1,395 research outputs found

    Characterization of an Integrated Circuit with Respect to Electrostatic Discharge-Induced Soft Failures

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    This research proposal presents a methodology whereby an integrated circuit (IC) can be characterized with respect to soft-failures induced by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)-like events. This methodology uses an exclusively black-box approach to determine the response of an IC in a system-level environment, thereby allowing it to be implemented without intimate knowledge of the DUT IC. Results from this methodology can be referenced during system design to raise awareness of specific vulnerabilities of the core system ICs. During work on this methodology, several sub topics have been explored and developed in the field of system-level ESD. Sections 2 and 3 introduce two topics which were developed to facilitate the generation and expression of IC pin models. Papers 1 and 2 introduce injection methods for characterizing complete systems on an interface-by-interface basis and form the foundation for the following works. Papers 2 and 3 mirror Papers 1 and 2 but instead shift focus away from the system as a whole and outline methods for characterizing the integrated circuits directly. Finally, Section 4 outlines a model method which can be used to describe the failures found in Paper 4 in circuit simulation, rounding out the work. Additional measurements which were unable to be included in Paper 4 are included in Appendices A, B, and C --Abstract, page iv

    Advanced sensors technology survey

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    This project assesses the state-of-the-art in advanced or 'smart' sensors technology for NASA Life Sciences research applications with an emphasis on those sensors with potential applications on the space station freedom (SSF). The objectives are: (1) to conduct literature reviews on relevant advanced sensor technology; (2) to interview various scientists and engineers in industry, academia, and government who are knowledgeable on this topic; (3) to provide viewpoints and opinions regarding the potential applications of this technology on the SSF; and (4) to provide summary charts of relevant technologies and centers where these technologies are being developed

    Biomedical Engineering

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    Biomedical engineering is currently relatively wide scientific area which has been constantly bringing innovations with an objective to support and improve all areas of medicine such as therapy, diagnostics and rehabilitation. It holds a strong position also in natural and biological sciences. In the terms of application, biomedical engineering is present at almost all technical universities where some of them are targeted for the research and development in this area. The presented book brings chosen outputs and results of research and development tasks, often supported by important world or European framework programs or grant agencies. The knowledge and findings from the area of biomaterials, bioelectronics, bioinformatics, biomedical devices and tools or computer support in the processes of diagnostics and therapy are defined in a way that they bring both basic information to a reader and also specific outputs with a possible further use in research and development

    Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2020, held in Leiden, The Netherlands, in September 2020. The 60 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 111 submissions. The were organized in topical sections on haptic science, haptic technology, and haptic applications. This year's focus is on accessibility

    Implantable Low-Noise Fiberless Optoelectrodes for Optogenetic Control of Distinct Neural Populations

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    The mammalian brain is often compared to an electrical circuit, and its dynamics and function are governed by communication across different types neurons. To treat neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which are characterized by inhibition or amplification of neural activity in a particular region or lack of communication between different regions of the brain, there is a need to understand troubleshoot neural networks at cellular or local circuit level. In this work, we introduce a novel implantable optoelectrode that can manipulate more than one neuron type at a single site, independently and simultaneously. By delivering multi-color light using a scalable optical waveguide mixer, we demonstrate manipulation of multiple neuron types at precise spatial locations in vivo for the first time. We report design, micro-fabrication and optoelectronic packaging of a fiber-less, multicolor optoelectrode. The compact optoelectrode design consists of a 7 μm x 30 μm dielectric optical waveguide mixer and eight electrical recording sites monolithically integrated on each shank of a 22 μm-thick four-shank silicon neural probe. The waveguide mixers are coupled to eight side-emitting injection laser diodes (ILDs) via gradient-index (GRIN) lenses assembled on the probe backend. GRIN-based optoelectrode enables efficient optical coupling with large alignment tolerance to provide wide optical power range (10 to 3000 mW/mm2 irradiance) at stimulation ports. It also keeps thermal dissipation and electromagnetic interference generated by light sources sufficiently far from the sensitive neural signals, allowing thermal and electrical noise management on a multilayer printed circuit board. We demonstrated device verification and validation in CA1 pyramidal layer of mice hippocampus in both anesthetized and awake animals. The packaged devices were used to manipulate variety of multi-opsin preparations in vivo expressing different combinations of Channelrhodopsin-2, Archaerhodopsin and ChrimsonR in pyramidal and parvalbumin interneuron cells. We show effective stimulation, inhibition and recording of neural spikes at precise spatial locations with less than 100 μV stimulation-locked transients on the recording channels, demonstrating novel use of this technology in the functional dissection of neural circuits.PHDBiomedical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137171/1/kkomal_1.pd

    Measurement of Electromagnetic Noise Coupling and Signal Mode Conversion in Data Cabling

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    Nonuniformity in transmission lines is known to be one of the causes of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and signal integrity (SI) issues, especially at high frequencies. This may include unpredictability in the manufacturing process, design constraints, tolerances in the values of terminal components, pigtail effects, etc., that can generate, common mode currents – with resultant degradation of signal performance of transmission lines with respect to ground. All these phenomena are capable of converting the desired differential mode (DM) signal into the unwanted common mode (CM) signal and vice versa. This study looks at cable nonuniformity resulting from irregular cable twists in twisted pair cabling, using the Category 6 UTP as an example, and considers this phenomenon responsible for signal mode conversion. Although twisted pair cables are generally often regarded as balanced transmission lines, the study shows that signal mode conversion is capable of twisted pair cables, and that makes twisted pair cabling a non-ideal balanced transmission line. However, it is difficult to analyse nonuniformity using differential equations because of the changing per-unit-length (p.u.l) parameters throughout an entire line length. Because of this, experimental measurements based on mixed-mode s-parameters analysis are designed and used to show that twisted pair cables can convert a differential mode signal to common mode signal and thus cause radiated emissions to the circuit environment. A vital contribution of this study is in the measurement techniques used. Similarly, a common mode signal (represented by an externally generated noise signal) can couple onto the transmission line, and because of the physical structure of the line, the line could become susceptible to external noise. These phenomena are not associated with ideal balanced transmission lines. In either case, if the mode conversion is not minimized, it has the potential to affect the performance of the twisted pair transmission line in terms of bit error rate. Bit error rate, BER, is basically the average rate at which transmitted errors occur in a communication system due to noise and is defined as the number of bits in error divided by the total number of bits transmitted. Therefore, reducing mode conversion in a transmission line helps to reduce the bit error rate and indeed minimise crosstalk in the communication channel. The experiments were conducted using a 4-Port Vector Network Analyser. The significance of using the 4-port VNA is that it has a general application in cable parameter measurement in the absence of specialized/customized measuring instruments. Nonetheless, with some transmission line assumptions based on the Telegrapher’s equation and applying the concept of modal decomposition, the mechanisms of signal mode conversion could be recognised. Consequently, an approximate first step symbolic solution to identifying EM radiation and hence DM-to-CM conversion and vice versa in data cable were proposed.Tertiary Education Trust Fund (Nigeria

    Scattering by two spheres: Theory and experiment

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    In device engineering, basic neuron-to-neuron communication has recently inspired the development of increasingly structured and efficient brain-mimicking setups in which the information flow can be processed with strategies resembling physiological ones. This is possible thanks to the use of organic neuromorphic devices, which can share the same electrolytic medium and adjust reciprocal connection weights according to temporal features of the input signals. In a parallel - although conceptually deeply interconnected - fashion, device engineers are directing their efforts towards novel tools to interface the brain and to decipher its signalling strategies. This led to several technological advances which allow scientists to transduce brain activity and, piece by piece, to create a detailed map of its functions. This effort extends over a wide spectrum of length-scales, zooming out from neuron-to-neuron communication up to global activity of neural populations. Both these scientific endeavours, namely mimicking neural communication and transducing brain activity, can benefit from the technology of Electrolyte-Gated Organic Transistors (EGOTs). Electrolyte-Gated Organic Transistors (EGOTs) are low-power electronic devices that functionally integrate the electrolytic environment through the exploitation of organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors. This enables the conversion of ionic signals into electronic ones, making such architectures ideal building blocks for neuroelectronics. This has driven extensive scientific and technological investigation on EGOTs. Such devices have been successfully demonstrated both as transducers and amplifiers of electrophysiological activity and as neuromorphic units. These promising results arise from the fact that EGOTs are active devices, which widely extend their applicability window over the capabilities of passive electronics (i.e. electrodes) but pose major integration hurdles. Being transistors, EGOTs need two driving voltages to be operated. If, on the one hand, the presence of two voltages becomes an advantage for the modulation of the device response (e.g. for devising EGOT-based neuromorphic circuitry), on the other hand it can become detrimental in brain interfaces, since it may result in a non-null bias directly applied on the brain. If such voltage exceeds the electrochemical stability window of water, undesired faradic reactions may lead to critical tissue and/or device damage. This work addresses EGOTs applications in neuroelectronics from the above-described dual perspective, spanning from neuromorphic device engineering to in vivo brain-device interfaces implementation. The advantages of using three-terminal architectures for neuromorphic devices, achieving reversible fine-tuning of their response plasticity, are highlighted. Jointly, the possibility of obtaining a multilevel memory unit by acting on the gate potential is discussed. Additionally, a novel mode of operation for EGOTs is introduced, enabling full retention of amplification capability while, at the same time, avoiding the application of a bias in the brain. Starting on these premises, a novel set of ultra-conformable active micro-epicortical arrays is presented, which fully integrate in situ fabricated EGOT recording sites onto medical-grade polyimide substrates. Finally, a whole organic circuitry for signal processing is presented, exploiting ad-hoc designed organic passive components coupled with EGOT devices. This unprecedented approach provides the possibility to sort complex signals into their constitutive frequency components in real time, thereby delineating innovative strategies to devise organic-based functional building-blocks for brain-machine interfaces.Nell’ingegneria elettronica, la comunicazione di base tra neuroni ha recentemente ispirato lo sviluppo di configurazioni sempre più articolate ed efficienti che imitano il cervello, in cui il flusso di informazioni può essere elaborato con strategie simili a quelle fisiologiche. Ciò è reso possibile grazie all'uso di dispositivi neuromorfici organici, che possono condividere lo stesso mezzo elettrolitico e regolare i pesi delle connessioni reciproche in base alle caratteristiche temporali dei segnali in ingresso. In modo parallelo, gli ingegneri elettronici stanno dirigendo i loro sforzi verso nuovi strumenti per interfacciare il cervello e decifrare le sue strategie di comunicazione. Si è giunti così a diversi progressi tecnologici che consentono agli scienziati di trasdurre l'attività cerebrale e, pezzo per pezzo, di creare una mappa dettagliata delle sue funzioni. Entrambi questi ambiti scientifici, ovvero imitare la comunicazione neurale e trasdurre l'attività cerebrale, possono trarre vantaggio dalla tecnologia dei transistor organici a base elettrolitica (EGOT). I transistor organici a base elettrolitica (EGOT) sono dispositivi elettronici a bassa potenza che integrano funzionalmente l'ambiente elettrolitico attraverso lo sfruttamento di conduttori organici misti ionici-elettronici, i quali consentono di convertire i segnali ionici in segnali elettronici, rendendo tali dispositivi ideali per la neuroelettronica. Gli EGOT sono stati dimostrati con successo sia come trasduttori e amplificatori dell'attività elettrofisiologica e sia come unità neuromorfiche. Tali risultati derivano dal fatto che gli EGOT sono dispositivi attivi, al contrario dell'elettronica passiva (ad esempio gli elettrodi), ma pongono comunque qualche ostacolo alla loro integrazione in ambiente biologico. In quanto transistor, gli EGOT necessitano l'applicazione di due tensioni tra i suoi terminali. Se, da un lato, la presenza di due tensioni diventa un vantaggio per la modulazione della risposta del dispositivo (ad esempio, per l'ideazione di circuiti neuromorfici basati su EGOT), dall'altro può diventare dannosa quando gli EGOT vengono adoperati come sito di registrazione nelle interfacce cerebrali, poiché una tensione non nulla può essere applicata direttamente al cervello. Se tale tensione supera la finestra di stabilità elettrochimica dell'acqua, reazioni faradiche indesiderate possono manifestarsi, le quali potrebbero danneggiare i tessuti e/o il dispositivo. Questo lavoro affronta le applicazioni degli EGOT nella neuroelettronica dalla duplice prospettiva sopra descritta: ingegnerizzazione neuromorfica ed implementazione come interfacce neurali in applicazioni in vivo. Vengono evidenziati i vantaggi dell'utilizzo di architetture a tre terminali per i dispositivi neuromorfici, ottenendo una regolazione reversibile della loro plasticità di risposta. Si discute inoltre la possibilità di ottenere un'unità di memoria multilivello agendo sul potenziale di gate. Viene introdotta una nuova modalità di funzionamento per gli EGOT, che consente di mantenere la capacità di amplificazione e, allo stesso tempo, di evitare l'applicazione di una tensione all’interfaccia cervello-dispositivo. Partendo da queste premesse, viene presentata una nuova serie di array micro-epicorticali ultra-conformabili, che integrano completamente i siti di registrazione EGOT fabbricati in situ su substrati di poliimmide. Infine, viene proposto un circuito organico per l'elaborazione del segnale, sfruttando componenti passivi organici progettati ad hoc e accoppiati a dispositivi EGOT. Questo approccio senza precedenti offre la possibilità di filtrare e scomporre segnali complessi nelle loro componenti di frequenza costitutive in tempo reale, delineando così strategie innovative per concepire blocchi funzionali a base organica per le interfacce cervello-macchina
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