31,147 research outputs found

    The macroscopic effects of microscopic heterogeneity

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    Over the past decade, advances in super-resolution microscopy and particle-based modeling have driven an intense interest in investigating spatial heterogeneity at the level of single molecules in cells. Remarkably, it is becoming clear that spatiotemporal correlations between just a few molecules can have profound effects on the signaling behavior of the entire cell. While such correlations are often explicitly imposed by molecular structures such as rafts, clusters, or scaffolds, they also arise intrinsically, due strictly to the small numbers of molecules involved, the finite speed of diffusion, and the effects of macromolecular crowding. In this chapter we review examples of both explicitly imposed and intrinsic correlations, focusing on the mechanisms by which microscopic heterogeneity is amplified to macroscopic effect.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Advances in Chemical Physic

    Functional Bias and Spatial Organization of Genes in Mutational Hot and Cold Regions in the Human Genome

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    The neutral mutation rate is known to vary widely along human chromosomes, leading to mutational hot and cold regions. We provide evidence that categories of functionally-related genes reside preferentially in mutationally hot or cold regions, the size of which we have measured. Genes in hot regions are biased toward extra-cellular communication (surface receptors, cell adhesion, immune response, etc.) while those in cold regions are biased toward essential cellular processes (gene regulation, RNA processing, protein modification, etc.). From a selective perspective, this organization of genes could minimize the mutational load on genes that need to be conserved and allow fast evolution for genes that must frequently adapt. We also analyze the effect of gene duplication and chromosomal recombination, which contribute significantly to these biases for certain categories of hot genes. Overall, our results show that genes are located non-randomly with respect to hot and cold regions, offering the possibility that selection acts at the level of gene location in the human genome.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. accepted to PLOS Biology, Feb. 2004 issu

    The role of multiple marks in epigenetic silencing and the emergence of a stable bivalent chromatin state

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    We introduce and analyze a minimal model of epigenetic silencing in budding yeast, built upon known biomolecular interactions in the system. Doing so, we identify the epigenetic marks essential for the bistability of epigenetic states. The model explicitly incorporates two key chromatin marks, namely H4K16 acetylation and H3K79 methylation, and explores whether the presence of multiple marks lead to a qualitatively different systems behavior. We find that having both modifications is important for the robustness of epigenetic silencing. Besides the silenced and transcriptionally active fate of chromatin, our model leads to a novel state with bivalent (i.e., both active and silencing) marks under certain perturbations (knock-out mutations, inhibition or enhancement of enzymatic activity). The bivalent state appears under several perturbations and is shown to result in patchy silencing. We also show that the titration effect, owing to a limited supply of silencing proteins, can result in counter-intuitive responses. The design principles of the silencing system is systematically investigated and disparate experimental observations are assessed within a single theoretical framework. Specifically, we discuss the behavior of Sir protein recruitment, spreading and stability of silenced regions in commonly-studied mutants (e.g., sas2, dot1) illuminating the controversial role of Dot1 in the systems biology of yeast silencing.Comment: Supplementary Material, 14 page

    Transport of quantum excitations coupled to spatially extended nonlinear many-body systems

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    The role of noise in the transport properties of quantum excitations is a topic of great importance in many fields, from organic semiconductors for technological applications to light-harvesting complexes in photosynthesis. In this paper we study a semi-classical model where a tight-binding Hamiltonian is fully coupled to an underlying spatially extended nonlinear chain of atoms. We show that the transport properties of a quantum excitation are subtly modulated by (i) the specific type (local vs non-local) of exciton-phonon coupling and by (ii) nonlinear effects of the underlying lattice. We report a non-monotonic dependence of the exciton diffusion coefficient on temperature, in agreement with earlier predictions, as a direct consequence of the lattice-induced fluctuations in the hopping rates due to long-wavelength vibrational modes. A standard measure of transport efficiency confirms that both nonlinearity in the underlying lattice and off-diagonal exciton-phonon coupling promote transport efficiency at high temperatures, preventing the Zeno-like quench observed in other models lacking an explicit noise-providing dynamical system

    Fundamental Limits to Position Determination by Concentration Gradients

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    Position determination in biological systems is often achieved through protein concentration gradients. Measuring the local concentration of such a protein with a spatially-varying distribution allows the measurement of position within the system. In order for these systems to work effectively, position determination must be robust to noise. Here, we calculate fundamental limits to the precision of position determination by concentration gradients due to unavoidable biochemical noise perturbing the gradients. We focus on gradient proteins with first order reaction kinetics. Systems of this type have been experimentally characterised in both developmental and cell biology settings. For a single gradient we show that, through time-averaging, great precision can potentially be achieved even with very low protein copy numbers. As a second example, we investigate the ability of a system with oppositely directed gradients to find its centre. With this mechanism, positional precision close to the centre improves more slowly with increasing averaging time, and so longer averaging times or higher copy numbers are required for high precision. For both single and double gradients, we demonstrate the existence of optimal length scales for the gradients, where precision is maximized, as well as analyzing how precision depends on the size of the concentration measuring apparatus. Our results provide fundamental constraints on the positional precision supplied by concentration gradients in various contexts, including both in developmental biology and also within a single cell.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure