32 research outputs found

    Vers une herméneutique pluraliste du religieux dans les récits de superhéros : une approche orientée par la pensée de McLuhan

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    Le genre du super-héros s’impose de plus en plus dans l’imaginaire populaire. Les fictions de ce type suscitent l’intérêt des savants en raison de leur façon de véhiculer l’idéologie à travers des situations fantastiques. Les diverses manifestations du genre abordent implicitement ou explicitement des thèmes dont il est également question dans les discours religieux contemporains : autonomie et théonomie en éthique ; sacralité des hiérarchies, de l’environnement, des relations, de l’âme et du corps ; cosmogonie et eschatologie ; etc. Pour ne pas traiter à tort et à travers de l’enchevêtrement des univers religieux et fantastiques, il importe d’aborder cette convergence sous plusieurs angles susceptibles d’en faire ressortir les sens sans lui imposer de cohérence réductrice. Dans cet optique, une herméneutique pluraliste basée sur les perspectives interprétatives de Marshall et Eric McLuhan est tout indiquée. La méthode McLuhan propose trois angles d’approche, trois rapports d’altération entre culture de l’imaginaire et religieux contemporain : le super-héros critique, récupère et déconstruit les récits, discours et autres réalités du religieux. Puisque le temps et l’espace consacré à l’étude sont restreints par des considérations pratiques, son échantillon est limité aux « comic books » de super-héros des trente dernières années, à leurs produits dérivés et à la littérature savante qui s’y réfère

    The Law According to She-Hulk

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    First introduced in Marvel comics in 1979, Jennifer Walters is the fictional character best known as the She-Hulk. Her profession is an attorney. While this article occasionally draws from source material elsewhere in the Marvel comics, its primary focus is the third She-Hulk series, which was published in twelve issues from 2014 to 2015. This series is considered to be the most legally focused of the She-Hulk series and was written by an attorney, Charles Soule. Soule himself describes the series as “a book starring a superhero who rarely super heroes. Instead of that, she *gulp* lawyers.” As is normal with any work of fiction that depicts attorneys at work, the law in the She-Hulk series deviates from the actual law that exists in the world in which we live. That does not mean, however, that Soule ‘got the law wrong.’ Rather, it should be assumed that he got the law right for She-Hulk’s universe. He is, after all, the author of the series, and an author creates the rules of his characters’ universe

    The "Spectacular" Spiderman, from page to cel: the process of motion projection in the adaptation of Spider-Man and Venom from comic book to animation

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    The intention of this research paper is to analyse the implicit and perpetuated motion present in Comic Books and Animation as media respectively and to break down the incumbent techniques in the adaptation from a seemingly static medium to one that is articulated. The Marvel Comics characters Spider-Man and his nemesis Venom will be used as the subjects of the analysis due to Spider-Man‟s deeply ingrained history in comics making him a readily identifiable character. The motion present in both media will be demonstrated by a close, in-depth analysis of the relationship between Venom‟s first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man #299 and Episode 13: Nature vs. Nurture of the “Spectacular Spider-Man” animated series, with summative conclusions to follo

    Comic strips in classroom

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    Comic strips can help this huge problem of our national education. They can become the object of teaching practice in an attempt to introduce the habit of reading and knowledge in students. This research provides education through other media, the importance of comics, its pedagogical aspects, especially regarding reading habits and the formation of moral conscience of children and adolescents and the construction of his life. The fascination that charaters play, make the reader get caught reading this literary genre, thus initiating the habit of reading.As histórias em quadrinhos podem auxiliar neste gigantesco problema de nossa educação nacional. Elas podem a se tornar objeto de prática de ensino, na tentativa de introduzir o hábito de leitura e de conhecimento nos alunos. Esta pesquisa apresenta a educação através de outras mídias, a importância das histórias em quadrinhos, o seu aspecto pedagógico, principalmente no que tange ao hábito de leitura e à formação da consciência moral das crianças e dos adolescentes e na construção de sua vida. O fascínio que os personagens exercem, fazem o leitor se prender a leitura deste gênero literário, iniciando assim o hábito pela leitura

    The Marvel Sonic Narrative: A Study of the Film Music in Marvel\u27s The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame

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    This document explores the music of three films in the Marvel Avengers enterprise: Marvel’s The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. It does not examine the second film of the series, Avengers: Age of Ultron. The document seeks to uncover and further understand the music’s function in each film and to determine its continuity throughout all three films. This study uses a combination of film music studies and theory-based analysis to support the findings with the aim of identifying connecting musical elements that stretch throughout these three films. This includes the use of leitmotif/themes, previously introduced music, musical similarity and contrast, as well as ways the music fits in the larger dramatic scheme of each film and the overall function of film music. Ultimately, this document will uncover vital themes that progress the sonic narrative in the Avengers soundscape


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    Superhero Ecologies: An Environmental Reading of Contemporary Superhero Cinema

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    Super-heróis como Recursos para Promoção de Resiliência em Crianças e Adolescentes

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    Studies indicate that children and adolescents at psychosocial risk can be more vulnerable for behavioral problems and their negative consequences during adult years. This study examined associations between the fi ctional adversities of popular comic superheroes, in their pre-super-powered stage and the studied real-life adversities of disadvantaged children.I examined a sample of 20 most infl uential comic superheroes was assembled and an detailed indexing was conducted. It was found that all the most relevant superheroes, in terms of pop culture visibility had a high commonality of shared adversities (e.g., abandonment by family, domestic violence and bullying) with several subgroups of disadvantaged children. This untapped resource has potential for developing psychoeducational interventions, as well as informing public policies that promote resilience among this at-risk population.Pesquisas indicam que crianças em situação de risco psicossocial são mais vulneráveis a apresentar comportamentos com consequências negativas na vida adulta. Este estudo analisou relações entre adversidades da vida real de crianças desfavorecidas psicossocialmente e as adversidades da vida ficcional de personagens super-heróis, em suas fases pré-super-potência. Uma indexação foi realizada e verificou-se que a maioria dos super-heróis de visibilidade na cultura pop passou por adversidades similares às dos grupos de crianças em risco, tais quais: o abandono da família, violência doméstica e situações de abuso físico ou psicológico. Esse recurso ainda inexplorado apresenta potencial para ser desenvolvido em intervenções psicoeducacionais e para subsidiar políticas públicas para a promoção de resiliência e empoderamento nessa população