2,391 research outputs found

    An investigation for the development of an integrated optical data preprocessor

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    A laboratory model of a 16 channel integrated optical data preprocessor was fabricated and tested in response to a need for a device to evaluate the outputs of a set of remote sensors. It does this by accepting the outputs of these sensors, in parallel, as the components of a multidimensional vector descriptive of the data and comparing this vector to one or more reference vectors which are used to classify the data set. The comparison is performed by taking the difference between the signal and reference vectors. The preprocessor is wholly integrated upon the surface of a LiNbO3 single crystal with the exceptions of the source and the detector. He-Ne laser light is coupled in and out of the waveguide by prism couplers. The integrated optical circuit consists of a titanium infused waveguide pattern, electrode structures and grating beam splitters. The waveguide and electrode patterns, by virtue of their complexity, make the vector subtraction device the most complex integrated optical structure fabricated to date

    Focal position-controlled processing head for a laser pattern generator (LPG) for flexible micro-structuring

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    In micro-structuring processes a direct structuring of the substrate is, in most cases, not possible and therefore the profile is first obtained in photo resist and then, in a second step, transferred into the substrate. The resist structuring can be performed using the flexible characteristics of a laser pattern generator (LPG). In these processes, there is a beneficial relationship between the apparatus/equipment expense and the obtainable processing results. For a reproduceable processing result in all micro structuring tasks, good reproducibility of all process relevant parameters is required. In the application of a laser pattern generator, precise control of the focal position of the strongly focussed laser beam relative to the processing surface must be maintained. [Continues.

    Fabrication of Flexible Hybrid Circuits in Parylene

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    In recent years, with the increasing research interest in personalized medicine, new and disruptive technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and flexible wearable electronics have emerged and have become trending topics in the scientific community. Despite consistent progress in the area of fully flexible electronics, these continue to reveal some restrictions, which can be overcome by traditional silicon integrated circuits (ICs). The combination between these technologies generated the new concept of flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) igniting a new generation of wearable health monitoring systems. This thesis reports a new way to the use parylene C as substrate, dielectric and encap- sulation layers to accommodate silicon ICs, surface mounted devices (SMDs) and thin metal layers, in order to create flexible and conformable double layered hybrid sensing membranes for body temperature monitoring, one of the most relevant physiological pa- rameters upon a medical diagnosis, since it’s among the main indicators for inflammation and infection. To achieve the thin metal and parylene C layers, thin-film microfabrica- tion techniques were employed and corroborated by superficial, electrical and structural characterization techniques. In addition the establishment of an electrical connection by the integration of silicon ICs and SMDs onto the thin metal layer was successfully tested using a low-temperature solder paste and a reflow oven, which reproduced a previously inputted time-temperature profile. Furthermore, this thesis analyses the repercussions of this integration procedure on the peel off process. Throughout this work, commercial body temperature measuring circuits were used as inspiration for the temperature sensing circuits developed. The interface between the produced membranes and their respective microcontrollers was also tested, although no temperature measurements were obtained due to parylene’s performance as a dielectric. The successful production of a fully functional flexible and conformable double layered hybrid sensing membrane could propel the adaptation of other rigid health monitoring electronics to FHE membranes, further engraving this technology into people’s daily lives.Com o crescente interesse na pesquisa em medicina personalizada, novas tecnologias como a Internet of Things (IoT) e a eletrónica flexível, surgiram e tornaram-se tópicos de tendência na comunidade científica. Apesar dos progressos na área da eletrónica totalmente flexível, continuam a existir algumas restrições, que podem ser superadas pelos circuitos integrados de silício (ICs) tradicionais. A junção entre estas tecnologias gerou um novo conceito de eletrónica híbrida flexível (FHE) dando início a uma nova geração de sistemas de monitorização de saúde. Esta tese aborda uma forma inovadora de usar parileno C como substrato, dielétrico e camada de encapsulamento para acomodar ICs de silício, surface mounted devices (SMDs) e camadas metálicas finas, a fim de criar circuitos em membranas híbridas de dupla camada flexíveis e conformáveis para monitorização da temperatura corporal, um dos parâmetros fisiológicos com maior relevância aquando do diagnóstico, uma vez que é um dos principais indicadores de infeções e inflamações. Para obter as camadas finas de metal e parileno C, foram empregues técnicas de microfabricação de filmes finos, corroboradas por caracterizações superficiais, elétricas e estruturais. Utilizando uma pasta de solda de baixa temperatura e um forno de refluxo, reproduzindo um perfil de tempo-temperatura, foi desenvolvido um protocolo para a conexão e integração de ICs na fina camada de metal. São ainda apresentados resultados relativos às implicações deste processo no método do peel off. Os circuitos desenvolvidos durante esta tese tiveram por base circuitos comerciais que medem a temperamtura corporal. Apesar da interface entre as membranas produzidas e os seus respetivos microcontroladores ter sido testada, não foi possível medir a temperatura com os circuitos desenvolvidos devido à performance do parileno como dielétrico. A produção bem-sucedida de uma membrana híbrida de dupla camada, flexível e conformável, totalmente funcional pode impulsionar a adaptação de outros equipamentos rígidos de monitorização de saúde para membranas híbridas flexíveis, inserindo ainda mais esta tecnologia na vida quotidiana

    Design, development and fabrication of a Precision Autocollimating Solar Sensor /PASS/

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    Precision Autocollimating Solar Sensor /PASS/ for Solar Pointing Aerobee Rocket Control System /SPARCS/ progra

    James Webb Space Telescope Optical Simulation Testbed I: Overview and First Results

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Optical Simulation Testbed (JOST) is a tabletop workbench to study aspects of wavefront sensing and control for a segmented space telescope, including both commissioning and maintenance activities. JOST is complementary to existing optomechanical testbeds for JWST (e.g. the Ball Aerospace Testbed Telescope, TBT) given its compact scale and flexibility, ease of use, and colocation at the JWST Science & Operations Center. We have developed an optical design that reproduces the physics of JWST's three-mirror anastigmat using three aspheric lenses; it provides similar image quality as JWST (80% Strehl ratio) over a field equivalent to a NIRCam module, but at HeNe wavelength. A segmented deformable mirror stands in for the segmented primary mirror and allows control of the 18 segments in piston, tip, and tilt, while the secondary can be controlled in tip, tilt and x, y, z position. This will be sufficient to model many commissioning activities, to investigate field dependence and multiple field point sensing & control, to evaluate alternate sensing algorithms, and develop contingency plans. Testbed data will also be usable for cross-checking of the WFS&C Software Subsystem, and for staff training and development during JWST's five- to ten-year mission.Comment: Proceedings of the SPIE, 9143-150. 13 pages, 8 figure