21 research outputs found

    Fixed Parameter Polynomial Time Algorithms for Maximum Agreement and Compatible Supertrees

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    Consider a set of labels LL and a set of trees {\mathcal T} = \{{\mathcal T}^{(1), {\mathcal T}^{(2), ..., {\mathcal T}^{(k) \$ where each tree {\mathcal T}^{(i)isdistinctlyleaflabeledbysomesubsetof is distinctly leaf-labeled by some subset of L.Onefundamentalproblemistofindthebiggesttree(denotedassupertree)torepresent. One fundamental problem is to find the biggest tree (denoted as supertree) to represent \mathcal T}whichminimizesthedisagreementswiththetreesin which minimizes the disagreements with the trees in {\mathcal T}undercertaincriteria.Thisproblemfindsapplicationsinphylogenetics,database,anddatamining.Inthispaper,wefocusontwoparticularsupertreeproblems,namely,themaximumagreementsupertreeproblem(MASP)andthemaximumcompatiblesupertreeproblem(MCSP).ThesetwoproblemsareknowntobeNPhardfor under certain criteria. This problem finds applications in phylogenetics, database, and data mining. In this paper, we focus on two particular supertree problems, namely, the maximum agreement supertree problem (MASP) and the maximum compatible supertree problem (MCSP). These two problems are known to be NP-hard for k \geq 3.ThispapergivesthefirstpolynomialtimealgorithmsforbothMASPandMCSPwhenboth. This paper gives the first polynomial time algorithms for both MASP and MCSP when both kandthemaximumdegree and the maximum degree D$ of the trees are constant

    Maximum agreement and compatible supertrees

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    AbstractGiven a set of leaf-labelled trees with identical leaf sets, the MAST problem, respectively MCT problem, consists of finding a largest subset of leaves such that all input trees restricted to these leaves are isomorphic, respectively compatible. In this paper, we propose extensions of these problems to the context of supertree inference, where input trees have non-identical leaf sets. This situation is of particular interest in phylogenetics. The resulting problems are called SMAST and SMCT.A sufficient condition is given that identifies cases where these problems can be solved by resorting to MAST and MCT as subproblems. This condition is met, for instance, when only two input trees are considered. Then we give algorithms for SMAST and SMCT that benefit from the link with the subtree problems. These algorithms run in time linear to the time needed to solve MAST, respectively MCT, on an instance of the same or smaller size.It is shown that arbitrary instances of SMAST and SMCT can be turned in polynomial time into instances composed of trees with a bounded number of leaves.SMAST is shown to be W[2]-hard when the considered parameter is the number of input leaves that have to be removed to obtain the agreement of the input trees. A similar result holds for SMCT. Moreover, the corresponding optimization problems, that is the complements of SMAST and SMCT, cannot be approximated in polynomial time within any constant factor, unless P=NP. These results also hold when the input trees have a bounded number of leaves.The presented results apply to both collections of rooted and unrooted trees

    EvoMiner: Frequent Subtree Mining in Phylogenetic Databases

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    The problem of mining collections of trees to identify common patterns, called frequent subtrees (FSTs), arises often when trying to make sense of the results of phylogenetic analysis. FST mining generalizes the well-known maximum agreement subtree problem. Here we present EvoMiner, a new algorithm for mining frequent subtrees in collections of phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner is an Apriori-like level-wise method, which uses novel phylogeny-specific constant-time candidate generation scheme, an efficient fingerprinting-based technique for downward closure operation, and a lowest common ancestor based support counting step that requires neither costly subtree operations nor database traversal. As a result of these techniques, our algorithm achieves speed-ups of up to 100 times or more over phylominer, another algorithm for mining phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner can also work in vertical mining mode, to use less memory at the expense of speed

    Building a Small and Informative Phylogenetic Supertree

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    We combine two fundamental, previously studied optimization problems related to the construction of phylogenetic trees called maximum rooted triplets consistency (MAXRTC) and minimally resolved supertree (MINRS) into a new problem, which we call q-maximum rooted triplets consistency (q-MAXRTC). The input to our new problem is a set R of resolved triplets (rooted, binary phylogenetic trees with three leaves each) and the objective is to find a phylogenetic tree with exactly q internal nodes that contains the largest possible number of triplets from R. We first prove that q-MAXRTC is NP-hard even to approximate within a constant ratio for every fixed q >= 2, and then develop various polynomial-time approximation algorithms for different values of q. Next, we show experimentally that representing a phylogenetic tree by one having much fewer nodes typically does not destroy too much triplet branching information. As an extreme example, we show that allowing only nine internal nodes is still sufficient to capture on average 80% of the rooted triplets from some recently published trees, each having between 760 and 3081 internal nodes. Finally, to demonstrate the algorithmic advantage of using trees with few internal nodes, we propose a new algorithm for computing the rooted triplet distance between two phylogenetic trees over a leaf label set of size n that runs in O(q n) time, where q is the number of internal nodes in the smaller tree, and is therefore faster than the currently best algorithms for the problem (with O(n log n) time complexity [SODA 2013, ESA 2017]) whenever q = o(log n)

    phyBWT: Alignment-Free Phylogeny via eBWT Positional Clustering

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    Molecular phylogenetics is a fundamental branch of biology. It studies the evolutionary relationships among the individuals of a population through their biological sequences, and may provide insights about the origin and the evolution of viral diseases, or highlight complex evolutionary trajectories. In this paper we develop a method called phyBWT, describing how to use the extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (eBWT) for a collection of DNA sequences to directly reconstruct phylogeny, bypassing the alignment against a reference genome or de novo assembly. Our phyBWT hinges on the combinatorial properties of the eBWT positional clustering framework. We employ eBWT to detect relevant blocks of the longest shared substrings of varying length (unlike the k-mer-based approaches that need to fix the length k a priori), and build a suitable decomposition leading to a phylogenetic tree, step by step. As a result, phyBWT is a new alignment-, assembly-, and reference-free method that builds a partition tree without relying on the pairwise comparison of sequences, thus avoiding to use a distance matrix to infer phylogeny. The preliminary experimental results on sequencing data show that our method can handle datasets of different types (short reads, contigs, or entire genomes), producing trees of quality comparable to that found in the benchmark phylogeny

    Enumerating All Maximal Frequent Subtrees

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    Given a collection of leaf-labeled trees on a common leafset and a fraction f in (1/2,1], a frequent subtree (FST) is a subtree isomorphically included in at least fraction f of the input trees. The well-known maximum agreement subtree (MAST) problem identifies FST with f = 1 and having the largest number of leaves. Apart from its intrinsic interest from the algorithmic perspective, MAST has practical applications as a metric for tree similarity, for computing tree congruence, in detection horizontal gene transfer events and as a consensus approach. Enumerating FSTs extend the MAST problem by denition and reveal additional subtrees not displayed by MAST. This can happen in tow ways - such a subtree is included in majority but not all of the input trees or such a subtree though included in all the input trees, does not have the maximum number of leaves. Further, FSTs can be enumerated on collection o ftrees having partially overlapping leafsets. MAST may not be useful here especially if the common overlap among leafsets is very low. Though very useful, the number of FSTs suffer from combinatorial explosion - just a single enumeration of maximal frequent subtrees (MFSTs). A MFST is a FST that is not a subtree to any othe rFST. the set of MFSTs is a compact non-redundant summary of all FSTs and is much smaller in size. Here we tackle the novel problem of enumerating all MFSTs in collections of phylogenetic trees. We demonstrate its utility in returning larger consensus trees in comparison to MAST. The current implementation is available on the web

    PhySIC_IST: cleaning source trees to infer more informative supertrees

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    Background: Supertree methods combine phylogenies with overlapping sets of taxa into a larger one. Topological conflicts frequently arise among source trees for methodological or biological reasons, such as long branch attraction, lateral gene transfers, gene duplication/loss or deep gene coalescence. When topological conflicts occur among source trees, liberal methods infer supertrees containing the most frequent alternative, while veto methods infer supertrees not contradicting any source tree, i.e. discard all conflicting resolutions. When the source trees host a significant number of topological conflicts or have a small taxon overlap, supertree methods of both kinds can propose poorly resolved, hence uninformative, supertrees. Results: To overcome this problem, we propose to infer non-plenary supertrees, i.e. supertrees that do not necessarily contain all the taxa present in the source trees, discarding those whose position greatly differs among source trees or for which insufficient information is provided. We detail a variant of the PhySIC veto method called PhySIC IST that can infer non-plenary supertrees. PhySIC IST aims at inferring supertrees that satisfy the same appealing theoretical properties as with PhySIC, while being as informative as possible under this constraint. The informativeness of a supertree is estimated using a variation of the CIC (Cladistic Information Content) criterion, that takes into account both the presence of multifurcations and the absence of some taxa