2,021 research outputs found

    Patient and Provider Perspectives on How Trust Influences Maternal Vaccine Acceptance Among Pregnant Women in Kenya

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    Background Pregnant women and newborns are at high risk for infectious diseases. Altered immunity status during pregnancy and challenges fully vaccinating newborns contribute to this medical reality. Maternal immunization is a strategy to protect pregnant women and their newborns. This study aimed to find out how patient-provider relationships affect maternal vaccine uptake, particularly in the context of a lower middle- income country where limited research in this area exists. Methods We conducted semi-structured, in-depth narrative interviews of both providers and pregnant women from four sites in Kenya: Siaya, Nairobi, Mombasa, and Marsabit. Interviews were conducted in either English or one of the local regional languages. Results We found that patient trust in health care providers (HCPs) is integral to vaccine acceptance among pregnant women in Kenya. The HCP-patient relationship is a fiduciary one, whereby the patients’ trusts is primarily rooted in the provider’s social position as a person who is highly educated in matters of health. Furthermore, patient health education and provider attitudes are crucial for reinstating and fostering that trust, especially in cases where trust was impeded by rumors, community myths and misperceptions, and religious and cultural factors. Conclusion Patient trust in providers is a strong facilitator contributing to vaccine acceptance among pregnant women in Kenya. To maintain and increase immunization trust, providers have a critical role in cultivating a positive environment that allows for favorable interactions and patient health education. This includes educating providers on maternal immunizations and enhancing knowledge of effective risk communication tactics in clinical encounters

    Antitumor immunization of mothers delays tumor development in cancer-prone offspring

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    Maternal immunization is successfully applied against some life-threatening infectious diseases as it can protect the mother and her offspring through the passive transfer of maternal antibodies. Here, we sought to evaluate whether the concept of maternal immunization could also be applied to cancer immune-prevention. We have previously shown that antibodies induced by DNA vaccination against rat Her2 (neu) protect heterozygous neu-transgenic female (BALB-neuT) mice from autochthonous mammary tumor development. We, herein, seek to evaluate whether a similar maternal immunization can confer antitumor protection to BALB-neuT offspring. Significantly extended tumor-free survival was observed in BALB-neuT offspring born and fed by mothers vaccinated against neu, as compared to controls. Maternally derived anti-neu immunoglobulin G (IgG) was successfully transferred from mothers to newborns and was responsible for the protective effect. Vaccinated mothers and offspring also developed active immunity against neu as revealed by the presence of T–cell-mediated cytotoxicity against the neu immunodominant peptide. This active response was due to the milk transfer of immune complexes that were formed between the neu extracellular domain, shed from vaccine-transfected muscle cells, and the anti-neu IgG induced by the vaccine. These findings show that maternal immunization has the potential to hamper mammary cancer in genetically predestinated offspring and to develop into applications against lethal neonatal cancer diseases for which therapeutic options are currently unavailable

    Maternal Immunization: Nature Meets Nurture.

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    Vaccinating women in pregnancy (i.e., maternal immunization) has emerged as a promising tool to tackle infant morbidity and mortality worldwide. This approach nurtures a 'gift of nature,' whereby antibody is transferred from mother to fetus transplacentally during pregnancy, or postnatally in breast milk, thereby providing passive, antigen-specific protection against infections in the first few months of life, a period of increased immune vulnerability for the infant. In this review, we briefly summarize the rationale for maternal immunization programs and the landscape of vaccines currently in use or in the pipeline. We then direct the focus to the underlying biological phenomena, including the main mechanisms by which maternally derived antibody is transferred efficiently to the infant, at the placental interface or in breast milk; important research models and methodological approaches to interrogate these processes, particularly in the context of recent advances in systems vaccinology; the potential biological and clinical impact of high maternal antibody titres on neonatal ontogeny and subsequent infant vaccine responses; and key vaccine- and host-related factors influencing the maternal-infant dyad across different environments. Finally, we outline important gaps in knowledge and suggest future avenues of research on this topic, proposing potential strategies to ensure optimal testing, delivery and implementation of maternal vaccination programs worldwide

    Zika, Pregnancy, and the Law

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    The public health emergency surrounding the spread of the Zika virus has resurrected and brought into sharp relief some of the most vexing questions surrounding the relationship between pregnancy and law: the appropriate circumstances, if any, in which fetal tissue research is permissible; when and how the government may sponsor statements intended to influence reproductive decisions; and how to balance the health and rights of both women and their unborn children when health threats target both

    Educational interventions on pregnancy vaccinations during childbirth classes improves vaccine coverages among pregnant women in Palermo’s province

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    Maternal immunization is considered the best intervention in order to prevent influenza infection of pregnant women and influenza and pertussis infection of newborns. Despite the existing recommendations, vaccination coverage rates in Italy remain very low. Starting from August 2018, maternal immunization against influenza and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis were strongly recommended by the Italian Ministry of Health. We conducted a cross sectional study to estimate the effectiveness of an educational intervention, conducted during childbirth classes in three general hospitals in the Palermo metropolitan area, Italy, on vaccination adherence during pregnancy. To this end, a questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes, and immunization practices was structured and self-administered to a sample of pregnant women attending childbirth classes. Then, an educational intervention on maternal immunization, followed by a counseling, was conducted by a Public Health medical doctor. After 30 days following the interventions, the adherence to the recommended vaccinations (influenza and pertussis) was evaluated. At the end of the study 326 women were enrolled and 201 responded to the follow-up survey. After the intervention, among the responding pregnant women 47.8% received influenza vaccination (+44.8%), 57.7% diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination (+50.7%) and 64.2% both the recommended vaccinations (+54.8%). A significant association was found between pregnant women that received at least one vaccination during pregnancy and higher educational level (graduation degree/master’s degree), employment status (employed part/full-time) and influenza vaccination adherence during past seasons (at least one during last five years). The implementation of vaccination educational interventions, including counseling by healthcare professionals (HCPs), on maternal immunization during childbirth courses improved considerably the vaccination adherence during pregnancy

    Vacinação em gestantes: considerações sobre sua importância no Brasil

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    Neonates and young children remain susceptible to many serious infectious diseases preventable through vaccination. In general, current vaccines strategies to prevent infectious diseases are unable to induce protective levels of antibodies in the first 6 months of life. Women vaccinated during pregnancy are capable of producing immunoglobulin antibodies that are transported actively to the fetus, and maternal immunization can benefit both the mother and the child. With few exceptions, maternal immunization is not a routine, because of the concerns related to the safety of this intervention. Ethical and cultural issues make the studies on maternal immunization difficult; however, in the last decade, the development of new vaccines, which are very immunogenic and safe has reactivated the discussions on maternal immunization. In this paper we present a review of the literature about maternal immunization based on MEDLINE data (1990 to 2002). The most important conclusions are: 1) there is no evidence of risk to the fetus by immunizing pregnant women with toxoids, polysaccharide, polysaccharide conjugated and inactive viral vaccines; 2) most viral attenuated vaccines are probably safe too, but data is still insufficient to demonstrate their safety; therefore these vaccines should be avoided in pregnant women; 3) in Brazil, there is a need for a maternal immunization program against tetanus. Many new candidate vaccines for maternal immunization are available, but studies should be conducted to evaluate their safety and efficacy, as well as regional priorities based on epidemiological data.Recém-nascidos e lactentes jovens permanecem vulneráveis a diversas doenças causadas por vírus e bactérias. Em geral, as estratégias de imunização são inefetivas para que a criança produza anticorpos em quantidades suficientes nos primeiros seis meses de vida. Gestantes podem produzir anticorpos IgG que são transportados ativamente através da placenta e podem beneficiar tanto a mãe quanto a criança. Entretanto, com poucas exceções, as vacinas não são recomendadas rotineiramente para as gestantes, devido às preocupações relacionadas à segurança desse procedimento. A realização de estudos para avaliar os riscos e benefícios da vacinação em gestantes implica em dificuldades éticas e culturais, tendo baixa aceitação. Na última década, o desenvolvimento de vacinas, muito seguras e imunogênicas, reativou o debate sobre os riscos e benefícios da vacinação de gestantes, particularmente, quando existe alto risco de a gestante e/ou o feto apresentarem infecção com graves conseqüências. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma revisão da literatura sobre a imunização em gestantes, utilizando dados do MEDLINE (1990-2002). Conclusões: 1) não existem evidências de risco para o feto quando a gestante é imunizada com toxóides, vacinas polissacarídicas, conjugadas ou contendo vírus mortos; 2) provavelmente, a maioria das vacinas contendo vírus atenuados também é segura, mas os dados sobre sua segurança ainda são insuficientes; 3) no Brasil, é necessário melhorar a cobertura vacinal de gestantes contra o tétano. Novas vacinas são candidatas para uso em gestantes, porém, é necessário realizar pesquisas para avaliar sua segurança, eficácia e possíveis indicações, considerando-se dados epidemiológicos regionais

    Health care providers perspectives about maternal immunization in Latin America

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    Background: Antenatal care providers have a key role in providing appropriate information and immunization recommendations to improve pregnant women's vaccine uptake. The objective of this study is to describe health care providers' perspectives and experience regarding the implementation of maternal immunization programs in Latin America. Methods: We conducted 33 in-depth interviews of health care providers from Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru (6–7 per country). Qualitative data analysis was conducted using a combination of both manual techniques and the computer software program NVivo. We identified and coded main themes related to maternal immunization. Results: The main themes identified in this analysis were practices related to maternal immunization, knowledge and training, resource availability and interactions with pregnant women. Healthcare providers knew that recommendations exists but some did not know their content; they expressed concerns about insufficient training. Providers from all five countries expressed the need for additional human resources and supplies. They also expressed a desire for women to be more proactive and ask more questions during the health visits. Conclusion: This is the first multi-country study assessing the perspectives of health care providers about maternal immunization practices at the facility level in Latin America. Recommendations based on the results from this study include implementing additional trainings around maternal immunization, especially targeting obstetricians and midwives. These trainings should be conducted in coordination with improvements to supply chain and other structural issues.Fil: Malik, Fauzia A.. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Alonso, Juan Pedro. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sanclemente, Lauren N.. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Vilajeliu, Alba. Organización Panamericana de la Salud; Estados UnidosFil: Gutierrez, Mariana. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Gonzalez Casanova, Ines. University of Emory; Estados Unidos. Indiana University; Estados UnidosFil: Jones, Daniel Eduardo. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Omer, Saad. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Ropero, Alba-Maria. Organización Panamericana de la Salud; Estados UnidosFil: Belizán, María Melina Eleonora. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Protection against pertussis in humans correlates to elevated serum antibodies and memory B cells

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    Pertussis is a respiratory infection caused by Bordetella pertussis that may be particularly severe and even lethal in the first months of life when infants are still too young to be vaccinated. Adults and adolescents experience mild symptoms and are the source of infection for neonates. Adoptive maternal immunity does not prevent pertussis in the neonate. We compared the specific immune response of mothers of neonates diagnosed with pertussis and mothers of control children. We show that women have pre-existing pertussis-specific antibodies and memory B cells and react against the infection with a recall response increasing the levels specific serum IgG, milk IgA, and the frequency of memory B cells of all isotypes. Thus, the maternal immune system is activated in response to pertussis and effectively prevents the disease indicating that the low levels of pre-formed serum antibodies are insufficient for protection. For this reason, memory B cells play a major role in the adult defense. The results of this study suggest that new strategies for vaccine design should aim at increasing long-lived plasma cells and their antibodies

    Immunization of Children in a Rural Area of North Kashmir, India: A KAP Study.

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    Background: Knowledge, attitude and practices about immunization among mothers of children aged 1-2 years was assessed. Method: 300 mothers were administered a semi-structured questionnaire at PHC Hajan from 1st march to 1st may 2011 to elicit the information about the knowledge, attitude and practices of the mothers regarding immunization. Results: 100% of mothers knew that vaccination is beneficial and protects their children from diseases. 39% knew OPV protects from polio while only 1% were aware of protective role of BCG. All mothers knew about immunization in pregnancy but 86% were unaware about its preventive role. 26% mothers believed that 3 doses of T.T (tetanus toxoid) are to be given during pregnancy. Whereas 98% of children were completely immunized, 93% completed on schedule. Eighty percent of mothers reported of fever following DPT. All mothers had received tetanus toxoid during pregnancy. Conclusion: Considering mothers' poor knowledge and good attitude, health education on immunization is emphasized to improve their practices
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