360,306 research outputs found

    Recent Publication Productivity of Czech Economists

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    The author presents individual and institutional rankings based on the publications of Czech economists in impact-factor journals during 1998 to 2005 with the purpose of measuring the international competitiveness of Czech economists. His accounting methodology is egalitarian by international socio-metric standards, accounting also for publications in journals with low impact factor.impact factor; journal publications; Czech Republic; research

    Betweenness and Diversity in Journal Citation Networks as Measures of Interdisciplinarity -- A Tribute to Eugene Garfield --

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    Journals were central to Eugene Garfield's research interests. Among other things, journals are considered as units of analysis for bibliographic databases such as the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. In addition to disciplinary classifications of journals, journal citation patterns span networks across boundaries to variable extents. Using betweenness centrality (BC) and diversity, we elaborate on the question of how to distinguish and rank journals in terms of interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinarity, however, is difficult to operationalize in the absence of an operational definition of disciplines, the diversity of a unit of analysis is sample-dependent. BC can be considered as a measure of multi-disciplinarity. Diversity of co-citation in a citing document has been considered as an indicator of knowledge integration, but an author can also generate trans-disciplinary--that is, non-disciplined--variation by citing sources from other disciplines. Diversity in the bibliographic coupling among citing documents can analogously be considered as diffusion of knowledge across disciplines. Because the citation networks in the cited direction reflect both structure and variation, diversity in this direction is perhaps the best available measure of interdisciplinarity at the journal level. Furthermore, diversity is based on a summation and can therefore be decomposed, differences among (sub)sets can be tested for statistical significance. In an appendix, a general-purpose routine for measuring diversity in networks is provided

    Does Environmental Economics lead to patentable research?

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    In this feasibility study, the impact of academic research from social sciences and humanities on technological innovation is explored through a study of citations patterns of journal articles in patents. Specifically we focus on citations of journals from the field of environmental economics in patents included in an American patent database (USPTO). Three decades of patents have led to a small set of journal articles (85) that are being cited from the field of environmental economics. While this route of measuring how academic research is validated through its role in stimulating technological progress may be rather limited (based on this first exploration), it may still point to a valuable and interesting topic for further research.Comment: 10 pages, 4 table

    Measuring Research Excellence with Two Journals in Social Sciences: A Scientometric Sketch

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    In view to measure the scientific temper of publication output and to examine the citation pattern in the area of social sciences, 1000 papers drawn from Science Direct Database from the period 2006-2010 for the present piece of study is experienced. In order to serve this purpose the focus has been centered on the analysis of trend of publications, citation and ranking patterns, and global publication profiles in the faculty of the study, and extensively, an attempt has been made to explore the strengths and weakness of different productive countries, affiliated organizations, and the most productive researchers, considering the quantum of their respective research publications. The core findings indicate that, the momentum in quantum of publication output and the participation of number of researchers in research and development has already been accelerated generally in social sciences, specifically, in Political Science at a vertical direction. USA has been proved as a most productive country with 52.6 and 44.8 per cent papers among 27 and 24 participative countries in both journals such as: ‘CPCS’ and ‘ES’. Besides, the period 2006-2010 has identified as one of the most productive time zones having highest 62.8 and 57.5 percent papers contribution to each journal respectively. Additionally, it is noticed that, the single author publications are dominant in 1st journal ‘CPCS’, while a highest number of papers in 2nd journal ‘ES’ are found to be co-authored which is dominating over single authorship pattern. Nevertheless, the most participative institutions in publication in both journals are significantly representing to the highly productive country ‘USA’ is graced to be worthiest, as the study unfolds

    Measuring Research Excellence with Two Journals in Social Sciences: A Scientometric Sketch

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    In view to measure the scientific temper of publication output and to examine the citation pattern in the area of social sciences, 1000 papers drawn from Science Direct Database from the period 2006-2010 for the present piece of study is experienced. In order to serve this purpose the focus has been centered on the analysis of trend of publications, citation and ranking patterns, and global publication profiles in the faculty of the study, and extensively, an attempt has been made to explore the strengths and weakness of different productive countries, affiliated organizations, and the most productive researchers, considering the quantum of their respective research publications. The core findings indicate that, the momentum in quantum of publication output and the participation of number of researchers in research and development has already been accelerated generally in social sciences, specifically, in Political Science at a vertical direction. USA has been proved as a most productive country with 52.6 and 44.8 per cent papers among 27 and 24 participative countries in both journals such as: ‘CPCS’ and ‘ES’. Besides, the period 2006-2010 has identified as one of the most productive time zones having highest 62.8 and 57.5 percent papers contribution to each journal respectively. Additionally, it is noticed that, the single author publications are dominant in 1st journal ‘CPCS’, while a highest number of papers in 2nd journal ‘ES’ are found to be co-authored which is dominating over single authorship pattern. Nevertheless, the most participative institutions in publication in both journals are significantly representing to the highly productive country ‘USA’ is graced to be worthiest, as the study unfolds

    The Impact Factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Research evaluation following peer review. The version of record Antonia Ferrer-Sapena, Enrique A. SĂĄnchez-PĂ©rez, Fernanda Peset, Luis-MillĂĄn GonzĂĄlez, Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent; The Impact Factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics. Res Eval 2016; 25 (3): 306-314 is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvv041The (2-year) Impact Factor of Thomson-Reuters (IF) has become the fundamental tool for analysing the scientific production of academic researchers in a lot of countries. In this article we show that this index and the ordering criterion obtained by using it are highly unstable in the case of mathematics, to the extent that sometimes no reliability can be assigned to its use. We explain the reasons of this behaviour by the specific properties of the mathematical journals and publications, attending mainly the point of view of the researchers in pure mathematics. Using the Journal Citation Report list of journals as a source of information, we analyse the stability in the position of the mathematical journals-the so-called rank-normalized impact factor-compared with journals in applied physics and microbiology during the period 2002-12. Due to the lack of stability of the position of the journals of mathematics in these lists, we propose a 'cumulative index' that fits better the characteristics of mathematical journals. The computation of this index uses the values of the IF of the journals in previous years, providing in this way a more stable indicator.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) [CS02012-39632-C02 to A.F.S, F.P., R.A.B.] and [MTM2012-36740-C02-02 to E.A.S.P.].Ferrer Sapena, A.; SĂĄnchez PĂ©rez, EA.; Peset Mancebo, MF.; Gonzalez, L.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2016). The Impact Factor as a measuring tool of the prestige of the journals in research assessment in mathematics. Research Evaluation. 25(3):306-314. https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvv041S30631425

    Research and Development of Methods and Instrumentation for the Calibration of Vertical Angle Measuring Systems of Geodetic Instruments

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    This research deals with the methods and instrumentation for calibration of vertical angle measuring systems of geodetic instruments. Two different methods are proposed in the thesis. First method is based on the vertical angle measuring system calibration using trigonometric method where 1 m reference scale with 1mm grating is utilized. Two ways of application of this method are analyzed in the thesis as well as uncertainty sources and their impact on measurement results are provided in the table of the uncertainty budget. Another method for vertical angle measuring system calibration is based on the new setup of the reference means. New proposed apparatus is designed to fit the instrument under calibration in horizontal position. Therefore, this setup enables to perform calibration of vertical angle measuring systems using horizontal angle measuring system calibration techniques. The special mirror mount was attached to the telescope of the calibrated instrument and the change of the telescope position was measured by the electronic autocollimator. The analysis of the uncertainty budget is presented in this thesis. The dissertation consists of introduction, 3 chapters, general conclusions and references. The introduction reveals the topicality of the thesis, investigated problem and object of the research. The aim and tasks as well as research methodology, scientific novelty, practical significance of the results and defended statements are also presented in the introduction. Chapter 1 revises scientific papers on the subject of the dissertation. Analysis of standards, methods and instrumentation for the calibration of angle measuring systems are provided in this Chapter. Chapter 2 describes the main principles of two proposed methods. The instrumentation and measurement procedure are analyzed as well as uncertainty evaluation model is designed. Chapter 3 is focused on the experiment of the practical application of both proposed methods. The uncertainty sources are analyzed and specified in the tables of uncertainty budgets. The experimental results of the calibration of vertical angle measuring systems of the total station are revealed. Research results are presented in 7 publications of scientific journals: 3 publications in journals indexed in ISI Web of Science data base with the impact factor, 4 – in other international scientific journals indexed in SCOPUS, Compendex databases. 5 papers are published in the proceedings of international conferences. 1 national patent regarding method for calibration of vertical angle measuring systems using reference scale was registered in the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania

    An Analysis of the Use of the Terms Sex and Gender in Research Reported in Nursing Journals

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    Accurately measuring and reporting the demographic characteristics of research participants are imperative to provide consumers of research with an understanding of who was included in a study. While researchers often, incorrectly, use the variables sex and gender interchangeably, these 2 variables are different. We conducted a content analysis of 239 randomly selected research articles, with the purpose of describing how researchers have used sex and gender in studies published in nursing journals and identifying opportunities for improved clarity and precision in measuring these 2 variables. We found that significant improvement is needed in the way these variables are used/reported

    Students’ Journal Writing Practices and Opinions in a Music Methods Course

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    This article presents an empirical investigation of students’ opinions about summary/reaction journals and their practices in writing those journals within a percussion methods course. An end-of-semester questionnaire was given to students as a means of measuring their perceptions about the journal component of the course. Findings indicate that students did refer to the assignment guidelines while preparing to write their journals. Furthermore, students claim that the journal requirement led them to review course content and prompted their learning about percussion. However, questions remain about the depth of that review and learning. Recommendations for pedagogy of music methods classes and future research are included

    How productive are academic researchers in agriculture-related sciences? The Mexican case

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    This paper explores the effect of commercial farmers-academic researchers linkages on research productivity in fields related to agriculture. Using original data and econometric analysis, our findings show a positive and significant relationship between intensive linkages with a small number of commercial farmers and research productivity, when this is defined as publications in ISI journals. This evidence seems contrary to other contributions that argue that strong ties with the business sector reduce research productivity and distort the original purposes of university, i.e., conducting basic research and preparing highly-trained professionals. When research productivity is defined more broadly adding other types of research outputs, the relationship is also positive and significant confirming the argument that close ties between public research institutions and businesses foster the emergence of new ideas that can be translated into innovations with commercial and/or social value. Another important finding is that researchers in public institutions produce several types of research outputs; therefore, measuring research productivity only by published ISI papers misses important dimensions of research activities.agriculture sector, research productivity, university-business sector interaction, university-industry collaboration
