79 research outputs found

    Quality Adaptive Least Squares Trained Filters for Video Compression Artifacts Removal Using a No-reference Block Visibility Metric

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    Compression artifacts removal is a challenging problem because videos can be compressed at different qualities. In this paper, a least squares approach that is self-adaptive to the visual quality of the input sequence is proposed. For compression artifacts, the visual quality of an image is measured by a no-reference block visibility metric. According to the blockiness visibility of an input image, an appropriate set of filter coefficients that are trained beforehand is selected for optimally removing coding artifacts and reconstructing object details. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a variety of sequences compressed at different qualities in comparison to several other deblocking techniques. The proposed method outperforms the others significantly both objectively and subjectively

    Video enhancement : content classification and model selection

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    The purpose of video enhancement is to improve the subjective picture quality. The field of video enhancement includes a broad category of research topics, such as removing noise in the video, highlighting some specified features and improving the appearance or visibility of the video content. The common difficulty in this field is how to make images or videos more beautiful, or subjectively better. Traditional approaches involve lots of iterations between subjective assessment experiments and redesigns of algorithm improvements, which are very time consuming. Researchers have attempted to design a video quality metric to replace the subjective assessment, but so far it is not successful. As a way to avoid heuristics in the enhancement algorithm design, least mean square methods have received considerable attention. They can optimize filter coefficients automatically by minimizing the difference between processed videos and desired versions through a training. However, these methods are only optimal on average but not locally. To solve the problem, one can apply the least mean square optimization for individual categories that are classified by local image content. The most interesting example is Kondo’s concept of local content adaptivity for image interpolation, which we found could be generalized into an ideal framework for content adaptive video processing. We identify two parts in the concept, content classification and adaptive processing. By exploring new classifiers for the content classification and new models for the adaptive processing, we have generalized a framework for more enhancement applications. For the part of content classification, new classifiers have been proposed to classify different image degradations such as coding artifacts and focal blur. For the coding artifact, a novel classifier has been proposed based on the combination of local structure and contrast, which does not require coding block grid detection. For the focal blur, we have proposed a novel local blur estimation method based on edges, which does not require edge orientation detection and shows more robust blur estimation. With these classifiers, the proposed framework has been extended to coding artifact robust enhancement and blur dependant enhancement. With the content adaptivity to more image features, the number of content classes can increase significantly. We show that it is possible to reduce the number of classes without sacrificing much performance. For the part of model selection, we have introduced several nonlinear filters to the proposed framework. We have also proposed a new type of nonlinear filter, trained bilateral filter, which combines both advantages of the original bilateral filter and the least mean square optimization. With these nonlinear filters, the proposed framework show better performance than with linear filters. Furthermore, we have shown a proof-of-concept for a trained approach to obtain contrast enhancement by a supervised learning. The transfer curves are optimized based on the classification of global or local image content. It showed that it is possible to obtain the desired effect by learning from other computationally expensive enhancement algorithms or expert-tuned examples through the trained approach. Looking back, the thesis reveals a single versatile framework for video enhancement applications. It widens the application scope by including new content classifiers and new processing models and offers scalabilities with solutions to reduce the number of classes, which can greatly accelerate the algorithm design

    Removal Of Blocking Artifacts From JPEG-Compressed Images Using Neural Network

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    The goal of this research was to develop a neural network that will produce considerable improvement in the quality of JPEG compressed images, irrespective of compression level present in the images. In order to develop a computationally efficient algorithm for reducing blocky and Gibbs oscillation artifacts from JPEG compressed images, we integrated artificial intelligence to remove blocky and Gibbs oscillation artifacts. In this approach, alpha blend filter [7] was used to post process JPEG compressed images to reduce noise and artifacts without losing image details. Here alpha blending was controlled by a limit factor that considers the amount of compression present, and any local information derived from Prewitt filter application in the input JPEG image. The outcome of modified alpha blend was improved by a trained neural network and compared with various other published works [7][9][11][14][20][23][30][32][33][35][37] where authors used post compression filtering methods

    Automatic mashup generation of multiple-camera videos

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    The amount of user generated video content is growing enormously with the increase in availability and affordability of technologies for video capturing (e.g. camcorders, mobile-phones), storing (e.g. magnetic and optical devices, online storage services), and sharing (e.g. broadband internet, social networks). It has become a common sight at social occasions like parties, concerts, weddings, vacations that many people are shooting videos at approximately the same time. Such concurrent recordings provide multiple views of the same event. In professional video production, the use of multiple cameras is very common. In order to compose an interesting video to watch, audio and video segments from different recordings are mixed into a single video stream. However, in case of non-professional recordings, mixing different camera recordings is not common as the process is considered very time consuming and requires expertise to do. In this thesis, we research on how to automatically combine multiple-camera recordings in a single video stream, called as a mashup. Since non-professional recordings, in general, are characterized by low signal quality and lack of artistic appeal, our objective is to use mashups to enrich the viewing experience of such recordings. In order to define a target application and collect requirements for a mashup, we conducted a study by involving experts on video editing and general camera users by means of interviews and focus groups. Based on the study results, we decided to work on the domain of concert video. We listed the requirements for concert video mashups such as image quality, diversity, and synchronization. According to the requirements, we proposed a solution approach for mashup generation and introduced a formal model consisting of pre-processing, mashupcomposition and post-processing steps. This thesis describes the pre-processing and mashup-composition steps, which result in the automatic generation of a mashup satisfying a set of the elicited requirements. At the pre-processing step, we synchronized multiple-camera recordings to be represented in a common time-line. We proposed and developed synchronization methods based on detecting and matching audio and video features extracted from the recorded content. We developed three realizations of the approach using different features: still-camera flashes in video, audio-fingerprints and audio-onsets. The realizations are independent of the frame rate of the recordings, the number of cameras and provide the synchronization offset accuracy at frame level. Based on their performance in a common data-set, audio-fingerprint and audio-onset were found as the most suitable to apply in generating mashups of concert videos. In the mashup-composition step, we proposed an optimization based solution to compose a mashup from the synchronized recordings. The solution is based on maximizing an objective function containing a number of parameters, which represent the requirements that influence the mashup quality. The function is subjected to a number of constraints, which represent the requirements that must be fulfilled in a mashup. Different audio-visual feature extraction and analysis techniques were employed to measure the degree of fulfillment of the requirements represented in the objective function. We developed an algorithm, first-fit, to compose a mashup satisfying the constraints and maximizing the objective function. Finally, to validate our solution approach, we evaluated the mashups generated by the first-fit algorithm with the ones generated by two other methods. In the first method, naive, a mashup was generated by satisfying only the requirements given as constraints and in the second method, manual, a mashup was created by a professional. In the objective evaluation, first-fit mashups scored higher than both the manual and naive mashups. To assess the end-user satisfaction, we also conducted a user study where we measured user preferences on the mashups generated by the three methods on different aspects of mashup quality. In all the aspects, the naive mashup scored significantly low, while the manual and first-fit mashups scored similarly. We can conclude that the perceived quality of a mashup generated by the naive method is lower than first-fit and manual while the perceived quality of the mashups generated by first-fit and manual methods are similar

    Use of Coherent Point Drift in computer vision applications

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    This thesis presents the novel use of Coherent Point Drift in improving the robustness of a number of computer vision applications. CPD approach includes two methods for registering two images - rigid and non-rigid point set approaches which are based on the transformation model used. The key characteristic of a rigid transformation is that the distance between points is preserved, which means it can be used in the presence of translation, rotation, and scaling. Non-rigid transformations - or affine transforms - provide the opportunity of registering under non-uniform scaling and skew. The idea is to move one point set coherently to align with the second point set. The CPD method finds both the non-rigid transformation and the correspondence distance between two point sets at the same time without having to use a-priori declaration of the transformation model used. The first part of this thesis is focused on speaker identification in video conferencing. A real-time, audio-coupled video based approach is presented, which focuses more on the video analysis side, rather than the audio analysis that is known to be prone to errors. CPD is effectively utilised for lip movement detection and a temporal face detection approach is used to minimise false positives if face detection algorithm fails to perform. The second part of the thesis is focused on multi-exposure and multi-focus image fusion with compensation for camera shake. Scale Invariant Feature Transforms (SIFT) are first used to detect keypoints in images being fused. Subsequently this point set is reduced to remove outliers, using RANSAC (RANdom Sample Consensus) and finally the point sets are registered using CPD with non-rigid transformations. The registered images are then fused with a Contourlet based image fusion algorithm that makes use of a novel alpha blending and filtering technique to minimise artefacts. The thesis evaluates the performance of the algorithm in comparison to a number of state-of-the-art approaches, including the key commercial products available in the market at present, showing significantly improved subjective quality in the fused images. The final part of the thesis presents a novel approach to Vehicle Make & Model Recognition in CCTV video footage. CPD is used to effectively remove skew of vehicles detected as CCTV cameras are not specifically configured for the VMMR task and may capture vehicles at different approaching angles. A LESH (Local Energy Shape Histogram) feature based approach is used for vehicle make and model recognition with the novelty that temporal processing is used to improve reliability. A number of further algorithms are used to maximise the reliability of the final outcome. Experimental results are provided to prove that the proposed system demonstrates an accuracy in excess of 95% when tested on real CCTV footage with no prior camera calibration


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    Estimating and removing noise from video signals is important to increase either the visual quality of video signals or the performance of video processing algorithms such as compression or segmentation where noise estimation or reduction is a pre-processing step. To estimate and remove noise, effective methods use both spatial and temporal information to increase the reliability of signal extraction from noise. The objective of this thesis is to introduce a video system having three novel techniques to estimate and reduce video noise from different sources, both effectively and efficiently and assess video quality without considering a reference non-noisy video. The first (intensity-variances based homogeneity classification) technique estimates visual noise of different types in images and video signals. The noise can be white Gaussian noise, mixed Poissonian- Gaussian (signal-dependent white) noise, or processed (frequency-dependent) noise. The method is based on the classification of intensity-variances of signal patches in order to find homogeneous regions that best represent the noise signal in the input signal. The method assumes that noise is signal-independent in each intensity class. To find homogeneous regions, the method works on the downsampled input image and divides it into patches. Each patch is assigned to an intensity class, whereas outlier patches are rejected. Then the most homogeneous cluster is selected and its noise variance is considered as the peak of noise variance. To account for processed noise, we estimate the degree of spatial correlation. To account for temporal noise variations a stabilization process is proposed. We show that the proposed method competes related state-of-the-art in noise estimation. The second technique provides solutions to remove real-world camera noise such as signal-independent, signal-dependent noise, and frequency-dependent noise. Firstly, we propose a noise equalization method in intensity and frequency domain which enables a white Gaussian noise filter to handle real noise. Our experiments confirm the quality improvement under real noise while white Gaussian noise filter is used with our equalization method. Secondly, we propose a band-limited time-space video denoiser which reduces video noise of different types. This denoiser consists of: 1) intensity-domain noise equalization to account for signal dependency, 2) band-limited anti-blocking time-domain filtering of current frame using motion-compensated previous and subsequent frames, 3) spatial filtering combined with noise frequency equalizer to remove residual noise left from temporal filtering, and 4) intensity de-equalization to invert the first step. To decrease the chance of motion blur, temporal weights are calculated using two levels of error estimation; coarse (blocklevel) and fine (pixel-level). We correct the erroneous motion vectors by creating a homography from reliable motion vectors. To eliminate blockiness in block-based temporal filter, we propose three ideas: interpolation of block-level error, a band-limited filtering by subtracting the back-signal beforehand, and two-band motion compensation. The proposed time-space filter is parallelizable to be significantly accelerated by GPU. We show that the proposed method competes related state-ofthe- art in video denoising. The third (sparsity and dominant orientation quality index) technique is a new method to assess the quality of the denoised video frames without a reference (clean frames). In many image and video applications, a quantitative measure of image content, noise, and blur is required to facilitate quality assessment, when the ground-truth is not available. We propose a fast method to find the dominant orientation of image patches, which is used to decompose them into singular values. Combining singular values with the sparsity of the patch in the transform domain, we measure the possible image content and noise of the patches and of the whole image. To measure the effect of noise accurately, our method takes both low and high textured patches into account. Before analyzing the patches, we apply a shrinkage in the transform domain to increase the contrast of genuine image structure. We show that the proposed method is useful to select parameters of denoising algorithms automatically in different noise scenarios such as white Gaussian and real noise. Our objective and subjective results confirm the correspondence between the measured quality and the ground-truth and proposed method rivals related state-of-the-art approaches

    Reduced reference image and video quality assessments: review of methods

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    With the growing demand for image and video-based applications, the requirements of consistent quality assessment metrics of image and video have increased. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature to estimate the perceptual quality of images and videos. These approaches can be divided into three main categories; full reference (FR), reduced reference (RR) and no-reference (NR). In RR methods, instead of providing the original image or video as a reference, we need to provide certain features (i.e., texture, edges, etc.) of the original image or video for quality assessment. During the last decade, RR-based quality assessment has been a popular research area for a variety of applications such as social media, online games, and video streaming. In this paper, we present review and classification of the latest research work on RR-based image and video quality assessment. We have also summarized different databases used in the field of 2D and 3D image and video quality assessment. This paper would be helpful for specialists and researchers to stay well-informed about recent progress of RR-based image and video quality assessment. The review and classification presented in this paper will also be useful to gain understanding of multimedia quality assessment and state-of-the-art approaches used for the analysis. In addition, it will help the reader select appropriate quality assessment methods and parameters for their respective applications

    No-reference image and video quality assessment: a classification and review of recent approaches

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    Perceptual Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement

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    With the rapid development of network visual communication technologies, digital video has become ubiquitous and indispensable in our everyday lives. Video acquisition, communication, and processing systems introduce various types of distortions, which may have major impact on perceived video quality by human observers. Effective and efficient objective video quality assessment (VQA) methods that can predict perceptual video quality are highly desirable in modern visual communication systems for performance evaluation, quality control and resource allocation purposes. Moreover, perceptual VQA measures may also be employed to optimize a wide variety of video processing algorithms and systems for best perceptual quality. This thesis exploits several novel ideas in the areas of video quality assessment and enhancement. Firstly, by considering a video signal as a 3D volume image, we propose a 3D structural similarity (SSIM) based full-reference (FR) VQA approach, which also incorporates local information content and local distortion-based pooling methods. Secondly, a reduced-reference (RR) VQA scheme is developed by tracing the evolvement of local phase structures over time in the complex wavelet domain. Furthermore, we propose a quality-aware video system which combines spatial and temporal quality measures with a robust video watermarking technique, such that RR-VQA can be performed without transmitting RR features via an ancillary lossless channel. Finally, a novel strategy for enhancing video denoising algorithms, namely poly-view fusion, is developed by examining a video sequence as a 3D volume image from multiple (front, side, top) views. This leads to significant and consistent gain in terms of both peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and SSIM performance, especially at high noise levels
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