227 research outputs found

    GraphX: Unifying Data-Parallel and Graph-Parallel Analytics

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    From social networks to language modeling, the growing scale and importance of graph data has driven the development of numerous new graph-parallel systems (e.g., Pregel, GraphLab). By restricting the computation that can be expressed and introducing new techniques to partition and distribute the graph, these systems can efficiently execute iterative graph algorithms orders of magnitude faster than more general data-parallel systems. However, the same restrictions that enable the performance gains also make it difficult to express many of the important stages in a typical graph-analytics pipeline: constructing the graph, modifying its structure, or expressing computation that spans multiple graphs. As a consequence, existing graph analytics pipelines compose graph-parallel and data-parallel systems using external storage systems, leading to extensive data movement and complicated programming model. To address these challenges we introduce GraphX, a distributed graph computation framework that unifies graph-parallel and data-parallel computation. GraphX provides a small, core set of graph-parallel operators expressive enough to implement the Pregel and PowerGraph abstractions, yet simple enough to be cast in relational algebra. GraphX uses a collection of query optimization techniques such as automatic join rewrites to efficiently implement these graph-parallel operators. We evaluate GraphX on real-world graphs and workloads and demonstrate that GraphX achieves comparable performance as specialized graph computation systems, while outperforming them in end-to-end graph pipelines. Moreover, GraphX achieves a balance between expressiveness, performance, and ease of use

    Bench-Ranking: ettekirjutav analüüsimeetod suurte teadmiste graafide päringutele

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    Relatsiooniliste suurandmete (BD) töötlemisraamistike kasutamine suurte teadmiste graafide töötlemiseks kätkeb endas võimalust päringu jõudlust optimeerimida. Kaasaegsed BD-süsteemid on samas keerulised andmesüsteemid, mille konfiguratsioonid omavad olulist mõju jõudlusele. Erinevate raamistike ja konfiguratsioonide võrdlusuuringud pakuvad kogukonnale parimaid tavasid parema jõudluse saavutamiseks. Enamik neist võrdlusuuringutest saab liigitada siiski vaid kirjeldavaks ja diagnostiliseks analüütikaks. Lisaks puudub ühtne standard nende uuringute võrdlemiseks kvantitatiivselt järjestatud kujul. Veelgi enam, suurte graafide töötlemiseks vajalike konveierite kavandamine eeldab täiendavaid disainiotsuseid mis tulenevad mitteloomulikust (relatsioonilisest) graafi töötlemise paradigmast. Taolisi disainiotsuseid ei saa automaatselt langetada, nt relatsiooniskeemi, partitsioonitehnika ja salvestusvormingute valikut. Käesolevas töös käsitleme kuidas me antud uurimuslünga täidame. Esmalt näitame disainiotsuste kompromisside mõju BD-süsteemide jõudluse korratavusele suurte teadmiste graafide päringute tegemisel. Lisaks näitame BD-raamistike jõudluse kirjeldavate ja diagnostiliste analüüside piiranguid suurte graafide päringute tegemisel. Seejärel uurime, kuidas lubada ettekirjutavat analüütikat järjestamisfunktsioonide ja mitmemõõtmeliste optimeerimistehnikate (nn "Bench-Ranking") kaudu. See lähenemine peidab kirjeldava tulemusanalüüsi keerukuse, suunates praktiku otse teostatavate teadlike otsusteni.Leveraging relational Big Data (BD) processing frameworks to process large knowledge graphs yields a great interest in optimizing query performance. Modern BD systems are yet complicated data systems, where the configurations notably affect the performance. Benchmarking different frameworks and configurations provides the community with best practices for better performance. However, most of these benchmarking efforts are classified as descriptive and diagnostic analytics. Moreover, there is no standard for comparing these benchmarks based on quantitative ranking techniques. Moreover, designing mature pipelines for processing big graphs entails considering additional design decisions that emerge with the non-native (relational) graph processing paradigm. Those design decisions cannot be decided automatically, e.g., the choice of the relational schema, partitioning technique, and storage formats. Thus, in this thesis, we discuss how our work fills this timely research gap. Particularly, we first show the impact of those design decisions’ trade-offs on the BD systems’ performance replicability when querying large knowledge graphs. Moreover, we showed the limitations of the descriptive and diagnostic analyses of BD frameworks’ performance for querying large graphs. Thus, we investigate how to enable prescriptive analytics via ranking functions and Multi-Dimensional optimization techniques (called ”Bench-Ranking”). This approach abstracts out from the complexity of descriptive performance analysis, guiding the practitioner directly to actionable informed decisions.https://www.ester.ee/record=b553332

    GraphScope Flex: LEGO-like Graph Computing Stack

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    Graph computing has become increasingly crucial in processing large-scale graph data, with numerous systems developed for this purpose. Two years ago, we introduced GraphScope as a system addressing a wide array of graph computing needs, including graph traversal, analytics, and learning in one system. Since its inception, GraphScope has achieved significant technological advancements and gained widespread adoption across various industries. However, one key lesson from this journey has been understanding the limitations of a "one-size-fits-all" approach, especially when dealing with the diversity of programming interfaces, applications, and data storage formats in graph computing. In response to these challenges, we present GraphScope Flex, the next iteration of GraphScope. GraphScope Flex is designed to be both resource-efficient and cost-effective, while also providing flexibility and user-friendliness through its LEGO-like modularity. This paper explores the architectural innovations and fundamental design principles of GraphScope Flex, all of which are direct outcomes of the lessons learned during our ongoing development process. We validate the adaptability and efficiency of GraphScope Flex with extensive evaluations on synthetic and real-world datasets. The results show that GraphScope Flex achieves 2.4X throughput and up to 55.7X speedup over other systems on the LDBC Social Network and Graphalytics benchmarks, respectively. Furthermore, GraphScope Flex accomplishes up to a 2,400X performance gain in real-world applications, demonstrating its proficiency across a wide range of graph computing scenarios with increased effectiveness

    Scalable Graph Algorithms in a High-Level Language Using Primitives Inspired by Linear Algebra

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    This dissertation advances the state of the art for scalable high-performance graph analytics and data mining using the language of linear algebra. Many graph computations suffer poor scalability due to their irregular nature and low operational intensity. A small but powerful set of linear algebra primitives that specifically target graph and data mining applications can expose sufficient coarse-grained parallelism to scale to thousands of processors.In this dissertation we advance existing distributed memory approaches in two important ways. First, we observe that data scientists and domain experts know their analysis and mining problems well, but suffer from little HPC experience. We describe a system that presents the user with a clean API in a high-level language that scales from a laptop to a supercomputer with thousands of cores. We utilize a Domain-Specific Embedded Language with Selective Just-In-Time Specialization to ensure a negligible performance impact over the original distributed memory low-level code. The high-level language enables ease of use, rapid prototyping, and additional features such as on-the-fly filtering, runtime-defined objects, and exposure to a large set of third-party visualization packages.The second important advance is a new sparse matrix data structure and set of algorithms. We note that shared memory machines are dominant both in stand-alone form and as nodes in distributed memory clusters. This thesis offers the design of a new sparse-matrix data structure and set of parallel algorithms, a reusable implementation in shared memory, and a performance evaluation that shows significant speed and memory usage improvements over competing packages. Our method also offers features such as in-memory compression, a low-cost transpose, and chained primitives that do not materialize the entire intermediate result at any one time. We focus on a scalable, generalized, sparse matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm. This primitive is used extensively in many graph algorithms such as betweenness centrality, graph clustering, graph contraction, and subgraph extraction

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationLinked data are the de-facto standard in publishing and sharing data on the web. To date, we have been inundated with large amounts of ever-increasing linked data in constantly evolving structures. The proliferation of the data and the need to access and harvest knowledge from distributed data sources motivate us to revisit several classic problems in query processing and query optimization. The problem of answering queries over views is commonly encountered in a number of settings, including while enforcing security policies to access linked data, or when integrating data from disparate sources. We approach this problem by efficiently rewriting queries over the views to equivalent queries over the underlying linked data, thus avoiding the costs entailed by view materialization and maintenance. An outstanding problem of query rewriting is the number of rewritten queries is exponential to the size of the query and the views, which motivates us to study problem of multiquery optimization in the context of linked data. Our solutions are declarative and make no assumption for the underlying storage, i.e., being store-independent. Unlike relational and XML data, linked data are schema-less. While tracking the evolution of schema for linked data is hard, keyword search is an ideal tool to perform data integration. Existing works make crippling assumptions for the data and hence fall short in handling massive linked data with tens to hundreds of millions of facts. Our study for keyword search on linked data brought together the classical techniques in the literature and our novel ideas, which leads to much better query efficiency and quality of the results. Linked data also contain rich temporal semantics. To cope with the ever-increasing data, we have investigated how to partition and store large temporal or multiversion linked data for distributed and parallel computation, in an effort to achieve load-balancing to support scalable data analytics for massive linked data

    Semantic technologies: from niche to the mainstream of Web 3? A comprehensive framework for web Information modelling and semantic annotation

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    Context: Web information technologies developed and applied in the last decade have considerably changed the way web applications operate and have revolutionised information management and knowledge discovery. Social technologies, user-generated classification schemes and formal semantics have a far-reaching sphere of influence. They promote collective intelligence, support interoperability, enhance sustainability and instigate innovation. Contribution: The research carried out and consequent publications follow the various paradigms of semantic technologies, assess each approach, evaluate its efficiency, identify the challenges involved and propose a comprehensive framework for web information modelling and semantic annotation, which is the thesis’ original contribution to knowledge. The proposed framework assists web information modelling, facilitates semantic annotation and information retrieval, enables system interoperability and enhances information quality. Implications: Semantic technologies coupled with social media and end-user involvement can instigate innovative influence with wide organisational implications that can benefit a considerable range of industries. The scalable and sustainable business models of social computing and the collective intelligence of organisational social media can be resourcefully paired with internal research and knowledge from interoperable information repositories, back-end databases and legacy systems. Semantified information assets can free human resources so that they can be used to better serve business development, support innovation and increase productivity

    Integrating and conceptualizing heterogeneous ontologies on the web

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    Graph Processing in Main-Memory Column Stores

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    Evermore, novel and traditional business applications leverage the advantages of a graph data model, such as the offered schema flexibility and an explicit representation of relationships between entities. As a consequence, companies are confronted with the challenge of storing, manipulating, and querying terabytes of graph data for enterprise-critical applications. Although these business applications operate on graph-structured data, they still require direct access to the relational data and typically rely on an RDBMS to keep a single source of truth and access. Existing solutions performing graph operations on business-critical data either use a combination of SQL and application logic or employ a graph data management system. For the first approach, relying solely on SQL results in poor execution performance caused by the functional mismatch between typical graph operations and the relational algebra. To the worse, graph algorithms expose a tremendous variety in structure and functionality caused by their often domain-specific implementations and therefore can be hardly integrated into a database management system other than with custom coding. Since the majority of these enterprise-critical applications exclusively run on relational DBMSs, employing a specialized system for storing and processing graph data is typically not sensible. Besides the maintenance overhead for keeping the systems in sync, combining graph and relational operations is hard to realize as it requires data transfer across system boundaries. A basic ingredient of graph queries and algorithms are traversal operations and are a fundamental component of any database management system that aims at storing, manipulating, and querying graph data. Well-established graph traversal algorithms are standalone implementations relying on optimized data structures. The integration of graph traversals as an operator into a database management system requires a tight integration into the existing database environment and a development of new components, such as a graph topology-aware optimizer and accompanying graph statistics, graph-specific secondary index structures to speedup traversals, and an accompanying graph query language. In this thesis, we introduce and describe GRAPHITE, a hybrid graph-relational data management system. GRAPHITE is a performance-oriented graph data management system as part of an RDBMS allowing to seamlessly combine processing of graph data with relational data in the same system. We propose a columnar storage representation for graph data to leverage the already existing and mature data management and query processing infrastructure of relational database management systems. At the core of GRAPHITE we propose an execution engine solely based on set operations and graph traversals. Our design is driven by the observation that different graph topologies expose different algorithmic requirements to the design of a graph traversal operator. We derive two graph traversal implementations targeting the most common graph topologies and demonstrate how graph-specific statistics can be leveraged to select the optimal physical traversal operator. To accelerate graph traversals, we devise a set of graph-specific, updateable secondary index structures to improve the performance of vertex neighborhood expansion. Finally, we introduce a domain-specific language with an intuitive programming model to extend graph traversals with custom application logic at runtime. We use the LLVM compiler framework to generate efficient code that tightly integrates the user-specified application logic with our highly optimized built-in graph traversal operators. Our experimental evaluation shows that GRAPHITE can outperform native graph management systems by several orders of magnitude while providing all the features of an RDBMS, such as transaction support, backup and recovery, security and user management, effectively providing a promising alternative to specialized graph management systems that lack many of these features and require expensive data replication and maintenance processes

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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