5 research outputs found

    Playing Smart - Another Look at Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games

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    Massive simulation using GPU of a distributed behavioral model of a flock with obstacle avoidance

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    In this work, we present a massive simulation of a behavioral model using graphics hardware. In particular we took a well established model to simulate complex ïŹ‚ocks and we focused our attention on its implementation using techniques to manage efïŹciently large amount of data. Using the recent programmability of GPUs and recent extensions of computer graphics programming, we implemented on the graphics hardware the model capable of managing a large aggregate motion of birds in a virtual environment as well as to avoiding both static and dynamic obstacles. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our GPU implementation when compared with CPU according to recent trends that show graphics hardware capable of also working outside of its natural application ïŹeld

    Flexible high performance agent based modelling on graphics card hardware

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    Agent Based Modelling is a technique for computational simulation of complex interacting systems, through the specification of the behaviour of a number of autonomous individuals acting simultaneously. This is a bottom up approach, in contrast with the top down one of modelling the behaviour of the whole system through dynamic mathematical equations. The focus on individuals is considerably more computationally demanding, but provides a natural and flexible environment for studying systems demonstrating emergent behaviour. Despite the obvious parallelism, traditionally frameworks for Agent Based Modelling fail to exploit this and are often based on highly serialised mobile discrete agents. Such an approach has serious implications, placing stringent limitations on both the scale of models and the speed at which they may be simulated. Serial simulation frameworks are also unable to exploit multiple processor architectures which have become essential in improving overall processing speed. This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to use the parallelism of graphics card hardware as a mechanism for high performance Agent Based Modelling. Such an approach is in contrast with alternative high performance architectures, such as distributed grids and specialist computing clusters, and is considerably more cost effective. The use of consumer hardware makes the techniques described available to a wide range of users, and the use of automatically generated simulation code abstracts the process of mapping algorithms to the specialist hardware. This approach avoids the steep learning curve associated with the graphics card hardware's data parallel architecture, which has previously limited the uptake of this emerging technology. The performance and flexibility of this approach are considered through the use of benchmarking and case studies. The resulting speedup and locality of agent data within the graphics processor also allow real time visualisation of computationally and demanding high population models

    On the definition of non-player character behaviour for real-time simulated virtual environments.

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    Computer games with complex virtual worlds, which are populated by artificial characters and creatures, are the most visible application of artificial intelligence techniques. In recent years game development has been fuelled by dramatic advances in computer graphics hardware which have led to a rise in the quality of real-time computer graphics and increased realism in computer games. As a result of these developments video games are gaining acceptance and cultural significance as a form of art and popular culture. An important factor for the attainment of realism in games is the artificially intelligent behaviour displayed by the virtual entities that populate the games' virtual worlds. It is our firm belief that to further improve the behaviour of virtual entities, game AI development will have to mirror the advances achieved in game graphics. A major contributing factor for these advancements has been the advent of programmable shaders for real-time graphics, which in turn has been significantly simplified by the introduction of higher level programming languages for the creation of shaders. This has demonstrated that a good system can be vastly improved by the addition of a programming language. This thesis presents a similar (syntactic) approach to the definition of the behaviour of virtual entities in computer games. We introduce the term behaviour definition language (BDL), describing a programming language for the definition of game entity behaviour. We specify the requirements for this type of programming language, which are applied to the development and implementation of several behaviour definition languages, culminating in the design of a new game-genre independent behaviour definition (scripting) language. This extension programming language includes several game AI techniques within a single unified system, allowing the use of different methods of behaviour definition. A subset of the language (itself a BDL) was implemented as a proof of concept of this design, providing a framework for the syntactic definition of the behaviour of virtual entities in computer games