan kehidupan harian serta menyedari potensi diri sendiri yang selaras dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. Aliran pendidikan teknikal dan vokasional juga tidak dikecualikan pelajar yang mempunyai keperluan khas. Oleh itu, guru pendidikan khas aliran kemahiran harus mempunyai karektor yang istimewa untuk mendidik pelajar golongan ini. Namun begitu, masih belum wujudnya satu model standard guru pendidikan khas terutamanya aliran kemahiran. Objektif: Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti tahap penerapan elemen dan dimensi nilai retorik dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru aliran kemahiran bagi pelajar pendidikan khas masalah pendengaran. Keputusan: Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan penerapan elemen nilai retorik ethos dan logos dalam kalangan guru berada pada tahap tinggi, diikuti dengan pathos pada tahap sederhana. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan penerapan nilai retorik bagi kebanyakan dimensi pada tahap tinggi, hanya dimensi perasaan dan visualisasi pada tahap sederhana. Kesimpulan: Umumnyaa, guru pendidikan khas aliran kemahiran telah menerapkan nilai retorik pada tahap yang tinggi. Setiap guru digalak untuk menguasai nilai retorik supaya dapat membantu para pelajar menerokai ilmu pengetahuan yang disampaikan oleh mereka dengan berkesan dan seterusnya memberi impak yang positif terhadap pencapaian pelajar

    Identification of the Servomechanism used for micro-displacement

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    Friction causes important errors in the control of small servomechanism and should be determined with precision in order to increase the system performance. This paper describes the method to identify the model parameters of a small linear drive with ball-screw. Two kinds of friction models will be applied for the servomechanism looking to rise its micropositioning abilities. The first one includes the static, viscous and Stribeck friction with hysteresis, and the second one uses the Lugre model. The results will be compared taking into account the criterion error, the accuracy and the normalized mean-square-error of the identified mechanical parameters. The coefficients of the models are identified by a recursive identification method using data acquisition and special filtering technics. The least square identification method is used in this paper in order to establish the motor parameters used as initial condition of the recursive estimation method. Computer simulations and experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed model