128 research outputs found

    Novi profil gradskih luka u razvoju nautičkog turizma

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    Maritime ports are an integral part of the large towns, their most attractive, and at the same time, their most profitable area. The development of ports in Croatia and in the Mediterranean has proceeded alongside the development of maritime towns. Their age parallels the age of the towns. Throughout history, town ports have changed their economic role and profile adapting to the needs of the market and towns. The development of nautical tourism has placed great pressure on the old ports changing their existing profile. Over the centuries, town ports of large and medium-size towns have performed the function of maritime traffic, transportation of persons and cargo, and trade. For nautical tourism to achieve good development results and a consistently high development rate, it is necessary to change the classical profile of town ports by transforming them from maritime ports into ports for nautical tourism. What types of changes are involved? What do these changes bring? The answers to these questions and others shall be given in this article.Pomorske luke dio su velikih gradova i njihova najatraktivnija i najvrjednija područja. Razvoj luka u Hrvatskoj i na Mediteranu išao je u korak s razvojem gradova na obali. Njihova starost jednaka je starosti grada. Tijekom povijesti, gradske su luke mijenjale svoju gospodarsku ulogu i profil, prilagođavajući se potrebama tržišta i grada. Razvoj nautičkog turizma izvršio je na stare luke veliki pritisak, u smislu promjene njihovog postojećeg profila. Gradske luke velikih i srednje velikih gradova vjekovima su u funkciji pomorskog prometa, prijevoza ljudi i tereta i trgovine. Dobri razvojni rezultat nautičkog turizma i kontinuirano visoke razvojne stope, zahtijevaju promjenu klasičnog profila gradskih luka na način da se luke za pomorski promet transformiraju u luke nautičkog turizma. O kakvim se promjenama radi? Što donose te promjene? Na ova i druga pitanja nastoji se odgovoriti u ovom tekstu

    Floating Car Data Technology

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    The limiting conditions of traffic in cities, together with the complex and dynamic traffic flows, require an efficient and systematic management and information provision for the traffic participants, with the goal to achieve better utilisation of traffic resources and preserve sustainable mobility. In that context, it is important to identify the traffic flow location features, which requires data and information. This paper presents the application of mobile vehicles for the collection of real time traffic flow data. Such data have become an important source of traffic data, since they can be collected in a simple and cost-efficient way, enabling higher coverage than the conventional approaches, despite the reliability issues. The term referring to that type of data collection, commonly used in scientific and professional literature is FCD (Floating Car Data) and “Probe vehicle”. The efficiency presentation of applying this extensive data source for retrieving necessary parameters and information related to the achievement of sustainable mobility is the final objective of this paper. A description of modern technologies that serve as a basis for probe vehicle data collection has been provided: a geographical information system (GIS), global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and related wireless communication. Within the key technologies review, the development possibilities of data collection by mobile sensors have also been presented

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    New Perspectives in Fluid Dynamics

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    This book contains five chapters detailing significant advances in and applications of new turbulence theory and fluid dynamics modeling with a focus on wave propagation from arbitrary depths to shallow waters, computational modeling for predicting optical distortions through hypersonic flow fields, wind strokes over highway bridges, optimal crop production in a greenhouse, and technological appliance and performance concerns in wheelchair racing. We hope this book to be a useful resource to scientists and engineers who are interested in the fundamentals and applications of fluid dynamics

    Cartography in Croatia 2007–2011 National Report to the ICA 15th General Assembly, Paris, 2011

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    This article stems from setting student projects. It describes in detail the outcome of a project designed to ascertain the views of the public in relation to ancillary relief and what they consider to be a ‘fair’ outcome. The rationale for undertaking student projects has been discussed at length in another article and is therefore only alluded to here. The discussion centres around the law, findings and outcome of the project. Students studying the Family Law course at Sheffield University were required to survey members of the public in order to gather their views on the division of assets on divorce and then to analyse the public’s response in light of the seminal decision of the House of Lords in White v White [2000] UKHL 54; [2001] 1 AC 596

    Cartography in Croatia 2007–2011 National Report to the ICA 15th General Assembly, Paris, 2011

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    <p>Croatia has been a member of the International Cartographic Association – ICA since 1995 and one of its obligations has been to submit national reports about its cartographic activities at general assemblies held everyfour years. The bearer of those activities in Croatia is the Croatian Cartographic Society. The State Geodetic Administration recognized the value and importance of those activities and has been financially supporting the work on national report for several years.</p

    Innovative Methods and Materials in Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures

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    In the past, when elements in sructures were composed of perishable materials, such as wood, the maintenance of houses, bridges, etc., was considered of vital importance for their safe use and to preserve their efficiency. With the advent of materials such as reinforced concrete and steel, given their relatively long useful life, periodic and constant maintenance has often been considered a secondary concern. When it was realized that even for structures fabricated with these materials that the useful life has an end and that it was being approached, planning maintenance became an important and non-negligible aspect. Thus, the concept of structural health monitoring (SHM) was introduced, designed, and implemented as a multidisciplinary method. Computational mechanics, static and dynamic analysis of structures, electronics, sensors, and, recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are required, but it is also important to consider new materials, especially those with intrinsic self-diagnosis characteristics, and to use measurement and survey methods typical of modern geomatics, such as satellite surveys and highly sophisticated laser tools