1,033 research outputs found

    Piezoelectric Transducers Based on Aluminum Nitride and Polyimide for Tactile Applications

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    The development of micro systems with smart sensing capabilities is paving the way to progresses in the technology for humanoid robotics. The importance of sensory feedback has been recognized the enabler of a high degree of autonomy for robotic systems. In tactile applications, it can be exploited not only to avoid objects slipping during their manipulation but also to allow safe interaction with humans and unknown objects and environments. In order to ensure the minimal deformation of an object during subtle manipulation tasks, information not only on contact forces between the object and fingers but also on contact geometry and contact friction characteristics has to be provided. Touch, unlike other senses, is a critical component that plays a fundamental role in dexterous manipulation capabilities and in the evaluation of objects properties such as type of material, shape, texture, stiffness, which is not easily possible by vision alone. Understanding of unstructured environments is made possible by touch through the determination of stress distribution in the surrounding area of physical contact. To this aim, tactile sensing and pressure detection systems should be integrated as an artificial tactile system. As illustrated in the Chapter I, the role of external stimuli detection in humans is provided by a great number of sensorial receptors: they are specialized endings whose structure and location in the skin determine their specific signal transmission characteristics. Especially, mechanoreceptors are specialized in the conversion of the mechanical deformations caused by force, vibration or slip on skin into electrical nerve impulses which are processed and encoded by the central nervous system. Highly miniaturized systems based on MEMS technology seem to imitate properly the large number of fast responsive mechanoreceptors present in human skin. Moreover, an artificial electronic skin should be lightweight, flexible, soft and wearable and it should be fabricated with compliant materials. In this respect a big challenge of bio-inspired technologies is the efficient application of flexible active materials to convert the mechanical pressure or stress into a usable electric signal (voltage or current). In the emerging field of soft active materials, able of large deformation, piezoelectrics have been recognized as a really promising and attractive material in both sensing and actuation applications. As outlined in Chapter II, there is a wide choice of materials and material forms (ceramics: PZT; polycrystalline films: ZnO, AlN; polymers and copolymers: PVDF, PVDF-TrFe) which are actively piezoelectric and exhibit features more or less attractive. Among them, aluminum nitride is a promising piezoelectric material for flexible technology. It has moderate piezoelectric coefficient, when available in c-axis oriented polycrystalline columnar structure, but, at same time, it exhibits low dielectric constant, high temperature stability, large band gap, large electrical resistivity, high breakdown voltage and low dielectric loss which make it suitable for transducers and high thermal conductivity which implies low thermal drifts. The high chemical stability allows AlN to be used in humid environments. Moreover, all the above properties and its deposition method make AlN compatible with CMOS technology. Exploiting the features of the AlN, three-dimensional AlN dome-shaped cells, embedded between two metal electrodes, are proposed in this thesis. They are fabricated on general purpose Kapton™ substrate, exploiting the flexibility of the polymer and the electrical stability of the semiconductor at the same time. As matter of fact, the crystalline layers release a compressive stress over the polymer, generating three-dimensional structures with reduced stiffness, compared to the semiconductor materials. In Chapter III, a mathematical model to calculate the residual stresses which arise because of mismatch in coefficient of thermal expansion between layers and because of mismatch in lattice constants between the substrate and the epitaxially grown films is adopted. The theoretical equation is then used to evaluate the dependence of geometrical features of the fabricated three-dimensional structures on compressive residual stress. Moreover, FEM simulations and theoretical models analysis are developed in order to qualitative explore the operation principle of curved membranes, which are labelled dome-shaped diaphragm transducers (DSDT), both as sensors and as piezo-actuators and for the related design optimization. For the reliability of the proposed device as a force/pressure sensor and piezo-actuator, an exhaustive electromechanical characterization of the devices is carried out. A complete description of the microfabrication processes is also provided. As shown in Chapter IV, standard microfabrication techniques are employed to fabricate the array of DSDTs. The overall microfabrication process involves deposition of metal and piezoelectric films, photolithography and plasma-based dry and wet etching to pattern thin films with the desired features. The DSDT devices are designed and developed according to FEM and theoretical analysis and following the typical requirements of force/pressure systems for tactile applications. Experimental analyses are also accomplished to extract the relationship between the compressive residual stress due to the aluminum nitride and the geometries of the devices. They reveal different deformations, proving the dependence of the geometrical features of the three-dimensional structures on residual stress. Moreover, electrical characterization is performed to determine capacitance and impedance of the DSDTs and to experimentally calculate the relative dielectric constant of sputtered AlN piezoelectric film. In order to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the curved circular transducers, a characterization of the flexural deflection modes of the DSDT membranes is carried out. The natural frequency of vibrations and the corresponding displacements are measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer when a suitable oscillating voltage, with known amplitude, is applied to drive the piezo-DSDTs. Finally, being developed for tactile sensing purpose, the proposed technology is tested in order to explore the electromechanical response of the device when impulsive dynamic and/or long static forces are applied. The study on the impulsive dynamic and long static stimuli detection is then performed by using an ad hoc setup measuring both the applied loading forces and the corresponding generated voltage and capacitance variation. These measurements allow a thorough test of the sensing abilities of the AlN-based DSDT cells. Finally, as stated in Chapter V, the proposed technology exhibits an improved electromechanical coupling with higher mechanical deformation per unit energy compared with the conventional plate structures, when the devices are used as piezo-actuator. On the other hand, it is well suited to realize large area tactile sensors for robotics applications, opening up new perspectives to the development of latest generation biomimetic sensors and allowing the design and the fabrication of miniaturized devices

    Towards Direct Fabrication of Functional Patterns on Large-Area Substrates for Flexible Devices

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    Nowadays there is a growing interest to develop flexible devices that can be used in applications spanning from displays to energy harvesting. This is due to the potential of such devices to be integrated onto various-shaped surfaces and also to be roll-to-roll processed. However, there are still a few challenges to be tackled before their full commercialization. In particular, the direct fabrication of micro/nano-scale functional features on a large-area flexible substrate remains a critical challenge. This is because it requires both low temperature processing and precise control of the feature size.;During this study an investigation of different fabrication methods, such as hydrothermal growth and dip-pen nanolithography (DPN), is conducted in order to assess their suitability for the large-area deposition of ZnO-based simple geometrical patterns on flexible substrates. These model micro/nano structures are characterized optically, electrically, and mechanically. In addition, the preliminary fabrication and characterization of force sensors based on flexible substrates is reported.;Experimental results from this work highlight the potential of DPN as a scalable processing technique for flexible devices. In particular, the repeatable fabrication of circular micron-sized functional features on polyester substrates is reported. It was found that both the viscosity of the starting ink material and the wettability of the starting substrate play the most critical role for the successful fabrication of such features. In addition, humidity and starting ink stability must be carefully controlled. It is believed that using DPN in a scalable manner will be the key to realize the next generation of large-area nanopatterned flexible devices

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    Development of composite piezoelectric materials for tactile sensing

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    This thesis has dealt with the preparation and the characterization of piezoelectric 0-3 composite materials. The technological aim is to evaluate a material potentially suitable for the development of a sensitive skin for human robotics. As secondary objectives this material should be cheap (relatively) and easy processable in order to make it possibly adaptable for industrial production. For these reasons, 0-3 composites were prepared and characterized. Raw materials were selected among the most commonly used for piezoelectric applications. PVDF is the most widely used ferroelectric polymer. It was used along with two of its copolymers: PVDF-HeFP, developed to have improved flexibility but no piezoelectricity and PVDF-TrFE, developed to obtain the crystalline piezoelectric phase whatever the process. PMMA was also studied. Barium titanate submicron-powder was chosen as piezo-active filler. Composites were prepared with increasing volume percentages of fillers. Two different processing methods were explored in order to evaluate their effect on the microstructure and the piezoelectric respons

    Challenges and Status on Design and Computation for Emerging Additive Manufacturing Technologies

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    The revolution of additive manufacturing (AM) has led to many opportunities in fabricating complex and novel products. The increase of printable materials and the emergence of novel fabrication processes continuously expand the possibility of engineering systems in which product components are no longer limited to be single material, single scale, or single function. In fact, a paradigm shift is taking place in industry from geometry-centered usage to supporting functional demands. Consequently, engineers are expected to resolve a wide range of complex and difficult problems related to functional design. Although a higher degree of design freedom beyond geometry has been enabled by AM, there are only very few computational design approaches in this new AM-enabled domain to design objects with tailored properties and functions. The objectives of this review paper are to provide an overview of recent additive manufacturing developments and current computer-aided design methodologies that can be applied to multimaterial, multiscale, multiform, and multifunctional AM technologies. The difficulties encountered in the computational design approaches are summarized and the future development needs are emphasized. In the paper, some present applications and future trends related to additive manufacturing technologies are also discussed

    Design, characterization and validation of integrated bioelectronics for cellular studies: from inkjet-printed sensors to organic actuators

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorAdvances in bioinspired and biomimetic electronics have enabled coupling engineering devices to biological systems with unprecedented integration levels. Major efforts, however, have been devoted to interface malleable electronic devices externally to the organs and tissues. A promising alternative is embedding electronics into living tissues/organs or, turning the concept inside out, lading electronic devices with soft living matters which may accomplish remote monitoring and control of tissue’s functions from within. This endeavor may unleash the ability to engineer “living electronics” for regenerative medicine and biomedical applications. In this context, it remains a challenge to insert electronic devices efficiently with living cells in a way that there are minimal adverse reactions in the biological host while the electronics maintaining the engineered functionalities. In addition, investigating in real-time and with minimal invasion the long-term responses of biological systems that are brought in contact with such bioelectronic devices is desirable. In this work we introduce the development (design, fabrication and characterization) and validation of sensors and actuators mechanically soft and compliant to cells able to properly operate embedded into a cell culture environment, specifically of a cell line of human epithelial keratinocytes. For the development of the sensors we propose moving from conventional microtechnology approaches to techniques compatible with bioprinting in a way to support the eventual fabrication of tissues and electronic sensors in a single hybrid plataform simultaneously. For the actuators we explore the use of electroactive, organic, printing-compatible polymers to induce cellular responses as a drug-free alternative to the classic chemical route in a way to gain eventual control of biological behaviors electronically. In particular, the presented work introduces inkjet-printed interdigitated electrodes to monitor label-freely and non-invasively cellular migration, proliferation and cell-sensor adhesions of epidermal cells (HaCaT cells) using impedance spectroscopy and the effects of (dynamic) mechanical stimulation on proliferation, migration and morphology of keratinocytes by varying the magnitude, frequency and duration of mechanical stimuli exploiting the developed biocompatible actuator. The results of this thesis contribute to the envision of three-dimensional laboratory-growth tissues with built-in electronics, paving exciting avenues towards the idea of living smart cyborg-skin substitutes.En los útimos años los avances en el desarrollo de dispositivos electrónicos diseñados imitando las propiedades de sistemas vivos han logrado acoplar sistemas electrónicos y órganos/tejidos biológicos con un nivel de integración sin precedentes. Convencionalmente, la forma en que estos sistemas bioelectrónicos son integrados con órganos o tejidos ha sido a través del contacto superficial entre ambos sistemas, es decir acoplando la electrónica externamente al tejido. Lamentablemente estas aproximaciones no contemplan escenarios donde ha habido una pérdida o daño del tejido con el cual interactuar, como es el caso de daños en la piel debido a quemaduras, úlceras u otras lesiones genéticas o producidas. Una alternativa prometedora para ingeniería de tejidos y medicina regenerativa, y en particular para implantes de piel, es embeber la electrónica dentro del tejido, o presentado de otra manera, cargar el sistema electrónico con células vivas y tejidos fabricados por ingeniería de tejidos como parte innata del propio dispositivo. Este concepto permitiría no solo una monitorización remota y un control basado en señalizaciones eléctricas (sin químicos) de tejidos biológicos fabricados mediante técnicas de bioingeniería desde dentro del propio tejido, sino también la fabricación de una “electrónica viva”, biológica y eléctricamente funcional. En este contexto, es un desafío insertar de manera eficiente dispositivos electrónicos con células vivas sin desencadenar reacciones adversas en el sistema biológico receptor ni en el sistema electrónico diseñado. Además, es deseable monitorizar en tiempo real y de manera mínimamente invasiva las respuestas de dichos sistemas biológicos que se han añadido a tales dispositivos bioelectrónicos. En este trabajo presentamos el desarrollo (diseño, fabricación y caracterización) y validación de sensores y actuadores mecánicamente suaves y compatibles con células capaces de funcionar correctamente dentro de un entorno de cultivo celular, específicamente de una línea celular de células epiteliales humanas. Para el desarrollo de los sensores hemos propuesto utilizar técnicas compatibles con la bioimpresión, alejándonos de la micro fabricación tradicionalmente usada para la manufactura de sensores electrónicos, con el objetivo a largo plazo de promover la fabricación de los tejidos y los sensores electrónicos simultáneamente en un mismo sistema de impresión híbrido. Para el desarrollo de los actuadores hemos explorado el uso de polímeros electroactivos y compatibles con impresión y hemos investigado el efecto de estímulos mecánicos dinámicos en respuestas celulares con el objetivo a largo plazo de autoinducir comportamientos biológicos controlados de forma electrónica. En concreto, este trabajo presenta sensores basados en electrodos interdigitados impresos por inyección de tinta para monitorear la migración celular, proliferación y adhesiones célula-sustrato de una línea celular de células epiteliales humanas (HaCaT) en tiempo real y de manera no invasiva mediante espectroscopía de impedancia. Por otro lado, este trabajo presenta actuadores biocompatibles basados en el polímero piezoeléctrico fluoruro de poli vinilideno y ha investigado los efectos de estimular mecánicamente células epiteliales en relación con la proliferación, migración y morfología celular mediante variaciones dinámicas de la magnitud, frecuencia y duración de estímulos mecánicos explotando el actuador biocompatible propuesto. Ambos sistemas presentados como resultado de esta tesis doctoral contribuyen al desarrollo de tejidos 3D con electrónica incorporada, promoviendo una investigación hacia la fabricación de sustitutos equivalentes de piel mitad orgánica mitad electrónica como tejidos funcionales biónicos inteligentes.The main works presented in this thesis have been conducted in the facilities of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with support from the program Formación del Profesorado Universitario FPU015/06208 granted by Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. Some of the work has been also developed in the facilities of the Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration (IZM) and University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Berlin, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ing. H-D. Ngo during a research visit funded by the Mobility Fellows Program by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports. This work has been developed in the framework of the projects BIOPIELTEC-CM (P2018/BAA-4480), funded by Comunidad de Madrid, and PARAQUA (TEC2017-86271-R) funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Antonio García Souto.- Secretario: Carlos Elvira Pujalte.- Vocal: María Dimak

    Inkjet printing: technique and applications for organic electronic devices

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    Since the discovery of the polyacetylene conductivity in 1977 by Shirakawa,MacDiarmid and Heeger, Organic Electronics has been growing and establishing for a new generation of electronic devices. On one hand, the unique properties of polymeric semiconductors and conductors, such as flexibility and transparency, allow the fabrication of low-cost devices over large area: the most common are the Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) and the organic photovoltaic cells. On the other hand, much effort has been made to investigate new technologies and processes for the realization of high-performance organic transistors and sensors. Among them, Inkjet Printing is a promising technique which exploits all the advantages of organic materials, such as low-cost and solution processability, and allows the large-scale automated fabrication of large area devices. This thesis describes the work carried outwith a piezoelectric drop-on-demand inkjet printer, theDimatixMaterials Printer 2831. The first chapter gives an overview on Organic and Printed Electronics state-of-art, also describing the physical principles of conductivity in organic molecules. The second chapter is totally focused on the inkjet printing technique: after a brief description of the printer employed, a detailed description of the printing process, from the ink formulation to the drop deposition and drying phenomena, is presented. Moreover the materials employed are described together with the printing parameters set for achieving the best deposition condition. Chapter 3 is devoted to tactile sensing, which is the main application of the Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs) in this work within the ROBOSKIN project. After an overview of inorganic tactile sensors and of the fundamentals of strain sensing in OFETs, the fabrication steps are described followed by the detailed electromechanical characterization of the various strain sensors realized. Finally, the fourth chapter describes other applications of inkjet printing developed in this work: organic diodes and photodiodes within the HYMEC project, patterned electrodes for the detection of cells electrical activity, both in vivo and in vitro, and a RFID tag antenna

    Engineering derivatives from biological systems for advanced aerospace applications

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    The present study consisted of a literature survey, a survey of researchers, and a workshop on bionics. These tasks produced an extensive annotated bibliography of bionics research (282 citations), a directory of bionics researchers, and a workshop report on specific bionics research topics applicable to space technology. These deliverables are included as Appendix A, Appendix B, and Section 5.0, respectively. To provide organization to this highly interdisciplinary field and to serve as a guide for interested researchers, we have also prepared a taxonomy or classification of the various subelements of natural engineering systems. Finally, we have synthesized the results of the various components of this study into a discussion of the most promising opportunities for accelerated research, seeking solutions which apply engineering principles from natural systems to advanced aerospace problems. A discussion of opportunities within the areas of materials, structures, sensors, information processing, robotics, autonomous systems, life support systems, and aeronautics is given. Following the conclusions are six discipline summaries that highlight the potential benefits of research in these areas for NASA's space technology programs

    Combining 2D organic and 1D inorganic nanoblocks to develop free-standing hybrid nanomembranes for conformable biosensors

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    We report a simple approach to fabricate free-standing perforated 2D nanomembranes hosting well-ordered 1D metallic nanostructures to obtain hybrid materials with nanostructured surfaces for flexible electronics. Nanomembranes are formed by alternatively depositing perforated poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) layers. Copper metallic nanowires (NWs) were incorporated into the nanoperforations of the top PLA layer by electrodeposition and further coated with silver via a transmetallation reaction. The combination of 2D polymeric nanomembranes and aligned 1D metallic NWs allows merging the flexibility and conformability of the ultrathin soft polymeric nanomembranes with the good electrical properties of metals for biointegrated electronic devices. Thus, we were able to tailor the nanomembrane surface chemistry as it was corroborated by SEM, EDX, XPS, CV, EIS and contact angle. The obtained hybrid nanomembranes were flexible and conformable showing sensing capacity towards H2O2 with good linear concentration range (0.35–10 mM), sensitivity (120 µA cm?2 mM?1) and limit of detection (7 ?m). Moreover, the membranes showed good stability, reproducibility and selectivity towards H2O2