813 research outputs found

    Efficient partitioning and assignment on programs for multiprocessor execution

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    The general problem studied is that of segmenting or partitioning programs for distribution across a multiprocessor system. Efficient partitioning and the assignment of program elements are of great importance since the time consumed in this overhead activity may easily dominate the computation, effectively eliminating any gains made by the use of the parallelism. In this study, the partitioning of sequentially structured programs (written in FORTRAN) is evaluated. Heuristics, developed for similar applications are examined. Finally, a model for queueing networks with finite queues is developed which may be used to analyze multiprocessor system architectures with a shared memory approach to the problem of partitioning. The properties of sequentially written programs form obstacles to large scale (at the procedure or subroutine level) parallelization. Data dependencies of even the minutest nature, reflecting the sequential development of the program, severely limit parallelism. The design of heuristic algorithms is tied to the experience gained in the parallel splitting. Parallelism obtained through the physical separation of data has seen some success, especially at the data element level. Data parallelism on a grander scale requires models that accurately reflect the effects of blocking caused by finite queues. A model for the approximation of the performance of finite queueing networks is developed. This model makes use of the decomposition approach combined with the efficiency of product form solutions

    A multiprocessor system using a switch matrix configuration

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    This thesis describes a class of interconnection networks based on the use of a switch matrix to provide processor to memory communication. This switch allows a direct link between any processor to any memory module. The cost and performance of this network are analytically examined. The results are compared with those of a multiprocessor system using a time-shared bus configuration and it is shown that for the two extreme cases of maximum and minimum throughput, the two approaches are equivalent from a performance point of view. However, in the general case, even with a higher cost, the switch matrix provides a much better performance than the time-shared bus configuration. Furthermore, the architecture of a multiprocessor MIMD type computer using a switch matrix is investigated and Petri net techniques are used to model process coordination among processors --Abstract, page ii

    Designing and Valuating System on Dependability Analysis of Cluster-Based Multiprocessor System

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    Analysis of dependability is a significant stage in structuring and examining the safety of protection systems and computer systems. The introduction of virtual machines and multiprocessors leads to increasing the faults of the system, particularly for the failures that are software- induced, affecting the overall dependability. Also, it is different for the successful operation of the safety system at any dynamic stage, since there is a tremendous distinction in the rate of failure among the failures that are induced by the software and the hardware. Thus this paper presents a review or different dependability analysis techniques employed in multiprocessor system

    A Generalized Timed Petri Net Model for Performance Analysis

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    Performance evaluation of a multiprocessor in a real time environment

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    Thesis. 1976. Sc.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics.Microfiche copy available in Archives and Barker.Vita.Bibliography: p. 175-181.by Jaynarayan H. Lala.Sc.D

    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture for aircraft, volume 1

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    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture is reported. This architecture, together with a comprehensive information system architecture, has important potential for future aircraft applications. A preliminary definition and assessment of a suitable multiprocessor architecture for such applications is developed

    Queueing networks: solutions and applications

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    During the pasttwo decades queueing network models have proven to be a versatile tool for computer system and computer communication system performance evaluation. This chapter provides a survey of th field with a particular emphasis on applications. We start with a brief historical retrospective which also servesto introduce the majr issues and application areas. Formal results for product form queuenig networks are reviewed with particular emphasis on the implications for computer systems modeling. Computation algorithms, sensitivity analysis and optimization techniques are among the topics covered. Many of the important applicationsof queueing networks are not amenableto exact analysis and an (often confusing) array of approximation methods have been developed over the years. A taxonomy of approximation methods is given and used as the basis for for surveing the major approximation methods that have been studied. The application of queueing network to a number of areas is surveyed, including computer system cpacity planning, packet switching networks, parallel processing, database systems and availability modeling.Durante as últimas duas décadas modelos de redes de filas provaram ser uma ferramenta versátil para avaliação de desempenho de sistemas de computação e sistemas de comunicação. Este capítulo faz um apanhado geral da área, com ênfase em aplicações. Começamos com uma breve retrospectiva histórica que serve também para introduzir os pontos mais importantes e as áreas de aplicação. Resultados formais para redes de filas em forma de produto são revisados com ênfase na modelagem de sistemas de computação. Algoritmos de computação, análise de sensibilidade e técnicas de otimização estão entre os tópicos revistos. Muitas dentre importantes aplicações de redes de filas não são tratáveis por análise exata e uma série (frequentemente confusa) de métodos de aproximação tem sido desenvolvida. Uma taxonomia de métodos de aproximação é dada e usada como base para revisão dos mais importantes métodos de aproximação propostos. Uma revisão das aplicações de redes de filas em um número de áreas é feita, incluindo planejamento de capacidade de sistemas de computação, redes de comunicação por chaveamento de pacotes, processamento paralelo, sistemas de bancos de dados e modelagem de confiabilidade