641 research outputs found

    Sequencing in Intelligent Tutoring Systems based on online learning Recommenders

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    In dieser Arbeit entwickeln und testen wir Algorithmen für Learning Analytics, die die personalisierte Sequenzierung von Matheaufgaben erlauben. Die Sequenzierung schlägt die nächste Aufgabe einem Schüler vor, die seine Lernbedürfnisse entspricht. Unsere Lösung basiert auf Vygotskys „Zone of Proximal Development“ (ZPD), das die weder zu einfachen noch zu schwierigen Aufgaben für den Schüler bestimmt. Der Sequenzer, auch Vygotsky Policy Sequencer genannt, ist in der Lage Aufgaben im ZPD zu erkennen, dank die von einem Vorhersagealgorithmus geschätzte zukünftige Leistung des Schülers. Die Arbeit enthält folgende Beiträge: (1) Die Evaluation der Anwendbarkeit von Matrix Factorization als Inhaltsdomäne unabhängige Algorithmus für die Vorhersage der Leistung der Schüler. (2) Anpassung und Evaluation eines Matrix Factorization basierenden Algorithmus, der die zeitliche Evolution der Schülerkenntnisse einbezieht. (3) Entwicklung von zwei Ansätzen für die Aktualisierung von Matrix Factorization basierenden Modellen durch den Kalman Filter. Zwei Aktualisierungsfunktionen sind benutzt: (a) eine einfache, die nur die letzte vom Schüler gesehene Aufgabe betrachtet, und (b) eine, die in der Lage ist, seine fehlenden Kompetenzen einzuschätzen. (4) Ein neues Verfahren von Machine Learning gesteuerte Sequenzer zu testen durch die Modellierung einer simulierten Umgebung, die aus simulierte Schülern und Aufgaben mit stetigen erzielten und gebrauchten Fähigkeiten und Schwierigkeitsgraden besteht. (5) Die Entwicklung einer minimal eingreifenden API für die leichte Integration von Machine Learning basierende Komponente in größere Systeme, um das Integrationsrisiko und die Kosten vom Know-How-Transfer zu minimieren. Dank all diesen Beiträgen, wurde der VPS in ein großes kommerzielles System integriert und mit 100 Kinder für einen Monat getestet. Der VPS zeigte Lerneffekte und wahrgenommene Erlebnisse, die mit den von den ITS Sequenzer vergleichbar sind. Infolge der besseren VPS Modellierfähigkeiten konnten die Schüler beendeten die Aufgaben schneller lösen.In this thesis we design and test Learning Analytics algorithms for personalized tasks' sequencing that suggests the next task to a student according to his/her specific needs. Our solution is based on a sequencing policy derived from the Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which denes those tasks that are neither too easy not too dicult for the student. The sequencer, called Vygotsky Policy Sequencer (VPS), can identify tasks in the ZPD thanks to the information it receives from performance prediction algorithms able to estimate the knowledge of the student. Under this context we describe hereafter the thesis contributions. (1) A feasibility evaluation of domain independent Matrix Factorization applied in ITS for Performance Prediction. (2) An adaption and the related evaluation of a domain independent update for online learning Matrix Factorization in ITS. (3) A novel Matrix Factorization update method based on Kalman Filters approach. Two different updating functions are used: (a) a simple one considering the task just seen, and (b) one able to derive the skills' deficiency of the student. (4) A new method for offline testing of machine learning controlled sequencers by modeling simulated environment composed by a simulated students and tasks with continuous knowledge and score representation and different diffculty levels. (5) The design of a minimal invasive API for the lightweight integration of machine learning components in larger systems to minimize the risk of integration and the cost of expertise transfer. Profiting from all these contributions, the VPS was integrated in a commercial system and evaluated with 100 children over a month. The VPS showed comparable learning gains and perceived experience results with those of the ITS sequencer. Finally, thanks to its better modeling abilities, the students finish faster the assigned tasks

    Multi-Armed Bandits for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    We present an approach to Intelligent Tutoring Systems which adaptively personalizes sequences of learning activities to maximize skills acquired by students, taking into account the limited time and motivational resources. At a given point in time, the system proposes to the students the activity which makes them progress faster. We introduce two algorithms that rely on the empirical estimation of the learning progress, RiARiT that uses information about the difficulty of each exercise and ZPDES that uses much less knowledge about the problem. The system is based on the combination of three approaches. First, it leverages recent models of intrinsically motivated learning by transposing them to active teaching, relying on empirical estimation of learning progress provided by specific activities to particular students. Second, it uses state-of-the-art Multi-Arm Bandit (MAB) techniques to efficiently manage the exploration/exploitation challenge of this optimization process. Third, it leverages expert knowledge to constrain and bootstrap initial exploration of the MAB, while requiring only coarse guidance information of the expert and allowing the system to deal with didactic gaps in its knowledge. The system is evaluated in a scenario where 7-8 year old schoolchildren learn how to decompose numbers while manipulating money. Systematic experiments are presented with simulated students, followed by results of a user study across a population of 400 school children

    Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    EDM 2011: 4th international conference on educational data mining : Eindhoven, July 6-8, 2011 : proceedings

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    Predicting Student Performance in Solving Parameterized Exercises

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    Using data mining to dynamically build up just in time learner models

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    Using rich data collected from e-learning systems, it may be possible to build up just in time dynamic learner models to analyze learners' behaviours and to evaluate learners' performance in online education systems. The goal is to create metrics to measure learners' characteristics from usage data. To achieve this goal we need to use data mining methods, especially clustering algorithms, to find patterns from which metrics can be derived from usage data. In this thesis, we propose a six layer model (raw data layer, fact data layer, data mining layer, measurement layer, metric layer and pedagogical application layer) to create a just in time learner model which draws inferences from usage data. In this approach, we collect raw data from online systems, filter fact data from raw data, and then use clustering mining methods to create measurements and metrics. In a pilot study, we used usage data collected from the iHelp system to create measurements and metrics to observe learners' behaviours in a real online system. The measurements and metrics relate to a learner's sociability, activity levels, learning styles, and knowledge levels. To validate the approach we designed two experiments to compare the metrics and measurements extracted from the iHelp system: expert evaluations and learner self evaluations. Even though the experiments did not produce statistically significant results, this approach shows promise to describe learners' behaviours through dynamically generated measurements and metric. Continued research on these kinds of methodologies is promising

    Knowledge Graph Enhanced Intelligent Tutoring System Based on Exercise Representativeness and Informativeness

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    Presently, knowledge graph-based recommendation algorithms have garnered considerable attention among researchers. However, these algorithms solely consider knowledge graphs with single relationships and do not effectively model exercise-rich features, such as exercise representativeness and informativeness. Consequently, this paper proposes a framework, namely the Knowledge-Graph-Exercise Representativeness and Informativeness Framework, to address these two issues. The framework consists of four intricate components and a novel cognitive diagnosis model called the Neural Attentive cognitive diagnosis model. These components encompass the informativeness component, exercise representation component, knowledge importance component, and exercise representativeness component. The informativeness component evaluates the informational value of each question and identifies the candidate question set that exhibits the highest exercise informativeness. Furthermore, the skill embeddings are employed as input for the knowledge importance component. This component transforms a one-dimensional knowledge graph into a multi-dimensional one through four class relations and calculates skill importance weights based on novelty and popularity. Subsequently, the exercise representativeness component incorporates exercise weight knowledge coverage to select questions from the candidate question set for the tested question set. Lastly, the cognitive diagnosis model leverages exercise representation and skill importance weights to predict student performance on the test set and estimate their knowledge state. To evaluate the effectiveness of our selection strategy, extensive experiments were conducted on two publicly available educational datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our framework can recommend appropriate exercises to students, leading to improved student performance.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    A Framework for Personalized Content Recommendations to Support Informal Learning in Massively Diverse Information WIKIS

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    Personalization has proved to achieve better learning outcomes by adapting to specific learners’ needs, interests, and/or preferences. Traditionally, most personalized learning software systems focused on formal learning. However, learning personalization is not only desirable for formal learning, it is also required for informal learning, which is self-directed, does not follow a specified curriculum, and does not lead to formal qualifications. Wikis among other informal learning platforms are found to attract an increasing attention for informal learning, especially Wikipedia. The nature of wikis enables learners to freely navigate the learning environment and independently construct knowledge without being forced to follow a predefined learning path in accordance with the constructivist learning theory. Nevertheless, navigation on information wikis suffer from several limitations. To support informal learning on Wikipedia and similar environments, it is important to provide easy and fast access to relevant content. Recommendation systems (RSs) have long been used to effectively provide useful recommendations in different technology enhanced learning (TEL) contexts. However, the massive diversity of unstructured content as well as user base on such information oriented websites poses major challenges when designing recommendation models for similar environments. In addition to these challenges, evaluation of TEL recommender systems for informal learning is rather a challenging activity due to the inherent difficulty in measuring the impact of recommendations on informal learning with the absence of formal assessment and commonly used learning analytics. In this research, a personalized content recommendation framework (PCRF) for information wikis as well as an evaluation framework that can be used to evaluate the impact of personalized content recommendations on informal learning from wikis are proposed. The presented recommendation framework models learners’ interests by continuously extrapolating topical navigation graphs from learners’ free navigation and applying graph structural analysis algorithms to extract interesting topics for individual users. Then, it integrates learners’ interest models with fuzzy thesauri for personalized content recommendations. Our evaluation approach encompasses two main activities. First, the impact of personalized recommendations on informal learning is evaluated by assessing conceptual knowledge in users’ feedback. Second, web analytics data is analyzed to get an insight into users’ progress and focus throughout the test session. Our evaluation revealed that PCRF generates highly relevant recommendations that are adaptive to changes in user’s interest using the HARD model with rank-based mean average precision (MAP@k) scores ranging between 100% and 86.4%. In addition, evaluation of informal learning revealed that users who used Wikipedia with personalized support could achieve higher scores on conceptual knowledge assessment with average score of 14.9 compared to 10.0 for the students who used the encyclopedia without any recommendations. The analysis of web analytics data show that users who used Wikipedia with personalized recommendations visited larger number of relevant pages compared to the control group, 644 vs 226 respectively. In addition, they were also able to make use of a larger number of concepts and were able to make comparisons and state relations between concepts

    A Comprehensive Exploration of Personalized Learning in Smart Education: From Student Modeling to Personalized Recommendations

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    With the development of artificial intelligence, personalized learning has attracted much attention as an integral part of intelligent education. China, the United States, the European Union, and others have put forward the importance of personalized learning in recent years, emphasizing the realization of the organic combination of large-scale education and personalized training. The development of a personalized learning system oriented to learners' preferences and suited to learners' needs should be accelerated. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of personalized learning and its key role in education. It discusses the research on personalized learning from multiple perspectives, combining definitions, goals, and related educational theories to provide an in-depth understanding of personalized learning from an educational perspective, analyzing the implications of different theories on personalized learning, and highlighting the potential of personalized learning to meet the needs of individuals and to enhance their abilities. Data applications and assessment indicators in personalized learning are described in detail, providing a solid data foundation and evaluation system for subsequent research. Meanwhile, we start from both student modeling and recommendation algorithms and deeply analyze the cognitive and non-cognitive perspectives and the contribution of personalized recommendations to personalized learning. Finally, we explore the challenges and future trajectories of personalized learning. This review provides a multidimensional analysis of personalized learning through a more comprehensive study, providing academics and practitioners with cutting-edge explorations to promote continuous progress in the field of personalized learning.Comment: 82 pages,5 figure