73 research outputs found

    Identifying the relevance of personal values to e-government portals' success: insights from a Delphi study

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    Most governments around the world have put considerable financial resources into the development of e-government systems. They have been making significant efforts to provide information and services online. However, previous research shows that the rate of adoption and success of e-government systems vary significantly across countries. It is argued here that culture can be an important factor affecting e- government success. This paper aims to explore the relevance of personal values to the e-government success from an individual userā€™s perspective. The ten basic values identified by Schwartz were used. A Delphi study was carried out with a group of experts to identify the most relevant personal values to the e-government success from an individualā€™s point of view. The findings suggest that four of the ten values, namely Self-direction, Security, Stimulation, and Tradition, most likely affect the success. The findings provide a basis for developing a comprehensive e-government evaluation framework to be validated using a large scale survey in Saudi Arabia

    Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Pelayanan pada Kepuasan Pengguna dan Dampaknya pada Manfaat Bersih (Penelitian terhadap Sistem Informasi Surveilans Penyakit Tidak Menular)

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    Background: This study aims to examine the influence of system quality, information quality, and service quality ofĀ  theĀ  Non-Communicable Disease Manager Program at Public Health of Palembang. ThisĀ  studyĀ  willĀ  alsoĀ  investigateĀ  theĀ  effectĀ  onĀ  user satisfaction and its impact on net benefits for users of Non Communicable Disease Surveillance Information System. This study applies a modification of the information system success model from DeLone & McLeanMethods: The model is analyzed by modeling the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on components or variants (component based) that are popular with Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPLS version 3.0. TheĀ  resultsĀ  ofĀ  thisĀ  studyĀ  areĀ  expectedĀ  toĀ  beĀ  adoptedĀ  asĀ  inputĀ  andĀ  considerationĀ  inĀ  developing, and improving the performance of the Non Communicable Disease Surveillance Information System. The research design used in this study is quantitative research. Respondents in this study were 65 Manager Program of 41Public Health at Palembang who were actively working. The questionnaire was distributed directly by researchers on Januari 2020Result: The results showed that there was no effect between system quality quality on the user satisfaciton of this system. However, there was a positive and significant effect between information quality, and service quality on the user satisfaction of the system and between theĀ  user satisfactionĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  system onĀ  netĀ  benefits.ConclusionĀ : TheĀ  implementationĀ  ofĀ  this information system can be declared successful because there is aĀ  positiveĀ  correlationĀ  between variables

    A proposed conceptual success model of citizen-centric digital government in Malaysia

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    The emergence of Digital Government throughout the world is reflecting how governments are trying to find innovative digital solutions towards empowering social, economic and political advantage. Effective service delivery to citizens through Information Communication Technology application such as integrated citizen service information systems is a prerequisite to achieve citizen-centric digital government. Measuring success of such systems is a growing concern. However, very few studies have attempted to find success factors using Information Systems theoretical approach in the context of digital government, particularly in Malaysia. Therefore, this study is designed to bridge the gap by identifying such factors and propose a conceptual model. This study addresses success factors from system and personal traitsā€™ perspectives, behavioral intention, satisfaction, trust and citizen empowerment as determinants of digital government success.Keywords: Digital government; e-government; trust; digital services; information system

    The mediating effect of perceived usefulness towards tax service quality and the continuance usage intention of the filing system in Malaysia

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    This study examines the mediating effect of perceived usefulness on the relationship between tax service quality (correctness, response time, system support) and continuance usage intention of e-filing system in Malaysia. A total of 116 data was analysed using Partial Least Squared Method (PLS). The result showed that Perceived Usefulness has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between tax service quality (Correctness, Response Time) with the continuance usage intention and tax service quality (correctness) has significant positive relationship with continuance usage intention. Perceived usefulness was found to be the most important predictor of continuance usage intentio

    The influence of perceived system quality and perceived information quality towards continuance intention of tax e-filing system in Malaysia

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    In the current globalization arena, government of each countries facing challenges and keep on finding the better ways to provide the better government services to the their stakeholders.For that governments in each countries including Malaysia have been spent huge amount of money for the development of electronic government (e-government) and specifically in e-filing system to ease the government services.At this vein, investigation on factors that influences continuance intention is important because ineffective usage of e-government service after initial adoption caused undesirable cost and waste of development of particular e-government service. Most of the prior studies focused more on individuals' adoption intention of e-government services, however, there are limited empirical studies that focused on continuance intention which is about what happens beyond the initial adoption stage in e-government studies and particularly in e-filing context in Malaysia.Thus given the paucity of research on continuance intention, this study attempts to examine the influence of perceived system quality and perceived information quality towards continuance intention of tax e-filing system using a review of literature

    E-Government Adoption Research: An Analysis of the Employee Perspective

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    The study of electronic government is a comparatively recent development, and to date, relatively little is known about levels of maturity and contemporary trends and issues. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of current literature pertaining to electronic government research in order to observe basic trends and highlight promising lines of inquiry. Of an initial search resulting in 448 articles published between 2000-2011, 134 were found to discuss adoption of e-government services from an employeeā€™s perspective and included in our study. Results suggest that there is currently a relative lack of theoretical development and rigor in the area, and although many aspects such as job relevance, security, perceived benefits, anxiety, and perceived quality are clearly significant as far as employeeā€™s adoption is concerned, they have not been investigated to their potential, and there remains much opportunity for researchers to shape and develop the field

    Case studies of the human critical success factors in information technology (IT) implementation in Malaysian construction industry

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    Incorporating information technology (IT) into the business process becomes the major concern of every industry around the world. Unfortunately, the high failure rates of IT implementation revealed by researches became a serious concern to all. Much has been written about the critical success factors (CSFs) for IT implementation. But none have highlighted the major reasons for the failure, which is human issue. Human are the foundation of every organization will determine the success and failure of IT implementation. More attention should be given to this issue in an effort to reduce the failure rates. In regards to this matter, this research paper identified the CSFs focusing on the human issue. Literature findings listed 21 CSFs that contribute to the success of IT implementation across industries. Four construction organizations were selected to test the existence of the factors identified. Semi-structured interviews were employed as they offer sufficient flexibility to ensure that all relevant factors are covered. Several key issues contributing to successful implementations of IT are identified. Findings reported in this research paper will benefits the construction organizations by giving them a clearer understanding on CSFs in implementing IT, maximising the probability to success and also serve as a guideline for future planning

    Information technology governance on public sector audit performance

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    The fast growing trend of information technology (IT) transformation in the organisation and huge IT investment by Malaysian Government have triggered the significance of IT risk and its related controls.Besides, technology enabled auditing and IT oriented audit procedures have become crucial when performing audit task in an electronic environment.Technology-enabled auditing is a process of examination using audit technology in assuring the electronic data being managed properly and reliable in assisting auditors to form an audit opinion.Although, many initiatives being implemented to improve technology usage but audit technology usage among the auditors are still low and auditors are not attaining sufficient progress in the use of technology.This implies that technology enabled audit performance may not lead to the expected outcomes in achieving the effective, efficient and quality audit task. Furthermore, it also indicates that the current strategies and policies may not effectively support the technology implementation.In the same vein, the under-utilisation of technologies was reported due to inadequate governance.Known the high cost and low success rate, reasons for these issues need to be understood and strategies towards success vital to be discovered.Thus, this study intent to investigate the impact of IT governance on technology enabled audit performance.IT governance is a mechanism to stimulate anticipated behaviour in the use of technology among the employees of an organisation and it is a subset of corporate governance. Agency theory will be employed in explaining the phenomena.A survey using closed-ended questionnaire will be distributed to approximately 300 Malaysia public sector auditor in National Audit Department of Malaysia whom performing technology enabled auditing.The finding of the study expected to enrich the existing body of knowledge and accounting professional practice on the significant role of IT governance in assuring the successful implementation of technology enabled auditing

    Delone and McLean information systems success model in the public sector: A systematic review

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    Delone and McLean(D&M) had launched in 1992 one of the most popular models for evaluating the success factors of information systems (IS), ten years later, they suggested an updated model that incorporated certain elements that were not taken into the first model. In this paper, we have based the search on several articles, which meet a set of criteria. In fact, we found that the model of Delone and McLean has been adopted in different countries and contexts, yet in some cases, it is necessary to integrate the variables of other models or theories in order to better understand the subject and fill its voids, especially in the public sector and its specificities. The most frequently used variable in these papers was "trust", this reflects the importance of this concept when studying information systems in the public sector. Finally, we list the main items and dimensions used in these articles for each of the seven variables as well as their specificities in the public sector
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