3,411 research outputs found

    Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Trisomy 21 by Allelic Ratio Analysis Using Targeted Massively Parallel Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNA

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    BACKGROUND: Plasma DNA obtained from a pregnant woman contains a mixture of maternal and fetal DNA. The fetal DNA proportion in maternal plasma is relatively consistent as determined using polymorphic genetic markers across different chromosomes in euploid pregnancies. For aneuploid pregnancies, the observed fetal DNA proportion measured using polymorphic genetic markers for the aneuploid chromosome would be perturbed. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of analyzing single nucleotide polymorphisms using targeted massively parallel sequencing to detect such perturbations in mothers carrying trisomy 21 fetuses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: DNA was extracted from plasma samples collected from fourteen pregnant women carrying singleton fetuses. Hybridization-based targeted sequencing was used to enrich 2 906 single nucleotide polymorphism loci on chr7, chr13, chr18 and chr21. Plasma DNA libraries with and without target enrichment were analyzed by massively parallel sequencing. Genomic DNA samples of both the mother and fetus for each case were genotyped by single nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis. For the targeted regions, the mean sequencing depth of the enriched samples was 225-fold higher than that of the non-enriched samples. From the targeted sequencing data, the ratio between fetus-specific and shared alleles increased by approximately 2-fold on chr21 in the paternally-derived trisomy 21 case. In comparison, the ratio is decreased by approximately 11% on chr21 in the maternally-derived trisomy 21 cases but with much overlap with the ratio of the euploid cases. Computer simulation revealed the relationship between the fetal DNA proportion, the number of informative alleles and the depth of sequencing. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Targeted massively parallel sequencing of single nucleotide polymorphism loci in maternal plasma DNA is a potential approach for trisomy 21 detection. However, the method appears to be less robust than approaches using non-polymorphism-based counting of sequence tags in plasma

    Fluid-electro-mechanical model of the human heart for supercomputers

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    The heart is a complex system. From the transmembrane cell activity to the spatial organization in helicoidal fibers, it includes several spatial and temporal scales. The heart muscle is surrounded by two main tissues that modulate how it deforms: the pericardium and the blood. The former constrains the epicardial surface and the latter exerts a force in the endocardium. The main function of this peculiar muscle is to pump blood to the pulmonary and systemic circulations. In this way, solid dynamics of the heart is as important as the induced fluid dynamics. Despite the work done in computational research of multiphysics heart modelling, there is no reference of a tightly-coupled scheme that includes electrophysiology, solid and fluid mechanics in a whole human heart. In this work, we propose, develop and test a fluid-electro-mechanical model of the human heart. To start, the heartbeat phenomenon is disassembled in the different composing problems. The first building block is the electrical activity of the myocytes, that induces the mechanical deformation of the myocardium. The contraction of the muscle reduces the intracavitary space, that pushes out the contained blood. At the same time, the inertia, pressure and viscous stresses in this fluid exerts a force on the solid wall. In this way, we can understand the heart as a fluid-electro-mechanical problem. All the models are implemented in Alya, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center simulation software. A multi-code approach is used, splitting the problem in a solid and a fluid domain. In the former, electrophysiology coupled with solid mechanics are solved. In the later, fluid dynamics in an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian domain are computed. The equations are spatially discretized using the finite element method and temporally discretized using finite differences. Facilitated by the multi-code approach, a novel high performance quasi-Newton method is developed to deal with the intrinsic issues of fluid-structure interaction problems in iomechanics. All the schemes are optimized to run in massively parallel computers. A wide range of experiments are shown to validate, test and tune the numerical model. The different hypothesis proposed — as the critical effect of the atrium or the presence of pericardium — are also tested in these experiments. Finally, a normal heartbeat is simulated and deeply analyzed. This healthy computational heart is first diseased with a left bundle branch block. After this, its function is restored simulating a cardiac resynchronization therapy. Then, a third grade atrioventricular block is simulated in the healthy heart. In this case, the pathologic model is treated with a minimally invasive leadless intracardiac pacemaker. This requires to include the device in the geometrical description of the problem, solve the structural problem with the tissue, and the fluid-structure interaction problem with the blood. As final experiment, we test the parallel performance of the coupled solver. In the cases mentioned above, the results are qualitatively compared against experimental measurements, when possible. Finally, a first glance in a coupled fluid-electro-mechanical cardiovascular system is shown. This model is build adding a one dimensional model of the arterial network created by the Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica in Petropolis, Brasil. Despite the artificial geometries used, the outflow curves are comparable with physiological observations. The model presented in this thesis is a step towards the virtual human heart. In a near future computational models like the presented in this thesis will change how pathologies are understood and treated, and the way biomedical devices are designed.El corazón es un sistema complejo. Desde la actividad celular hasta la organización espacial en fibras helicoidales, incluye gran cantidad de escalas espaciales y temporales. El corazón está rodeado principalmente por dos tejidos que modulan su deformación: el pericardio y la sangre. El primero restringe el movimiento del epicardio, mientras el segundo ejerce fuerza sobre el endocardio. La función principal de este músculo es bombear sangre a la circulación sistémica y a la pulmonar. Así, la deformación del miocardio es tan importante como la fluidodinámica inducida. Al día de hoy, solo se han propuesto modelos parciales del corazón. Ninguno de los modelos publicados resuelve electrofisiología, mecánica del sólido, y dinámica de fluidos en una geometría completa del corazón. En esta tesis, proponemos, desarrollamos y probamos un modelo fluido -electro -mecánico del corazón. Primero, el problema del latido cardíaco es descompuesto en los distintos subproblemas. El primer bloque componente es la actividad eléctrica de los miocitos, que inducen la deformación mecánica del miocardio. La contratación de este músculo, reduce el espacio intracavitario, que empuja la sangre contenida. Al mismo tiempo, la inercia, presión y fuerzas viscosas del fluido inducen una presión sobre la pared del sólido. De esta manera, podemos entender el latido cardíaco como un problema fluido-electro-mecánico. Los modelos son implementados en Alya, el software de simulación del Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Se utiliza un diseño multi-código, separando el problema según el dominio en sólido y fluido. En el primero, se resuelve electrofisiología acoplado con mecánica del sólido. En el segundo, fluido dinámica en un dominio arbitrario Lagrangiano-Euleriano. Las ecuaciones son discretizadas espacial y temporalmente utilizando elementos finitos y diferencias finitas respectivamente. Facilitado por el diseño multi-codigo, se desarrolló un novedoso método quasi-Newton de alta performance, pensado específicamente para lidiar con los problemas intrínsecos de interacción fluido-estructura en biomecánica. Todos los esquemas fueron optimizados para correr en ordenadores masivamente paralelos.Se presenta un amplio espectro de experimentos con el fin de validar, probar y ajustar el modelo numérico. Las diferentes hipótesis propuestas tales como el efecto producido por la presencia de las aurículas o el pericardio son también demostradas en estos experimentos. Finalmente un latido normal es simulado y sus resultados son analizados con profundidad. El corazón computacional sano es, primeramente enfermado de un bloqueo de rama izquierda. Posteriormente se restaura la función normal mediante la terapia de resincronización cardíaca. Luego se afecta al corazón de un bloqueo atrioventricular de tercer grado. Esta patología es tratada mediante la implantación de un marcapasos intracardíaco. Para esto, se requiere incluir el dispositivo en la descripción geométrica, resolver el problema estructural con el tejido y la interacción fluido-estructura con la sangre. Como experimento numérico final, se prueba el desempeño paralelo del modelo acoplado.Finalmente, se muestran resultados preliminares para un modelo fluido-electro-mecánico del sistema cardiovascular. Este modelo se construye agregando un modelo unidimensional del árbol arterial. A pesar de las geometrías artificiales usadas, la curva de flujo en la raíz aórtica es comparable con observaciones experimentales. El modelo presentado aquí representa un avance hacia el humano virtual. En un futuro, modelos similares, cambiarán la forma en la que se entienden y tratan las enfermedades y la forma en la que los dispositivos biomédicos son diseñados.Postprint (published version

    The spleen: a hub connecting nervous and immune systems in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases

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    Metabolic disorders have been identified as major health problems affecting a large portion of the world population. In addition, obesity and insulin resistance are principal risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Altered immune responses are common features of both hypertension and obesity and, moreover, the involvement of the nervous system in the modulation of immune system is gaining even more attention in both pathophysiological contexts. For these reasons, during the last decades, researches focused their efforts on the comprehension of the molecular mechanisms connecting immune system to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. On the other hand, it has been reported that in these pathological conditions, central neural pathways modulate the activity of the peripheral nervous system, which is strongly involved in onset and progression of the disease. It is interesting to notice that neural reflex can also participate in the modulation of immune functions. In this scenario, the spleen becomes the crucial hub allowing the interaction of different systems differently involved in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Here, we summarize the major findings that dissect the role of the immune system in disorders related to metabolic and cardiovascular dysfunctions, and how this could also be influenced by neural reflexes

    Towards Blood Flow in the Virtual Human: Efficient Self-Coupling of HemeLB

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    Many scientific and medical researchers are working towards the creation of a virtual human - a personalised digital copy of an individual - that will assist in a patient's diagnosis, treatment and recovery. The complex nature of living systems means that the development of this remains a major challenge. We describe progress in enabling the HemeLB lattice Boltzmann code to simulate 3D macroscopic blood flow on a full human scale. Significant developments in memory management and load balancing allow near linear scaling performance of the code on hundreds of thousands of computer cores. Integral to the construction of a virtual human, we also outline the implementation of a self-coupling strategy for HemeLB. This allows simultaneous simulation of arterial and venous vascular trees based on human-specific geometries.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, To be published in Interface Focus (https://royalsocietypublishing.org/journal/rsfs

    The role of inflammation in age-related disease.

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    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Geroscience Interest Group (GSIG) sponsored workshop, The Role of Inflammation inAge-Related Disease, was held September 6th-7th, 2012 in Bethesda, MD. It is now recognized that a mild pro-inflammatory state is correlated with the major degenerative diseases of the elderly. The focus of the workshop was to better understand the origins and consequences of this low level chronic inflammation in order to design appropriate interventional studies aimed at improving healthspan. Four sessions explored the intrinsic, environmental exposures and immune pathways by which chronic inflammation are generated, sustained, and lead to age-associated diseases. At the conclusion of the workshop recommendations to accelerate progress toward understanding the mechanistic bases of chronic disease were identified

    Water infrastructure and social housing in Bogotá: an intersection between modern water management and social housing production

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    En la actualidad Bogotá afronta la presión de construir viviendas sociales en ecosistemas frágiles, áreas rurales o zonas propensas a las inundaciones, y al mismo tiempo proteger estas áreas para asegurar la capacidad de resiliencia del medio ambiente. Ante esta contradicción, la pregunta de investigación es: ¿Cómo se pueden modificar las tendencias de urbanización para crear una interacción que favorezca el manejo sustentable del agua? Con el fin de responder esta pregunta ésta comunicación presenta un análisis histórico de planes de alcantarillado y control hidráulico desarrollados desde 1990, junto con una revisión de proyectos de vivienda social representativos, e investiga la interacción entre estos dos campos. El análisis permite definir diferentes etapas en la transformación física del sistema hídrico que se basan en los cambios universales de paradigma en la gestión del agua e ilustra diferentes construcciones socio-culturales en torno a la naturaleza, además analiza la producción de vivienda en relación a la transformación del sistema hídrico.Currently, Bogotá faces the pressure to continue to urbanize fragile ecosystems, rural lands and flood prone areas with low-cost housing projects and simultaneously protect these areas to ensure environmental resilience. Given this contradiction, the question is how urbanization trends could be reversed into a constructive interplay with a revised water management? In order to that, this paper provides an historical analysis of representative water infrastructure projects, urban plans and housing projects in Bogotá developed after 1900 and investigates the interplays between this two realms. The analysis allows to define different stages in the physical transformation of the water system that are based on universal paradigm shifts in water management and illustrates different socio-cultural constructions around nature. It also analysis the production of social housing in relation to the water system transformation
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