24 research outputs found

    Adaptive Sum of Markov Chains for Modelling 3D Blockage in mmWave V2I Communications

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    Modelling 3D blockage effects for millimetre-wave communication systems

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    The millimetre wave (mmWave) band, which has a frequency range of 30-300 GHz, can provide the desired requirements for future communication systems, such as wide bandwidth and high data-rate with very low latency. However, these advantages entail several consequences and challenges: compared with the microwave band, below 6 GHz, the mmWave band not only suffers from increased path loss but also higher sensitivity to blockage effects due to very short wavelengths. Considering the mmWave band, a human blockage, for example, could severely affect the transmitted signal by causing attenuation of 20 dB or more. With motion, the attenuation problem becomes even more serious. The rapid changes of dynamic blockages surrounding a moving transceiver can cause a significant and sudden impact on channel attenuation, which affects the overall quality of service for mmWave systems. The main scope of this thesis is to develop new mathematical models that accurately capture the dynamics of blockers affecting a moving transceiver in order to compute the resulting channel attenuation accurately. The first Markov chain model studied in this work follows a simple approach by assigning a fixed-attenuation value to each blocker and using a geometric model to generate the transition probability matrices. The transition probabilities are calculated both analytically and via a geometric simulation, where the results are found to match well. The proposed model successfully captures the dynamics of the channel caused by blockers surrounding a moving transceiver. The model works well for stationary scenarios, and the proposed technique of switching between several Markov chains makes the model applicable to a non-stationary average number of blockers as well. The adaptive sum of Markov chains (sum of MC) is another proposed model, which can model the dynamics of blockage effects more accurately than the simpler Markov Chain model. It is adaptive to non-stationary scenarios in any given environment, and it efficiently captures the dynamics of blockages arising from a moving transceiver. The sum of Markov chains model can integrate any desired attenuation function, including the third-generation partnership project (3GPP) blockage model and any lab measurement attenuation profile. The sum of MC model could be a very useful tool for communication engineers, allowing them to perform an initial mmWave coverage analysis for a given environment in the presence of time-varying blockage effects. Unlike human blockage, which has been widely studied in the literature, the impact of other small objects on signal strength, such as metal road signs, is not so well understood. This thesis has carried out a measurement campaign for these small blockers, which induce measured loss in the range of 15- 30 dB, depending on the type and size of the blocker. The thesis also compares those results with existing simulation blockage models for these small objects. These blockage models include the 3GPP model, the multiple knife-edge (MKE) model, and the mmMAGIC model, where the latter two models show a better fit to the measured attenuation of relatively small blockers than the 3GPP model. Finally, the thesis evaluates the impact of blockers on the overall performance of mmWave multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems, where a ray-tracing tool is used to establish all possible propagation paths for a moving transceiver in an outdoor scenario. The performance impact of the measured attenuation profiles for road signs are evaluated for an outdoor scenario using the sum of MC model

    Statistical millimeter wave channel modelling for 5G and beyond

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    Millimetre wave (mmWave) wireless communication is one of the most promising technologies for the fifth generation (5G) wireless communication networks and beyond. The very broad bandwidth and directional propagation are the two features of mmWave channels. In order to develop the channel models properly reflecting the characteristics of mmWave channels, the in-depth studies of mmWave channels addressing those two features are required. In this thesis, three mmWave channel models and one beam alignment scheme are proposed related to those two features. First, for studying the very broad bandwidth feature of mmWave channels, we introduce an averaged power delay profile (APDP) method to estimate the frequency stationarity regions (FSRs) of channels. The frequency non-stationary (FnS) properties of channels are found in the data analysis. A FnS model is proposed to model the FnS channels in both the sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequency bands and cluster evolution in the frequency domain is utilised in the implementation of FnS model. Second, for studying the directional propagation feature of mmWave channels, we develop an angular APDP (A-APDP) method to study the planar angular stationarity regions (ASRs) of directional channels (DCs). Three typical directional channel impulse responses (D-CIRs) are found in the data analysis and light-of-sight (LOS), non-LOS (NLOS), and outage classes are used to classify those DCs. A modified Saleh-Valenzuela (SV) model is proposed to model the DCs. The angular domain cluster evolution is utilised to ensure the consistency of DCs. Third, we further extend the A-APDP method to study the spherical-ASRs of DCs. We model the directional mmWave channels by three-state Markov chain that consists of LOS, NLOS, and outage states and we use stationary model, non-stationary model, and “null” to describe the channels in each Markov state according to the estimated ASRs. Then, we propose to use joint channel models to simulate the instantaneous directional mmWave channels based on the limiting distribution of Markov chain. Finally, the directional propagated mmWave channels when the Tx and Rx in motion is addressed. A double Gaussian beams (DGBs) scheme for mobile-to-mobile (M2M) mmWave communications is proposed. The connection ratios of directional mmWave channels in each Markov state are studied

    A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling of 5G/6G Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Cellular Systems

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) radio access technologies (RAT) are expected to become a critical part of the future cellular ecosystem providing an abundant amount of bandwidth in areas with high traffic demands. However, extremely directional antenna radiation patterns that need to be utilized at both transmit and receive sides of a link to overcome severe path losses, dynamic blockage of propagation paths by large static and small dynamic objects, macro-and micromobility of user equipment (UE) makes provisioning of reliable service over THz/mmWave RATs an extremely complex task. This challenge is further complicated by the type of applications envisioned for these systems inherently requiring guaranteed bitrates at the air interface. This tutorial aims to introduce a versatile mathematical methodology for assessing performance reliability improvement algorithms for mmWave and THz systems. Our methodology accounts for both radio interface specifics as well as service process of sessions at mmWave/THz base stations (BS) and is capable of evaluating the performance of systems with multiconnectivity operation, resource reservation mechanisms, priorities between multiple traffic types having different service requirements. The framework is logically separated into two parts: (i) parameterization part that abstracts the specifics of deployment and radio mechanisms, and (ii) queuing part, accounting for details of the service process at mmWave/THz BSs. The modular decoupled structure of the framework allows for further extensions to advanced service mechanisms in prospective mmWave/THz cellular deployments while keeping the complexity manageable and thus making it attractive for system analysts.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling of 5G/6G Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Cellular Systems

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) radio access technologies (RAT) are expected to become a critical part of the future cellular ecosystem providing an abundant amount of bandwidth in areas with high traffic demands. However, extremely directional antenna radiation patterns that need to be utilized at both transmit and receive sides of a link to overcome severe path losses, dynamic blockage of propagation paths by large static and small dynamic objects, macro-and micromobility of user equipment (UE) makes provisioning of reliable service over THz/mmWave RATs an extremely complex task. This challenge is further complicated by the type of applications envisioned for these systems inherently requiring guaranteed bitrates at the air interface. This tutorial aims to introduce a versatile mathematical methodology for assessing performance reliability improvement algorithms for mmWave and THz systems. Our methodology accounts for both radio interface specifics as well as service process of sessions at mmWave/THz base stations (BS) and is capable of evaluating the performance of systems with multiconnectivity operation, resource reservation mechanisms, priorities between multiple traffic types having different service requirements. The framework is logically separated into two parts: (i) parameterization part that abstracts the specifics of deployment and radio mechanisms, and (ii) queuing part, accounting for details of the service process at mmWave/THz BSs. The modular decoupled structure of the framework allows for further extensions to advanced service mechanisms in prospective mmWave/THz cellular deployments while keeping the complexity manageable and thus making it attractive for system analysts.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Navigation coopérative de véhicules autonomes basée sur la communication V2X dans un réseau de 5ème génération

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    In today’s world, road transport is essential to our daily routines and business activities. However, the exponential growth in the number of vehicles has led to problems such as traffic congestion and road accidents. Vehicular communication presents an innovative solution, envisaging a future where vehicles communicate with each other, the road infrastructure, and even the road itself, sharing real-time data to optimize traffic flow and enhance safety. This thesis focuses on 5G and Beyond 5G (B5G) technologies, which promise to revolutionize Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. With the emergence of millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, high-speed, low-latency data transmission is essential for vehicular networks. However, mmWave communication faces problems with signal attenuation and interference. Our research focuses on solving these problems using a deep learning-based approach. Three significant contributions are proposed. First, we introduce a classical optimization technique, the simulated annealing algorithm, to improve beam alignment in 5G vehicular networks. This reduces latency and improves data transmission between millimeter-wave base stations and vehicles. Our second contribution is a new approach involving a hybrid deep-learning model that predicts optimal beam angles. Combining a 1D CNN and a BiLSTM improves th accuracy of the prediction and reduces errors. This approach eliminates time-consuming computations and iterations critical to the success of B5G vehicular networks. The third contribution introduces a BiLSTM-based model to select the optimal beam pair angles at the mmWave base station (mmBS) and the moving vehicle side. This approach improves the reliability of data transmission while minimizing the error probabilities and overheads during beam search. This research contributes to advancing vehicular communications, offering innovative solutions for 5G and B5G networks. We aim to enhance the efficiency, reduce the latency, and improve the reliability of communications for connected vehicles. This thesis explores beam alignment through classical and deep learning techniques and presents solutions for the challenges of millimeter-wave vehicular networks. Our research provides the foundation for the next generation of vehicular communication and its vital role in making road transport safer and more efficient