97 research outputs found

    Bar 1-Visibility Graphs and their relation to other Nearly Planar Graphs

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    A graph is called a strong (resp. weak) bar 1-visibility graph if its vertices can be represented as horizontal segments (bars) in the plane so that its edges are all (resp. a subset of) the pairs of vertices whose bars have a ϵ\epsilon-thick vertical line connecting them that intersects at most one other bar. We explore the relation among weak (resp. strong) bar 1-visibility graphs and other nearly planar graph classes. In particular, we study their relation to 1-planar graphs, which have a drawing with at most one crossing per edge; quasi-planar graphs, which have a drawing with no three mutually crossing edges; the squares of planar 1-flow networks, which are upward digraphs with in- or out-degree at most one. Our main results are that 1-planar graphs and the (undirected) squares of planar 1-flow networks are weak bar 1-visibility graphs and that these are quasi-planar graphs

    Crossing-Free Acyclic Hamiltonian Path Completion for Planar st-Digraphs

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    In this paper we study the problem of existence of a crossing-free acyclic hamiltonian path completion (for short, HP-completion) set for embedded upward planar digraphs. In the context of book embeddings, this question becomes: given an embedded upward planar digraph GG, determine whether there exists an upward 2-page book embedding of GG preserving the given planar embedding. Given an embedded stst-digraph GG which has a crossing-free HP-completion set, we show that there always exists a crossing-free HP-completion set with at most two edges per face of GG. For an embedded NN-free upward planar digraph GG, we show that there always exists a crossing-free acyclic HP-completion set for GG which, moreover, can be computed in linear time. For a width-kk embedded planar stst-digraph GG, we show that we can be efficiently test whether GG admits a crossing-free acyclic HP-completion set.Comment: Accepted to ISAAC200

    Strip Planarity Testing of Embedded Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we introduce and study the strip planarity testing problem, which takes as an input a planar graph G(V,E)G(V,E) and a function γ:V{1,2,,k}\gamma:V \rightarrow \{1,2,\dots,k\} and asks whether a planar drawing of GG exists such that each edge is monotone in the yy-direction and, for any u,vVu,v\in V with γ(u)<γ(v)\gamma(u)<\gamma(v), it holds y(u)<y(v)y(u)<y(v). The problem has strong relationships with some of the most deeply studied variants of the planarity testing problem, such as clustered planarity, upward planarity, and level planarity. We show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable if GG has a fixed planar embedding.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, extended version of 'Strip Planarity Testing' (21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 2013

    Computing k-Modal Embeddings of Planar Digraphs

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    Given a planar digraph G and a positive even integer k, an embedding of G in the plane is k-modal, if every vertex of G is incident to at most k pairs of consecutive edges with opposite orientations, i.e., the incoming and the outgoing edges at each vertex are grouped by the embedding into at most k sets of consecutive edges with the same orientation. In this paper, we study the k-Modality problem, which asks for the existence of a k-modal embedding of a planar digraph. This combinatorial problem is at the very core of a variety of constrained embedding questions for planar digraphs and flat clustered networks. First, since the 2-Modality problem can be easily solved in linear time, we consider the general k-Modality problem for any value of k>2 and show that the problem is NP-complete for planar digraphs of maximum degree Delta <= k+3. We relate its computational complexity to that of two notions of planarity for flat clustered networks: Planar Intersection-Link and Planar NodeTrix representations. This allows us to answer in the strongest possible way an open question by Di Giacomo [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73915-1_37], concerning the complexity of constructing planar NodeTrix representations of flat clustered networks with small clusters, and to address a research question by Angelini et al. [https://doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.00437], concerning intersection-link representations based on geometric objects that determine complex arrangements. On the positive side, we provide a simple FPT algorithm for partial 2-trees of arbitrary degree, whose running time is exponential in k and linear in the input size. Second, motivated by the recently-introduced planar L-drawings of planar digraphs [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73915-1_36], which require the computation of a 4-modal embedding, we focus our attention on k=4. On the algorithmic side, we show a complexity dichotomy for the 4-Modality problem with respect to Delta, by providing a linear-time algorithm for planar digraphs with Delta <= 6. This algorithmic result is based on decomposing the input digraph into its blocks via BC-trees and each of these blocks into its triconnected components via SPQR-trees. In particular, we are able to show that the constraints imposed on the embedding by the rigid triconnected components can be tackled by means of a small set of reduction rules and discover that the algorithmic core of the problem lies in special instances of NAESAT, which we prove to be always NAE-satisfiable - a result of independent interest that improves on Porschen et al. [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-24605-3_14]. Finally, on the combinatorial side, we consider outerplanar digraphs and show that any such a digraph always admits a k-modal embedding with k=4 and that this value of k is best possible for the digraphs in this family

    The Partial Visibility Representation Extension Problem

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    For a graph GG, a function ψ\psi is called a \emph{bar visibility representation} of GG when for each vertex vV(G)v \in V(G), ψ(v)\psi(v) is a horizontal line segment (\emph{bar}) and uvE(G)uv \in E(G) iff there is an unobstructed, vertical, ε\varepsilon-wide line of sight between ψ(u)\psi(u) and ψ(v)\psi(v). Graphs admitting such representations are well understood (via simple characterizations) and recognizable in linear time. For a directed graph GG, a bar visibility representation ψ\psi of GG, additionally, puts the bar ψ(u)\psi(u) strictly below the bar ψ(v)\psi(v) for each directed edge (u,v)(u,v) of GG. We study a generalization of the recognition problem where a function ψ\psi' defined on a subset VV' of V(G)V(G) is given and the question is whether there is a bar visibility representation ψ\psi of GG with ψ(v)=ψ(v)\psi(v) = \psi'(v) for every vVv \in V'. We show that for undirected graphs this problem together with closely related problems are \NP-complete, but for certain cases involving directed graphs it is solvable in polynomial time.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Upward planar drawings with two slopes

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    In an upward planar 2-slope drawing of a digraph, edges are drawn as straight-line segments in the upward direction without crossings using only two different slopes. We investigate whether a given upward planar digraph admits such a drawing and, if so, how to construct it. For the fixed embedding scenario, we give a simple characterisation and a linear-time construction by adopting algorithms from orthogonal drawings. For the variable embedding scenario, we describe a linear-time algorithm for single-source digraphs, a quartic-time algorithm for series-parallel digraphs, and a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for general digraphs. For the latter two classes, we make use of SPQR-trees and the notion of upward spirality. As an application of this drawing style, we show how to draw an upward planar phylogenetic network with two slopes such that all leaves lie on a horizontal line

    Planare Graphen und ihre Dualgraphen auf Zylinderoberflächen

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    In this thesis, we investigates plane drawings of undirected and directed graphs on cylinder surfaces. In the case of undirected graphs, the vertices are positioned on a line that is parallel to the cylinder’s axis and the edge curves must not intersect this line. We show that a plane drawing is possible if and only if the graph is a double-ended queue (deque) graph, i. e., the vertices of the graph can be processed according to a linear order and the edges correspond to items in the deque inserted and removed at their end vertices. A surprising consequence resulting from these observations is that the deque characterizes planar graphs with a Hamiltonian path. This result extends the known characterization of planar graphs with a Hamiltonian cycle by two stacks. By these insights, we also obtain a new characterization of queue graphs and their duals. We also consider the complexity of deciding whether a graph is a deque graph and prove that it is NP-complete. By introducing a split operation, we obtain the splittable deque and show that it characterizes planarity. For the proof, we devise an algorithm that uses the splittable deque to test whether a rotation system is planar. In the case of directed graphs, we study upward plane drawings where the edge curves follow the direction of the cylinder’s axis (standing upward planarity; SUP) or they wind around the axis (rolling upward planarity; RUP). We characterize RUP graphs by means of their duals and show that RUP and SUP swap their roles when considering a graph and its dual. There is a physical interpretation underlying this characterization: A SUP graph is to its RUP dual graph as electric current passing through a conductor to the magnetic field surrounding the conductor. Whereas testing whether a graph is RUP is NP-hard in general [Bra14], for directed graphs without sources and sink, we develop a linear-time recognition algorithm that is based on our dual graph characterization of RUP graphs.Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit planaren Zeichnungen ungerichteter und gerichteter Graphen auf Zylinderoberflächen. Im ungerichteten Fall werden Zeichnungen betrachtet, bei denen die Knoten auf einer Linie parallel zur Zylinderachse positioniert werden und die Kanten diese Linie nicht schneiden dürfen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass eine planare Zeichnung genau dann möglich ist, wenn die Kanten des Graphen in einer double-ended queue (Deque) verarbeitet werden können. Ebenso lassen sich dadurch Queue, Stack und Doppelstack charakterisieren. Eine überraschende Konsequenz aus diesen Erkenntnissen ist, dass die Deque genau die planaren Graphen mit Hamiltonpfad charakterisiert. Dies erweitert die bereits bekannte Charakterisierung planarer Graphen mit Hamiltonkreis durch den Doppelstack. Im gerichteten Fall müssen die Kantenkurven entweder in Richtung der Zylinderachse verlaufen (SUP-Graphen) oder sich um die Achse herumbewegen (RUP-Graphen). Die Arbeit charakterisiert RUP-Graphen und zeigt, dass RUP und SUP ihre Rollen tauschen, wenn man Graph und Dualgraph betrachtet. Der SUP-Graph verhält sich dabei zum RUP-Graphen wie elektrischer Strom durch einen Leiter zum induzierten Magnetfeld. Ausgehend von dieser Charakterisierung ist es möglich einen Linearzeit-Algorithmus zu entwickeln, der entscheidet ob ein gerichteter Graph ohne Quellen und Senken ein RUP-Graph ist, während der allgemeine Fall NP-hart ist [Bra14]

    Upward Planarization Layout

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