11 research outputs found

    Waterfall Traffic Classification: A Quick Approach to Optimizing Cascade Classifiers

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    Heterogeneous wireless communication networks, like 4G LTE, transport diverse kinds of IP traffic: voice, video, Internet data, and more. In order to effectively manage such networks, administrators need adequate tools, of which traffic classification is the basis for visualizing, shaping, and filtering the broad streams of IP packets observed nowadays. In this paper, we describe a modular, cascading traffic classification system—the Waterfall architecture—and we extensively describe a novel technique for its optimization—in terms of CPU time, number of errors, and percentage of unrecognized flows. We show how to significantly accelerate the process of exhaustive search for the best performing cascade. We employ five datasets of real Internet transmissions and seven traffic analysis methods to demonstrate that our proposal yields valid results and outperforms a greedy optimizer

    Markov Chain Signal Generation based on Single Magnetic Tunnel Junction

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    Markov chain (MC) is a stochastic model that describes a sequence of events where the probability of each event depends only on the previous state. Such memoryless property makes MC widely used in machine learning and encryption, but the hardware implementation of MC generation remains challenging. This paper presents a hardware solution for generating MC signals using only one industry-ready magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). High quality standard MC signal has been generated with low error and good randomness. The proposed solution also demonstrates the potential in increasing the generation speed. The presented solution offers a hardware-friendly implementation of MC signal in semiconductor chips

    Improving SNI-based HTTPS Security Monitoring

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    International audienceRecent surveys show that the proportion of encrypted web traffic is quickly increasing. On one side, it provides users with essential properties of security and privacy, but on the other side, it raises important challenges and issues for organizations, related to the security monitoring of encrypted traffic (filtering, anomaly detection, etc.). This paper proposes to improve a recent technique for HTTPS traffic monitoring that is based on the Server Name Indication (SNI) field of TLS and which has been implemented in many firewall solutions. This method currently has some weaknesses that can be used to bypass firewalls by overwriting the SNI value of new TLS connections. Our investigation shows that 92% of the HTTPS websites surveyed in this paper can be accessed with a fake SNI. Our approach verifies the coherence between the real destination server and the claimed value of SNI by relying on a trusted DNS service. Experimental results show the ability to overcome the shortage of SNI-based monitoring by detecting forged SNI values while having a very small false positive rate (1.7%). The overhead of our solution only adds negligible delays to access HTTPS websites. The proposed method opens the door to improve global HTTPS monitoring and firewall systems

    A Survey of Methods for Encrypted Traffic Classification and Analysis

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    With the widespread use of encrypted data transport network traffic encryption is becoming a standard nowadays. This presents a challenge for traffic measurement, especially for analysis and anomaly detection methods which are dependent on the type of network traffic. In this paper, we survey existing approaches for classification and analysis of encrypted traffic. First, we describe the most widespread encryption protocols used throughout the Internet. We show that the initiation of an encrypted connection and the protocol structure give away a lot of information for encrypted traffic classification and analysis. Then, we survey payload and feature-based classification methods for encrypted traffic and categorize them using an established taxonomy. The advantage of some of described classification methods is the ability to recognize the encrypted application protocol in addition to the encryption protocol. Finally, we make a comprehensive comparison of the surveyed feature-based classification methods and present their weaknesses and strengths.Šifrování síťového provozu se v dnešní době stalo standardem. To přináší vysoké nároky na monitorování síťového provozu, zejména pak na analýzu provozu a detekci anomálií, které jsou závislé na znalosti typu síťového provozu. V tomto článku přinášíme přehled existujících způsobů klasifikace a analýzy šifrovaného provozu. Nejprve popisujeme nejrozšířenější šifrovací protokoly, a ukazujeme, jakým způsobem lze získat informace pro analýzu a klasifikaci šifrovaného provozu. Následně se zabýváme klasifikačními metodami založenými na obsahu paketů a vlastnostech síťového provozu. Tyto metody klasifikujeme pomocí zavedené taxonomie. Výhodou některých popsaných klasifikačních metod je schopnost rozeznat nejen šifrovací protokol, ale také šifrovaný aplikační protokol. Na závěr porovnáváme silné a slabé stránky všech popsaných klasifikačních metod

    Identificação de aplicações de vídeo em canais protegidos com aprendizagem automática

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    As encrypted traffic is becoming a standard and traffic obfuscation techniques become more accessible and common, companies are struggling to enforce their network usage policies and ensure optimal operational network performance. Users are more technologically knowledgeable, being able to circumvent web content filtering tools with the usage of protected tunnels such as VPNs. Consequently, techniques such as DPI, which already were considered outdated due to their impracticality, become even more ineffective. Furthermore, the continuous regulations being established by governments and international unions regarding citizen privacy rights makes network monitoring increasingly challenging. This work presents a scalable and easily deployable network-based framework for application identification in a corporate environment, focusing on video applications. This framework should be effective regardless of the environment and network setup, with the objective of being a useful tool in the network monitoring process. The proposed framework offers a compromise between allowing network supervision and assuring workers’ privacy. The results evaluation indicates that we can identify web services that are running over a protected channel with an accuracy of 95%, using low-level packet information that does not jeopardize sensitive worker data.Com a adoção de tráfego cifrado a tornar-se a norma e a crescente utilização de técnicas de obfuscação de tráfego, as empresas têm cada vez mais dificuldades em aplicar políticas de uso nas suas redes, bem como garantir o seu bom funcionamento. Os utilizadores têm mais conhecimentos tecnológicos, sendo facilmente capazes de contornar ferramentas de filtros de conteúdo online com a utilização de túneis protegidos como VPNs. Consequentemente, técnicas como DPI, que já estão ultrapassadas devido à sua impraticabilidade, tornam-se cada vez mais ineficazes. Além disso, todos os regulamentos que têm vindo a ser estabelecidos por governos e organizações internacionais sobre a privacidade dos cidadãos tornam a tarefa de monitorização de uma rede cada vez mais difícil. Este documento apresenta uma plataforma escalável e facilmente instalável para identificação de aplicações numa rede empresarial, focando-se em aplicações de vídeo. Esta abordagem deve ser eficaz independentemente do contexto e organização da rede, com o objectivo de ser uma ferramenta útil no processo de supervisão de redes. O modelo proposto oferece um compromisso entre a capacidade de supervisionar uma rede e assegurar a privacidade dos trabalhadores. A avaliação de resultados indica que é possível identificar serviços web em ligações estabelecidas sobre canais protegidos com uma precisão geral de 95%, usando informações de baixo-nível dos pacotes que não comprometem informação sensível dos trabalhadores.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Markov chain fingerprinting to classify encrypted traffic

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    Accepted for publication in INFOCOM 2014. Very selective A+International audienceno abstrac

    Markov Chain Fingerprinting to Classify Encrypted Traffic

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    Accepted for publication in INFOCOM 2014. Very selective A+International audienceno abstrac

    Elastic phone : towards detecting and mitigating computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps

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    Mobile devices have become ubiquitous and their ever evolving capabilities are bringing them closer to personal computers. Nonetheless, due to their mobility and small size factor constraints, they still present many hardware and software challenges. Their limited battery life time has led to the design of mobile networks that are inherently different from previous networks (e.g., wifi) and more restrictive task scheduling. Additionally, mobile device ecosystems are more susceptible to the heterogeneity of hardware and from conflicting interests of distributors, internet service providers, manufacturers, developers, etc. The high number of stakeholders ultimately responsible for the performance of a device, results in an inconsistent behavior and makes it very challenging to build a solution that improves resource usage in most cases. The focus of this thesis is on the study and development of techniques to detect and mitigate computation and energy inefficiencies in mobile apps. It follows a bottom-up approach, starting from the challenges behind detecting inefficient execution scheduling by looking only at apps’ implementations. It shows that scheduling APIs are largely misused and have a great impact on devices wake up frequency and on the efficiency of existing energy saving techniques (e.g., batching scheduled executions). Then it addresses many challenges of app testing in the dynamic analysis field. More specifically, how to scale mobile app testing with realistic user input and how to analyze closed source apps’ code at runtime, showing that introducing humans in the app testing loop improves the coverage of app’s code and generated network volume. Finally, using the combined knowledge of static and dynamic analysis, it focuses on the challenges of identifying the resource hungry sections of apps and how to improve their execution via offloading. There is a special focus on performing non-intrusive offloading transparent to existing apps and on in-network computation offloading and distribution. It shows that, even without a custom OS or app modifications, in-network offloading is still possible, greatly improving execution times, energy consumption and reducing both end-user experienced latency and request drop rates. It concludes with a real app measurement study, showing that a good portion of the most popular apps’ code can indeed be offloaded and proposes future directions for the app testing and computation offloading fields.Los dispositivos móviles se han tornado omnipresentes y sus capacidades están en constante evolución acercándolos a los computadoras personales. Sin embargo, debido a su movilidad y tamaño reducido, todavía presentan muchos desafíos de hardware y software. Su duración limitada de batería ha llevado al diseño de redes móviles que son inherentemente diferentes de las redes anteriores y una programación de tareas más restrictiva. Además, los ecosistemas de dispositivos móviles son más susceptibles a la heterogeneidad de hardware y los intereses conflictivos de las entidades responsables por el rendimiento final de un dispositivo. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas para detectar y mitigar las ineficiencias de computación y energéticas en las aplicaciones móviles. Empieza con los desafíos detrás de la detección de planificación de ejecución ineficientes, mirando sólo la implementación de las aplicaciones. Se muestra que las API de planificación son en gran medida mal utilizadas y tienen un gran impacto en la frecuencia con que los dispositivos despiertan y en la eficiencia de las técnicas de ahorro de energía existentes. A continuación, aborda muchos desafíos de las pruebas de aplicaciones en el campo de análisis dinámica. Más específicamente, cómo escalar las pruebas de aplicaciones móviles con una interacción realista y cómo analizar código de aplicaciones de código cerrado durante la ejecución, mostrando que la introducción de humanos en el bucle de prueba de aplicaciones mejora la cobertura del código y el volumen de comunicación de red generado. Por último, combinando la análisis estática y dinámica, se centra en los desafíos de identificar las secciones de aplicaciones con uso intensivo de recursos y cómo mejorar su ejecución a través de la ejecución remota (i.e.,"offload"). Hay un enfoque especial en el "offload" no intrusivo y transparente a las aplicaciones existentes y en el "offload"y distribución de computación dentro de la red. Demuestra que, incluso sin un sistema operativo personalizado o modificaciones en la aplicación, el "offload" en red sigue siendo posible, mejorando los tiempos de ejecución, el consumo de energía y reduciendo la latencia del usuario final y las tasas de caída de solicitudes de "offload". Concluye con un estudio real de las aplicaciones más populares, mostrando que una buena parte de su código puede de hecho ser ejecutado remotamente y propone direcciones futuras para los campos de "offload" de aplicaciones