516 research outputs found

    A comparison of statistical machine learning methods in heartbeat detection and classification

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    In health care, patients with heart problems require quick responsiveness in a clinical setting or in the operating theatre. Towards that end, automated classification of heartbeats is vital as some heartbeat irregularities are time consuming to detect. Therefore, analysis of electro-cardiogram (ECG) signals is an active area of research. The methods proposed in the literature depend on the structure of a heartbeat cycle. In this paper, we use interval and amplitude based features together with a few samples from the ECG signal as a feature vector. We studied a variety of classification algorithms focused especially on a type of arrhythmia known as the ventricular ectopic fibrillation (VEB). We compare the performance of the classifiers against algorithms proposed in the literature and make recommendations regarding features, sampling rate, and choice of the classifier to apply in a real-time clinical setting. The extensive study is based on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Our main contribution is the evaluation of existing classifiers over a range sampling rates, recommendation of a detection methodology to employ in a practical setting, and extend the notion of a mixture of experts to a larger class of algorithms

    A workload‑driven approach for view selection in large dimensional datasets

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    The information explosion the world has witnessed in the last two decades has forced businesses to adopt a data-driven culture for them to be competitive. These data-driven businesses have access to countless sources of information, and face the challenge of making sense of overwhelming amounts of data in a efficient and reliable manner, which implies the execution of read-intensive operations. In the context of this challenge, a framework for the dynamic read-optimization of large dimensional datasets has been designed, and on top of it a workload-driven mechanism for automatic materialized view selection and creation has been developed. This paper presents an extensive description of this mechanism, along with a proof-of-concept implementation of it and its corresponding performance evaluation. Results show that the proposed mechanism is able to derive a limited but comprehensive set of views leading to a drop in query latency ranging from 80% to 99.99% at the expense of 13% of the disk space used by the base dataset. This way, the devised mechanism enables speeding up query execution by building materialized views that match the actual demand of query workloads

    Manufacturing Process Modeling and Simulation

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    This paper presents a methodology to be employed in the whole process design phase including first and second processing. This methodology consists of a set of steps which are characterised by an independent model. This paper’s objective is to analyse the coherence between the different models and the coherence between the model and the objectives of each step. The final stage is to develop the production plans. The casting process was the first one to be analyzed. Casting models were created using CAD software (Catia V5R17) and imported into the casting simulation environment (Magmasoft). Filling and solidifying processes have been simulated using different casting models in order to optimize the final configuration. The machining process was modeled using the machining features concept and it was simulated using Catia’s Advanced Machining environment. Two machining strategies have been analyzed according to positioning strategies. Process engineering software was used to create the process plans and to analyze the resource allocation

    Human behavior based particle swarm optimization for materialized view selection in data warehousing environment

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    Because of the Materialized View (MV) space value and repair cost limitation in Data Warehouse (DW) environment, the materialization of all views was practically impossible thus suitable MV selection was one of the smart decisions in building DW to get optimal efficiency, at the same time in the modern world, techniques for enhancing DW quality were appeared continuously such as swarm intelligence. Therefore, this paper presents first framework for speeding up query response time depending on Human Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO) algorithm for determining the best locations of the views in the DW. The results showed that the proposed method for selecting best MV using HPSO algorithm is better than other algorithms via calculating the ratio of query response time on the base tables of DW and compare it to the response time of the same queries on the MVs. Ratio of implementing the query on the base table takes 14 times more time than the query implementation on the MVs. Where the response time of queries through MVs access equal to 106 milliseconds while by direct access queries equal to 1066 milliseconds. This outlines that the performance of query through MVs access is 1471.698% better than those directly access via DW-logical

    A Novel Hybrid Optimization With Ensemble Constraint Handling Approach for the Optimal Materialized Views

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    The datawarehouse is extremely challenging to work with, as doing so necessitates a significant investment of both time and space. As a result, it is essential to enable rapid data processing in order to cut down on the amount of time needed to respond to queries that are sent to the warehouse. To effectively solve this problem, one of the significant approaches that should be taken is to take the view of materialization. It is extremely unlikely that all of the views that can be derived from the data will ever be materialized. As a result, view subsets need to be selected intelligently in order to enable rapid data processing for queries coming from a variety of locations. The Materialized view selection problem is addressed by the model that has been proposed. The model is based on the ensemble constraint handling techniques (ECHT). In order to optimize the problem, we must take into account the constraints, which include the self-adaptive penalty, the Epsilon ()-parameter, and the stochastic ranking. For the purpose of making a quicker and more accurate selection of queries from the data warehouse, the proposed model includes the implementation of an innovative algorithm known as the constrained hybrid Ebola with COATI optimization (CHECO) algorithm. For the purpose of computing the best possible fitness, the goals of "processing cost of the query," "response cost," and "maintenance cost" are each defined. The top views are selected by the CHECO algorithm based on whether or not the defined fitness requirements are met. In the final step of the process, the proposed model is compared to the models already in use in order to validate the performance improvement in terms of a variety of performance metrics

    A Multi-User Interactive Coral Reef Optimization Algorithm for Considering Expert Knowledge in the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem

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    The problem of Unequal Area Facility Layout Planning (UA-FLP) has been addressed by a large number of approaches considering a set of quantitative criteria. Moreover, more recently, the personal qualitative preferences of an expert designer or decision-maker (DM) have been taken into account too. This article deals with capturing more than a single DM’s personal preferences to obtain a common and collaborative design including the whole set of preferences from all the DMs to obtain more complex, complete, and realistic solutions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the preferences of more than one expert designer have been considered in the UA-FLP. The new strategy has been implemented on a Coral Reef Optimization (CRO) algorithm using two techniques to acquire the DMs’ evaluations. The first one demands the simultaneous presence of all the DMs, while the second one does not. Both techniques have been tested over three well-known problem instances taken from the literature and the results show that it is possible to obtain sufficient designs capturing all the DMs’ personal preferences and maintaining low values of the quantitative fitness function

    Transparent Forecasting Strategies in Database Management Systems

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    Whereas traditional data warehouse systems assume that data is complete or has been carefully preprocessed, increasingly more data is imprecise, incomplete, and inconsistent. This is especially true in the context of big data, where massive amount of data arrives continuously in real-time from vast data sources. Nevertheless, modern data analysis involves sophisticated statistical algorithm that go well beyond traditional BI and, additionally, is increasingly performed by non-expert users. Both trends require transparent data mining techniques that efficiently handle missing data and present a complete view of the database to the user. Time series forecasting estimates future, not yet available, data of a time series and represents one way of dealing with missing data. Moreover, it enables queries that retrieve a view of the database at any point in time - past, present, and future. This article presents an overview of forecasting techniques in database management systems. After discussing possible application areas for time series forecasting, we give a short mathematical background of the main forecasting concepts. We then outline various general strategies of integrating time series forecasting inside a database and discuss some individual techniques from the database community. We conclude this article by introducing a novel forecasting-enabled database management architecture that natively and transparently integrates forecast models

    Multiple Query Optimization on the D-Wave 2X Adiabatic Quantum Computer

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    The D-Wave adiabatic quantum annealer solves hard combinatorial optimization problems leveraging quantum physics. The newest version features over 1000 qubits and was released in August 2015. We were given access to such a machine, currently hosted at NASA Ames Research Center in California, to explore the potential for hard optimization problems that arise in the context of databases. In this paper, we tackle the problem of multiple query optimization (MQO). We show how an MQO problem instance can be transformed into a mathematical formula that complies with the restrictive input format accepted by the quantum annealer. This formula is translated into weights on and between qubits such that the configuration minimizing the input formula can be found via a process called adiabatic quantum annealing. We analyze the asymptotic growth rate of the number of required qubits in the MQO problem dimensions as the number of qubits is currently the main factor restricting applicability. We experimentally compare the performance of the quantum annealer against other MQO algorithms executed on a traditional computer. While the problem sizes that can be treated are currently limited, we already find a class of problem instances where the quantum annealer is three orders of magnitude faster than other approaches


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    Data warehouses store large amounts of data usually accessed by complex decision making queries with many selection, join and aggregation operations. To optimize the performance of the data warehouse, the administrator has to make a physical design. During physical designphase, the Data Warehouse Administrator has to select some optimization techniques to speed up queries. He must make many choices as optimization techniques to perform,their selection algorithms, parametersof these algorithms and the attributes and tables used by some of these techniques. We describe in this paper the nature of the difficulties encountered by the administrator during physical design. We subsequently present a tool which helps the administrator to make the right choicesfor optimization. We demonstrate the interactive use of this tool using a relational data warehouse created and populated from the APB-1 Benchmark