61 research outputs found


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    Communication is the key factor necessary to improve the relation between doctors and patients. The communication is the method used to transmit or collect information using different types of channels. The communication process should provide useful information for doctors and patients. In order to establish a good communication system, both parts must fulfil some obligations. The present paper presents direct communication methods and indirect methods of communication.communication, direct communication, indirect communication, doctors, patients


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    「北米クルーズ業界の現況と将来展望」1) にてクルーズの揺籃期から1999年までの発展過程について考察を試みたが、その後の2000年から2004年までの状況についての動向をみてみる。2001年の同時多発テロはクルーズ業界に大きな影響を与えた。乗船客の減少による船会社の倒産が発生し、それをきっかけに大手船会社による中小船会社の買収による合併もおき、1990年代とはクルーズ産業を取り巻く環境が大きく変化を遂げている。そのような状況下でも北米クルーズ業はますます発展を遂げている。しかしそこには他産業と同様に成長過程における淘汰があり、その提供サービスを仔細に分析してみると従来とは違った点が多々出てきており、それにともない課題も浮かび上がってきている。それらについて考察を試みる。I viewed a trend about the situation of the North America Cruise industry from 2000 to 2004. The synchronized terrorist attacks of 2001 gave the industry big influence. Bankruptcy of the cruise ship companies by decrease of embarkation visitors occurred, and merger by the purchase of the medium or small size cruise ship companies by major ones happened. Environment to surround Cruise industry accomplishes a change greatly. The North America Cruise business is developing under such situation more and more. Though as for the offer service, a different point leaves many conventionally. Problems rise with it, too

    Failure in rural entrepreneurial marketing: The OTOP case in Thailand

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    Marketing scholarship continues to theorise about the significance of marketing resources to firm-level success, and resources are commonly viewed as the source of competitive advantage (Day & Wensley, 1988; Aaker, 1989; Webster, 1992; O’Donnell et al., 2002; Morgan el at., 2009). Businesses which effectively and efficiently deploy and exploit their market-based assets are assumed to be better placed at attaining superior business performance (Morgan & Vorhies, 2005). However, the input of firm resources to competitive advantage has generally been theorised and empirically examined in the context of large companies. Less frequent are discussions about resources in small firms and entrepreneurial ventures (O’Donnell et al., 2002). These issues deserve empirical testing, though, since entrepreneurship plays a substantial role in economic development and contributes to rural communities (Beaulieu, 2002; Emery et al., 2003; Levitte, 2004; Grey & Collins-Williams, 2006; Steinberg et al., 2010). In Thailand, promoting rural entrepreneurship has been one of the government’s main aims during the past decade, with the number of Thai entrepreneurs and rural enterprises increasing steadily (Tongboonrawd & Sukpradit, 2007). This paper empirically evaluates one programme aimed at encouraging rural entrepreneurship in Thailand, One Tambon One Product (OTOP), by interviewing key stakeholders in three rural communities located close to Bangkok which have been involved in the OTOP programme for the past four years. Interviews with OTOP programme managers, entrepreneurs, and employees reveal sources and consequences of the successful and unsuccessful deployment of marketing resources by entrepreneurs who participate in the OTOP programme. Factors affecting entrepreneurship difficulties and failure have been identified, including problems in attracting human resources and capital. Less frequently reported findings about entrepreneurs’ conservative attitudes, reactive behaviour, passivity and over-reliance on government initiatives are also explored. The investigation of the nature and sources of failure and the proposed framework of rural entrepreneurial failure seek to contribute to a fuller understanding of entrepreneurial marketing theory

    Qualitative Marketing Research Through Usability Testing

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    Usability is an attribute of any good product, just as its functionality. It refers mainly to the utility of a product for its indented users, as well as to its ease of use. And whilst a correct functionality is critical for the commercial success of any product, its value comes through the human needs that it fulfills, which is determined through various marketing research techniques. In parallel, the IT&C community has developed in the last two decades its own type of research, called usability testing, used mainly to evaluate interface ease of use and all usability problems associated with.software products. This article aims at finding the right place for usability testing and usability professionals in the marketing community, as well as drawing a wider picture, from a marketing research perspective, on one of the most popular topics in IT&C community for the benefit of marketing scholars and professionals

    Social Marketing Promotion Strategy on Pregnant Women’s Decision to Adopt “Sayang Bunda” Application in Semarang, Indonesia

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    Background: Semarang City’s Health Office launched “SAYANG BUNDA” android-based mobile application simultaneously, aiming to help pregnant women find out and monitor their pregnancy health, thereby can improve Antenatal Care (ANC) coverage. Purwoyoso and Ngaliyan public health centers with low visit ANC coverage and not achieving the target of program. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sales promotion, personal selling, advertising, and publication on pregnant women’s decision to adopt “SAYANG BUNDA” android-based mobile application.Subjects and Method: This was a case-control study conducted at Purwoyoso and Ngaliyan health centers, in Semarang City, from August to November 2019. A sample of 84 pregnant women was selected for this study. The dependent variable was pregnant women’s decision. The independent variable was social marketing promotion strategy including sales promotion, personal selling, advertising, and publication. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple linear regression.Results: The result of multiple-linear regression analysis showed that sales promotion (b=0.223; SE=0.406; p=0.005) and personal selling (b=0.286; SE=0.406; p=0.000) affect strongly the introduction of pregnant women’s need and contribute by 40.6%. Sales promotion(b=0.346; SE=0.330; p=0.000), personal selling(b=0.177; SE=0.330; p=0.026), advertising and publication(b=-0.253; SE=0.330; p=0.002) affect strongly and contribute by 33% to information search. Sales promotion(b=0.214; SE=0.169; p=0.035) affects most strongly and contributes by 16.9% to alternative evaluation. There is no strong effect of sales promotion(b=0.025; SE=0.069; p=0.839), advertisingand publication(b=0.216; SE=0.068; p=0.094), and personal selling(b=0.001; SE=0.069; p=0.994) and contributes by 6.9% to trying and adopting. Advertising and publication (b=1.685; SE=0.082; p=0.037)affect most strongly and contributes by 8.2% to pregnant women’s post-use assessment.Conclusion: To improve pregnant women’s decision to adopt the “SAYANG BUNDA” android-based mobile application, Semarang City’s Health Office improves and focuses social marketing strategy on promotion mix strategy including advertising, sales promotion, publication, and personal selling.Keywords: social marketing promotion strategy, pregnant women’s decision, SAYANG BUNDA applicationCorrespondence: Tiwuk Puji Rahayu. Masters Program of Health Pro­motion, Universitas Diponegoro. Email: tiw­p­01­@yahoo.co.id. Mobile: 085790337111.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(2): 104-113https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2020.05.02.0

    InfoTech Update, Volume 5, Number 4, July/August 1996

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    Análisis de las estrategias de marketing relacional en instituciones de educación superior de Colombia y España

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    Marketing strategies in universities have allowed a better understanding of the audiences and the classification of actions that generate value to the university brand. That is why this research project aims to identify the importance of relationship marketing strategies in the education sector, especially in the main universities in Colombia and Spain to know how they implement marketing actions that generate value. The methodology used to achieve this objective was based on a review of literature, where the evolution and models of marketing applied in education were analyzed; likewise, the main variables of marketing with a relational approach were examined and comparisons were made between the countries mentioned to find the difference in the strategies that each one implements. It is concluded that, both in Colombia and in Spain, marketing strategies with a relational focus are beginning to be planned that generate value to academic and administrative management; likewise, it is evident that the main variables - creation of value, satisfaction and confidence - for the different actions implemented in the universities of the countries analyzed are fundamental pillars for the incorporation of good relational marketing in education.Las estrategias de marketing en las universidades han permitido una mejor comprensión de las audiencias y la clasificación de acciones que le generen valor a la marca universitaria. Es por esto que el presente proyecto investigativo pretende identificar la importancia de las estrategias de marketing relacional en el sector educativo, especialmente en las principales universidades de Colombia y España para conocer de qué manera implementan acciones mercadológicas que generan valor. La metodología utilizada para lograr este objetivo fue a partir de una revisión de literatura, donde se analizó la evolución y los modelos de marketing aplicados en educación; de igual manera, se examinaron las principales variables de marketing con enfoque relacional y se hicieron comparativos entre los países mencionados para encontrar la diferencia en las estrategias que cada uno implementa. Se concluye que, tanto en Colombia como en España, se empiezan a planear estrategias de marketing con enfoque relacional que generan valor a la gestión académica y administrativa; así mismo se evidencia que las principales variables —creación de valor, satisfacción y confianza— para las diferentes acciones implementadas en las universidades de los países analizados son pilares fundamentales para la incorporación de un buen marketing relacional en educación

    The Marketing of Self-Care and Alternative Therapies in the U.S. in 2019: How Industry Stakeholders Appeal to Consumers’ Perceptions of Novel Food Products and Additives

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    This article examines the current marketing techniques of food products and additives in the growing self-care industry in print and digital formats. It assesses how well consumers understand such advertising tactics, and what the industry and federal government agencies are doing (or not doing) to help consumers be mindful and savvy about their purchase choices. The discussion further showcases hot-topic food products and additives including CBD, Kratom, and plant-based meat as examples of both regulatory risk and opportunity. Lastly, the article advocates a collaborative effort among federal government agencies (FDA, FTC, USDA, etc.), industry stakeholders, and the public to help accurately define not only the risks of food products and additives in the self-care space, but also the necessary regulations to keep consumers informed and empowered both in stores and online


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    Skripsi ini berjudul: Manajemen Produksi Usaha Bersama Jagung Goreng Gurih Di Kelurahan Labuhbaru Barat Pekanbaru Ditinjau Menurut Perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya keinginan yang kuat dari pemilik usaha bersama jagung goreng gurih untuk meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga, serta adanya tekad yang kuat dari pemilik usaha untuk memperbaiki sistem manajemen produksi dalam berusaha, walaupun kurangnya pengetahuan pemilik usaha dalam berwirausaha. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah, bagaimana manajemen produksiusaha bersama jagung goreng gurihPekanbaru, apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam manajemen produksi usaha bersama jagung goreng gurihPekanbaru serta bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi islam terhadap manajemen produksi usaha bersama yang dimaksud. Lokasi penelitian ini Jl. Sepakat Gg. Demokrasi Kelurahan Labuhbaru BaratKecamatan Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengambil populasi sebanyak 4 orang diantaranya 1 orang pimpinan usaha, 1 orang kepala bagian produksi dan 2 orang staff produksi. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel penulis menggunakan teknik Total Sampling yaitu teknik pengumpulan sampel secara keseluruhan. Adapun dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dari penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang kemudian penulis analisa menggunakan analisa deskriptif kualitatif. Pada usaha bersama jagung goreng gurih yang ada di Kelurahan Labuhbaru Barat Pekanbaru menerapkan fungsi manajemen yaitu: Perencanaan (Planning) yaitu bahan baku, desain produk dan mesin-mesin teknologi.Pengorganisanisasian(Organizing) yaitu adanya struktur organisasi dan pembagian kerja.Pengarahan (Directing)yaitu cara memproduksi jagung, cara penggorengan, proses pengemasan. Pengawasan (Controling) yaitu adanya pengawasan dalam mendapatkan bahan baku, penggorengan.Evaluasi (Evaluating) yaitu adanya agen lebih dari satu, adanya penambahan alat produksi. Faktor pendukung usaha bersama jagung goreng gurih adalah makanan ringan,banyaknya permintaan konsumen, menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, keinginan yang kuat untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. Adapun yang menjadi faktor penghambat dalam usaha jagung goreng gurih ini adalah modal, peralatan, tenaga kerja kurang profesional, tidak adanya pembinaan dari pemerintah Ditinjau menurut perspektif ekonomi islam, dari konsep halal-haram, pimpinan usaha sudah menerapkan kriteria halalan toyyiban dalam membuka usaha, karena bahan baku yang digunakan adalah jagung. Dan juga sudah menerapkan prinsip ta’awun (tolong menolong) yaitupimpinan usaha sudah merangsang masyarakat untuk bekerja dan berusaha, keberadaan usaha ini telah menyerap tenaga kerja, berarti telah ikut andil dalam mengurangi pengangguran. Dilihat dari prinsip itqan (sungguh-sungguh), pimpinan usaha sudah menerapkan prinsip itqan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pimpinan usaha sudah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya, tanpa ada usaha lain yang digelutinya.Namun dari segi teknologi dan kualitas produksi, usaha ini mengandung unsur dharar (bahaya), hal ini dapat dilihat dari pemilik usaha tidak memperhatikan bahaya yang ditimbulkan dari tidak terjaganya kebersihan tempat produksi dan kualitas minyak penggorengan yang mereka gunakan. Mereka menggunakan minyak goreng lebih dari dua kali pakai. Dan dari segi Al-Mujahadah (kerja keras dan optimal) pimpinan usaha jagung goreng gurih belum menerapkan prinsip yang demikian, sehingga dapat dilihat dari pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan belum dilakukan secara optimal, sehingga pimpinan usaha belum bisa menjawab permintaan konsumen tentang penambahan rasa produk

    "Rotterdam econometrics": publications of the econometric institute 1956-2005

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    This paper contains a list of all publications over the period 1956-2005, as reported in the Rotterdam Econometric Institute Reprint series during 1957-2005.