7 research outputs found

    On Sampling from the Gibbs Distribution with Random Maximum A-Posteriori Perturbations

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    In this paper we describe how MAP inference can be used to sample efficiently from Gibbs distributions. Specifically, we provide means for drawing either approximate or unbiased samples from Gibbs' distributions by introducing low dimensional perturbations and solving the corresponding MAP assignments. Our approach also leads to new ways to derive lower bounds on partition functions. We demonstrate empirically that our method excels in the typical "high signal - high coupling" regime. The setting results in ragged energy landscapes that are challenging for alternative approaches to sampling and/or lower bounds

    Measuring Uncertainty in Graph Cut Solutions – Efficiently Computing Min-marginal Energies Using Dynamic Graph Cuts

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    In recent years graph cuts have become a popular tool for performing inference in Markov and Conditional Random Fields. In this context the question arises as to whether it might be possible to compute a measure of uncertainty associated with the graph-cut solutions. In this paper we answer this particular question by showing how the min-marginals associated with the label assignments of a random field can be efficiently computed using a new algorithm based on dynamic graph cuts. The min-marginal energies obtained by our proposed algorithm are exact, as opposed to the ones obtained from other inference algorithms like loopy belief propagation and generalized belief propagation. The paper also shows how min-marginals can be used for parameter learning in conditional random fields

    Multi-scale image inpainting with label selection based on local statistics

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    We proposed a novel inpainting method where we use a multi-scale approach to speed up the well-known Markov Random Field (MRF) based inpainting method. MRF based inpainting methods are slow when compared with other exemplar-based methods, because its computational complexity is O(jLj2) (L feasible solutions’ labels). Our multi-scale approach seeks to reduces the number of the L (feasible) labels by an appropiate selection of the labels using the information of the previous (low resolution) scale. For the initial label selection we use local statistics; moreover, to compensate the loss of information in low resolution levels we use features related to the original image gradient. Our computational results show that our approach is competitive, in terms reconstruction quality, when compare to the original MRF based inpainting, as well as other exemplarbased inpaiting algorithms, while being at least one order of magnitude faster than the original MRF based inpainting and competitive with exemplar-based inpaiting.Tesi

    Reconstruction of 3D Neuronal Structures from Densely Packed Electron Microscopy Data Stacks

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    The goal of fully decoding how the brain works requires a detailed wiring diagram of the brain network that reveals the complete connectivity matrix. Recent advances in high-throughput 3D electron microscopy (EM) image acquisition techniques have made it possible to obtain high-resolution 3D imaging data that allows researchers to follow axons and dendrites and to identify pre-synaptic and post-synaptic sites, enabling the reconstruction of detailed neural circuits of the nervous system at the level of synapses. However, these massive data sets pose unique challenges to structural reconstruction because the inevitable staining noise, incomplete boundaries, and inhomogeneous staining intensities increase difficulty of 3D reconstruction and visualization. In this dissertation, a new set of algorithms are provided for reconstruction of neuronal morphology from stacks of serial EM images. These algorithms include (1) segmentation algorithms for obtaining the full geometry of neural circuits, (2) interactive segmentation tools for manual correction of erroneous segmentations, and (3) a validation method for obtaining a topologically correct segmentation when a set of segmentation alternatives are available. Experimental results obtained by using EM images containing densely packed cells demonstrate that (1) the proposed segmentation methods can successfully reconstruct full anatomical structures from EM images, (2) the editing tools provide a way for the user to easily and quickly refine incorrect segmentations, (3) and the validation method is effective in combining multiple segmentation results. The algorithms presented in this dissertation are expected to contribute to the reconstruction of the connectome and to open new directions in the development of reconstruction methods

    Context Models for Understanding Images and Videos

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    A computer vision system that has to interact in natural language needs to understand the visual appearance of interactions between objects along with the appearance of objects themselves. Relationships between objects are frequently mentioned in queries of tasks like semantic image retrieval, image captioning, visual question answering and natural language object detection. Hence, it is essential to model context between objects for solving these tasks. In the first part of this thesis, we present a technique for detecting an object mentioned in a natural language query. Specifically, we work with referring expressions which are sentences that identify a particular object instance in an image. In many referring expressions, an object is described in relation to another object using prepositions, comparative adjectives, action verbs etc. Our proposed technique can identify both the referred object and the context object mentioned in such expressions. Context is also useful for incrementally understanding scenes and videos. In the second part of this thesis, we propose techniques for searching for objects in an image and events in a video. Our proposed incremental algorithms use the context from previously explored regions to prioritize the regions to explore next. The advantage of incremental understanding is restricting the amount of computation time and/or resources spent for various detection tasks. Our first proposed technique shows how to learn context in indoor scenes in an implicit manner and use it for searching for objects. The second technique shows how explicitly written context rules of one-on-one basketball can be used to sequentially detect events in a game

    Interactive Segmentation, Uncertainty and Learning

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    Interactive segmentation is an important paradigm in image processing. To minimize the number of user interactions (“seeds”) required until the result is correct, the computer should actively query the human for input at the most critical locations, in analogy to active learning. These locations are found by means of suitable uncertainty measures. I propose various such measures for the watershed cut algorithm along with a theoretical analysis of some of their properties in Chapter 2. Furthermore, real-world images often admit many different segmentations that have nearly the same quality according to the underlying energy function. The diversity of these solutions may be a powerful uncertainty indicator. In Chapter 3 the crucial prerequisite in the context of seeded segmentation with minimum spanning trees (i.e. edge-weighted watersheds) is provided. Specifically, it is shown how to efficiently enumerate the k smallest spanning trees that result in different segmentations. Furthermore, I propose a scheme that allows to partition an image into a previously unknown number of segments, using only minimal supervision in terms of a few must-link and cannot-link annotations. The algorithm presented in Chapter 4 makes no use of regional data terms, learning instead what constitutes a likely boundary between segments. Since boundaries are only implicitly specified through cannot-link constraints, this is a hard and nonconvex latent variable problem. This problem is adressed in a greedy fashion using a randomized decision tree on features associated with interpixel edges. I propose to use a structured purity criterion during tree construction and also show how a backtracking strategy can be used to prevent the greedy search from ending up in poor local optima. The problem of learning a boundary classifier from sparse user annotations is also considered in Chapter 5. Here the problem is mapped to a multiple instance learning task where positive bags consist of paths on a graph that cross a segmentation boundary and negative bags consist of paths inside a user scribble. Multiple instance learning is also the topic of Chapter 6. Here I propose a multiple instance learning algorithm based on randomized decision trees. Experiments on the typical benchmark data sets show that this model’s prediction performance is clearly better than earlier tree based methods, and is only slightly below that of more expensive methods. Finally, a flow graph based computation library is discussed in Chapter 7. The presented library is used as the backend in a interactive learning and segmentation toolkit and supports a rich set of notification mechanisms for the interaction with a graphical user interface